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Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology - 8e - M27 MART5891 08 SE C27, Angielskie [EN](4)(2)[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]Acid–Base Balance 27 Did you know...? Electrolyte levels often change when water levels in the body change. Exhaustive exercise can cause potentially dangerous disruptions of fluid and electrolyte balance. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Learning Outcomes After completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 27-1 Explain what is meant by the terms fluid balance, electrolyte balance, and acid–base balance, and discuss their importance for homeostasis. 27-2 Compare the composition of intracellular and extracellular fluids, explain the basic concepts involved in the regulation of fluids and electrolytes, and identify the hormones that play important roles in fluid and electrolyte regulation. 27-3 Describe the movement of fluid within the ECF, between the ECF and the ICF, and between the ECF and the environment. 27-4 Discuss the mechanisms by which sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride ion concentrations are regulated to maintain electrolyte balance. 27-5 Explain the buffering systems that balance the pH of the intracellular and extracellular fluids, and describe the compensatory mechanisms involved in the maintenance of acid–base balance. 27-6 Identify the most frequent disturbances of acid–base balance, and explain how the body responds when the pH of body fluids varies outside normal limits. 27-7 Describe the effects of aging on fluid, electrolyte, and acid–base balance. Clinical Notes Water and Weight Loss p. 1017 Athletes and Salt Loss p. 1020 1010 Unit 5 Environmental Exchange An Introduction to Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance In this chapter, we will consider the dynamics of ex- change among the various body fluids, and between the body and the external environment. Stabilizing the volumes, solute concentrations, and pH of the ECF and the ICF involves three interrelated processes: The next time you see a small pond, think about the fish it contains. They live out their lives totally dependent on the quality of that isolated environment. Severe water pollution will kill them, but even subtle changes can have equally grave effects. Changes in the volume of the pond, for example, can be quite important. If evaporation removes too much of the water, the fish become overcrowded; oxygen and food sup- plies run out, and the fish suffocate or starve. The ionic con- centration of the water is also crucial. Most of the fish in a freshwater pond will die if the water becomes too salty; those in a saltwater pond will die if their environment becomes too dilute. The pH of the pond water, too, is a vital factor; that is one reason acid rain is such a problem. Your cells live in a pond whose shores are the exposed sur- faces of your skin. Most of your body weight is water. Water ac- counts for up to 99 percent of the volume of the fluid outside cells, and it is an essential ingredient of cytoplasm. All of a cell’s operations rely on water as a diffusion medium for the distribu- tion of gases, nutrients, and waste products. If the water content of the body changes, cellular activities are jeopardized. For ex- ample, when the water content reaches very low levels, proteins denature, enzymes cease functioning, and cells die. This chap- ter discusses the homeostatic mechanisms that regulate ion concentrations, volume, and pH in the fluid surrounding cells. 1. Fluid Balance. Yo u a re i n fluid balance when the amount of water you gain each day is equal to the amount you lose to the environment. The maintenance of normal fluid bal- ance involves regulating the content and distribution of body water in the ECF and the ICF. The digestive system is the primary source of water gains; a small amount of addi- tional water is generated by metabolic activity. The urinary system is the primary route for water loss under normal conditions, but as we saw in Chapter 25, sweat gland ac- tivity can become important when body temperature is el- evated. l p. 958 Although cells and tissues cannot transport water, they can transport ions and create concen- tration gradients that are then eliminated by osmosis. 