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  • Fence - 3 styles, Woodworking Plans

    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    There are many fence styles that are fancy yet easy to built. Use them for privacy, as
    a focal point, or to enclose an area of your property. The fences covered in this section
    are built
    board by board
    , so they take some time, but they add beauty and a custom
    touch that can’t be beat.
    Our first style uses lattice on top and reverse boards on the bottom below the beltline.
    The pictures show a variety of designs following this same overall style. This fence
    design is unique because the top remains level while absorbing all changes in ground
    height in the bottom section. Because of this, this style fence is limited to areas with
    small elevation changes. (under 2 feet of rise or fall over the total run of the fence)
    First determine the spacing of your
    posts and mark them. This is
    determined by the length of the lattice
    you're using. Make sure this is your
    inside post to post measurement. Use
    4"x 4" posts. All lumber will be
    pressure treated. You can stylize the
    fence to achieve the exact look you
    want by adding such touches as
    painting the lattice panels, or adding
    post caps on each post. The options
    are endless, and your fence will be one
    of a kind.
    The drawings show two different ways
    to attach the lattice. Figure "A" has a
    groove cut to receive the end of the
    lattice panels. The width of the groove
    will be determined by the thickness of
    the lattice being used. Standard grade
    lattice panel will use a ½" groove by ½"
    deep. Heavier grades of lumber will
    require wider grooves.
    Figure "B" shows another method of
    fastening the panels. This method uses
    1"x 2" and 2"x 2" lumber for the lattice
    panels to fastened to. A cover strip of
    ¼"x 2" wood will be fastened around
    the edge as shown.
    The bottom section is a reverse board
    style, which is created by installing 1"x
    6" fence boards vertically on one side
    of a 2"x 4" horizontal support. Install
    these boards leaving one board’s width
    of space between each vertical fence
    board. The same will be done on the
    back side but with the boards and
    spacing being opposite. Reference
    figure "C" for the lower section of this
    fence style.
    Figure C
    Our second unique style is a modified stockade fence. With the raised sections at each
    post, this fence has more the look of a "Fort" than a stockade. The construction of this
    fence will be the same as a standard stockade board fence, except for the 3 boards
    nearest each post. Notice that the two boards nearest the post are the same height. The
    board out steps halfway down to the height of the main fence. This style does not
    have exact measurements for height of individual boards. Those measurements are
    determined by what looks good for the setting. The photo on the left has 6" steps that
    are uniform. The photo below shows a 9" step up from the running fence height, then a
    6" step up to the board closest to each post. After determining the look you desire, you
    should stay consistent with those measurements. If your ground slopes sufficiently you
    may have to adjust these steps to look appropriate on each side of the post.
    Our last example requires another skill…bricklaying. If you ever wanted to learn the art
    of bricklaying, these simple short fence posts are ideal to practice on. We will not cover
    "how to lay brick" in this section, but a good way to get started is to get a book from your
    local library on the subject. I’ll provide two tips that do not seem to be in most books. 1.
    Mix your mortar wetter than you think. 2. Don’t over work the brick after it is laid and
    tapped into position. Once it’s straight, plumb and in line, move on to the next. For each
    brick post you will need a footer that is 4" wider than your post, and at least 6" thick. Be
    certain to go below the frost line for your area to prevent frozen ground from heaving the
    For the fencing material I would recommend plastic, or plastic coated wood sections
    available at Lowe’s Home Centers. They come in a variety of styles, and never need
    maintenance. The mounting hardware will be available from the fence manufacturer.
    Your spacing between brick posts will be either 6 feet or 8 feet depending on the fence
    sections you use.
    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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