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Fairy tales2, filologia angielska, studia[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]Beauty and the Beast A Classic Tales Play developed by Donatella Fitzgerald from the Classic Tale retold by Sue Arengo. The story of Beauty and the Beast Once upon a time there was a rich man who had three sons and three daughters. He had a lot of ships and the family lived in a big house by the sea. All the daughters were very beautiful but the most beautiful was the youngest daughter and everyone called her ‘Beauty’. Beauty loved reading. But her older sisters only liked fine clothes and parties. They laughed at Beauty. One day there was a terrible storm and all the man’s ships were lost at sea. Suddenly he had no money. He had to sell his big house and the family moved to a little house in the country. ‘You will have to work now,’ the man told his children. ‘But we don’t know how to work, Father,’ said the two older sisters. ‘And we can’t live here. It’s too small.’ But Beauty worked hard for her father and her brothers. Every day she got up early. She did all the work in the house. Her sisters did nothing. One day the man had a letter. He told his children, ‘I must go away on business. One of my ships has come back from the East and we are rich again.’ The two older daughters asked their father to buy them new dresses. Beauty only wanted a rose. But, when the man found his ship, his friend said, ‘Your gold has gone, and your ship has holes in it.’ Then the man remembered his daughters. He couldn’t buy fine dresses, but he bought two cheap little bags for them. He wanted to buy a rose for Beauty but the flower girl didn’t have any. On the way home, the man lost his way in a forest. A strange wind blew and it began to snow. He saw a light through the trees and went into a strange palace. There he found dinner, a bed, fine clothes, and a good breakfast. But he saw nobody. In the morning the sun shone. He picked a rose from the garden for Beauty. When he picked the rose, an angry Beast came and said that he must die. The man said that he only wanted a rose for his daughter. The Beast wanted one of the man’s daughters to come and live with him in his palace. If not, the man must die. So the man went home and told his family the terrible news. Beauty said that her father would not die. She would go and live with the Beast. So she went to the palace with her father. That night she had a dream. A fairy told her that something good would happen to her. Beauty lived with the Beast and he was kind to her. He gave her presents of books and fine dresses. Then one day Beauty looked in a magic mirror and saw that her father was ill and all alone. She wanted to visit her father and asked the Beast if she could go back to him for just one week. The Beast gave Beauty a magic ring and in the morning she woke up in her father’s house. Her father was much better. Her sisters came and asked her to stay a little bit longer. After ten days, Beauty had a dream that the Beast was dying because he couldn’t live without her. So Beauty put her ring by her bed and in the morning she was back at the palace. When she found the Beast, she told him that she loved him and she would marry him. Then the fairy came back and something magic happened. The Beast was a handsome prince. The fairy said that Beauty understood that kindness was more important than beauty. Beauty and the Prince were married and lived happily ever after. Characters in the play Father Beauty Charlotte Maria Beast Fairy Chorus C LASSIC T ALES P LAYS : Beauty and the Beast 1 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE Horse Sailor Maid Old Woman Flower Girl Beauty and the Beast SCENE 1 WE HAVE NO MONEY! Chorus This is the story of a man, his daughters, and a beast. Father Girls, girls! Charlotte Here we are, Father. Father We have no money! Charlotte, Maria and Beauty No money! Chorus All his ships were lost at sea. Father You will have to work. Chorus They will have to work. And they will have to sell their big house. Charlotte How, Father? Maria SCENE 4 A ROSE FOR BEAUTY Father I must buy something for my daughters. I can’t buy fine dresses, but I can buy two of these little bags. Old Woman Here you are, sir! Father I’d like a rose, please. Flower Girl I’m sorry. I haven’t got any roses today. Chorus No rose for Beauty! We don’t know how to work. SCENE 5 LOOK! A LIGHT! Horse We’re lost in this forest, and I’m tired. Chorus They don’t know how to work! Beauty I’ll clean the house, Father. Father Yes, I’m tired too. Father Thank you, Beauty. Horse Look! I can see a light. Father Yes, it’s a palace. SCENE 2 A LETTER! Chorus One day a letter came for the man. Father Girls! Charlotte, Maria and Beauty Yes, Father! Father I have to go away on