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Fun Zone 1, testy jezyk angielski[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]F u Zone Przeznaczone dla nauczycieli korzystających z podręczników English Zone , Brainwaves i Project 4 Flashcard activities and photocopiable materials Fun Zone Fun Zone contains ideas for games and activities to give further practice of grammar and vocabulary which students will meet in grade 4. The aim of the activities is to give your students the opportunity to practise the language in a fun and communicative way.The activities can be used at the start of the class as a warmer, or at other points in the lesson to practise or review language. Fun Zone consists of: 1Flashcard activities: these activities can be used with English Zone 1 , Brainwaves 1 or Project 1 .They are designed to be used alongside the grade 4 flashcard pack, which contains 64 flashcards in total. (Some of the flashcards feature characters from English Zone 1 , who will not be familiar to teachers using either Brainwaves 1 or Project 1 .) 2Flashcard activities for use with English Zone 1 3 Fun with grammar and vocabulary: photocopiable activities for your students to do in pairs, groups or on their own. Again, these can be used with English Zone 1, Brainwaves 1 or Project 1. Guess the flashcard (10 minutes) Ta ke a piece of blank card a little larger than the flashcards and cut a hole in the middle. Move the hole over a flashcard and ask the children to guess what the picture is. Alternatively, put two flashcards face to face. Slowly pull away the first flashcard to reveal the picture on the other flashcard. The students try to guess what the picture is. Listen and point (10 minutes) Put flashcards up in a row at the front of the class. The students listen and point at the picture of the word you call out. Word race (10 minutes) Flash up individual cards very quickly. Ask the students to say the word without giving them a clue. The student who says the word first wins the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the race is the winner. Drawing games (15 minutes) Ask one student to come to the front of the class. Show the student a flashcard. The student draws what it is on the board while the rest of the class try to guess. You can extend this game by asking the student who guesses correctly to come to the front of the class and draw the next flashcard. 1Fashcard activities Flashcards are an excellent way of introducing, practising and revising a lot of vocabulary and some grammatical structures. This section provides some general techniques and games which can be adapted for use according to the individual teacher’s needs. Here the ideas are for the whole class, but most can be adapted to use with smaller groups and even pairs. Show me a picture (5-10 minutes) Hand out a set of flashcards to individual students. Students listen carefully and hold up the correct card when they hear you say the word for it. What’s the missing card? (10 minutes) Hand all the flashcards out so that each student has at least one. Slowly say all the words in the flashcard set except for one. The student who has it holds it up and the rest of the class says the word for it. Have a race! ( 15 minutes ) Stick several flashcards on the board in a row. Make sure that they are low enough for the students to reach. Divide the class into two teams. Call out one of the flashcards. The first two students from each team run to the board. The first student to touch the correct flashcard wins a point for the team. Continue with the other flashcards. Kim’s game (10 minutes) Stick about seven or eight flashcards on the board. Tell the students they have one minute to remember them all. At the end of the minute, remove the flashcards from the board and ask the class to name them. Miming games (10–15 minutes) Ask one student to come to the front of the class. Show the student a flashcard. The student mimes what it is while the rest of the class try to guess. You can extend this game by asking the student who guesses correctly to come to the front of the class and mime the next flashcard. Listen and do (10 minutes) Using a selected set of flashcards, give the students instructions, for example, touch the hamster, give the bicycle to Basia , etc. 2 Fun Zone Chinese whispers (15-20 minutes) Put several flashcards on your desk. Divide the class into two teams and ask them to sit or stand in two rows. Ask the first two students in each row to come to the desk. You whisper an instruction to each of them, for example, Give me the taxi . The two students go back to their rows and whisper the instruction to the next student in line. This student then whispers it to the next and so on until the last student in the row runs to your desk, picks up the correct flashcard and hands it to you. The first student to do this correctly wins a point for the team. flashcards and the number of the square where it can be found. If they do so correctly, remove the flashcard and draw an O or an X in the square. Each team should aim to get three correct in a row, diagonally, vertically or horizontally. Spelling games ( 10 minutes) Use the picture flashcards to drill spelling. Hold a flashcard up and ask the students to spell the word for you. Alternatively, you could ask them to come up to the board and write the word. Remember the sequence (10 minutes) Put four flashcards on the board. Say the words aloud and ask the class to repeat them. Now take the cards off the board and ask the students to tell you what order they should