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  • Fine Scale Modeler - September 2016, Modelarstwo

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    //-->Flying Tiger! Paint an AVG»p.16September 2016SPECIAL100Aaron Skinner’s1/35 scaleM48A3 Patton–p.36YEARS OFTANKSWeathering aBritish Mark Ip.22Detailing a lateGerman Tiger Ip.26Adding bedspringarmor to a T-34p.304 xes for Dragon’sPattonp.36An Abramsrecyclingprojectp.40Building a Marine C-9Bp.49Painting dark blue uniformsp.20OUR TEAM BUILDS AND REVIEWS 7 NEW KITSp.54Tanmodel RF-84ThunderflashAirfix Ju 87StukaAMK MiG-31FoxhoundBONUSONLINECONTENTCODEPAGE 3Vol. 34•Issue 7CONTENTSSeptember /// Vol. 34 /// No. 7ONLINE CONTENT CODE:FSM1609Enter this code at to gain access to web-exclusive content22100 YEARS OFTANKSFEATURES16Airbrushing & FinishingTaming a Flying TigerANDERS ISAKSSONKIT REVIEWS54AMK MiG-3156Tanmodel RF-84 Thunderflash57Airfix Ju 87B-1 Stuka20Form & FigurePainting dark blue uniformsJOE HUDSON2658Tamiya AMX-1358Takom AMX-13/7559Airfix Avro Shackleton MR260HK Models Dornier Do 335A22First in the field: British Mark IHeavy weathering for Takom’s tankRICK LAWLER26Add Zimmerit to a late Tiger IA full kit plus added resin makes foran exceptional modelBILL PLUNK30Springtime in BerlinDragon’s 1/35 scale T-34/85 getsa little more armorJIMMY NGO KEE SHYANG30IN EVERY ISSUE5Editor’s Page7Scale Talk10New Products36Four steps to a better PattonEasy ixes for building Tamiya’s1/35 scale M48A3AARON SKINNER40Recycling projectUpdating a model and saving anaging Abrams from the landillSEAN LYNCH3647Reader Gallery61Reader Tips62Questions & Answers64Hobby Shop Directory64Classified Marketplace49Finishing a Marine C-9BIt’s all in the details when it comesto building a Semper Fi transportFRANK CUDEN66Final DetailsYour stash rationaleMARK HEMBREE4065Advertiser IndexFineScale Modeler(ISSN 0277-979X, USPS No. 679-590) is published monthly (except for June & August) by Kalmbach Publishing Co., 21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187.Periodicals Postage is paid at Waukesha, WI and additional oices. Postmaster: Send address changes to FineScale Modeler, PO Box 62320, Tampa, FL 33662-2320. Canada Post Publication Mail Agreement #40010760..comMAKING YOUR HOBBY TAKE FLIGHTWhen shopping at Squadron, know that you aregeting the best prices out there - guaranteed. If we’re not the lowest,our customer service will price match our direct competitor’s advertisements.*Some exclusions apply.Simply type SQFS0916 in “Coupon Code” box and click “Apply”. Offerexpires September 30, 2016. Cannot be combined with any other coupons.Use coupon code:SQFS0916Order TodayatWWW.SQUADRON.COMor call1-877-414-0434EDITOR’S PAGEBy Mark Savage100 years of armor amorenniversaries come and go, butEver since, nations have improvedsome are particularly note-on the crude original meant to span aworthy. 100 years ago thistrench, crush barbed wire, and keepSeptember the irst Mark I tanksmoving across cratered battleields.rolled into battle in France and thushe result?began our amore with armor.German Panzers (including thehe British had gained thenoted Tiger), Sovietearly advantage in mecha-T-34s, U.S. M48… the factnized land warfare with itsPattons, and modern-dayis that theLandships CommitteeM1 Abrams.Britishcommissioning what wasTo mark this anniver-Mark Inicknamed “Little Willie”sary and help satisfy mod-looked likeafter the William Fosterelers’ infatuation withan old steel& Co., that created it.tanks, we asked ive topwater tank.But the termtankmodelers to lead us throughappears to have come,their builds of these iconicand stuck around, because of a needtanks, all from diferent countriesfor a code name and the fact that the and featuring difering building,Mark I looked like a water tank as itdetailing and weathering techniques.was being shipped to France.Space requires we limit our scopeIn any case, on Sept. 15, 1916, just of tanks, but we hope we’ve hit some32 of the available 49 British tanksof your favorites. We also hope you(reliability wasn’t an early strongenjoy this issue’s special focus onpoint) entered the Battle of Flers-tanks. Know too that we’ll haveCourcelette, part of the larger Battleother special features on land, sea,of the Somme.and air subjects in upcoming issues.Shep Paine’sARMORModelers GuideAWith Contributing EditorJim DeRogatis***While we’re on the tank topic, Ishould remind you to look for our lat-est book,Shep Paine’s Armor ModelersGuide.he 144-page how-to bookwill be available this fall for $24.99.his was Shep’s inal project for usand includes updated tips and tech-niques and seven all-new projects.editor@finescale.comOff the sprue: What’s your favorite summer activity?EditorMark Savagemsavage@Kalmbach.comSenior EditorAaron Skinneraskinner@FineScale.comAssociate EditorMark Hembreemhembree@FineScale.comAssistant EditorElizabeth Nashenash@FineScale.comEditorial AssociateMonica Freitagmfreitag@FineScale.comI start each summer witha trip to my hometownto watch the Indy 500,but in Wisconsin I’m asucker for the Big Slide,cream puffs, perogies,and corn at our awe-some state fair. Greatfamily fun, especiallywith goofy grandkids.Hanging out with friendswhile eating burgers,drinking an adult bev-erage, and identifyingplanes/birds/starfight-ers/superheroes flyingover.It’s baseball season! Ilove the sound of a ball-game on the radio whileI’m tending the BBQ grill.And it’s festival season:Performing at outdoorgigs is a gas.Laying out a blanket infront of my car at thedrive-in movie theater,getting distracted by thestars, falling asleep dur-ing the double featureand waking up coveredin dew.I attend Summerfest (biglakefront music festival)and the Wisconsin StateFair every year, in addi-tion to hitting up asmany smaller live musicconcerts and open mar-ket events as possible.That’s what makes mysummer!www.FineScale.com5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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