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Friedel Weinert Relationism & Relativity, HochAchtung, językozn religiozn semanty socjol KOGNITYWNIE ...[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]Relationism and Relativity by Friedel Weinert (University of Bradford, UK) I. Introduction Leibniz’s relational view states that space is the order of coexisting things and time is the order of successive events. Leibniz makes time and space relative to material events in the universe. Without material happenings time and space can only be ideal. In a physical sense, time and space become relational properties: for time and space to exist the universe must be filled with matter and changing material events. Time and space become relations between spatio-temporal locations. Note that Leibniz does not require the presence of observers in the universe. Time and space are constituted by the existence of material events. Human observers construct the notions of time and space from the observations of material changes in the universe. Several notions of time are embedded in Leibniz’s theory. What is known as his relational view is based on an earlier-later relation between material events in the universe, for which no human observer is required. There will be a succession of events, without the presence of human observers. This succession constitutes what may be called empirical time. But, as we shall see, the question arises of how events succeed each other. If events succeed each other in a regular, measurable fashion, rather than in a random, chaotic fashion, then empirical time becomes physical or clock time, as it is used in physics. Finally, in introducing human observers, Leibniz also refers to a richer human notion of time. Such a human notion of time is a mixture of both physical and conventional aspects of time. Humans construct calendars and other temporal metrics from the observation of the regular succession of physical events. A tensed view of time, with its predicates of past, present and future, is introduced. In the writer's assessment this is the real impact of recent attempts to show that time and space are 'ideal' for Leibniz. In this paper we will mostly be concerned with the empirical and physical notions of time. Compared to Newton, the relational view accepts that both time and space are universal (setting aside any relativistic correction of this feature of time) but not absolute. 1 This article was published in the conference Reader: VIII. International Leibniz Congress, Einheit in der Vielfalt , eds. H. Breger/J. Herbst/S. Erdner (Hannover 2006), 1138-46; please quote this reference; by permission of the publisher. 2 Stating Leibniz’s view in phenomenological terms does not take into account his profound metaphysics of monads. This restriction seems justified, since relations between phenomena are at least derivative of relations amongst monads. Richard Arthur has made a convincing case for monads to entertain relations and for Leibniz’s principle of interrelatedness to cover both phenomena and monads. See R. Arthur: “Leibniz's Theory of Time”, in: K. Okruhlik/J.R.Brown (eds): The Natural Philosophy of Leibniz , Dordrecht 1985, pp. 263-313. Most discussions of the ontology of space-time theories only consider the phenomenological aspect of Leibniz’s argument. See J. Earman: World Enough and Space-Time , Cambridge (Mass.) 1989, Ch. I. 3 In terms of McTaggart’s distinction beween the A-theory and the B-theory of time, this means that Leibniz’s theory of time is more compatible with a tenseless earlier-later view of time than a tensed view of time (past-present-future). It is important to realize, as several commentators have already established, that tenselessness (earlier-later) is not to be equated with changelessness or a block universe. See J. Smart: Philosophy and Scientific Realism , London 1963, pp. 131-48; A. Grünbaum: Philosophical Problems of Space and Time , Dordrecht 2 1973, pp. 314-29; M. J. Futch: “Leibniz’s non-tensed theory of time”, in: International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 16 (2002), pp. 125- 39. 1 Newton had posited time and space as physical properties of the universe in a dual sense: Time and space were universal properties of the cosmos in the sense that they were not dependent on specific reference frames or measurement acts. Every measuring instrument, irrespective of its space-time location or state of motion (rest or uniform velocity), would measure the same temporal and spatial extensions between events. Time and space were absolute properties of Newton’s universe in the sense that they were not dependent on material events happening in the universe. Although the modern literature on space-time theories has developed several senses of absoluteness, the most apposite characterization for present purposes is that Newton postulated the existence of a substratum of space-time points, which need not be occupied by material bodies. Leibniz did not object to Newton’s characterization of time and space as universal properties of the universe. In fact, a questioning of this aspect of time had to await the advent of the Special theory of relativity (STR). If we pose observers into the material universe, Leibniz would agree with Newton that, given an event E, all observers throughout the universe would measure the same temporal length for this event. Equally for spatial considerations: a physical object O , placed anywhere in the universe will be assigned the same spatial extensions by all observers, from whichever space-time location they observe it. It was the absoluteness of time and space, postulated in Newton’s mechanics, to which Leibniz objected. Leibniz employed his Principle of Sufficient Reason to criticize a notion of time and space, which was not tied to any material processes in the universe. In recent times, both the relational and the substantival view have been reconstructued as space-time theories. But Leibnizian relationism has been regarded as deficient on two accounts: Relationism about Ontology . It is often suggested in the literature that Leibniz makes