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  • Forward no.3, Forward - magazyn studencki

    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    magazyn studencki
    ISSN 1899-5748
    Temat numeru
    to value
    US public equities
    - Wall Street approach
    Studia za granicą:
    Taniec w praktyce
    z Adamem Młodkowskim
    Trudna sztuka
    Business Angels –
    kapitał dla Twojej irmy
    Koordynator projektu FORWARD:
    Magdalena Tkaczyk
    Oto przed
    Wami trzeci numer
    Tym razem mamy dla
    Was coś specjalnego
    – artykuł zza oceanu.
    Poza tym zabieramy
    Was w podróż do kra-
    iny więcej niż tysiąca
    jezior i Świętego
    Mikołaja – Finlandii,
    oraz do...Rosji, by
    przyjrzeć się z bliska
    przyczynom „czkawki Kremla”.
    Jako lekarstwo na ciężkie kryzysowe czasy mamy dla Was porady na temat
    inwestowania w sztukę, podnoszący na duchu artykuł o sytuacji funduszy inwestycyjnych,
    a jeśli to nie wystarczy, z pomocą niech przyjdą aniołowie, Aniołowie Biznesu. Pomogą
    nawet, kiedy credit scoring bezlitośnie Was odrzuci.
    Zapewne nieraz ubolewaliście nad tym, jak trudna jest sztuka zapamiętywania,
    dlatego też przygotowując się do następnej sesji będziecie mogli skorzystać z rad eksperta
    i uczyć się bardziej efektywnie, lub zastosować metody manipulacji (Redakcja nie ponosi
    odpowiedzialności za ich nieprzemyślane użycie!). Odkryjemy przed wami szczegóły Asse-
    sment Center i powiemy kilka słów o znanej Wam ze słyszenia irmie Infosys. Ponadto
    szczególnie gorąco zapraszamy Was do lektury wywiadu z Adamem Młodkowskim, pre-
    zesem Bankowego Funduszu Leasingowego S.A..
    FORWARD to magazyn wydawany przez Studenckie Koło Naukowe
    „PROGRESS”, od lat aktywnie działające na Wydziale Ekonomiczno-Socjologicznym
    Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Cieszy nas niezmiernie, że nasza praca spotyka się z Waszym
    zainteresowaniem. Dziękujemy za wszystkie opinie na temat naszego pisma – bardzo
    pomogły nam przy tworzeniu tego numeru. Zależy nam na Waszej współpracy przy
    tworzeniu FORWARDU, dlatego zachęcamy Was od kontaktu z nami pod adresem:
    Katarzyna Błaszkiewicz
    Małgorzata Cywińska
    Magdalena Kozdrój
    Jacek Prośniak
    Joanna Sobczak
    Sylwia Wilczek
    Autorzy tekstów:
    Katarzyna Błaszkiewicz
    Agnieszka Forzpańczyk
    Agnieszka Grodecka
    Żaklina Jabłońska
    Natasza Janczewska
    Magdalena Kozdrój
    Nina Krauze
    Małgorzata Majchrzak
    Konstanty Owczarek
    Anna Pączkowska
    Karolina Pluta
    Jacek Prośniak
    Joanna Sobczak
    SKN Progress
    Uniwersytet Łódzki
    oraz do odwiedzania naszej zakładki na stronie internetowej SKN PROGRESS:
    Zapraszamy do lektury!
    Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny
    Instytut Finansów,
    Bankowości i Ubezpieczeń
    ul. Rewolucji 1905r. 41
    90-255 Łódź
    Siedziba: pok. P-219
    Tel/Fax (0-42) 635-51-05
    Patronat nad pismem objęli:
    prof. zw. dr hab.
    Włodzimierz Nykiel
    Rektor Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
    prof. zw. dr hab.
    Jan Gajda
    Dziekan Wydziału Ekonomiczno-Socjologicznego Uniwersytet Łódzkiego
    Publikacja doinansowana
    przez Fundację
    BRE Banku
    prof. zw. dr hab.
    Krystyna Piotrowska-Marczak
    Dyrektor Instytutu Finansów, Bankowości i Ubezpieczeń
    na Wydziale Ekonomiczno-Socjologicznym Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
    Sprostowanie do numeru 2:
    Autorką artykułu „ Pomysł na biznes” jest
    Żaklina Jabłońska
    Patronat honorowy:
    Jolanta Chełmińska – Wojewoda Łódzki
    “Wszystkie materiały chronione są prawem
    autorskim. Przedruk lub rozpowszechniane
    w jakiejkolwiek formie i jakimkolwiek języku
    bez pisemnej zgody wydawcy jest zabronione.”
