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  • Fine Scale Modeller 2015 11, Modelarstwo

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    //-->KARL LOGAN PUTS NEW SKIN ON A WIRBELWIND»FineScale.comNovember 2015Page 44ADD BOMBS AND MISSILESTO AN ‘ENDURING FREEDOM’STRIKE EAGLERaúl Corral coloredRevell’s 1/48 scaleF-15E with layersof gray– p.22HOW TOImprove the HMSRepulsep.50Paint a WWI French tankp.28Make a better A-10 Warthogp.36DOGSABREEXPANDEDREVIEWPAGE 56OUR EXPERTS BUILD & REVIEW 5 ALL-NEW KITS — SEE PAGE 56Flyhawk’s 1/700 scaleHMSNaiad– p.60BONUSONLINECONTENTCODEPAGE 3Vol. 33•Issue 9CONTENTSNovember 2015Vol. 33•No. 9Online Content Code:FSM1511Enter this code gain access to web-exclusive content.56AIRBRUSHING & FINISHING20Hand-painting lands an LVTMultiple layers forSaltwater CowboyAARON SKINNERWORKBENCH REVIEWS2222Give impact to a Strike EagleShades of gray dominate Revell’s F-15ERAÚL CORRAL5 NEWKITS•Kitty Hawk F-86DSabre Dog•Meng Leopard 1A5Page 56582828Figuring out a French finishColorful camo keys a Saint-ChamondPATRICK BROWN•Academy F-4J Phantom5936Build a beautiful WarthogPushing Trumpeter’s A-10 to an A-10CCHUCK SAWYER•Flyhawk HMSNaiad•IBG Otter lightreconnaissance car613644Finish a Wirbelwind withphotoetched ZimmeritUnusual vehicle, unusual detailsKARL LOGANIn Every Issue57121532Editor’s PageScale TalkSpotlightNew ProductsReader Gallery5455636465Reader TipsQuestions & AnswersClassified MarketplaceHobby Shop DirectoryAdvertiser Index5044Build a betterRepulseBritish battlecruiser sails the aftermarketCHUCK BAUERFINAL DETAILS6650Modeling with a smileHumor wins trophies for this modelerMARK HEMBREEOn the CoverFSMfrequent flyer Raúl Corral will tell you himself — he’s crazyabout jet fighters. He had a ball with this one: “Revell’s 1/48 scaleF-15E is one of the best kits I’ve ever built,” he says.Get more at!Visit our website! You can enjoy more modeling photos and fea-ture articles, access additional modeling resources, get industrynews, see previews of upcoming issues, or register to participate inour forum. And it’s free!Subscribers:Click on “Register,” enter the customer number fromyour subscription label, and throughout your subscription you’llhave unlimited access to bonus features, more than 1,400 kitreviews, and a database of more than 14,000 products!FineScale Modeler(ISSN 0277-979X, USPS No. 679-590) is publishedmonthly (except for June & August) by Kalmbach Publishing Co., 21027Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187. Periodicals Postage ispaid at Waukesha, WI and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changesto FineScale Modeler, 21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI53187-1612. Canada Post Publication Mail Agreement #40010760.MAKING YOUR HOBBY TAKE FLIGHTWhen shopping at Squadron, know that you aregetting the best prices out there - guaranteed. If we’re not the lowest,our customer service will price match our direct competitor’s advertisements.*Some exclusions apply.Treat Yourself to SomeHoliday C heer!•FREE SHIPPING•with your order of$50 or more!*Use coupon code:Jef VerswyvelChief Modeler at Squadron*Contiguous United States Only - Offer Expires October 31, 2015FINESHIPOrder TodayatWWW.SQUADRON.COMor call1-877-414-0434EDITOR’S PAGEBy Mark SavageInspiration runs rampant at IPMS/USA showI’M LUCKYand I know it. Ihave to attend the IPMS/USA(International Plastic ModelersSociety) National Convention.Now I knowjusthow lucky Iam after recently attending myfirst IPMS show in Columbus,Ohio. It was inspirational, motiva-tional and, well, simply a blast!There are models, nearly 3,000this year, and trust me, thesearen’t just nice models, these arefabulous. Senior Editor AaronSkinner and I had to circle thegiant contest ballroom repeatedlyeach day trying to determinewhich models to photograph (andvideo) for you. Tough job, butsomeone’s got to do it.pack a bunch into the Decemberis unsurpassed, and then there areissue, plus our special issue, thethe models that just go on and onUltimate Guide to Finishing,which for table after wonderful table.hits newsstands in mid-November.A video is online too!I’ve never seen so many exqui-site, highly detailed, near perfectmodels in one place. So planI’VE NEVER SEEN SO MANYahead and make reservations forEXQUISITE, HIGHLYIPMS/USA 2016 in Columbia,DETAILED, NEAR PERFECTS.C. You’ll want to be there!MODELS IN ONE PLACE.***While there was much joy andFunny thing is, while nearlyexcitement at IPMS, we got the1,000 people attended the show,sad news that Shep Paine had suc-there was plenty of room for more. cumbed to a stroke shortly afterEvery modeler should go, at leastwe returned. Shep was an icon inonce. Vendors sell old kits, newthe modeling world and a greatkits, aftermarket goodies, decalsfriend and influence atFineScaleand photoetched metal of everyModeler.He will be deeply missed.size, shape and function.Our tribute starts on page 12.The excitement level is high, theWe ran some of those photos on camaraderie is first class, theour website right away, but we’llswapping of tips and “war stories”editor@finescale.comYour editorial staffOur new websiteEditorMark Savagemsavage@Kalmbach.comSenior EditorAaron Skinneraskinner@FineScale.comAssociate EditorMark Hembreemhembree@FineScale.comAssociate EditorTim Kidwelltkidwell@FineScale.comEditorial AssociateMonica Freitagmfreitag@FineScale.comContact UsEditorial:FineScale Modeler21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612,Waukesha, WI 53187-1612262-796-8776, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CTFax: 262-796-1383editor@finescale.comWebsite: www.FineScale.comCustomer service(subscriptions, renewals, andconsumer products):800-533-6644, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.CT; outside the U.S. and Canada 262-796-8776ext.421Fax: 262-796-1615customerservice@kalmbach.comWe’ve launched a new website that is responsive soyou can view it more easily on a smart phone, tabletor computer! Check it out!Advertising and trade orders:888-558-1544, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.CT; outside the U.S.,262-796-8776 / Fax: 262-796-0126Advertising e-mail: jhagerty@finescale.comTrade Sales e-mail: tradesales@kalmbach.comNovember 2015www.FineScale.com5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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