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Strona startowa Fullmetal Alchemist 2 Brotherhood - 31, FullMetal Alchemist 2 Filth.And.Wisdom.2008.DVDRip fico-faw08, Napisy do filmów Frater M.O. - Wprowadzenie do Magiji Enochianskiej, MAGIA, WICCA, CZAROSTWO Frater U'D' - Modele Magii, BM TEORIA I PRAKTYKA Forgotten Realms 31 - Pięcioksiąg Pieśni i Miecze 01 - Cień Elfa, Frehers Process in the Philosophical Work, Wisdom Ancient Fulcanelli - Master Alchemist, Wisdom Ancient Freemasonry-FellowCrafts, Wisdom Ancient Fundamentals of Alchemy, Wisdom Ancient FoundationsofTaoistPractice, Wisdom Ancient |
Frater Achad - Liber 31, Wisdom Ancient[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]//-->LIBER THIRTY-ONEFrater AchadBeing a part of the diary of O.I.V.V.I.O. concerning the Fool, Parzival and howhe discovered the mystery of the One that is Not. Written down in thefourteenth year of this Aeon when the Sun was in the sign of Libra, by FraterArctaeon.Not*delivered by 777 unto 666 for His high considerationthis Third day of the 11thmonth of the year 1918 E.V.(*This manuscript was NOT delivered on date originally intended butheld until about September 3, 1919 when it was mailed to Therion fromDetroit. He was then in New York. Receipt was acknowledged in letter receivedSeptember 8, 1919. On September 9, 1919 a further P.C. was received fromTherion which read:" \ = 418. "Thou knowest not." Your key opens Palace. CCXX has unfoldedlike a flower. All solved, even II.76 & III.47. Did you know ^ = 3.141593?And oh! lots more!" (sgd.) AL’AIN the Priest....666-- Achad, March 13, 1948)“But first thou must suffer, thou must suffer many things.” (Even so be itLord Adonai).The Voice goes on: “Thou must suffer the pains of Death and of Hell andof the Grave (3 times repeated) And after these things are come to pass will Icome unto thee to comfort Thee (Twice repeated. The Words ‘Come to pass’added the second time).“And there shall be no more sea, neither shall there be any more fear, but Ialone will inform thee in all things, even unto the end which is NOT. For manyhave said unto thee strange and diverse words, but mine shall be the One Wordwhich Is and Was and Shall be. Amen.”Note: This was recorded in diary on 3rd Day of October 1912 after NoonPrayer to Adonai. I have just `discovered' the prophesy this 31st day of October1918 E.V. --777.THE DIARY OF O.I.V.V.I.O.Sun in 1 Deg Libra AN XIV. SUN-DAY Sept 22nd1918 E.V.It seems as if Sunday is the one day of all the week on which I amimpressed to write a few fragments of what passes through my mind. On Sept1st I obtained a clear understanding regarding the Will and the Law. On Sept8th, nothing special I think, but on Sept 15th I wrote “Stepping out of the OldAeon into the New” and today I had a mind to write, at Therion’s request, apamphlet on how All is Change. But first there are some important consider-ations to be recorded and I feel that now is the time to place them on record.That which I am about to write concerneth the Supernal Triad. It is justNine Months since the last Great Initiation was granted unto me, O.I.V.V.I.O.,and as hardly a word of the experience then undergone has been recorded. Infact, this is also true to some extent of the Initiation of June 21st, 1916, therecord of which I am only now trying to put into writing. It is not in this placethat I intend to make a full statement of all that occurred, but it is of the great-est importance that the inmost and essential features be written down, despitethe terrible difficulty of the task.Briefly, then, I want to state my position, which I feel is known yet notknown.When I proclaimed my intention of claiming the Grade of 8=3 or Masterof the Temple, on June 21st 1916 in the City of North Vancouver, BritishColumbia, I did so because I thought that the Master Therion needed NEMOto fill that Office in order that He might fully attain His 9=2. The details of theInitiation which followed are recorded in another place, but here I would statethat, having ‘died’ and, as it were, Reincarnated immediately in the same body,and having given up all, even the Master Therion, I was led of the Spirit duringa stay at Grantham’s Landing, so that it appeared to me that on June 22nd 1916I was NEMO 8=3; but on June 23rd at 12 Noon the realization of the Curse ofthe Magus came to me quite unexpectedly, so that I could do naught else thanconsider my Grade to be 9=2. Then followed a terrible struggle, for I realizedhow I had failed so far of Complete Attainment because of a certain Glamourof the Path. Then it was that I decided to give up all, even the least little thing,1Liber 31and I made certain pledges which were afterwards faithfully kept, so that I gaveup my business position and got down to spending my last cent of money.Having made these pledges, it seemed quite certain that I was upon thePath of Aleph, which uniteth Chockmah with the Crown, and thereforebeyond the Glamour of the Great Magician. I hoped that Therion had at thistime Attained unto 10=1 and I was