2. Electrolyte Balance. Electrolytes are ions released through the dissociation of inorganic compounds; they are so named because they can conduct an electrical cur- rent in a solution. l p. 41 Each day, your body fluids gain electrolytes from the food and drink you consume, and lose electrolytes in urine, sweat, and feces. For each ion, daily gains must balance daily losses. For example, if you lose 500 mg of Na in urine and insensible perspira- tion, you need to gain 500 mg of Na from food and drink to remain in sodium balance. If the gains and losses for every electrolyte are in balance, you are said to be in electrolyte balance . Electrolyte balance primarily in- volves balancing the rates of absorption across the diges- tive tract with rates of loss at the kidneys, although losses at sweat glands and other sites can play a secondary role. 3. Acid–Base Balance. You are in acid–base balance when the production of hydrogen ions in your body is precisely off- set by their loss. When acid–base balance exists, the pH of body fluids remains within normal limits. l p. 43 Pre- venting a reduction in pH is the primary problem, because your body generates a variety of acids during normal meta- bolic operations. The kidneys play a major role by secreting hydrogen ions into the urine and generating buffers that en- ter the bloodstream. Such secretion occurs primarily in the distal segments of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and along the collecting system. l p. 989 The lungs also play a key role through the elimination of carbon dioxide. 27-1 Fluid balance, electrolyte balance, and acid–base balance are interrelated and essential to homeostasis To survive, we must maintain a normal volume and composi- tion of both the extracellular fluid or ECF (the interstitial fluid, plasma, and other body fluids) and the intracellular fluid or ICF (the cytosol). The ionic concentrations and pH (hydrogen ion concentration) of these fluids are as important as their absolute quantities. If concentrations of calcium or potas- sium ions in the ECF become too high, cardiac arrhythmias de- velop and death can result. A pH outside the normal range can also lead to a variety of serious problems. Low pH is especially dangerous, because hydrogen ions break chemical bonds, change the shapes of complex molecules, disrupt plasma mem- branes, and impair tissue functions. Much of the material in this chapter was introduced in ear- lier chapters, in discussions considering aspects of fluid, elec- trolyte, or acid–base balance that affect specific systems. This chapter provides an overview that integrates those discussions to highlight important functional patterns. Few other chapters have such wide-ranging clinical importance: The treatment of Tips & Tricks The “p” in pH refers to power. Hence, pH refers to the p ower of H ydrogen. 1011 Chapter 27 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base Balance 27-2 The ECF and ICF make up the fluid compartments, which also contain cations and anions any serious illness affecting the nervous, cardiovascular, respi- ratory, urinary, or digestive system must include steps to restore normal fluid, electrolyte, and acid–base balances. Because this chapter builds on information presented in earlier chapters, you will encounter many references to relevant discussions and fig- ures that can provide a quick review. Figure 27–1a presents an overview of the body composition of a 70-kg (154-pound) individual with a minimum of body fat. The distribution was obtained by averaging values for males and females ages 18–40 years. Water accounts for roughly 60 percent of the total body weight of an adult male, and 50 percent of that of an adult female ( Figure 27–1b ). This dif- ference between the sexes primarily reflects the proportion- ately larger mass of adipose tissue in adult females, and the greater average muscle mass in adult males. (Adipose tissue is CHECKPOINT 1. Identify the three interrelated processes essential to stabilizing body fluid volumes. 2. List the components of extracellular fluid (ECF) and intracellular fluid (ICF), respectively. See the blue Answers tab at the end of the book. WATER (38.5 kg; 84.7 lbs) SOLIDS (31.5 kg; 69.3 lbs) 20 15 Other 15 Plasma 10 Kg Liters 10 Interstitial fluid 5 5 0 Proteins Lipids Minerals Carbohydrates Miscellaneous Intracellular fluid Extracellular fluid (a) TE T E Interstitial fluid 18% Intracellular fluid 33% Interstitial fluid 21.5% Intracellular fluid 27% Other Solids 50% (proteins, lipids, minerals, carbohydrates, organic and inorganic materials) Solids 40% (proteins, lipids, minerals, carbohydrates, organic and inorganic materials) Other S S Adult male Adult female (b) Figure 27–1 The Composition of the Human Body. (a) The body composition (by weight, averaged for both sexes) and major body fluid compartments of a 70-kg individual. For technical reasons, it is extremely difficult to determine the precise size of any of these compartments; estimates of their relative sizes vary widely. (b) A comparison of the body compositions of adult males and females, ages 18–40 years. 