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  • Face-to-Face-with-the-USA-and-Canada-STA-Travel, Turystyka, Travel Guides

    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    face to face with
    USa & caNaDa
    opeN Up yoUr miND to thoSe DreamS
    aND DeSireS that aboUND withiN the
    coNfiNeS of yoUr imagiNatioN. go aND
    live oUt yoUr iDealS aND aSpiratioNS
    oN the DiStaNt ShoreS of a DiffereNt
    coUNtry or coNtiNeNt. come face
    to face with the worlD aND all itS
    beaUtifUl DiverSity.
    This brochure features some of our most popular
    accommodation, activities and adventure trips all
    hand picked for you.
    why chooSe
    Sta travel?
    Now if this is the irst time you’ve heard of us
    then where have you been living? We could
    say in a cave but that would be too cliché and
    we revolt against all things cliché, so much so
    that we’ve made our mark specialising in all the
    impossibilities that used to seem just a little
    out of reach. We have a wild and wonderful
    enthusiasm for all the experiences both diverse
    and magniicent that travel provides.
    let US plaN yoUr
    perfect trip!
    and get inspired.
    We’ve been selling trips over to this part of the
    world for donkey’s years. The majority of our
    advisers have travelled to the destinations in
    this brochure, and all of them have been expertly
    trained to give you the best advice.
    We’ve been providing these kinds of adventures
    for over 30 years, so you should have heard of
    us by now! We’ve made it our mission to open
    up the world to eager, enthusiastic, adventurous
    travellers and are the world’s largest bona ide
    travel company for students and young adults –
    but whatever your age we enthusiastically await
    your call, email or visit as we’re more than happy to
    show you our unique perspective of planet Earth.
    travel blogS
    Keep your family and friends up to date – build
    your own travel journal! You can also ind out
    about other people’s travel experiences and
    see blogs, photos and videos of people on their
    travels at

    Facebook. It really excites us. We’re always
    posting new updates, pics and vids on our wall!
    It’s all about keeping you in-the-know. You can
    ask us any burning travel questions, even hook
    up with other travellers along the way. Click to
    be-fan us at
    No matter where you are in the world, the
    incredibly knowledgeable and friendly people
    that work for STA Travel are never far away.
    We’ve got over 400 STA Travel branches in 85
    countries worldwide and 24/7 global travel help
    - an essential backup for all travellers on the
    move. If you’ve lost your tickets, want to change
    your dates or just need some local advice our
    help is always at hand.
    Festival giveaways, new comps, light sales…
    *tweet*! We won’t bore you with tweets about
    what we’re eating or what the dog’s doing. But
    we will tell you about new deals and the exciting
    stuf irst - as soon as it happens. Come follow
    us at
    We’ve got thousands of exclusive ofers on
    lights, accommodation, adventure trips and all
    the essential extras to help you plan your dream
    trip to North America. This brochure showcases
    the best of them, so enjoy!
    come and talk to us by dropping into one of
    our branches around australia, calling us on
    134 Sta or visiting statravel.com.au
    over 41,000 DiScoUNtS worlDwiDe - get yoUr iSic carD Now at Sta travel
    coaSt to coaSt
    weSt coaSt USa
    eaSt coaSt USa
    NEW YoRK
    caNaDa & alaSKa
    where ShoUlD i go?
    Think carefully about the places you’d like to visit
    and what you want to see and experience. There
    is so much going on in North America that you
    could spend a lifetime exploring - everywhere is
    wonderfully diverse and perpetually fascinating.
    From the wonderful icy wastelands of Alaska and
    Canada to the sizzling desert heat of Arizona
    and New mexico - North America ofers a
    profusion of changing landscapes, climates,
    cultures and terrain. You might dream of being
    stuck out in a wild, untamed wilderness with
    nothing but a sea of stars above your head.
    maybe you want to be carried away by the
    non stop hulabaloo of skyscraping cities. or
    you might just want to enjoy lashings of lovely
    sunshine on balmy, chilled out ocean beaches
    Whatever North America is to you, the chances
    are we’ll be able to deliver it.
    Things are fairly straightforward across the
    Atlantic - The USA uses American Dollars and
    Canada uses Canadian Dollars. All very easy
    and straightforward – but what ain’t so simple
    is knowing when to get hold of them. Both the
    exchange rates have been quite temperamental
    in recent years, luctuating faster then Jessica
    Simpson’s waistline - it sometimes makes sense
    to get hold of your dollars way before you travel.
    But if you just want to wait until you get there,
    all the major towns and cities have ATms – so
    you’ll have quick and easy access to your funds
    with credit, debit or STA Cash Card (see page 5).
    how caN i booK?
    picK Up the phoNe or viSit a braNch aND
    maKe a free appoiNtmeNt with oNe of
    oUr aDviSerS.
    call: 134 Sta
    click: statravel.com.au
    find your closest branch at:
    We’ll help you work out a budget when you book
    your trip, but think about where you’ll be going,
    how long you’ll be away for and what you’ll be
    doing whilst you’re there. many of our adventure
    trips include nearly everything you need to
    survive, so you’ll only need a small amount of
    money per day to get by. This amount is normally
    calculated by establishing how many additional
    activities you want to enjoy and how much
    shopping, drinking and eating you intend to do.
    So once you’ve licked through this brochure and
    drawn up a rough plan, come into your nearest
    branch and chat to one of our friendly advisers.
