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Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology - 8e - M12 MART5891 08 SE C12, Angielskie [EN](4)(2)[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]12 Neural Tissue Did you know...? Sixty percent of the sensory neurons innervate the forehead and hands. Learning Outcomes After completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 12-1 Describe the anatomical and functional divisions of the nervous system. 12-2 Sketch and label the structure of a typical neuron, describe the functions of each component, and classify neurons on the basis of their structure and function. 12-3 Describe the locations and functions of the various types of neuroglia. 12-4 Explain how the resting potential is created and maintained. 12-5 Describe the events involved in the generation and propagation of an action potential. 12-6 Discuss the factors that affect the speed with which action potentials are propagated. 12-7 Describe the structure of a synapse, and explain the mechanism involved in synaptic activity. 12-8 Describe the major types of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, and discuss their effects on postsynaptic membranes. 12-9 Discuss the interactions that enable information processing to occur in neural tissue. Clinical Notes Rabies p. 390 Tumors p. 395 Demyelination p. 397 387 Chapter 12 Neural Tissue An Introduction to Neural Tissue The peripheral nervous system (PNS) includes all the neural tissue outside the CNS. The PNS delivers sensory in- formation to the CNS and carries motor commands to periph- eral tissues and systems. Bundles of axons, or nerve fibers , carry sensory information and motor commands in the PNS. Such bundles, with associated blood vessels and connective tissues, are called peripheral nerves , or simply nerves . Nerves connected to the brain are called cranial nerves ; those at- tached to the spinal cord are called spinal nerves . This chapter considers the structure of neural tissue and in- troduces the basic principles of neurophysiology. The nervous system includes all the neural tissue in the body. l p. 141 The basic functional units of the nervous system are individ- ual cells called neurons . Supporting cells, or neuroglia (noo- ROG-le-uh or noo-ro-GLE-uh; glia , glue), separate and protect the neurons, provide a supportive framework for neu- ral tissue, act as phagocytes, and help regulate the composi- tion of the interstitial fluid. Neuroglia, also called glial cells , far outnumber neurons. Neural tissue, with supporting blood vessels and connec- tive tissues, forms the organs of the nervous system: the brain; the spinal cord; the receptors in complex sense organs, such as the eye and ear; and the nerves that link the nervous sys- tem with other systems. In the Systems Overview section (pp. 148–156), we introduced the two major anatomical di- visions of the nervous system: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The Functional Divisions of the Nervous System The PNS is divided into afferent and efferent divisions. The afferent division ( ad , to ferre , to carry) of the PNS brings sensory information to the CNS from receptors in peripheral tissues and organs. Receptors are sensory structures that ei- ther detect changes in the internal environment or respond to the presence of specific stimuli. There are complex receptor organs, such as the eye or ear; at the cellular level, receptors range from the dendrites (slender cytoplasmic extensions) of single cells to complex organs. Receptors may be neurons or specialized cells of other tissues. l p. 168 The efferent division ( effero , to bring out) of the PNS carries motor commands from the CNS to muscles, glands, and adipose tissue. These target organs, which respond by doing something, are called effectors . The efferent division has both somatic and autonomic components. Tips & Tricks To distinguish between afferent and efferent, associate the “a” in a fferent with the “a” in a ccessing, and the “e” in e fferent with the “e” in e xiting. 12-1 The nervous system has anatomical and functional divisions In this section we provide an overview of the nervous system. We begin with anatomical and functional perspectives. The Anatomical Divisions of the Nervous System Viewed anatomically, the nervous system has two divisions: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous sys- tem. The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the spinal cord and brain. These are complex organs that include not only neural tissue, but also blood vessels and the various connective tissues that provide physical protection and sup- port. The CNS is responsible for integrating, processing, and coordinating sensory data and motor commands. Sensory data convey information about conditions inside or outside the body. Motor commands control or adjust the activities of peripheral organs, such as skeletal muscles. When you stum- ble, for example, the CNS integrates information regarding your balance and the position of your limbs and then coordi- nates your recovery by sending motor commands to appro- priate skeletal muscles—all in a split second and without conscious effort. The CNS—specifically, the brain—is also the seat of higher functions, such as intelligence, memory, learning, and emotion. • The somatic nervous system (SNS) controls skeletal muscle contractions. Voluntary contractions are under conscious control. For example, you exert conscious control over your arm as you raise a full glass of water to your lips. Involuntary contractions may be simple, automatic responses or complex movements, but they are controlled at the subconscious level, outside your awareness. For instance, if you accidentally place your hand on a hot stove, you will withdraw it immediately, usually before you even notice any pain. This type of automatic response is called a reflex . • The autonomic nervous system (ANS) , or visceral