business. Chorus One of his ships has come back. Father We are rich again. Chorus He has gold and silver. Charlotte, Maria and Beauty Hooray! Charlotte Please buy me a new dress. Maria Yes, a new dress for me too. Father What do you want, Beauty? Beauty I would like a rose. Father I’ll bring you a rose, Beauty. Charlotte, Maria and Beauty Goodbye, Father. Father Horse Let’s go and sleep there. Chorus They go to the palace but no one is at home. Father Hello, hello! Is anyone there? Chorus No one answered. Horse Look, there’s the stable! Goodnight. Father Goodnight. (He goes into the palace.) Chorus The man had dinner. Then he went to bed. But he saw no one. SCENE 6 IT’S THE BEAST Horse Good morning! Let’s go home now. Father Look, roses! I’ll pick a rose for Beauty before we go. Goodbye, girls. Chorus Don’t pick the roses! Horse Oh, no! (He sees the Beast.) Chorus Oh, no! It’s the Beast. Oh, no! SCENE 3 YOUR GOLD AND SILVER HAS GONE Father Beast You must die for this! Father I just wanted a rose for my daughter. Hello, my friend. Here I am. Beast Here is some gold. I want your daughter. Sailor I’m sorry, your ship has holes in it. Chorus His ship has holes in it. Father Oh, no! Don’t take Beauty! Father Oh, no! Beast Bring me Beauty or you will die. Sailor And your gold and silver has gone. Chorus The Beast wants Beauty to live with him. Chorus His gold and silver has gone. He has no money to mend his ship. He must leave it. Horse I want to go home! Beast Remember, bring me Beauty! Chorus Bring back Beauty or you will die! C LASSIC T ALES P LAYS : Beauty and the Beast 2 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE SCENE 7 BEAUTY GOES TO THE PALACE Father Here we are! This is the palace. Beast What’s your name? Father Her name is Beauty. Be good to her, please. Beast You must go in the morning. Father Goodnight, Beauty. Don’t be afraid. Beauty Goodnight, Father. I love you. Beast I will not hurt you. Goodnight. Fairy Don’t be afraid, Beauty. Beauty Who are you? Fairy I’m a good fairy. Chorus She’s Beauty’s good fairy. Fairy You are good to come here. Something good will happen to you. SCENE 10 Chorus Something good will happen to Beauty. I MUST GO TO THE BEAST Beauty How are you, Father? Father I’ve been so ill and sad. Your sisters are married and they never visit me. SCENE 8 A MAGIC MIRROR Chorus The poor man was so happy to see Beauty. Just looking at her made him feel better. Maid Beauty. This is a present for you. Beauty Who is it from? Father Beauty, my love, I feel better now. Chorus It’s a present from the Beast! Beauty Good! Now you are well, I must go back to the Beast. Maid Look, there’s a letter! Beauty (She reads.) Dear Beauty, This is a magic mirror. Look into it when you want to see your father’s face. Chorus Beauty had a dream that the Beast was dying. Beauty Yes, I love him, and I must go. Chorus So Beauty went back to the Beast. Maid It’s a magic mirror from the Beast. Chorus The Beast was kind to Beauty. She lived at the palace for two months and she was quite happy. SCENE 11 I WANT TO MARRY YOU Beauty Beast, what is it? Speak to me! SCENE 9 MY FATHER IS ILL Beast I am dying. I waited for you but you did not come. Beauty No, please don’t die. I love you. Please live. I will marry you. Beauty Beast, I must go home. Beast Why? Chorus Then something magic happened. The sky was full of lights. And the Beast was a handsome prince. Beauty My father is ill and all alone. Please can I go and visit him? Beast I love you. Please don’t go. Beauty Oh, you are handsome! Beauty Please let me go for just one week. Beast Yes, a bad fairy put a spell on me. She said that no one could love an ugly Beast. But you have broken that spell. Beast If you go, you will not come back. Beauty I will come back. I cannot marry you but I will be your friend. Chorus She did not want to be his wife. He was so ugly! Fairy Yes, Beauty, you understood that kindness is more important than a beautiful face. It is the most important thing of all. Beast Please come back. I will wait for you. Chorus So Beauty went to visit her father. Chorus Beauty and the Prince had a wonderful wedding. Her father came to live with them at the palace. And they all lived happily ever after. C LASSIC T ALES P LAYS : Beauty and the Beast 3 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE Cinderella A Classic Tales Play developed by Donatella Fitzgerald from the Classic Tale retold by Sue Arengo. The story of Cinderella Once upon a time there was a good man, his good wife and their beautiful, kind daughter. But, one day, the man’s wife died. After two years, the man married again. His new wife was a nasty woman with two ugly daughters, Prudence and Charlotte. People call them ‘the ugly sisters’. The ugly sisters took the girl’s nice clothes and shoes. They gave her