    All of our staf are seasoned travellers, so
    they’re full of helpful advice, tips and tales about
    the places that you’re planning to visit.
    gettiNg aroUND
    North America boasts long, scenic, well
    maintained roads, high-speed trains and loads
    of well-connected airports. STA Travel take full
    advantage of all of this to make sure you get
    around the continent as safely, comfortably
    and eiciently as possible. our Getting Around
    section on pages 12-15 showcases loads of
    fantastic ways to zip about North America
    make sure you book at least your irst few
    nights accommodation before you leave. You’ll
    ind that it’s quite a bit cheaper, so you’ll save
    yourself lots of cash. You certainly don’t want to
    ind yourself scraping together a few bucks to
    aford a hotel bed after a long light.
    If you’re keen to get yourself on one of our
    fantastic adventure trips, then please don’t be
    put of if it starts in one place and inishes up in
    another. We sell ‘open jaw’ tickets - which quite
    simply allow you to ly in and out of diferent
    locations. (see page 8)
    over 41,000 DiScoUNtS worlDwiDe - get yoUr iSic carD Now at Sta travel
    travel iNSUraNce
    What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...right?
    Well, to put it bluntly, without travel insurance
    you’ll have a hard time explaining a $50,000+
    medical bill if anything was to go wrong!
    However, from as little as a postcard home a day,
    STA Travel ofers travel insurance policies that
    cover you for a range of beneits, such as cover
    for medical, cancellation, emergency transport
    and accommodation and new for old luggage
    (subject to the policy wording). Plus, should the
    worst happen you’ll have access to the 24 hour
    emergency assistance team of Aussie doctors,
    nurses and case managers. For travel insurance
    that won’t cost you an arm and a leg, ask your
    STA Adviser for a quote.
    Keep tracK of yoUr caSh
    traveleX caSh carD
    What the!?! We’re talking Cash Passports -
    same size as a credit card but with no debt &
    better services. You never know what’s in store
    when you’re travelling overseas. So make sure
    you’re armed with a Cash Passport, the only
    prepaid travel money card that prepares you
    for the unexpected. With a free backup card,
    Travelex’s own 24/7 Emergency Assistance
    Services and access to VISA’s global network,
    Cash Passports are the most convenient way to
    access funds abroad.
    If you want to get access to over 41,000
    discounts worldwide then you’ll want to pick
    up a student (ISIC) or youth (IYTC) card. These
    puppies are available to you if you’re a full time
    student or lucky enough to still be under 26
    years old. They’re only $25 each and you’ll save
    more than that along the way, so are well worth
    the spend! Not only that but they can also be
    used for discounts here in Australia:
    • JeansWest
    5% of
    there are two types of cards available:
    • Wagamama
    10% of meal (up to $30)
    Note: Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Please read the PDS available
    from STA Travel in considering this product.
    cash passport card -
    Can be used at any VISA
    ATm Worldwide and it can be reloaded whilst
    overseas or better still, back at home by a family
    member. It’s available in AUD, NZD, GBP, USD and
    EUR ofering you the ability to lock in your value
    no matter what happens to the exchange rate.
    • KrispyKreme
    Free glazed doughnut with any drink purchase
    It’s your responsibility to obtain proper and
    detailed medical advice in good time before
    your departure. We suggest that you visit
    the Department of Health website at
    for up to date information.
    Your local Doctor can also give advice on which
    vaccinations you’ll need for particular countries.
    • Hoyts
    Free combo upgrade & student rates
    cash passport Debit -
    The latest in cards,
    not only can you access your money at any
    VISA ATm around the world. You can now make
    purchases at any merchant that accepts VISA
    cards (Gucci, Prada anyone!). The VISA ATm card
    is now available in AUD, NZD, GBP, USD and EUR.
    • Mountaindesigns
    10% of all full priced items
    Your trip of a lifetime will quickly grind to a
    screeching halt if you forget to sort out your
    entrance visas. Please don’t forget to check with
    one of our friendly advisers for visa requirements
    for the countries that you are planning to visit. If
    you do require visas, we should be able to help you
    get one – so you can sit back and relax.
    • LonelyPlanet
    15% of all online purchases
    features common to both cards:
    • HardRockCafe
    20% of menu price
    • Convenient–issuedinstantly,noneed
    • STATravel
    Up to 40% of international trips
    to carry iD or wait until the bank is open
    to get money out
    make the best use of your time away, immerse
    yourself in a new culture, add to your resume
    and gain a skill for life. millions of people are
    learning English worldwide in the most far lung
    of places. Why don't you teach English abroad?
    Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is
    a recognised qualiication. Anyone can do it and
    there is no need for prior teaching experience
    - just enthusiasm. Learn to teach English as a
    foreign language either on-line or as part of a
    weekend course with our Premier TEFL course.
    once certiied you can then take advantage of
    one of the many paid teaching opportunities
    available around the world. Fund your travels and
    never run out of cash.
    • Prepaid–nounexpectedcreditcardbill
    upon your return
    • Toll-freeaccesstoTravelex’s24/7
    emergency assistance Services
    • Secondbackupcard(connectedtothe
    same pool of funds) provided for free.
    this means no inconvenience or delay if
    your original card is stolen or misplaced
    • AbilitytoreloadviaBPAYanywherein
    the world
    • Viewbalances,changePINandindVISA
    atms online
    online courses fr $340
    weekend courses fr $492
    • Flat$3.75ATMwithdrawalfeeapplies
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