the relational view too dependent on the existence of material processes or entities in the universe. John Earman characterizes Leibnizian relationism as the view that “spatiotemporal relations among bodies and events are direct.” That is, there is no underlying substratum of space-time points, which physical events would merely occupy. Michael Friedman holds that Leibnizian relationism “wishes to limit the domain over which quantifiers of our theories range to the set of physical events, that is, the set of space-time points that are actually occupied by material objects and processes.” In Friedman’s formulation, relationism constructs spatio- temporal relations between bodies as embeddable in a fictional space-time. This fictional space-time acts as a representation of the properties of concrete physical objects and the relations between them. Relationism about Motion . A major drawback of relationism, according to Friedman, is that there are no inertial trajectories to be found amongst the material bodies in the universe. But the relationist cannot postulate unoccupied inertial 4 J. Earman/M. Friedman: “The Meaning and Status of Newton's Law of Inertia and the Nature of Gravitational Forces”, Philosophy of Science 40 (1973), pp. 329-59; J. Earman (1989), pp.11-2, Note 1; M. Friedman: Foundations of Space-Time Theories . Princeton (N.J.) 1983. 5 J. Earman (1989), pp. 12, 114, Note 1; G. Belot: “Geometry and Motion”, in: British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 (2000), 561-85 6 M. Friedman (1983), p. 217, Note 3; G. Belot: “Rehabilitating relationism”, in: International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 13 (1999), pp. 35-52 for an overview of similar formulations. 2 frames. 7 The lack of inertial trajectories in the material world and the prohibition of unoccupied inertial frames deprive the relationist of the possibility of defining inertial frames of references. The general consensus is that Leibnizian space-time amounts to no more than a topology of time and therefore fails to support a proper theory of motion. The purpose of this paper is to assess these claims by focusing on Leibniz’s discussion of the notions of ‘order’ and the ‘geometry of situations’. In the final part the ‘geometry of situations’ will offer a transition to a space-time relationism. II. The Geometry of Situations In an important sense, Leibniz makes time derivative of spatial relations. For Leibniz defines time as the order of succession of simultaneous events. Events, in a primary sense, are changes that happen to material bodies. But it is not the particular situation of bodies that constitutes space. Rather, it is the geometric order , in which bodies are placed that constitutes space. Time is “that order with respect to (the) successive position” of bodies . In many of his formulations Leibniz insists on the term ‘order’. Space is not identical with bodies. Space is “nothing else but an order of the existence of things.” Leibniz agrees with Clarke that “space does not depend upon the situation of particular bodies”; rather it is the order, which renders bodies capable of being situated, and time is that order with respect to the successive position of things. Leibniz even contemplates the possibility of unoccupied spatial locations when he says that space is nothing but “the possibility of placing” bodies. An important aspect in a consideration of relationism about ontology is Leibniz’s method of the geometry of situations. In these writings Leibniz criticizes the Cartesian focus on extension alone, i.e. algebra, which is concerned with magnitudes. Leibniz endeavours to introduce a geometrical analysis – a consideration of situations – which give rise to an analysis of congruences, equalities, similarities and loci of geometrical shapes. The reflections are important because they take the key notion of order beyond the analogy of the genealogical tree. (There is a genealogical relation between family members but the genealogical tree does not exist over and above the family members and their relations.) Leibniz’s geometry of situations can without difficulty be described as a set of constant 3 dimensional Euclidean space-time slices (since no gravitational effects are considered). Objects existing at the same time exist on a simultaneity plane, Ε 3 . Any object, A , existing simultaneously with an object, B , exist on the same simultaneity plane perpendicular to a time axis, on which for present purposes, no values need to be inscribed. Such a 7 M. Friedman (1983), Ch. VI, Note 3; T. Maudlin: “Buckets of Water and Waves of Space: Why Spacetime is probably a Substance”, in: Philosophy of Science 60 (1993), pp. 183-203. This argument was already used by Newton. 8 R. Arthur: “Space and Relativity in Newton and Leibniz”, in: British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (1994), pp. 219-40; R. Arthur (1985), Note 1. 9 The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence (Alexander Edition), Manchester (1956), 4 th paper §41, p. 42, GP VII, 345-440 10 Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence , Note 8, 5 th paper §29, p. 63; G.W. Leibniz, “An Example of Demonstrations about the Nature of Corporeal Things” (1671), transl. L. Loemker (ed.): Leibniz: Philosophical Papers and Letters , Dordrecht 1970, p. 144 11 Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence , Note 8, 4 th paper §41, p. 42 12 Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence , Note 8, 3rd paper §4, p. 26; G. W. Leibniz, “On Body and Force” (1702), GP IV, 393-400, GM VI, 98-106, transl. R. Ariew/D. Garber (eds.): G. W. Leibniz : Philosophical Essays , Indianapolis & Cambridge 1989, p. 251 . 13 G. W. Leibniz: “Studies in a Geometry of Situations” (1679), GM II, pp. 17-20, transl. Loemker (1970), pp. 248-58, Note 9; cf. R. Arthur (1994), §V, Note7. 