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Fine Woodworking - Guide For Cabinet And Furniture Construction, Praca w drewnie
Fine Woodworking 035, papermodels, historica
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Fine Woodworking 027, papermodels, historica
Fine Woodworking 161, papermodels, historica
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Fine Woodworking 078, papermodels, historica
Fine Woodworking 174, papermodels, historica

  • Fence - Basic Board, Woodworking Plans

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    Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
    1) Prepare and Set the Posts
    Coat the ends of each post with a waterproof deck sealer (Fig. 1).
    Dig holes for and install the corner posts first, setting them below the frost line
    and on a 6-inch tamped bed of crushed rock or gravel so their end grain does
    not sit in water.
    Fig. 1
    Next, stretch a taut mason's line between the corner posts to help locate the intermediate holes and posts; try to space them
    evenly about 6 feet apart.
    Gradually backfill each hole with soil and tamp every four inches. Then fill the area around the posts with a well-tamped mix
    of earth and gravel or with concrete for extra strength at corners and gate openings. Check for plumb.
    2) Mark the Lower Fence Rail Position on the Posts
    Establish a level for the lower rail at least a few inches above the ground and, on
    each post, mark placement for the top and bottom edges of the lower rail. (Fig.
    Fig. 2
    Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
    3) Cut the Posts to Accept the Lower Rail
    Between the marks, make several kerf cuts 1-1/2 inches deep with a circular
    saw. Chisel out each post to accept the rail. (Fig. 3)
    Fig. 3
    4) Join the Lower Rails at Corners
    At the corners, inset intersecting rails and screw them in place (after predrilling to
    avoid splits) with galvanized deck screws. (Fig. 4)
    Fig. 4
    5) Affix an End Post to the House, If Necessary
    If your fence will meet the house, fasten an end post to your home's siding. Make sure the
    post is plumb; you may need to insert spacers or shims if the siding is irregular or slanted.
    (Fig. 5)
    Fig. 5
    Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
     6) Adjoin the Upper Rails
    Center the joint between upper rails in the post notches, then predrill the rails
    before screwing them to the posts. (Fig. 6)
    Fig. 6
    7) Install the Pickets
    Cut a 1/2-inch spacer to simplify installation of the pickets. Periodically check for
    plumb as you work along the rails. (Fig. 7)
    Fig. 7
    Fig. 8
    Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
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