motor system , provides automatic regulation of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular secretions at the subconscious level. The ANS includes a sympathetic division and a parasympathetic division , which commonly 388 Unit 3 Control and Regulation 12-2 Neurons are nerve cells specialized for intercellular communication have antagonistic effects. For example, activity of the sympathetic division accelerates the heart rate, whereas parasympathetic activity slows the heart rate. Now that we have completed a brief orientation on the nervous system as a whole, we can examine the structure of neural tissue and the functional principles that govern neural activities. We begin by considering neurons, the basic func- tional units of the nervous system. In this section, we will examine the structure of a representa- tive neuron before considering the structural and functional classifications of neurons. The Structure of Neurons CHECKPOINT 1. Identify the two anatomical divisions of the nervous system. 2. Identify the two functional divisions of the peripheral nervous system, and cite their primary functions. 3. Identify the two components of the efferent division of the PNS. 4. What would be the effect of damage to the afferent division of the PNS? See the blue Answers tab at the end of the book. Figure 12–1 shows the structure of a representative neuron. Neurons have a variety of shapes. The one shown is a multipolar neuron , the most common type of neuron in the central nervous system. Each multipolar neuron has a large cell body that is connected to a single, elongate axon and sev- eral short, branched dendrites . The Cell Body The cell body , or soma (plural, somata ), contains a rela- tively large, round nucleus with a prominent nucleolus ( Figure 12–1 ). The cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus con- stitutes the perikaryon (per-i-KAR-e-on; peri, around Dendrites Perikaryon Cell body Nucleus Dendritic branches Telodendria Axon Nissl bodies (RER and free ribosomes) (a) Regions of a neuron Mitochondrion Axon hillock Initial segment of axon Axolemma Axon Telodendria Golgi apparatus Neurofilament Synaptic terminals Nucleus Nucleolus See Figure 12-2 Dendrite PRESYNAPTIC CELL POSTSYNAPTIC CELL (b) Structural components of a neuron Figure 12–1 The Anatomy of a Multipolar Neuron. (a) The general structure of a neuron and its primary components. (b) A more detailed view of a neuron, showing major organelles. 389 Chapter 12 Neural Tissue karyon , nucleus). The cytoskeleton of the perikaryon con- tains neurofilaments and neurotubules , which are similar to the intermediate filaments and microtubules of other types of cells. Bundles of neurofilaments, called neurofibrils , extend into the dendrites and axon, providing internal support for these slender processes. The perikaryon contains organelles that provide energy and synthesize organic materials, especially the chemical neurotransmitters that are important in cell-to-cell communi- cation. l p. 304 The numerous mitochondria, free and fixed ribosomes, and membranes of rough endoplasmic retic- ulum (RER) give the perikaryon a coarse, grainy appearance. Mitochondria generate ATP to meet the high energy demands of an active neuron. The ribosomes and RER synthesize pro- teins. Some areas of the perikaryon contain clusters of RER and free ribosomes. These regions, which stain darkly, are called Nissl bodies , because they were first described by the German microscopist Franz Nissl. Nissl bodies account for the gray color of areas containing neuron cell bodies—the gray matter seen in gross dissection. Most neurons lack centrioles, important organelles in- volved in the organization of the cytoskeleton and the move- ment of chromosomes during mitosis. l p. 102 As a result, typical CNS neurons cannot divide; thus, they cannot be re- placed if lost to injury or disease. Although neural stem cells persist in the adult nervous system, they are typically inactive except in the nose, where the regeneration of olfactory (smell) receptors maintains our sense of smell, and in the hippocampus , a portion of the brain involved with memory storage. The control mechanisms that trigger neural stem cell activity are now being investigated, with the goal of prevent- ing or reversing neuron loss due to trauma, disease, or aging. Dendrites and Axons A variable number of slender, sensitive processes known as dendrites extend out from the cell body ( Figure 12–1 ). Typi- cal dendrites are highly branched, and each branch bears fine 0.5- to 1-mm-long studded processes called dendritic spines . In the CNS, a neuron receives information from other neu- rons primarily at the dendritic spines, which represent 80–90 percent of the neuron’s total surface area. An axon is a long cytoplasmic process capable of propagat- ing an electrical impulse known as an action potential . l p. 304 The axoplasm (AK-so-plazm), or cytoplasm of the axon, contains neurofibrils, neurotubules, small vesicles, lyso- somes, mitochondria, and various enzymes. The axoplasm is surrounded by the axolemma ( lemma , husk), a specialized portion of the plasma membrane. In the CNS, the axolemma may be exposed to the interstitial fluid or covered by the processes of neuroglia. The base, or initial segment , of the axon in a multipolar neuron is attached to the cell body at a thickened region known as the axon hillock ( Figure 12–1 ). An axon may branch along its length, producing side branches collectively known as collaterals . Collaterals en- able a single neuron to communicate with several other cells. The main axon trunk and any collaterals end in a series of fine extensions, or telodendria (tel-o-DEN-dre-uh; telo -, end dendron , tree) ( Figure 12–1 ). The telodendria of an axon end at synaptic terminals . The Synapse Each synaptic terminal is part of a synapse , a specialized site where the neuron communicates with another cell ( Figure 12–2 ). Every synapse involves two cells: (1) the presynaptic cell , which Telodendrion Synaptic knob Endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondrion Synaptic vesicles Presynaptic membrane Postsynaptic membrane Synaptic cleft Figure 12–2 The Structure of a Typical Synapse. A diagrammatic view (at left) and a micrograph (at right) of a typical synapse between two neurons. (TEM, color enhanced, × 222,000). 