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  • Fine Scale Modeler 2015 10, Modelarstwo

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    //-->AIRBRUSHING:MASTER ENAMELS FOR WINTER CAMO»FineScale.comEduard’s1/48 scaleRussianI-16 – p.20October 2015ICONHOW TOImprove Hasegawa’spostwar Avengerp.41Create a Storchdioramap.36Plus: AdetailedcutawayStukap.22Bill Plunkbuilds Trumpeter’s1/350 scale HMSDreadnought– p.24BUILD ANDETAILINGDREADNOUGHT,THE FIRST BIG-GUN SHIPAMPSARMORGALLERYEXCLUSIVCOVER A EGEWE BUILD AND REVIEW 7 NEW KITS—SEE PAGE 52BONUSONLINECONTENTCODEPAGE 3Vol. 33•Issue 8Kinetic’s 1/48 scaleMirage IIIE – p.55CONTENTSOctober 2015•Vol. 33•No. 8Online Content Code:FSM1510Enter this code gain access to web-exclusive content.5420AIRBRUSHING & FINISHINGEnamels, oils for winter camoFinishes for a field-applied lookCRISTÓBAL VERGARAWORKBENCH REVIEWS2022SHOWCASEA revealing 1/32 scale StukaAn old kit provides the body for ascratchbuilt Ju 87 skeletonFirst of its kindBuild Trumpeter’s 1/350 scaleHMSDreadnoughtBILL PLUNK7 NEWKITS•Academy T-34/85•Kinetic Mirage III E•Meng A7V•Bandai “Star Wars”Snowspeeder•Revell GermanyM48A2GA2•Akan acrylic paint•Zvezda BMPT“Terminator”Page 5258•Revell Germany Fw 19024246036The Storch brings a dioramaAfter detailing a Fieseler Fi 156, it’s easymodeling on the Eastern FrontJEAN PAUL POISSEROUX366141Keeping an Avenger in reserveBuilding Hasegawa’s TBM-3SFRANK CUDENIn Every Issue57121432Editor’s PageScale TalkSpotlightNew ProductsReader Gallery5051636465Reader TipsQuestions & AnswersClassified MarketplaceHobby Shop DirectoryAdvertiser Index4144SHOW GALLERYAMPS International 2015The best from the Armor Modeling andPreservation Society’s annual conventionFINAL DETAILS6644Humor in modelingSome projects are seriously funnyMARK HEMBREEOn the CoverWithFSMauthor Bill Plunk, armor models come first — but this sea-going fortress isn’t far from that. Follow along as Bill builds the shipthat would come to define its kind — the mighty HMSDreadnought.Get more at!Visit our website! You can enjoy more modeling photos and fea-ture articles, access additional modeling resources, get industrynews, see previews of upcoming issues, or register to participate inour forum. And it’s free!Subscribers:Click on “Register,” enter the customer number fromyour subscription label, and throughout your subscription you’llhave unlimited access to bonus features, more than 1,400 kitreviews, and a database of more than 14,000 products!FineScale Modeler(ISSN 0277-979X, USPS No. 679-590) is publishedmonthly (except for June & August) by Kalmbach Publishing Co., 21027Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187. Periodicals Postage ispaid at Waukesha, WI and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changesto FineScale Modeler, 21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI53187-1612. Canada Post Publication Mail Agreement #40010760.ShopTheModeler’sChoice!WHY SHOP SQUADRON?.com• Almost 50 years as an industry leader •• Military experts on staff who publish Squadron Signal books •• Broad Merchandising with everything any level of modeler needs •• Exclusive manufacturer of Squadron Tools, Glues, and accessories •• Access to the only Help Desk in the business to help you Free of Charge •SPECIAL FINESCALE MODELER OFFERGetFREE SHIPPINGwhen you spend 50 or more!Use coupon code:FINESHIP*Contiguous United States Only - Offer Expires October 31, 2015*$Panhard 178 AMD-35 WWII French Armoured VehiclePart # ICM353731:35 ScaleCheck outthe ALL NEWSquadron Blogand Help Desk!Order TodayatWWW.SQUADRON.COMor call1-877-414-0434EDITOR’S PAGEBy Mark SavageBuild something fun: We’re here to help!BUSY DOES NOT BEGINtodescribe our summer atFineScaleModeler!There have been some changes.I am the new editor of your favor-ite scale modeling magazine andAaron Skinner is the magazine’snew senior editor.We’ve also launched a brand-new responsive website that willmake viewing stories and photoson your smart phone much easier.I know you’re all familiar withAaron and the staff, but you maybe curious about who this newyahoo is that’s calling the shots.Like many of you, I was intro-duced to this hobby as a young-ster, back in the early 1960s. Noway to hide my age, the beard getsmore gray every passing day.The ol’ memory fades a bitthese days, but I’m 90-95 percentI’ve worked closely withScale AutoandClassic Toy Trains.That’s notto drop names but simply to letyou know that I love the hobbyworld and all its great products,whether they fly, crawl, or roll ...or simply look like they could.MODEL BUILDING ... ALL OFBut the ability to build a beauti-US HERE LOVE DOING ITful, realistic military model,AND SEEING IT DONE WELLdiorama, or a crazy-wild science-fiction creation is something spe-cial. All of us here love doing itger aircraft, like P-40s and myfavorite, the P-38 Lightning. I was and seeing it done well.We want to help you, whetheran OK modeler, but a kid, and noyou’re that young kid or middle-one gave me a cool magazine toaged builder, make the best modelread and learn all the expert tipsand techniques to make my mod- you can — and have a blast doingit.els great.Let’s go build something fun!Noooo, I had to wait until I wasmiddle-aged to get onboard theKalmbach Publishing train ofhobby publications. A few yearsback I edited our hobby tradeeditor@finescale.compublication and through the yearssure my first build was an F-101Voodoo. Or was it an F-102 DeltaDagger? In any case, it was a sim-ple 1/72 scale jet.As I grew older I turned myattention to cars and building big-Your Editorial StaffNews Flash!EditorMark Savageeditor@FineScale.comSenior EditorAaron Skinneraskinner@FineScale.comAssociate EditorMark Hembreemhembree@FineScale.comAssociate EditorTim Kidwelltkidwell@FineScale.comEditorial AssociateMonica Freitagmfreitag@FineScale.comContact UsEditorial:FineScale Modeler21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612,Waukesha, WI 53187-1612262-796-8776, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CTFax: 262-796-1383editor@finescale.comWebsite: www.FineScale.comCustomer service(subscriptions, renewals, andconsumer products):800-533-6644, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.CT; outside the U.S. and Canada 262-796-8776ext.421Fax: 262-796-1615customerservice@kalmbach.comWe’ve launched a new website that is responsive soyou can view it more easily on a smart phone, tabletor computer! Check it out!Advertising and trade orders:888-558-1544, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.CT; outside the U.S.,262-796-8776 / Fax: 262-796-0126Advertising e-mail: jhagerty@finescale.comTrade Sales e-mail: tradesales@kalmbach.comOctober 2015www.FineScale.com5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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