ready even then, if need be, to hold theGrade of 9=2, and to accept the Curse thereof, but if that were not the case, Icould only consider that somehow I has passed the Great Magician on the Path.At 9 p.m. that night, I was just a clearly convinced that I had attained theGrade of 10=1, and I remained in the Great Illumination until for followingday. Then after leaving Soror R. I went away with the feeling of completeenlightenment, but certain considerations came to me so that I decided toreverse the Grade and take that of a simple 1=10 or Neophyte, thus as it were,plunging down the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life and uniting Kether andMalkuth in my own Being. (Note V.I.O. = 86, a Number asserting this identity,thus foreshadowing this Attainment, as all His other Mottoes seem to do. AndOHPION has said, One cannot get away from the fulfillment of Mottoes).Having done this, I felt myself to be One with the Buddhas of Compas-sion, and returned to Soror R. as elsewhere recorded.Shortly after we got back to Vancouver, the meaning of all my Mottoes wasrevealed to me, and their connection with the whole of my Magical career. Idiscovered how V.I.O.O.I.V. in full (as Unus in Omnibus Omnia in Uno)added to 777 though I had never known this before, owing to a mistake in thespelling made by F. when he first put in into Latin for me. This was my originalProbationer’s Motto. On becoming a Neophyte I had Chosen Achad = Unity,while my O.T.O. Name, which I afterwards used for the Second Order as 5=6was Parzival, which contains the mystery of 8.80.418. which was one of thethings which led to the thought that I might be the ‘child’ mentioned in LiberLegis, afterwards proved in such a marvelous manner, of which see accounts inthe Diary of Nemo, and that of a Magus.Then correspondence began between myself and Therion, and He admit-ted my 8=3 Grade, but would not consider the possibility of the Path of Aleph,10=1 etc. explaining my taking 1=10 again as my being ‘Cast out intoMalkuth’, although, as a matter of fact, I made no claim except to Neophyte.He also realized that this must be the ‘child’ prophesied unto him in LiberLegis, and claimed me as His Son.2Frater AchadAbout this time I changed the order of my Motto to O.I.V.V.I.O. which,note, is another sort of reversal, and this mystery of things reversing or reflect-ing, or being taken out of their usual dimension and replaced in another order,seems to be part of the Key of Things in Themselves as will be shown later,although I understood it not at the time.Nothing much happened to me, except that I was granted Light on certainMystery in the Letters A.A., until December 16th 1917 E.V. (18 months later).Then on Dec. 21st I realized that the Initiation was again going on with greatforce, but this time the character was very different, and seemed to have to dowith the Mystery of the Elements, Planets, and Paths, whereas the former onedealt with the Sephiroth more particularly. I must remark that this Initiationhad an actual effect on the Elements, causing storms etc., and that these had tobe balanced and equilibrated, which was done. All the time this was going on.the one sentence which continually recurred, was “The Air is His Balance.”This seemed to be the Key note which saved me from destruction many times.Later, it appeared that I united the Paths of Aleph and Shin, Aethyr and Fire, asa final Equilibration, and the Tree was completely changed again, so that it hadto be re-formulated, and eventually resolved into a Single Sphere. Later, camethe drawing of all to a Single Point of Light (Hadith) in the Center of Breast.And I was taken back to the Beginning of Things and discovered how in Truththere was No Beginning and No End. In particular I must mention how I wastaken back to the beginning of Words, and I Parzival (the Fool or Zero) was theWORD and even that was disintegrated so that the final Mystery Was AL =GOD and then that too disappeared in LA = NOT. THEN came the Flash of aNew Creation and again the Flash - the solution of the Mystery of CHANGEand also of the SELFLESSNESS which is SELF. I was also given a certain Mag-ical gesture, not now clear to me, which seemed to cause this Annihilation andReconstruction to be brought about. (Note. Oct. 19th. While typing thesenotes, another mystery becomes clear to me. In connection with Parzival andthe fulfillment of that Motto also. The mind was actually running backwards atthis time, as will be shown later on, and though possibly not quite perfectly tillafter the first Flash. Parzival, REVERSED and split into sections, would giveAL or LA, followed by ZIV or VIZ which numeration is 106 = ATTAINEDfollowed by PAR or RAP = CROWN, and ASHES, and these ideas (innate inthe Word) exactly correspond with what actually occurred.)Now let me say no more of this matter, but pass on. In March 1918 I soldall that I had in order to join Therion in New York.3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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