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  • Flying Scale Models 2016 01, Modelarstwo

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    //-->THE WORLD’S ONLY RC SCALE MODEL MAGAZINEAIRCOWITHFULL-SIZEPULL-OUTPLANINDOOR MICRO-SCALE:DH 6HERGTFREEMONOPLANEFULL SIZE30” WINGSPAN, FORELECTRIC POWERPLANWORTH £14.95www.flyingscalemodels.comMASTERZERSTORERFEATHERNUMBER TWO!DEAD ENGINE ON A SCALE TWIN?HERE’S HOW TO SURVIVE IT.SHOWTIMEBIG ENTRY FOR END-OF-SEASONCLUBMAN SCALE FLY-INMESSERSCHMITT Bf 110FULPLUS:SCALE THREE-VIEWS●TYPE HISTORY●DETAIL PHOTO STUDYREVIEWTECHNIQUEFEATURYAKOVLEV YAK 52EP FOAMIE OF THIS ICONIC RUSSIAN AEROBAT FROM AVIOS REVIEWEDKINGFISHERSPORT SCALE WW2 FLOATPLANE. 56”WINGSPAN FOR .60-.90 POWERJanuary 2016No. 194 £4.99VOUGHT OS2U-3E019 771368 900059THE ISSUE AHEAD...FLYING SCALE MODELS - THE WORLD’S ONLY MAGAZINE FOR SCALE MODEL FLYERSFormation...4CONTACTJust for startersON THE COVERSubject of this month’s MasterModels feature, this MesserschmittBf 110 of one of a pair built by StuartKnowles and Simon Lawson, fromDon Smith plans. This one is Stuart’s;118” wingspan, powered by twoZenoah 26 petrol engines.Photo: Alex WhittakerJANUARY 2016 NO.19466Kit review: AVIOS Yak 52EP foamie of this iconic Russian Aerobat from Avios10master models: MESSERSCHMIIT BF11016ME110 TYPE HISTORYStyart Knowles and Simon Lawson built two between them fromthe Don Smith plansFrom heavy day-fighter failure, to successful night fighter22Bf110 SCALE DRAWING1:60 fine-line, detailed three views for theC-4,. C-5, F & G variants26MEsserschmitt Bf 110 IN DETAIL32QUIET ZONEClose-up study of the rare Bf 110 night fighter on display at theRAF Museum, HendonPeter Rake offers a little DH6 for the Indoor Scale season,.withfull size pull-ouy plan. Part 11036vought 0S2U-3 KINGFISHERBuild Eric Smith’s 56”. wingspan sport-scale model ofthe Vought Kingfisher, for .60 to .90 motors and4 or 5-function radio40Vought KINGFISHER Type HISTORY44HERGT MONOPLANEAmerican multi-task Fleet observation aircraft that, at times,became a welcome sight for downed airmenFULL SIZE FREE PLAN FEATURE: 30” span electric poweredmodel designed by Peter Rake,50FEATHER NUMBER 2, PART 2In Part 1 last month, Gorden Whitehead looked at the theorybehind achieving controllable flight in an engine-out situationwith a twin (or more). In Part 2 here, we will see what actuallyhappened when the author put theory into practice.56ASHBOURNE Autumn scale dayA huge attendance and a great range of flying scale models36www.flyingscalemodels.com62DIY DESIGNPart 11: Ken Sheppard reaches the end of HIS series toencourage own-design scale modelsJANUARY 2016FLYING SCALE MODELS 3Editor:Tony DowdeswellPublisher:Alan HarmanDesign:Peter HutchinsonWebsite:ADH WebteamAdvertising Manager:Sean LeslieAdmin Manager:Hannah McLaurieOffice Manager:Paula GrayFLYING SCALE MODELSis publishedmonthly by ADH Publishing, DoolittleMill, Doolittle Lane, Totternhoe, Beds,LU6 1QX. Reproduction in part orwhole of any text, photograph orillustration without written permissionfrom the publisher is strictly prohibited.While due care is taken to ensure thecontents of Flying Scale Models isaccurate, the publishers and printerscannot accept liability for errors andomissions. Advertisements areaccepted for publication in FLYINGSCALE MODELS only upon ADHPublishing’s standard terms ofacceptance of advertising, copies ofwhich are available from theadvertising sales department ofFLYING SCALE MODELS.EDITORIAL ADVERTISEMENT& CIRCULATION:Doolittle Mill,Doolittle Lane, Totternhoe, Beds,LU6 1QX.Tel. 01525 222573 Fax. 01525 222574.Email:enquiries@adhpublishing.comCIRCULATION TRADE ENQUIRIES:Seymour Distribution, 2 East PoultryAvenue, London, EC1A 9PT020 7429 4000.NEWSTRADE:Select Publisher Services,3 East Avenue, Bournemouth.BH3 7BW.01202 586848Email:tim@selectps.comSUBSCRIPTIONS:Doolittle Mill,Doolittle Lane, Totternhoe, Beds,LU6 1QX.Tel. 01525 222573. Fax. 01525 222574.PRINTING:Symbian Print Intelligence,Calverley House, 45 Dane Street,Bishop’s Stortford, Herts, CM23 3BT.Tel: 0870 870 1670; Fax: 0870 870 1675(c) Copyright Flying Scale Models2016 ADH Publishing.The paper used on this title is fromsustainable forestryCONTACTThe Messerschmitt Bf 110forms a major part of ourcoverage