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Fakty i Mity Nr44 08.11.2012, FAKTY i MITY [PDF]

  • Failte - The Girl For Me -brat, 04-30-11-15

    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    FOR ME
    By Failte
    Straight jockboy Kevin thinks he has gay, cross-dressing
    Danny under his thumb. Kevin only likes girls.
    So . why does he keep thinking about her?
    Or him.
    This really wasn't Kevin's kind of party. Too many goths, too many emo-boys,
    too many drugs. He'd only come because his current girlfriend Angela had
    talked him into it, and as soon as they'd arrived, she'd headed for the liquor
    table and the pool, in that order. The last he'd seen of her, she was flashing
    her cleavage at the old man who owned the house - one of her uncles, she'd
    said. Girls. Oh, Kevin loved girls, for sure, but sometimes they really were just
    too Barbie-doll to take. Let alone take seriously. Of course, he dated only
    cheer-leaders. For football players, it was like a rule.
    And he knew he wouldn't have much fun anyway, since he couldn't drink, or
    get stoned, or even stay up late. As a starting Senior fullback on the football
    team, with practice early
    morning, there was just no way. The new coach
    was a strict bastard, intent on making a name for himself at the most
    expensive private school in New Hampshire. Kevin had seen that on the man's
    first day. He could tell things like that about people. So one slip and he'd be cut
    from the team. Well, that just wasn't gonna happen. Kevin's only hope was
    football – he didn't have the grades for college and he knew it. He only barely
    had the grades to stay in the football program – a fact that worried him
    greatly. So he was winding his way out, to hell with this.
    It was in the living-room – the front door finally in sight – that he saw her. Now
    was a girl who wasn't a Barbie... she wasn't stunning, she wasn't a babe,
    she wasn't even in fashion. But he couldn't tear his eyes off of her. Which was
    odd, because she didn't have much boob, she didn't have much butt, she
    didn't have much of anything really, this brunette girl in the mini-skirt. She did
    have nice legs, though. Her face... was pretty enough – he couldn't really make
    out her eyes at that distance, but they were nicely sized for her somewhat
    angular tom-boy features. It was her smile that got to him as she flirted with
    some emo-kid in the corner by the couch. And the way she carried herself.
    Girly, yeah, but... tough, somehow. Like she didn't give a shit what you
    thought. Like she wasn't putting on a show. Like she was really herself. Kevin
    stared. You don't see many people like that in St. Augustine's Academy...
    Also, she seemed familiar, somehow...
    Someone called out to her - "Dani!" - and as she turned to see who was calling
    her name her eyes met his. Normally Kevin would have looked away – he'd
    certainly had time. But he just couldn't. She was that striking to him. Even the
    way she turned her head, moved her eyes, held her drink...
    this chick was fascinating. Her eyes met his eyes for just a split second before
    she continued looking for whoever wanted her. There seemed to be a flicker
    or fear or something in that look. That was strange, Kevin didn't even know
    this girl so why – and then Kevin realized who she was.
    Oh my god! That's HIM! That's him in drag! The kid's a faggot!
    The second-string quarter-back on the team. A junior. "Daniel" - Dani - was a
    new kid from somewhere down in Texas. No one really knew him very well,
    and he didn't seem to be in a big hurry to fit in, either.
    Yeah, well, no wonder
    Maybe the public schools had lots of fags, but not St. Augustine's... no way.
    Kiss of death, that was. Daniel was usually late to practice because of his AP
    class, Kevin remembered, so the coach reluctantly put up with it. AP class.
    Advanced Placement. Kevin didn't know what kind of AP class it was, but it
    didn't really matter. Kevin shared the distrust most slackers held for National
    Honor Society nerds.
    So little Danny is a fag, eh?
    Oh, this was too good to pass up... This could be fun. He strode up to her and
    her boyfriend, he supposed, in the corner, without really knowing what he had
    in mind. She really did look good in drag. Amazing. That would make it even
    "Hey, Dani" he said casually, but with an evil look in his eye.
    Her face flushed, but but she remained remarkably calm.
    "Kevin!" she said, as if he were an old friend, "Justin, this is Kevin, Kevin, Justin.
    Uh, could you excuse us a minute?" she said to Justin, "I need to talk to Kevin.
    School stuff. 'Kay?" Kevin was actually impressed she could handle herself –
    himself – so smoothly, and then a little shocked when she – he – took his hand
    and led him outside.
    "Okay, fine. So you caught me" Daniel said, dropping his voice back down to
    normal. It wasn't much of a drop, but it was noticeable. "What's it gonna be,
    Kev. A scene, or blackmail? Let's get it over with."
    "Actually, I hadn't really made up my mind on that yet, 'Dani'. But I gotta say,
    you do look pretty good in a mini-skirt. Not bad at all" he chuckled meanly.
    "That your boyfriend in there? Justin, was it?"
    "No, he's not – Look, it's none of your business anyway. What are you even
    here? This isn't exactly a jock party. And these are all public-school kids. I
    thought all you Saints were supposed to turn up your noses at those."
    "We do. I got roped into it. Girlfriend thing. I guess you wouldn't know how
    that is, though..."
    "Very funny. All right, so what do you want? And I swear to god, if you say
    'blow job', we're gonna go 'round right here. And you may win, but then you
    can explain to everyone why you were fighting with your boyfriend. How's that
    "Jesus, Dani – calm down. I'm not
    bad, for fuck's sake." Kevin was a little
    taken aback by Dani's matter-of-factness about it. She had a point about the
    "boyfriend" thing, though. If he were to make a scene out of the fact that she
    was a boy, she could just as easily make it out to look like they were
    "involved". She was a clever girl, all right. So that was out. However... there
    still some traction he could get out of this...
    "As a matter of fact," he said, "how about this: I'll keep your secret if you help
    me with my homework. I hear you're a brain. There. That wasn't so bad, was
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