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Fine Scale Modeler - May 2016, Modelarstwo[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]//-->BUILD CHUCK YEAGER’S P-51D MUSTANG»p.26FineScale.comMay 2016BUILDSCONVERTING APOLAR LIGHTS KITPLUSSTEVE NEILL’S5�½-FOOT REPLICAHOW TOPre-shade aSdKfz 232p.22Paint a pilot in30 minutesp.19Make aKorean War Pershingp.29STARTREKTURNS5080+ NEW PRODUCTS & 7 EXPERT REVIEWSBONUSONLINECONTENTCODEp.59p.60p.56PAGE 3Vol. 34•Issue 5.comMAKING YOUR HOBBY TAKE FLIGHTWhen shopping at Squadron, know that you aregetting the best prices out there - guaranteed. If we’re not the lowest,our customer service will price match our direct competitor’s advertisements.*Some exclusions apply.Check out my blog, use our “Helpdesk” and don’t miss Squadron TVwhere we offer in-box reviews, tips & techniques and much more!All can be found atwww.squadron.comJef VerswyvelChief Modeler at SquadronSimply type SQFS0516 in “Coupon Code” box and click “Apply”. Offerexpires June 30, 2016. Cannot be combined with any other coupons.Use coupon code:SQFS0516Order TodayatWWW.SQUADRON.COMor call1-877-414-0434CONTENTSMay 2016•Vol. 34•No. 5Online Content Code:FSM1605Enter this code atwww.FineScale.com/codeto gain access to web-exclusive content.54192119FORM & FIGUREDressing a pilot in 30 minutesSmall scale does not imply less detailJOE HUDSONWORKBENCH REVIEWSYour most wanted kitsGo ahead, have your say!MARK HEMBREE7 NEWKITS•Zvezda Petlyakov Pe-2•Tamiya M4A3E8“Easy Eight” ShermanPage 5457222622AIRBRUSHING & FINISHINGWhen gray is black and whiteStark pre-shading for monochromesJOHN BONNANIBuild and paint Airfix’s P-51DGet a good-lookingGlamorous Glen IIIMASSIMO SANTAROSSA•Airfix Heinkel He 111P-2•Trumpeter USSTennessee•Takom Mk.A Whippet•Valom F-101C Voodoo•Italeri ATR 42-5006158293226Model a Korean War PershingMake a Marine of Tamiya’s M26MIKE REAVESPiloting TV’s starshipEnterpriseHow to boldly, but easily, convert PolarLights’ kit to the ship’s initial versionPHILLIP GORE36443666"Enterprise!This TOS NCC-1701 is no small matterMARK HEMBREEIn Every Issue57101242Editor’s PageScale TalkSpotlightNew ProductsReader Gallery5362636464Reader TipsQuestions & AnswersAdvertiser IndexHobby Shop DirectoryClassified MarketplaceRe-creating a rust bucketModeling a real, rotting Chevy pickupKARL LOGAN506644Turboprops for a DC-3Convert Minicraft’s airliner to a BT-67CARL KNABLEFINAL DETAILSRemodeling your spaceMARK HEMBREEOn the CoverLongtimeFineScale Modelercontributor Phillip Gore helps uscelebrate the 50th anniversary of the original “Star Trek” televisionseries with a typically flawless rendition of the original ship.FineScale Modeler(ISSN 0277-979X, USPS No. 679-590) is publishedmonthly (except for June & August) by Kalmbach Publishing Co., 21027Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187. Periodicals Postage ispaid at Waukesha, WI and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changesto FineScale Modeler, PO Box 62320, Tampa, FL 33662-2320. Canada PostPublication Mail Agreement #40010760.Get more at www.FineScale.com!Visit our website! You can enjoy more modeling photos and fea-ture articles, access additional modeling resources, get industrynews, see previews of upcoming issues, or register to participate inour forum. And it’s free!Subscribers:Click on “Register,” enter the customer number fromyour subscription label, and throughout your subscription you’llhave unlimited access to bonus features, more than 1,400 kitreviews, and a database of more than 14,000 products!EDITOR’S PAGEBy Mark SavageWhat the heck ... !HOLY COW!Is that a sci-fiPolar Lights kit, but also cinemamodel onFSM’scover?pro and modeler Steve Neill’sYou bet! And yes, it’s been agiant-sizedEnterprise,with how-while.to tips if you’re going “full monty”Last time sci-fi made the coveron a Starfleet ship.was 1999 when everyone had theirNow don’t you aircraft andshorts in a bunch over the pendingTV’S “STAR TREK”Y2K crisis. Luckily we all sur-IS 50. CAN WEvived, and now here we are withthe starshipEnterpriseboldly tak-REALLY BE THAT OLD?ing us into the summer.This is Phillip Gore’s version of armor guys think we’ve forgottentheEnterpriseas it appeared in the about you. We’ve got you coveredpilot of TV’s “Star Trek” 50 years with a stellar P-51, none otherago. Can we be that old?than Chuck Yeager’sGlamorousSeems like “Star Trek: TheGlen III,an expanded AirbrushingNext Generation” was just on the& Finishing column on pre-shad-tube, my two kids huddled ining a German SdKfz 232, andfront of it. Uh, my baby is 32!enough weathering to turn aIn any case, we felt the 50thpickup truck into a rust bucket.anniversary of the best-known andmost popular sci-fi TV series was“Most Wanted” is back!reason enough to show you notThis issue we also revive our pop-only Phillip’s retooling of theular “Most Wanted” feature, asurvey of what kits you want to seethe model makers produce.So please take a few minutes togo to our website and fill out a“Most Wanted” survey form to letus, and the manufacturers, knowwhat’s on your kit A-list. We’llshare the vote outcome in a fallissue.For now, we hope you enjoy ourforay into the popular sci-fi world(watch for an online Steve Neill fea-ture)and remember to beam up,er, buy, a copy at the newsstandsfor one of your Trekkie friends.editor@finescale.comwww.FineScale.comWant to learn more? For the latest news, aswell as modeling tips and techniques, visitour website at www.FineScale.comYour Editorial StaffOff the Sprue!Favorite family vacation?Monica:Pictured Rocks NationalLakeshore, Lake Superior, Upper MichiganAaron:Yeppoon, Australia. Weather waslousy, so I built the USSJohn F. Kennedy.Mark H.:My wife found round-trip ticketsto Paris for $288, so we took both kids toFrance for a week.Elizabeth:The idyllic village of Wengen,Switzerland, City in the Clouds.Mark S.:Whale watch off N.H. coastEditorMark Savagemsavage@Kalmbach.comSenior EditorAaron Skinneraskinner@FineScale.comAssociate EditorMark Hembreemhembree@FineScale.comAssistant EditorElizabeth Nashenash@FineScale.comEditorial AssociateMonica Freitagmfreitag@FineScale.comContact UsEditorial:FineScale Modeler21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612,Waukesha, WI 53187-1612262-796-8776, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CTFax: 262-796-1383editor@finescale.comWebsite: www.FineScale.comCustomer service(subscriptions, renewals, andconsumer products):800-533-6644, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.CT; outside the U.S. and Canada 262-796-8776ext.421Fax: 262-796-1615customerservice@kalmbach.comAdvertising and trade orders:888-558-1544, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.CT; outside the U.S.,262-796-8776 / Fax: 262-796-0126Advertising e-mail: jhagerty@finescale.comTrade Sales e-mail: tradesales@kalmbach.comMay 2016www.FineScale.com5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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