     Forward - No.3
    Spis treści
    Spis treści
    Trendy Biznesowe
    How to value US public equities - Wall Street approach
    | str. 2
    Art Investing | str. 4
    Business angels – kapitał dla Twojej irmy | str. 8
    Czkawka Kremla, czyli kryzys inansowy w Rosji | str. 10
    Twoje finanse
    Rozwój mimo bessy ? – czyli o polskich funduszach inwestycyjnych | str. 12
    Credit scoring | str. 14
    Finlandia. Koska minä rakastan Suomea... | str. 17
    Trudna sztuka zapamiętywania | str. 22
    Manipulowanie | str.25
    Assessment Center | str. 27
    Cudze chwalicie, swego nie znacie – Infosys w regionie
    łódzkim szansą dla rzeszy studentów | str. 29
    Styl życia
    Taniec w praktyce | str. 31
    Krzyżówka z nagrodami | str. 33
    Wywiad z Adamem Młodkowskim | str. 34
    Finance Week | str. 36
    Trendy Biznesowe
    How to value US public equities - Wall Street approach
    Tekst: Konstanty Owczarek
    Temat numeru
    How to value
    US public equities -
    The goal of the article is to sum-
    marize the experience in valuation of public
    companies that the author gained at a major
    US investment bank and a specialized
    investment banking boutique in New York
    City. Valuation of public companies is at the
    core of any investment banking assignment,
    whether it is M&A (both sell-side and buy-
    side), strategic alternatives overview and
    hostile defense or Board advice.
    There are a few key components of an
    investment banking valuation of a public
    company that are summarized on a chart
    that is referred to as the “football ield”.
    Football ield depicts a number of different
    views on the standalone value of a company
    that include both the internal and external
    views of the valuation as well as change
    in control perspectives of value. Investment
    bankers use the football ield overview in
    context of M&A negotiations as well as fair-
    ness opinions.
    The irst data point on the “football
    ield” comes from review of current consen-
    sus research analyst views and is shown
    as the range of analyst target prices. This
    analysis summarizes expectations related to
    the current value of the stock based on ana-
    lyst’s view of company’s performance in the
    future. The range is based on distribution
    of target prices from all research analysts
    covering the company. Research analysts
    update their price targets based on major
    changes affecting the company’s business
    and after quarterly earnings releases. Addi-
    tionally, review of research analyst’s price
    targets and reports allows investment bank-
    ers to understand individual analyst views
    on the business and its value.
    Traded comparables valuation is
    the next method utilized in estimating the
    irm’s value. Comparable valuation method
    includes calculations of several metrics that
    use comparable situations to infer the value
    of a irm. Comparable valuation methods
    estimate irm’s value by multiplying a ratio
    estimated from comparable irms (valuation
    multiple) times the irm’s revenue, earnings
    before interest, taxes, depreciation, and
    amortization (EBITDA), earnings before
    interest and taxes (EBIT), or net income
    (P/E). Usually forward-looking multiples are
    the most reliable indicators as they have
    been smoothed for any one-time events and
    represent the future earnings of the company,
    which investors are willing to pay for today.
    Football ield summarizes the value range
    derived from low/high multiples applied to
    above-mentioned inancial metrics for our
    Another core valuation method is
    a discounted cash low (DCF) analysis. In
    this case, we determine the value of a irm
    Usually forward-looking
    multiples are the most reliable
    indicators as they have been
    smoothed for any one-time
    events and represent the future
    earnings of the company...
    based on expected future cash lows to all
    holders (debt and equity) and a weighted
    average cost of capital (WACC) discount
    rate (alternatively equity cash lows can
    be valued separately and adjusted for debt
    to arrive at enterprise value). Discounted
    cash low models are widely used, but
    they do have certain shortcomings. DCF
    is a mechanical valuation tool, for which
    small changes in inputs can result in large
    changes in the value of a company (in
    banker terms “garbage in, garbage out”).
    Therefore, Wall Street standard is a DCF
    model based on ive years of projections
    with cash lows beyond projection period
    valued either based on terminal growth rate
    or terminal multiple.