appear in. You can increase the number of flashcards you use as their confidence increases. You could also deliberately stick a flashcard out of sequence and let the students correct you. Grouping cards (10 minutes) Ask students to group cards together according to the things they have in common, for example, all animals together, all objects together, etc. Matching cards (10-20 minutes) Use word and picture flashcards together to do a matching game. Students match the pictures to the relevant words. You can extend this activity by giving each student one picture flashcard and one word flashcard at random. The students then walk round the class looking at each other’s flashcards. They should swap flashcards until they have two matching pairs each. True or false? (5-10 minutes) Hold up a flashcard, for example, the horse flashcard. Say: It’s a horse. True or false? The students should say Tr u e . Continue with other flashcards, deliberately introducing some false statements: It’s a mouse. – False! It’s a cat! What am I? (5-10 minutes) Ask one student to come to the front of the class and choose a flashcard at random. The rest of the class tries to guess what the student ‘is’ by asking simple questions, for example, Are you an animal? Note: this game can only be used with certain flashcards which will need to be selected first. Simon says (10 minutes) Put all the flashcards you want to use face up on a desk. Tell the class that they will need to take it in turns to listen to your instructions and follow them or not (depending on whether they hear you say Simon says .) Now give instructions to the students in turn, for example, Simon says stick the cat on the board . Put the bicycle on the floor .If you don’t say Simon says , the student should do nothing. Stand up, sit down! (5-10 minutes) Ask students to form three or four rows. Give each row a flashcard. Students listen to you carefully. When you call out the word for their flashcard, the whole row should sit down. When they hear a word for a different flashcard, they should stand up. Goal! (15 minutes) Put several flashcards on the floor where all the students can see them. Ask each student in turn to throw a coin on to one of the flashcards. If their coin lands on a flashcard, they must name the card. Noughts and crosses (20 minutes) Draw a 3 x 3 grid on the board and put a number 1-9 in each of the squares. Stick a flashcard in each of the nine squares. Divide the class into two teams. Each team takes turns to name one of the 3 Fun Zone 2Fashcard activities for use with English Zone 1 The following flashcard activities are for use alongside English Zone 1, although they could also be used to practise or revise the relevant language point in Project 1 and Brainwaves 1 .They are designed to practise particular areas of grammar and, where appropriate, vocabulary. Unit 3 Jobs vocabulary; Is it a …? Yes, it is/ No, it’s a … (10 minutes) 1 Use the job flashcards to present doctor, nurse, teacher , etc. Ask students to test each other in small groups or in pairs, using some of the flashcards. You could also play a Tr ue or false ? game here. Alternatively, offer the flashcards face down to each student and ask him or her to take one. The student holds the card up for the rest of the class to see. Ask: Is it a …? ( teacher/model/ footballer, etc.) to elicit the answers Yes, it is or No, it’s a … . 2 Use the job flashcards to play a miming game. Put the cards face down on your desk. Ask one student to come to the front of the class and choose a card. The student then mimes the job for the rest of the class to guess. 3 You could also play a spelling game with the job flashcards. Divide students into two teams. Show each team in turn one of the flashcards and get them to spell the word. Every correctly spelled word gets one point. Unit 1 Simple questions and statements; character names (5 minutes) Use the character flashcards to practise Who’s this ? and This is … . You could play a Tr ue or false game here (see notes on page 3), for example, hold up the flashcard of Sarah and say: This is Brandon . Let the students correct you. Pronouns he, she, it ; animal and object vocabulary ( 5-10 minutes ) Use several of the flashcards (characters, animals and objects) to drill he , she and it with your students. Tr y covering up one of the flashcards and slowly revealing the picture. The first student who guesses he , she , or it correctly keeps the flashcard. Continue until you have used up all the flashcards. Unit 5 Animal vocabulary; have got (10 minutes) 1 Use the animal flashcards to present and practise mouse, cat, dog, horse , etc. Stand at the front of the class and hold up one of the animal cards. Ask: What have I got ? The class answers: You’ve got a dog/bird/hamster , etc. Now let individual students hold up the cards and ask: What have I got? for the rest of the class to answer. 