Strona startowa
Facilmente Uncinetto N.64 (Italian), gazetki robótkowe
Facilmente Uncinetto N.53 (Italian), gazetki robótkowe
Facilmente Uncinetto N.56 (Italian), gazetki robótkowe
Facilmente Uncinetto N.48 (Italian), gazetki robótkowe
Facilmente Uncinetto N.58 (Italian), gazetki robótkowe
Facilmente Uncinetto N.47 (Italian), gazetki robótkowe
Facilmente Uncinetto N.60 (Italian), gazetki robótkowe
Facilmente Uncinetto N.62 (Italian), gazetki robótkowe
Facilmente Uncinetto N.59 (Italian), gazetki robótkowe
Fill in the Blanks Shawl Design, druty szydełko

  • Forest Path Bag, Robótki ręczne, druty, dodatki, -y

    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    Forest Path Bag
    A S I M P L E S U M M E R C L U T C H P E R F E C T F O R A F I R S T L A C E P R O J E C T
    The Pattern:
    Using Long-tail method, cast on 53
    stitches. Work in Traveling Leaf pattern
    for a total of 40 rows (5 pattern repeats
    of the 8 charted rows). Beginning with
    the wrong side, knit 7 rows (garter stitch).
    Bind off loosely. Repeat for a second
    Finishing: Using mattress stitch, sew to-
    gether the two sides of the bag. All but
    the top edge (the bind-off edge) will be
    sewn with like to like. Do not sew the top
    edge of the bag. Create a lining, sewing
    an 8 inch zipper into the lining. See the
    how to line a bag instructions for more
    Materials Needed
    Yarn: Nashua Creative Focus
    Cotton DK- 2 Skeins or another
    yarn that meets the gauge of 5.5
    stitches per inch.
    Size 5 Knitting Needles(either
    straight or circular)
    Tapestry Needle
    Material for lining and
    Sewing Supplies
    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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