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  • Fun Kids Recipes, Mega Cookbook and Recipes Collection

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    Kids Recipes
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    Fun Kids Recipes
    All-Star Fudgy Baseballs and Bats
    1 c Carob powder
    1 c Water
    1/4 c Honey
    1/4 c Peanut butter (smooth or cru
    3/4 c Wheat germ
    3/4 c Rolled oats
    2 tb Dry milk powder
    1/2 c Unsweetened shredded coconut
    1 ts Cinnamon (optional)
    1/2 ts Grated orange rind (optional
    In a small saucepan, combine the carob and water. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly
    to prevent scorching. Add the honey and peanut butter and continue cooking for about 5 minutes,
    or until syrup is smooth and slightly thickened.
    In a large bowl, mix together the wheat germ, oats, milk powder, coconut, cinnamon, and orange
    rind (if desired).
    Pour about one cup of the carob syrup over the dry mixture, or as much as is needed to make a
    pliable, dough-like consistency. Store the remainder in the refrigerator and use as an icing or to
    make great milk shakes.
    Pinch off pieces of the dough and roll each piece between your palms into 2-inch-long tubes about
    the circumference of a fountain pen, tapered at one end in the shape of a baseball bat. Roll the rest
    into marble-sized balls.
    Apple Smiles
    1 Red medium apple; cored & sliced about 1/3" wide, not skinned!
    Peanut butter (creamy works best)
    Tiny marshmallows.
    Spread one side of each apple slice with peanut butter. Place three or four tiny marshmallows on
    top of the peanut butter on one apple slice. Top with another apple slice, peanut butter side down.
    Squeeze gently. Eat right away..makes 8-10
    Bunny Salad
    1 Chilled pear half
    2 Raisins
    1 Red cinnamon candy
    2 Blanched almonds
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    -cottage cheese ball
    Place crisp lettuce leaf on plate. On top of it, place pear upside down. Make bunny, using narrow
    end for face. Two raisins for the eyes, 1 red cinnamon candy for the nose and 2 blanched almonds
    for the ears. The cottage cheese ball makes the tail.
    Butterfly Bites
    2 Stalks of celery
    12 lg Three-ring pretzels
    6 tb Peanut butter or cream cheese
    About 18 raisins or currents
    12 Slivered almonds or enoki mushrooms
    Wash the celery. Using plastic knives, cut the celery into thirds. Fill each celery stalk with one
    tablespoon of either peanut butter or cream cheese. For the wings, gently push 1 pretzel into the
    filling, running parallel to the length of the celery stick. Do the same on the clery's other lengthwise
    side. Arrange the raisins or currents as the eyes, nose and mouth. For antennae, push the slivered
    almonds or mushroom cap into filling. If using mushrooms, arrange the spaghetti-like mushroom
    tips upward, like an antenna.
    Cat's Eyes
    1/2 c Peanut butter
    8 Ritz crackers
    1 Banana; cut into 8 slices
    8 Raisins
    Spread peanut butter on crackers and top each with a slice of banana. Place a raisin in center of
    each banana to form a cat's eye and repeat for all banana topped crackers. Source: Healthy Treats
    and Super Snacks for Kids
    Chocolate Spiders version #1
    4 cups semisweet chocolate baking chips
    Melt chocolate chips in top of double boiler. Let stand over the water until water is cool, about 10
    minutes. Place wax paper on cookie sheet. Pour chocolate into a pastry bag that is fitted with a
    1/8-inch or 1/4-inch tip. Squeeze chocolate onto wax paper in the shape of spiders. If chocolate is
    runny it needs to be cooled longer. Chill the spiders for about 10 minutes. When hard peel off wax
    paper. Store in refrigerator laid flat.
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    Chocolate Spiders version #2
    12 oz Twizzlers; chocolate flavor
    4 oz Milk chocolate candy melts
    Cut twizzlers into 1 1/2" pieces. Slice each piece in half lengthwise. On waxed paper place 4 legs
    (pieces) on each side and then drop 1 tsp melted candy in middle for body. Use a toothpick to
    smooth to uniform circle and connect all candy pieces. Cool completely before removing from
    waxed paper.
    Clown Faces
    Large Pancake
    3 x Orange Slices
    2 x Poached or fried Eggs
    1/2 Cherry Tomato
    Make the pancakes in advance and set them in oven to keep them warm. Poach or fry the eggs. To
    assemble the faces, place the pancakes on a plate, with eggs for eyes, orange slices for ears and
    mouth, and a tomato half for the nose.
    NOTE: For a lighter meal, omit the eggs and use apricot or peach halves for eyes and half a fresh
    cherry for a nose. Or, omit pancakes, assemble eggs directly on plate, and add a smile made from
    chopped, sauted potatoes.