2 When the class is more confident, you could play a guessing game. Give one student a card which the rest of the class can’t see. Let the class ask the student questions using Have you got …? until they correctly guess the animal on the card. 3 Practise haven’t got by holding one of the animal cards, for example, the dog and asking: Have I got a cat? Elicit the answer: No, you haven’t. You’ve got a dog. 4 Put the animal cards face up on your desk. Ask students to come and pick up a card that represents an animal they’ve got as a pet at home. Encourage them to hold the card up and say, for example, I’ve got a hamster . Unit 2 Plurals; animal and object vocabulary ( 10 minutes ) Use the character, animal and object flashcards to practise the plural of nouns. For instance, hold up Max the dog’s flashcard and drill a dog , then hold up two fingers and drill two dogs ; continue until students understand what to do, then choose flashcards at random and give students a number, for example, hold up the flashcard of the bicycle and hold up five fingers: five bicycles . What’s this? This is … ; animal and object vocabulary (15 minutes) Use the character, animal and object flashcards to practise and revise This is … .For example, hold up the T-shirt flashcard and say: What’s this? Students reply: This is a T-shirt .Vary this activity by offering each student a flashcard, face down. The student turns over the flashcard, holds it up for the rest of the class to see, and says, for example, This is a mouse. Revision of What’s this ? It’s a … ; animal vocabulary (10 minutes) Use the animal flashcards to revise the grammar in Unit 3. Working in small groups, ask students to hold up the flashcards and ask each other questions using What’s this? and answering It’s a … . 4 Fun Zone Revision of plurals and numbers; animal vocabulary (10 minutes) 1 Use the animal flashcards to revise the plurals learnt in Unit 2. Hold up each card in turn and say: A cat/horse/bird , etc. Elicit a number and the plural form from the students: Four cats/horses/ birds , etc. 2 You could also revise large numbers this way. Write a number on the board and hold up a flashcard, for example, 71 and the rabbit card. Elicit: 71 rabbits from the class. correct place. Continue by mixing the cards up more and more. You could invite students to come to the board and re-order them, then read out the sequence to the rest of the class. 2 You could also practise the present simple by playing a short game of Show me a picture (see notes on page 2). Give a set of the flashcards to individual students. Now say: I get up at seven o’clock . I have breakfast at seven thirty , etc. As you say each sentence the student holds up the correct card for the class to see. Unit 6 Family vocabulary; possessive ’ s ( 10 minutes ) 1 Use the flashcards of Sarah’s family and friends to present the words father, mother, aunt, uncle , etc. Next use them to introduce the idea of the possessive ’s . Hold each card up in turn and say, for example, Who’s this? – It’s Sarah’s mother . Repeat the exercise, allowing each student a turn at saying who is who. 2 You could play a game of listen and point here. Stick the family flashcards on the board. Say, for example, Show me Sarah’s teacher . Students take turns to go up to the board and point at the relevant card. Adverbs of frequency; verbs (10 minutes) Practise these using the action flashcards. Stick all the action flashcards on the board. Divide the students into small groups or pairs. Next get students to tell each other when they do the things on the board, I usually watch TV at six o’clock. I never get up at nine o’clock, etc. Short answers (20 minutes) Practise short answers by holding up the action cards and saying to a student: You get up at three o’clock . The student answers: No, I don’t. Say to another student: You go to school at 8.15 .The student says: Yes, I do . Let students practise mini dialogues like these in pairs. Give each pair a flashcard to use as a prompt. Go round monitoring the pairs and swapping the flashcards round so that they practise a variety of verbs. Clothes vocabulary; possessive adjectives (10 minutes) When students are confident with my, your, his , etc., you could use the clothing flashcards (or the animal flashcards) to practise possessive adjectives. Hold up a flashcard and point at yourself. Say: It’s my shirt/skirt/jacket. Next hold up a different card and give it to a student. Say: They’re your trainers. Practise his and her by pointing at individual students and eliciting the statement: They’re his trousers , etc. Unit 8 Clothes vocabulary; What’s this? What are these? (10 minutes) 1 Use the clothing flashcards ( trainers , trousers , T-shirt, etc.) to present and practise clothes vocabulary. When you are confident that the students are becoming familiar with the new words, see if they can point at the clothing they are wearing. Hold up the trousers flashcards. Say: Show me some trousers and encourage students to point at their own trousers. 2 Use picture and word flashcards together to play a matching game. Stick the picture and word flashcards on the board and invite students to come up and make matching pairs. Unit 7 Present simple; verbs (10-20 minutes) 1 Use the action flashcards ( have lunch, get up, go to school, etc . ) to present and practise the present simple for daily routines. When students are more confident, you can play a sequencing game with the flashcards on the board, like this: first put the flashcards in the correct order ( Sarah gets up, has breakfast, goes to school , etc.); students practise saying present simple sentences about Sarah. Now ask the students to close their eyes. Move one of the flashcards so that it’s out of order. Ask students to go through the sequence again, putting the card back in its Revision of colours and clothes vocabulary (20 minutes) Use the clothing flashcards to revise colours. You could do this by playing Kim’s game (see notes on page 2). Stick five flashcards on the board and give students a minute to try to memorise the colours. Now take all the flashcards down. Divide the class 5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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