1012 Unit 5 Environmental Exchange only 10 percent water, whereas skeletal muscle is 75 percent water.) In both sexes, intracellular fluid contains a greater proportion of total body water than does extracellular fluid. Exchange between the ICF and the ECF occurs across plasma membranes bicarbonate. The ICF contains an abundance of potassium, magnesium, and phosphate ions, plus large numbers of neg- atively charged proteins. Figure 27–2 compares the ICF with the two major subdivisions of the ECF. If the plasma membrane were freely permeable, diffusion would continue until these ions were evenly distributed across the membrane. But it does not, because plasma mem- branes are selectively permeable: Ions can enter or leave the cell only via specific membrane channels. In addition, carrier mechanisms move specific ions into or out of the cell. Despite the differences in the concentration of specific sub- stances, the osmotic concentrations of the ICF and ECF are identical. Osmosis eliminates minor differences in concentra- tion almost at once, because most plasma membranes are freely permeable to water. (The only noteworthy exceptions are the apical surfaces of epithelial cells along the ascending limb of the nephron loop, the distal convoluted tubule, and the collect- ing system.) Because changes in solute concentrations lead to immediate changes in water distribution, the regulation of fluid balance and that of electrolyte balance are tightly intertwined. Physiologists and clinicians pay particular attention to ionic distributions across membranes and to the electrolyte composition of body fluids. The Appendix reports normal values in the units most often used in clinical reports. by osmosis, diffusion, and carrier-mediated transport. (To review the mechanisms involved, see Table 3–3, p. 99.) The ECF and the ICF The largest subdivisions of the ECF are the interstitial fluid of peripheral tissues and the plasma of circulating blood ( Figure 27–1a ). Minor components of the ECF include lymph, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), synovial fluid, serous flu- ids (pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal fluids), aqueous hu- mor, perilymph, and endolymph. More precise measurements of total body water provide additional information on sex- linked differences in the distribution of body water ( Figure 27–1b ). The greatest variation is in the ICF, as a result of differences in the intracellular water content of fat versus muscle. Less striking differences occur in the ECF values, due to variations in the interstitial fluid volume of various tissues and the larger blood volume in males versus females. In clinical situations, it is customary to estimate that two- thirds of the total body water is in the ICF and one-third in the ECF. This ratio underestimates the real volume of the ECF, but that underestimation is appropriate because portions of the ECF—including the water in bone, in many dense connective tissues, and in many of the minor ECF components—are rel- atively isolated. Exchange between these fluid volumes and the rest of the ECF occurs more slowly than does exchange between plasma and other interstitial fluids. As a result, they can be safely ignored in many cases. Clinical attention is usu- ally focused on the rapid fluid and solute movements associ- ated with the administration of blood, plasma, or saline solutions to counteract blood loss or dehydration. Exchange among the subdivisions of the ECF occurs pri- marily across the endothelial lining of capillaries. Fluid may also travel from the interstitial spaces to plasma through lym- phatic vessels that drain into the venous system. l p. 779 The identities and quantities of dissolved electrolytes, pro- teins, nutrients, and waste products in the ECF vary region- ally. (For a chemical analysis of the composition of ECF compartments, see the Appendix.) Still, the variations among the segments of the ECF seem minor compared with the ma- jor differences between the ECF and the ICF. The ECF and ICF are called fluid compartments , be- cause they commonly behave as distinct entities. The pres- ence of a plasma membrane and active transport at the membrane surface enable cells to