3 simultaneity plane will be called Now . For the sake of convenience we can use an analogy: the 3 dimensional simultaneity slice is like a billiard ball table on which a number of billiard balls rest. These bodies entertain geometric relations. Body A is at a distance ‘x’ from body B . A may be at rest and B rotate around it. If we place a third object, C , on the simultaneity plane, for instance, in the path of B , B and C will collide. The collision will be governed by conservation principles. Objects therefore entertain physical relations. It is not important whether this distance is expressed in numerical figures. One object could be ‘some portion of its own size’ away from its sister object. Three-dimensional macro-objects can coexist on a simultaneity plane and entertain geometric and physical relations. What does it mean, then, to say that Leibnizian relationism only admits space- time points, if they are constituted by the presence of material objects and processes? Recall that Leibniz calls space, in terms of possibility, an order of coexisting things. This order must be, as the ‘geometry of situations’ shows, an order of physical and geometric relations. These are lawlike relations so that the order itself must be lawlike. So when Leibniz calls space, in terms of possibilities, an order of coexisting things, it is the existence of material objects in the universe and the intrinsic physico- geometric relations between them, which denote space in terms of possibilities. Without the existence of any material things, there would be no space, no physico- geometric relations – space would be ‘ideal’. The existence of things 'creates' absolute simultaneity planes. The existence of things ‘creates’ a space of possibilities. Possibilia may be construed as bodies standing in “Euclidean relations to one another in many different configurations” or as the structure of the set of spatial relations. What needs to be added is that lawlike physical relations also obtain between bodies. The existence of things constrains the space of possibilities but does not exhaust it. According to Leibnizian relationism, there is no underlying substratum of space-time points. In this sense “spatio-temporal relations among bodies and events are direct.” But in another sense, this formulation is prone to misleading characterizations of relationism as the view, which wishes to limit the set of space-time points to those occupied by material processes or events. We have just seen that this characterization is incorrect, by the standards of the ‘geometry of situations’. The geometry of situation gives room to actual and possible relations between bodies. These bodies can be represented in idealized geometric shapes. As we shall see it gives rise to an inertial structure. A number of authors have suggested that the Leibnizian view of the ontological status of space-time satisfies a modern supervenience relation. The simultaneity planes are supervenient on the physico-geometric relations of coexisting bodies. Supervenience requires a) a co-variation of the properties of one domain, the physical base (as constituted here by bodies and their physico-geometric relations), with a supervenient domain and b) the dependence of the supervenient domain (the simultaneity slices constituted by the geometry of situations and their endurance in time) on the base domain. The base constrains the supervenient domain. In this sense, a relationist can claim that space-time is ontologically a supervenient phenomenon, without having to admit that it is purely fictional. But it 14 J. Earman (1989), p. 135, Note 1. 15 J. Earman (1989), p. 12, Note 1; G. Belot (1999), p. 36, Note 5. 16 J. T. Roberts: “Leibniz on Force and Absolute Motion”, in: Philosophy of Science 70 (2003) , p. 571; P. Teller: “Substance, Relations and Arguments About the Nature of Space-Time”, in: The Philosophical Review, Vol. C (1991), p. 396; J. Earman (1989), p. 135, Note 1. 4 would be wrong to say that every variation in the physical base will lead to variations in space-time structure. A change in geometric relations between bodies does not change the structure of E 3 . We therefore require invariance conditions in two respects. The first respect (a) refers to geometric symmetries. The physico-geometric relations of objects are invariant under space translation, rotation and reflection on the simultaneity planes. Leibniz’s geometry of situations reflects this invariance condition. For instance, two triangles can be congruent “with respect to the order of their points, (…) they can occupy exactly the same place, and (...) one can be applied or placed on the other without changing anything in the two figures except their place.” The second aspect (b) refers to time translation symmetries, i.e. relationism about motion. The relations between simultaneity planes should be Galileo-invariant in the sense that two such planes can be joined by inertial trajectories. While (b) is uncontroversial for Galilean space-time, it has often been regarded as the sticking point for Leibnizian space-time. In the following sections we will argue that Leibnizian space-time is not geometrically weaker than Galilean space-time. Relationism about ontology has advantages over substantival space-time. The material things in the universe have no effect on the nature of time and space, in Newton’s view. Not so on the relational view: the space of possibilities is constrained by the prior existence of material things and events and their (physico-geometric) relations. It remains a question of empirical study to determine in which way the matter in the universe constrains the relations. Relationism, on the level of the simultaneity planes, differs from Galilean space-time, not in its mathematical structure, E 3 , but its ontological import. It differs ontologically, not geometrically. But can relationism secure enough inertial structure to present a viable view of motion? Figure I : Geometry of Situations. Time as the succession of spatial order, according to Leibniz III. The Order of Succession Leibniz characterizes time as the order of the succession of events. Events are made dependent on the coexistence of things. It is the physico-geometric order, in 17 G. W. Leibniz: “Studies“ (1679), p. 251, Note 12. 5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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