390 Unit 3 Control and Regulation includes the synaptic terminal and sends a message; and (2) the postsynaptic cell , which receives the message. The communica- tion between cells at a synapse most commonly involves the re- lease of chemicals called neurotransmitters by the synaptic terminal. These chemicals, released by the presynaptic cell, affect the activity of the postsynaptic cell. As we saw in Chapter 10, this release is triggered by electrical events, such as the arrival of an action potential. Neurotransmitters are typically packaged in synaptic vesicles . The presynaptic cell is usually a neuron. (Specialized re- ceptor cells may form synaptic connections with the dendrites of neurons, a process that will be described in Chapter 15.) The postsynaptic cell can be either a neuron or another type of cell. When one neuron communicates with another, the synapse may occur on a dendrite, on the cell body, or along the length of the axon of the receiving cell. A synapse between a neuron and a muscle cell is called a neuromuscular junction . l p. 304 At a neuroglandular junction , a neuron controls or regulates the activity of a secretory (gland) cell. Neurons also innervate a variety of other cell types, such as adipocytes (fat cells). We will consider the nature of that innervation in later chapters. The structure of the synaptic terminal varies with the type of postsynaptic cell. A relatively simple, round synaptic knob occurs where the postsynaptic cell is another neuron. 1 At a synapse, a narrow synaptic cleft separates the presynaptic membrane , where neurotransmitters are released, from the postsynaptic membrane , which bears receptors for neuro- transmitters ( Figure 12–2 ). The synaptic terminal at a neuro- muscular junction is much more complex. We will primarily consider the structure of synaptic knobs in this chapter, leav- ing the details of other types of synaptic terminals to later chapters. Each synaptic knob contains mitochondria, portions of the endoplasmic reticulum, and thousands of vesicles filled with neurotransmitter molecules. Breakdown products of neurotransmitters released at the synapse are reabsorbed and reassembled at the synaptic knob, which also receives a con- tinuous supply of neurotransmitters synthesized in the cell body, along with enzymes and lysosomes. These materials travel the length of the axon along neurotubules, pulled along by “molecular motors,” called kinesin and dynein , that run on ATP. The movement of materials between the cell body and synaptic knobs is called axoplasmic transport . Some mater- ials travel slowly, at rates of a few millimeters per day. This transport mechanism is known as the “slow stream.” Vesicles containing neurotransmitters move much more rapidly, trav- eling in the “fast stream” at 5–10 mm per hour. Axoplasmic transport occurs in both directions. The flow of materials from the cell body to the synaptic knob is anterograde (AN-ter-o-grad; antero- , forward) flow, carried by kinesin. At the same time, other substances are being trans- ported toward the cell body in retrograde (RET-ro-grad) flow ( retro , backward), carried by dynein. If debris or unusual chem- icals appear in the synaptic knob, retrograde flow soon delivers them to the cell body. The arriving materials may then alter the activity of the cell by turning appropriate genes on or off. CLINICAL NOTE Rabies Rabies is perhaps the most dramatic example of a clinical condition directly related to retrograde flow. A bite from a rabid animal injects the rabies virus into peripheral tissues, where virus particles quickly enter synaptic knobs and peripheral axons. Retrograde flow then carries the virus into the CNS, with fatal results. Many toxins (including heavy metals), some pathogenic bacteria, and other viruses also bypass CNS defenses by exploiting axoplasmic transport. The Classification of Neurons Neurons can be grouped by structure or by function. Structural Classification of Neurons Neurons are classified as anaxonic, bipolar, unipolar, or mul- tipolar on the basis of the relationship of the dendrites to the cell body and the axon ( Figure 12–3 ): • Anaxonic (an-ak-SON-ik) neurons are small and have no anatomical features that distinguish dendrites from axons; all the cell processes look alike. Anaxonic neurons are located in the brain and in special sense organs. Their functions are poorly understood. • Bipolar neurons have two distinct processes—one dendritic process that branches extensively at its distal tip, and one axon—with the cell body between the two. Bipolar neurons are rare, but occur in special sense organs, where they relay information about sight, smell, or hearing from receptor cells to other neurons. Bipolar neurons are small; the largest measure less than 30 mm from end to end. • In a unipolar neuron ,or pseudounipolar neuron , the dendrites and axon are continuous—basically, fused—and the cell body lies off to one side. In such a neuron, the initial segment lies where the dendrites converge. The rest of the process, which carries action potentials, is usually considered to be an axon. Most sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system are unipolar. Their axons may extend a meter or more, ending at synapses in the central 1 The term synaptic knob is widely recognized and will be used throughout this text. However, the same structures are also called terminal buttons, terminal bou- tons, end bulbs, or neuropods. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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