maintain internal environ- ments with a composition that differs from their surround- ings. The principal ions in the ECF are sodium, chloride, and Basic Concepts in the Regulation of Fluids and Electrolytes Before we can proceed to a discussion of fluid balance and elec- trolyte balance, you must understand four basic principles: 1. All the Homeostatic Mechanisms That Monitor and Adjust the Composition of Body Fluids Respond to Changes in the ECF, Not in the ICF. Receptors monitoring the composi- tion of two key components of the ECF—plasma and cerebrospinal fluid—detect significant changes in their composition or volume and trigger appropriate neural and endocrine responses. This arrangement makes func- tional sense, because a change in one ECF component will spread rapidly throughout the extracellular compart- ment and affect all the body’s cells. In contrast, the ICF is contained within trillions of individual cells that are physically and chemically isolated from one another by their plasma membranes. Thus, changes in the ICF in one cell have no direct effect on the composition of the ICF in distant cells and tissues, unless those changes also affect the ECF. 2. No Receptors Directly Monitor Fluid or Electrolyte Balance. In other words, receptors cannot detect how many liters of water or grams of sodium, chloride, or potassium the body contains, or count how many liters or grams we gain or lose in the course of a day. But receptors can mon- 1013 Chapter 27 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base Balance CATIONS ANIONS ECF ICF ECF ICF 200 200 KEY Cations Na + HCO 3 – Na + Cl – K + 150 150 Ca 2 + HCO 3 – HCO 3 – Mg 2 + HPO 4 2 – K + Anions 100 100 HCO 3 – Cl – Na + Cl – Na + SO 4 2 – Cl – HPO 4 2 – SO 4 2 – 50 50 HPO 4 2 – Organic acid Proteins Org. acid HPO 4 2 – SO 4 2 – Mg 2 + Proteins K + Proteins K + Ca 2 + 0 0 Plasma Plasma Interstitial fluid Intracellular fluid Interstitial fluid Intracellular fluid Figure 27–2 Cations and Anions in Body Fluids. Notice the differences in cation and anion concentrations in the various body fluid compartments. For information about the composition of other body fluids, see the Appendix. itor plasma volume and osmotic concentration . Because fluid continuously circulates between interstitial fluid and plasma, and because exchange occurs between the ECF and the ICF, the plasma volume and osmotic con- centration are good indicators of the state of fluid balance and electrolyte balance for the body as a whole. 3. Cells Cannot Move Water Molecules by Active Transport. All movement of water across plasma membranes and ep- ithelia occurs passively, in response to osmotic gradients established by the active transport of specific ions, such as sodium and chloride. You may find it useful to remem- ber that “water follows salt . ” As we saw in earlier chapters, when sodium and chloride ions (or other solutes) are ac- tively transported across a membrane or epithelium, wa- ter follows by osmosis. l p. 986 This basic principle accounts for water absorption across the digestive epithe- lium, and for water conservation in the kidneys. 4. The Body’s Content of Water or Electrolytes Will Rise if Di- etary Gains Exceed Losses to the Environment, and Will Fall if Losses Exceed Gains. This basic rule is important when you consider the mechanics of fluid balance and elec- trolyte balance. Homeostatic adjustments generally affect the balance between urinary excretion and dietary ab- sorption. As we saw in Chapter 26, the physiological ad- justments in renal function are regulated primarily by circulating hormones. These hormones can also produce complementary changes in behavior. For example, the combination of angiotensin II and aldosterone can give you a sensation of thirst—which stimulates you to drink fluids—and a taste for heavily salted foods. An Overview of the Primary Regulatory Hormones Major physiological adjustments affecting fluid balance and electrolyte balance are mediated by three hormones: (1) anti- diuretic hormone (ADH) , (2) aldosterone , and (3) the natri- uretic peptides (ANP and BNP) . These hormones were introduced and discussed in earlier chapters; we will summa- rize their effects next. Those interested in a more detailed re- view should refer to the appropriate sections of Chapters 18, 21, and 26. The interactions among these hormones were il- lustrated in Figures 18–17b, 21–16, 21–17 , and 26–11 (pp. 636, 743, 746, 983). [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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