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  • Famous Fighters of World War II (Aviation Specials), Wydawnictwa anglo i rosyjskojęzyczne

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    //-->GINDSPITFIRELUCINFIGHTERSOF WORLD WAR 2amousFBf109 HURRICANE MUSTANG ZERO Me262ACESCOMBAT STORIESFACT FILES£5.99 C$18.99Aus$13.50EDITORIALEditor:Designer:Artist:Allan BurneyPhilip Hempell( Postlethwaite( Bf109Jay SlaterHAWKER HURRICANEDenis J. CalvertSUPERMARINE SPITFIREPeter R. MarchMITSUBISHI A6M ZEROJay SlaterFOCKE-WULF Fw190Jay SlaterVOUGHT CORSAIRWarren ThompsonP-51 MUSTANGJay SlaterP-47 THUNDERBOLTWarren ThompsonMESSERSCHMITT Me262Jay SlaterYAKOVLEV YAK-3Bruce Hales-Dutton5152535435361718191Publisher:Sally CoxEmail: sally@coxymedia.comwww.coxymedia.comPrinting: Warners (Midlands) plcDistribution: Seymour Distribution LtdISBN: 978-0-9931950-0-6© Coxy Media LimitedAll rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or transmitted in any form or byany means, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopying, recording or by any informationstorage and retrieval system, without the priorpermission in writing of the publisher.Cover images: John Dibbs/The Plane Picture Cocomprehend that they were designed for one purpose, and one purpose only. They were the lean, mean, killingmachines of their time, a time when rapidly advancing technology honed the aircraft into a war-winning weaponthat influenced every theatre of the conflict. Never before, or since, has the symbiosis of man and machine beenso perfectly harmonised in the battle for life and death. This was epitomised by the epic dogfights over southernEngland during the Battle of Britain, but as the war progressed the fighter became an ever more versatile weaponthat could wreak havoc in a split second of devastation... and when the first jet fighters howled overthe battlefield, the evolution was complete.Arranged in chronological sequence, we look at the top 10 fighters of the conflict, theirdevelopment, combat history and the aces that flew them. From the eternal grace of the Spitfire tothe futuristic Me262, this special edition pays tribute to them all.WE HOLD THEiconic fighter aircraft of World War 2 in such reverence that it is sometimes difficult toBritain’s Top-SellingAviation MonthlyFlyPastis internationallyregarded as THE magazinefor aviation history and heritage.Having pioneered coverage of thisfascinating world of ‘living history’since 1980,FlyPaststill leads thefield today. Each issue is packedwith news and features on warbirdpreservation and restoration,museums and the airshow scene.WARBIRDSAUSTRALIAN-BASED SPITFIRESTemora’sAboveFrontline FightersGavin Conroycaptured Temora’s Spit re pair on camera as theyGavin Conroycaptured Temora’s Spit re pair on camera as theyThe New South Wales-based Spitfires – Mk.XVITB863 and Mk.VIII‘A58-602’ ‘Grey Nurse’(VH-HET).ALL PHOTOS BYGAVIN CONROYrehearsed for aa ying dayrehearsed forying dayTemora.Theoperationwas wounddown in March1946, making it thelongest-lived of the EATSschools.Since then Temora has grownto become a major sport andgeneral aviation centre, includinggliding, parachuting, aerobatics,ultra-lights and model aircraft.With its background, it was notsurprising that Temora was chosenby Sydney businessman DavidH Lowy in his quest to establishan aviation museum dedicatedto aircraft and pilots who haddefended Australia.Incorporated in late 1999,construction of the TemoraAviation Museum (TAM)started that same year. Thefirst hangar was completedin February 2000 and Daviddonated the initial aircraftfor the collection, includingSpitfire VH-HET.Opened for public viewingin June 2000, building workcontinued with exhibitionbuildings, a theatre, gift shop andother infrastructure. It was fullyustralia’s Temora AviationMuseum has proudlyoperated two airworthySpitfires since 2006, the NewSouth Wales-based collectionputting the thoroughbred pair intothe air together as often as possible.Such occasions are eagerly awaited:the two are currently the onlyexamples of the famous fighterflying in Australia.In the run-up to the museum’s‘Frontline Fighters’ flying day onSeptember 20, Temora’s DeputyDirector of Flight Operations,Doug Hamilton, and volunteerpilot Steve Death took up Mk.XVIATB863 (VH-XVI) and Mk.VIII‘A58-602’ (really A58-758)respectively for a photo-session.Temora is steeped in the historyof the Royal Australian Air Force(RAAF), having been the home of10 Elementary Flying TrainingSchool (EFTS) since May 1941.Part of the Empire Air TrainingScheme (EATS), the school was thelargest established under the plan;more than 10,000 personnel were atTemora during the war with upwardsof 2,400 pilots being trained. Atits peak, 10 EFTS had a fleet of 97Tiger Moths flying from four satelliteairfields as well as the headquarters at“A grand totalof 655 Spitfireswore RAAF serialnumbers”96 FLYPASTDecember 2014December 2014FLYPAST 97ONL£Y96-99_Temora_fp.indd 9617/10/2014 16:2796-99_Temora_fp.indd 9717/10/2014 16:274.40For the latest subscription +44 1780 480404CALL:UK: 01780 480404Available monthly fromALSO AVAILABLE DIGITALLYlegendary historic aircraftPC, Mac &Windows 8and other leading newsagentsSEARCHwith sample issueIN APP ISSUES £3.99The origins and history ofFLYPASTFREE APPiTunesAvailable on PC, Mac, Blackberry, Windows 8 and kindle fire fromRequirements for app: registered iTunes account on Apple iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4S, 5, 6, iPod Touch or iPad 1, 2 or 3. Internet connection required for initial download.Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of these titles are © copyright 2015. All rights reserved. App prices subject to change.106/15The world’s only airworthyBf109E-4. This aircraft was flown incombat on several occasions by legendaryJagdwaffe ace Hans-Joachim Marseilles.John Dibbs/The Plane Picture Cofor the kill, thefigurehead ofBf109 charactethe Third Reichrised the eagle. Spitting leadwas to be theand explosiveLuftwaffe’s mashells, the Bf10instay fighter.9outdated, the BChastised andf109 was to bcriticised ase continually dcause for conceveloped, givinern. And rightlg Allied pilotsy so. The Bf10power. Howev9 possessed aer it was not wwesome killingithout its faults.not take punishIt had a shortment, sufferedrange, couldfrom a claustrofailed to compphobic cockpitete with the Sp, anditfire and Hurrcircle they enjoicane in the tuyed. But the Bf1rning09 left a lastincredited with shg legacy. It waooting down msore enemy airmore aces thacraft and prodn any single fiucingghter in the anwarfare. By thnals of aeriale war’s end, Germany has buBf109s and ovilt over 30,000er 100 aces had over 100 kills to their credit.P O W E R F U Land built [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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