    Daisy Apple
    2 Tbs. raisins
    2 Tbs. crunchy or creamy peanut butter
    1 Mcintosh apple
    Peanuts, for garnish (omit if making for small child)
    Set aside a few raisins for face. Stir remaining raisins into peanut butter. With apple corer or paring
    knife, remove core and seeds from apple. Using a small knife, push peanut butter mixture into
    center of apple. Make a happy face on top of peanut butter using reserved raisins. Arrange peanut
    halves around edge of peanut butter forming a circle. Chill before serving.
    Dirt Cups
    2 c Milk
    1 pk Chocolate Pudding, instant
    3 1/2 c Cool Whip
    16 oz Oreos
    8 Gummy Worms (opt)
    8 Plastic flowers (opt)
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    Pour milk into medium bowl, add pudding mix. Beat until well blended, 1 -2 minutes. Crush Oreos
    and set aside. Let stand 5 minutes. Stir in cool whip and half of cookies. To assemble: place 1 Tb
    crushed cookies in bottom of 8 oz cup. Fill cups about 3/4 full with pudding mixture. Top with
    remaining crumbs. Optional garnish: place flower in middle and put gummy worm halfway out of
    Easter Mints Kids Can Make
    1/3 c Soft butter
    1/3 c Light corn syrup
    1/2 ts Salt
    1 ts Flavoring
    3 1/2 c ( 1 lb ) sifted confectioner's sugar
    Large bowl
    Wooden spoon
    Paper plates
    This is a no-cook recipe the children can mix with their hands. Flavor it with any of the liquid
    flavorings in the supermarket, such as strawberry and lemon. If you want, you can instead divide it
    into three portions and add a few drops of food coloring to tint it yellow, red, and green. The knead
    a small amount of flavoring into each one. This recipe makes about 1 1/2 lbs of candy.
    Help the children measure all the ingredients into the large bowl. They can take turns stirring it
    with the wooden spoon until it becomes too stiff. Then they can knead it with their hands. They
    should continue kneading until the dough is smooth.
    Give each child a paper plate and a pencil. Tell them to turn their plates OVER and write their
    names on the Bottom to prevent pencil lead from getting on their mints. Help them hold their
    pencils correctly. Make sure they use upper and lower case letters.
    Give each child a portion of dough on his or her plate. The children can pinch off pieces, roll them
    into balls, and press them lightly with a fork to make a fancy butter mint. Children who cannot roll
    the candy into balls can make snakes, cut the snakes into pieces, and press the pieces with a fork.
    They might eat the pieces with the fork, but that's ok too.
    Leave the mints on the plates and refrigerate them for 30 minutes, until they become firm. Easter
    Mints taste even better the second day, if you can keep everyone from eating them all on the first
    day. Cover with plastic wrap and keep them in the refrigerator.
    Eyeballs on Ritz
    Eggs; hard boiled
    Black olives
    Ritz crackers
    Red food coloring
    Cut hard boiled eggs in half lengthwise. Remove yolks and make filling for deviled eggs. Cut out
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    small hole from bottom center of each egg (about 5/8" diameter.) Poke a black olive partway
    through each hole and hold in place by filling eggs with yolk filling. Place each egg, olive side up,
    on a ritz cracker. Paint red lines, resembling blood veins, with a toothpick on the eye.
    Fish in the River
    2 Celery stalks
    1/4 c Cream cheese; or other cheese spread (tinted green if desired)
    8 Goldfish crackers
    Trim and wash celery and fill with cheese. Top with crackers and serve.
    Food for a Hobo Hike
    4 cn Tuna (3 oz each)
    4 cn Baked beans (6 oz each)
    4 Oranges
    4 Plastic
    4 Bandana clots
    4 Children
    Place 1 can tuna, 1 can beans, 1 orange, and 1 fork on each banadana. Bring up corners and tie
    securely. Tie end to children's belt loop or attach to a stick and send them off on their hobo hike.
    Pack another hobo pouch for yourself and go along. Make sure someone has a Scout knife with a
    can opener attachment to open cans (much more fun struggling with one of these things than to
    take a conventional can opener). The oranges serve as both a drink and a dessert. Poke a hole in
    one end and after all the juice has been sucked out, open it and eat the flesh. The tuna and beans,
    of course, are eaten just as they come from the can. The bandanas serve as little tablecloths,
    napkins, and kerchiefs to be worn back home. Children love this hobo picnic--it's easy for you,
    nutritious, filling, and fun from them.
    Funny Face Carrot Salad
    2 carrots
    1 small can crushed pineapple
    1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
    Peel carrots. Roll up a few long shavings and save them for "hair" on a final salad. Grate carrots
    with a grater. Be careful of your fingers. Drain can of crushed pineapples in a strainer, using a
    spoon to push out the juice. Toss pineapple with carrots, then add vanilla yogurt. Spoon some
    salad onto a plate. Make a smiling face with raisins. Style carrot "hair", and serve with a smile.
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