old clothes to wear. They told her to clean the house. She did everything. They did no work at all. The girl got dirty in the cinders from the kitchen fire and they called her ‘Cinderella’. One day, a letter arrived. It was from the palace. The King was having a party for the Prince. Cinderella made new dresses for her sisters. But she could not go. In the evening she was very sad and she sat down by the kitchen fire and cried. A fairy came and helped Cinderella to go to the party. She told Cinderella to find a pumpkin, six white mice, and six lizards. Then she touched them with her magic wand. The pumpkin was a gold coach. The mice were six white horses. The lizards were six footmen. Then the fairy touched Cinderella’s old dress and it was a beautiful, long dress with little pink flowers on it. Then the fairy gave Cinderella two little glass shoes for her feet. But the fairy said that Cinderella must leave the party before midnight. Because, at midnight, the magic would stop. Cinderella had a wonderful time at the party. She danced with the Prince all evening. She remembered the fairy’s words at a minute to midnight. She ran from the palace. One of her glass shoes fell off and the Prince found it. He asked his footmen to put up an important notice. He would marry the girl the shoe fitted. The Prince and his footmen went to every house in the country. At last they came to Cinderella’s house. Prudence tried on the shoe, but her foot was too long and thin. Charlotte tried on the shoe, but her foot was much too big and fat. ‘Are there any other girls in this house?’ asked the Prince. The ugly sisters said that there was only the kitchen girl. But Cinderella tried on the shoe and it fitted her perfectly. She took the other shoe out of her pocket and the Prince knew that she was the beautiful princess from the party. The Prince and Cinderella were married. The ugly sisters married two of the Prince’s friends. In time, Cinderella and the Prince had two children. And they all lived happily ever after. Characters in the play Father Cinderella Prudence Charlotte Mother Fairy Prince C LASSIC T ALES P LAYS : Cinderella 1 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE Two Footmen Chorus Six White Mice Six Lizards King Clock People Cinderella SCENE 1 MEET YOUR NEW SISTERS Father You are a good girl. Be kind to your new mother and your new sisters. Cinderella Yes, Father. Father This is your new mother. Cinderella Hello. Mother Hello. Father Kiss your new sisters. Cinderella Yes, Father. (She kisses them.) Cinderella Have a wonderful time! Mother Goodbye, Cinderella. Cinderella I’m so sad. (She cries.) Fairy Why are you crying? Cinderella I can’t go to the party. Fairy Yes, you can. Cinderella How? Fairy I’ll help you. Cinderella How? Fairy With my magic wand. Cinderella I’m so happy. I can go! I can go! SCENE 2 AN OLD DRESS FOR CINDERELLA Prudence I hate our new sister because she is good. Charlotte I hate her because she is beautiful. Prudence Come here, girl. Cinderella Yes, Prudence. Prudence You must do all the work. Charlotte You can wear this old dress. Cinderella Oh, no! Prudence Start working! The house is dirty. Chorus The ugly sisters laugh at her. Cinderella I’m so sad. (She cries.) SCENE 5 YOU CAN GO TO THE PARTY! Fairy Bring me a pumpkin. Cinderella A pumpkin? That’s strange. Fairy Good. Now get the mouse trap. Cinderella The mouse trap? Fairy Good. Look! There are six white mice in the trap. White Mice Hello, Cinderella. We are six mice! Mouse 1 One. Mouse 2 Two . Mouse 3 Three. Mouse 4 Four. Mouse 5 Five. Mouse 6 Six. Fairy Now, I need six lizards. Cinderella Six lizards? Lizards Hello, Cinderella. We are six lizards. Lizard 1 One. Lizard 2 Two . Lizard 3 Three. Lizard 4 Four. Lizard 5 Five. Lizard 6 Six. Fairy Cinderella, you will go to the ball. Mice and Lizards Cinderella, we will take you to the ball. Fairy Watch! The pumpkin is a coach! Cinderella Look, a gold coach! Fairy The mice are horses! Cinderella Look, six white horses! Fairy The lizards are footmen! Cinderella But I can’t go like this. Fairy No, not in your old dress! SCENE 3 A LETTER FROM THE KING Prudence Here’s a letter from the King. Mother What does it say? Prudence He’s having a party for the Prince. Mother Where? Prudence At the palace. Cinderella When? Prudence On Saturday. Charlotte A party! A party! Cinderella Can I come? Prudence and Charlotte No, you can’t. Mother Cinderella, you can make our dresses. Cinderella Yes, Mother, I’ll make the dresses. SCENE 4 WHY ARE YOU CRYING? Chorus It is Saturday evening and the sisters are going to the party. Prudence and Charlotte Goodbye, Cinderella. (They laugh.) Ha! Ha! Ha! C LASSIC T ALES P LAYS : Cinderella 2 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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