in this issue. Thegeneral tendency is toderide this aircraft almostexclusively due to its woefulperformance during the BattleBritain in the summer and autumnof 1940, when it first came upagainst serious and determinedopposition to the extent that thisaircraft had to be given its ownfighter escort by its small brotherthe Messerschmitt Bf 109.The concept that spawned the Bf110 was dreamed up a full fiveyears prior to the commencementof WW2 in 1939 and took hold ofthe imagination of those, inGermany responsible for thedecision making, mostly ‘politicalanimals’ who subsequently wereunable to stomach the findings ofmore knowledgeable, morequalified individuals when theconcept moved from drawing boardto test prototype. As we see, theaircraft soon moved on to be amajor element of the Luftwaffe’sorder of battle, before the painfultruth had to be faced.Nevertheless, not all was lost inthat when, not too long after theend of the Battle of Britain, whichconclusively demonstrated theshortcomings of the Bf 110 as aday-fighter, the development of theair war created the need for nightfighters, where outright speed andmanoeuvrability were not theparamount considerations - and theBf 110 became a clear and readilyavailable aircraft capable ofconversion as an effective nightfighter, particularly when the firston-board airborne interceptionradars became available.What struck me in all this is thatin parallel with the Bf 110, in theyears prior to WW2, the Royal AirForce had it’s own ‘good-ideal-at-the-time, in the shape of theBoulton Paul Defiant (see FSMFebruary 2014) which failed in itsinitial concept as a day fighter - thisone with all the fire-powerconcentrated in a four-gunswivelling turret behind the pilot’sposition.The Defiant was the third of theRAF’s fighter types (after theHurricane and Spitfire) to reachcombat-ready status for the Battleof Britain, where the conceptproved unworkable and front-lineSquadrons equipped with the typewere very quickly removed from thefront line. Indeed, as early as July1940, while the B.of.B raged by day,the first Defiant night-sortietook place.However, with the onset of winterin late 1940 when the Luftwaffebomber force turned to massnightime raids on UK, the RAF wasdevoid of a night fighter force tocounter it and the Defiant was re-deployed in earnest at first withouton-board radar assistance and thenfrom September 1941. With on-board air-interception radarequipment.So there’s a fascinating parallelchronology of initial failure and,thereafter redeployment in aparallel combat role. In this ‘secondlife’, it has to be said that theMesserschmitt Bf 110 was by far themore successful aircraft.4 FLYING SCALE MODELSJANUARY 2016No.: FLZA2800First flown in 1965, Canadair’sCL-84 Dynavert was an ex-perimental platform designedto test the feasibility of VTOL(Vertical Takeoff & Landing)aircraft. By repositioning itsentire wing, the CL-84 wasable to take off like a heli-copter and then transition tohorizontal flight to performlike a conventional turbo-propaircraft. In tests, it was foundthat in-flight transition wasalso possible, proving this tobe a truly remarkable aircraftthat pre-dated similar con-cepts by a significant margin!Flyzone’s replica Dynaverthas many of the same fea-tures and can take off andland vertically with in-flighttransition to fixed-wing flight– you can even take off andland conventionally on largerstrips! Power is provided by 3brushless motors and a 3-axisgyro guarantees flight stability.Supplied largely pre-assem-bled and decorated with allservos included and fitted,you’ll just need a transmitterwith a minimum of 6 channels,suitable receiver and a 4S2200mAh LiPo to complete.RC-Function:Motors, Elevator, Aileron, Nosewheel,Wing Tilt, Pitch, Roll & YawSet Contents:• AeroCell Foam Construction Rx-R Model• Factory-fitted RC Components• Comprehensive Instruction ManualFLYZONEDistributed by Revell GmbH –Tring, Hertfordshire, HP23 4QRTel.: 0845 459 1966 – Fax.: 01296 660041 –Email: uk@hobbico.deTrade enquiries welcomeRequired (Not Included):• Minimum 6Ch RC System• 4S 2200mAh Flight BatteryTechnical Specification:Length:1050 mmWingspan:950 mmWeight:1700 g [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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