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Functional Categories (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics), LANGUAGE INFO[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]This page intentionally left blank FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES In every language there are descriptive lexical elements, such as evening and whisper ,aswell as grammatical elements, such as the and -ing . The distinc- tion between these two elements has proven useful in a number of domains, but what is covered by the terms ‘lexical’ and ‘grammatical’, and the basis on which the distinction is made, appear to vary according to the domain involved. This book analyses the grammatical elements (‘functional categories’) in lan- guage, a topic that has drawn considerable attention in linguistics, but has never been approached from an integrated, cross-disciplinary perspective. Muysken considers functional categories from the perspective of grammar, language history, language contact, and psychology (including child language and aphasia). Empirically based, the book examines the available converging evidence from these various disciplines, and draws on comparative data from a wide range of different languages. PIETER MUYSKEN is Professor of Linguistics at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His previous publications include One Speaker, Two Languages (with Lesley Milroy, 1995), Bilingual Speech. A Typology of Code-Mixing (2000), and The Languages of the Andes (with Willem Adelaar, 2004). In this series 72. L U I G IBURZIO: Principles of English stress 73. JOHN A. HAWKINS: A performance theory of order and constituency 74. ALICE C. HARRIS AND LYLE CAMPBELL: Historical syntax in cross-linguistic perspective 75. LILIANE HAEGEMAN: The syntax of negation 76. PAUL GORREL: Syntax and parsing 77. GUGLIELMO CINQUE: Italian syntax and universal grammar 78. H E N R YSMITH: Restrictiveness in case theory 79. D. ROBERT LADD: Intonational morphology 80. ANDREA MORO: The raising of predicates: predicative noun phrases and the theory of clause structure 81. R O G E R LASS: Historical linguistics and language change 82. J O H N M . ANDERSON: A notional theory of syntactic categories 83. BERND HEINE: Possession: cognitive sources, forces and grammaticalization 84. NOMT ERTESCHIK-SHIR: The dynamics of focus structure 85. JOHN COLEMAN: Phonological representations: their names, forms and powers 86. CHRISTINA Y. BETHIN: Slavic prosody: language change and phonological theory 87. BARBARA DANCYGIER: Conditionals and prediction 88. C L A I R E LEFEBVRE: Creole genesis and the acquisition of grammar: the case of Haitian creole 89. H E I N Z GIEGERICH: Lexical strata in English 90. KEREN RICE: Morpheme order and semantic scope 91. APRIL MCMAHON: Lexical phonology and the history of English 92. M A TTHEW Y. CHEN: Tone Sandhi: patterns across Chinese dialects 93. G R E G ORY T. STUMP: Inflectional morphology: a theory of paradigm structure 94. J O A N BYBEE: Phonology and language use 95. L A U R I E BAUER: Morphological productivity 96. T H O M AS ERNST: The syntax of adjuncts 97. ELIZABETH CLOSS TRAUGOTT and RICHARD B. DASHER: Regularity in semantic change 98. M AY A H I CKMANN: Children’s discourse: person, space and time across languages 99. DIANE BLAKEMORE: Relevance and linguistic meaning: the semantics and pragmatics of discourse markers 100. I A N R O BERTS and ANNA ROUSSOU: Syntactic change: a minimalist approach to grammaticalization 101. DONKA MINKOVA: Alliteration and sound change in early English 102. M A R K C . B A K E R: Lexical categories: verbs, nouns and adjectives 103. C A R L O T A S . S M I T H: Modes of discourse: the local structure of texts 104. R O C H ELLE LIEBER: Morphology and lexical semantics 105. H O L G E R D I E S S E L: The acquisition of complex sentences 106. SHARON INKELAS and CHERYL ZOLL: Reduplication: doubling in morphology 107. SUSAN EDWARDS: Fluent aphasia 108. B A R B A R A DANCYGIER and EVE SWEETSER: Mental spaces in grammar: conditional constructions 109. H E W B A ERMAN, DUNSTAN BROWN and GREVILLE G. CORBETT: The syntax-morphology interface: a study of syncretism. 110. M A R C U S T O MALIN: Linguistics and the formal sciences: the origins of generative grammar 111. S A U M U E L D . E P S T E I N and T. DANIEL SEELY: Derivations in minimalism 112. P A U L D E L A C Y: Markedness: reduction and preservation in phonology 113. Y E HUDA N. FALK: Subjects and their properties 114. P . H . M A T T H E W S: Syntactic relations: a critical survey 115. M A R K C . B A K E R: The syntax of agreement and concord 116. G I L L I A N C A T R I O N A R A M C H A N D: Verb meaning and the lexicon: a first phase syntax 117. P I ETER MUYSKEN: Functional categories Earlier issues not listed are also available CAMBRIDGE STUDIES IN LINGUISTICS General editors: P. AUSTIN, J. BRESNAN, B. COMRIE, S. CRAIN, W. DRESSLER, C. J. EWEN, R. LASS, D. LIGHTFOOT, K. RICE, I. ROBERTS, S. ROMAINE, N. V. SMITH Functional Categories [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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