    Exhibit 1. “Football ield”
    In order to compare the results of
    various valuation methods to current market
    value, the irst data points on the football
    ield are the current price and the 52 week
    trading range. The trading range and current
    market value provide us with the viewpoint
    of all of the market participants, which then
    is validated with different valuation methods
    described below.
     Trendy Biznesowe
    How to value US public equities - Wall Street approach
    The inal method used in estimat-
    ing value of a irm is the sum-of-the-parts
    (SOTP) valuation. This valuation method is
    especially useful when valuing large compa-
    nies with disparate segments (i.e., General
    Electric, Phillips, etc.) with a corporate hold-
    ing structure that manages those segments.
    In other words, SOTP methodology values
    the irm by determining what its divisions
    would be worth if it was broken up and spun
    off or acquired by another company. Impor-
    tant piece of SOTP valuation is estimating
    value of the corporate center, which is often
    inter-mingled with segment inancials mak-
    ing comparable company multiples inaccu-
    rate. Hence some analysts will value all the
    parts and then add a 10%-15% ‘conglom-
    erate discount’ to arrive at a inal estimate.
    Sum of parts valuation also allows different
    valuation methods to be used for different
    parts of the company (comparable multiples
    for some, DCF for others and public value
    of stakes that the conglomerate is holding
    as unconsolidated investments).
    Unfortunately, the comparable
    company, DCF and SOTP methods ignore
    the value of change in corporate control
    (i.e., value of the company in an M&A situ-
    ation). All of the above described methods
    value the company as a standalone entity
    not subject to a potential acquisition bid.
    As a result, the second part of the football
    ield presents change of control valuations
    that consist of transaction comparables and
    leveraged buy-out (LBO) valuation.
    The irst change of control meth-
    odology used is based on analysis of prec-
    edent or comparable transactions, which
    estimate value by examining public merger
    and acquisition transactions that involve
    companies similar to the company being
    valued by the banker. Typically, deals of
    a comparable size that were completed in
    last ive years are analyzed. Once the deals
    are determined and researched, the valua-
    tion results are inferred from range of mul-
    tiples that the precedent transactions were
    completed at. This analysis uses similar
    multiples that were estimated in compara-
    ble company valuation (revenue, EBITDA,
    EBIT, P/E). Additionally, precedent trans-
    action valuation allows having a view on
    potential premium to current stock price
    necessary to complete a transaction.
    The inal analysis depicted on the
    football ield is the leveraged buy-out (LBO)
    valuation. This analysis helps identify the
    change in control premium a inancial buyer
    (private-equity irm) would be willing to pay
    for the irm. The acquisition of a company
    by a private-equity irm entails using a sig-
    niicant amount of borrowed money to meet
    the cost of acquisition. The irst step of this
    methodology is identiication of the return
    (IRR) that the inancial buyer would require
    to hold the investment for a certain period of
    time. Prior to the credit crunch in the United
    States those IRRs were at a level of 20-25%
    and in the current market conditions most
    likely dropped to 10-15% (assuming debt
    becomes available again for private-equity
    buyouts). In the next steps investment bank-
    ing analyst will model the capital structure
    of the LBO, potential of the target company
    to lever its balance sheet and arrive at
    a premium range that will allow the inan-
    cial buyer to achieve its IRR hurdles. The
    range shown on the football ield represents
    the price range that a inancial buyer would
    be willing to pay for its target in order to
    achieve those IRR hurdles.
    However, usually a strategic buyer
    will always outbid a inancial buyer due to
    the synergies that a strategic buyer can re-
    capture through cost-cutting and additional
    opportunities for revenue generation. How-
    ever, due to an excess of cheap liquidity in
    the past few years prior to the credit crunch
    private-equity irms often times were able to
    win M&A auctions with strategic buyers.
    Wall Street approach to irm valu-
    ation consists of multiple methods and aims
    to gather most comprehensive set of views
    on the value of the enterprise. Each of the
    methods has its advantages and disadvan-
    tages, therefore aggregating the result into
    a single, easily read image (“football ield”)
    has been at a core of estimating value of
    a irm for any investment banking client.
    Exhibit 1. “Football ield”
    Range of Analyst
    Ta rget Prices
    Current Price
    Cash Flow Valuation
    Sum of the Parts
    Change in Control Analysis
    52 Week Range
    LBO Valuation
    Market Value ($B)
    Gwiazda Afryki
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