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Strona startowa Frederik Pohl - Dorastanie w Mieście na Skraju.txt, FANTASTYKA NAUKOWA - SUBIEKTYWNY WYBÓR ANDRZEJA KRZEMIŃSKIEGO Friedman C. S. - Trylogia Zimnego Ognia 01 - Świt Czarnego Słońca (GTW), PDF-Y, Fantasy Friedman C S - Trylogia Zimnego Ognia 03 - Korona cierni, PDF-Y, Fantasy Friday The 13th Part IV - The Final Chapter (Piątek trzynastego 4: Ostatni rozdział), Final Destination 4 - Oszukać przeznaczenie 4, aaa Final Fantasy 2 helpguidever12, Pegasus Full Metal Alchemist - 26, anime, Odcinkowe, Full Metal Alchemist, napisy Fiat 500L Beats Edition, Broszury samochodowe Fotografia cyfrowa. Nieoficjalny podręcznik Aparat cyfrowy(1), fotografia Funkcje specjalne, Scania |
Final Fantasy 5 Readme, Pegasus[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]FINAL FANTASY 3 ENGLISH VERSIONBy Alex W. Jackson, Neill Corlett and SoM2FreakHere's the latest and hopefully final FF3 English patch. This one shouldwork with any FF3 ROM, whether original Japanese, some partial translation(yuck), or our own previous patch. If it doesn't work with your ROM, letme know. As I've said before, LoopyNES and BioNES are the emulators of choice.FF3 MICRO-MANUALUnlike FF5, the Jobs of FF3 aren't described in-game, so here's the roster.OnionKid--------Uses only basic knives as weapons. These guys are completely useless;they're what your characters are before getting any Jobs. Not much more tosay about them. Well, there is, but to quote Xelloss of Slayers Next,"Sore wa himitsu desu."Fighter-------Uses mainly swords and shields (can also equip a basic short or long bow,but not the fancy bows). Can wear any armor you can find in the first partof the game. High strength and speed, average HP growth.Monk----Can use martial-arts weapons (nunchucks, tonfa) but usually more effectivewith bare hands (unless you find a good MA weapon early, like the hiddenTonfa in... oops, sore wa himitsu desu) Can only wear a dougi or leatherarmor. High strength and speed, best HP growth of all the beginning Jobs.White Wizard------------Uses only staves as weapons. Terribly weak, but some staves have magicalpowers (try the "Item" command; as with FF4, you must equip a weapon to useit this way) Casts White magic (natch), but gets few MP higher than SpellLevel 1. Low strength, speed and HP growth.Black Wizard------------Uses either daggers, rods, or bows (basic short or long bow only). CastsBlack magic, but gets few MP higher than Spell Level 1. Low strength,average speed, very low HP growth.Red Wizard----------Uses swords, but only Red Magic swords, not the swords that the Fighteruses. Can wear helms and shields, but not heavy body armor. Casts bothWhite and Black magic, but at about half the effect of the specializedwizards, and gets even fewer MP. Average strength, high speed, very lowHP growth.Hunter------Uses bow & arrows, including the unique bows and elemental arrows. Cancast Level 1-3 White magic, except for *Aero. Can equip the same armoras the Fighter (but not the high level armor, which is reserved for theKnight). Average strength, terrific speed, average HP growth.Knight------Uses swords, including high-level swords the Fighter can't. Can wearalmost any armor. "Covers" allies who are below 25% HP, like Cecilof FF4. Great strength, high speed, good HP growth (better than bothFighter and Monk).Thief-----Uses daggers, including unique daggers (such as the vampiric "Orihalcon")Can wear only one type of armor, which is sold only in one town."Escape" is a 100% effective Run command. Unfortunately, "Steal" usuallyonly procures crud like Potions and Antidotes. When the Thief is thevisible character (press Select a few times to change this) he can opennormal locked doors without a Magic Key. High strength, great speed,low HP growth.Scholar-------Uses books as weapons. Remarkably effective with them, too. Can only wearone type of armor, which at least is easy to obtain. "Peep" tells you thecurrent/max HP of an enemy. "Scan" tells you the elemental weak point ofan enemy (or ally--some armor has nasty side effects!) "Scan" is mostuseful against a certain "WallChange"-using villain (an ancestor of FF6'sMagiMaster, perhaps?) Decent strength and speed, but terrible HP growth.Geomancer---------Uses bells as weapons, of all things. Another one-type-of-armor-only Job."Terrain" uses the landscape as a weapon. Its effectiveness varies greatlywith what terrain there is to work with. Sand, high-altitude winds andespecially water make great weapons. Ordinary grassland and forest don'thave much for a Geomancer to throw around. Average strength, speed andHP growth.Dragoon-------Uses spears as weapons. Wears "Dragon Mail", but can also wear thegeneric heavy armors and a shield. Signature attack is "Jump", whichtakes 2 turns to execute but does about double the damage of a normalattack (it occasionally misses completely, though). "Jump" is nearlyessential to defeat one major villain. Good strength (but lower thana Knight), great speed, average HP growth.Viking------Uses axes and hammers as weapons. Wears "Viking Mail" as well as thegeneric armors and shields. Weaker overall than the Knight, but especiallyeffective at fighting sea monsters (he inflicts double damage to mostof them). Great strength, average speed, terrific HP growth.Karateka--------Uses his bare hands or claws. Yet another one-type-of-armor-only Job."BuildUp" causes him to power up Dragonball Z-style, yellow aura and all.His next attack will do triple damage. "BuildUp" can be used twice ina row for 6 times normal damage! However, while he is powering up, anyattack which hits him will be a critical hit (just like what happens whenyou try to run and fail). Great strength, speed and terrific HP growth.Mystic Knight-------------As a Knight who has "overcome his fear of the Darkness", he uses Dark Swordsand demonic armor. Unfortunately he can't wear "generic" armor, except forthe Crystal set (which is in the last area of the game, and which anysoldier-type can use) Dark Swords are generally stronger than normal ones,and the Mystic Knight can also cast low-level White magic. However, hecan't "Cover" people like the normal Knight. Great strength and speed,average HP growth.Conjurer--------Uses mostly the same weapons and armor as a Black Wizard. Casts Summonmagic, getting one of two effects at random for each Esper. One effectis "White" (defence, recovery or a disabling attack) and the otheris "Black" (a damaging or killing attack) See the next section for a list.You can buy the low-level Espers, but have to hunt down the reallygood ones. Remarkably good strength and speed for a spellcaster, butterrible HP growth.Bard----Uses harps as "weapons" (he can't fight, but "Sings" instead; some harpsinflict damage like weapons, others do different things). Yes, yet anotherone-type-of-armor-only Job. "Scare" makes enemies miss attacks andoccasionally run away. "Cheer" increases the whole party's attack power(like a low-grade *Haste, but it's cumulative with multiple Cheers).Low strength, high speed, high HP growth.Warlock-------An upgrade of the Black Wizard who uses the same weapons and armor. Getsa lot more MP, especially of the higher Spell Levels. Basically, he's thesame as the Black Wizard, only improved in every way. Low strength, highspeed, high HP growth.Shaman------An upgrade of the White Wizard. Gets more MP, better HP growth, the works.Low strength, high speed, high HP growth.Summoner--------Uses the same weapons and armor as the Conjurer, but is not just an upgrade!Gets completely different effects out of the Espers, almost all of which arepowerful multi-target attacks. In fact, they're so powerful that they makethe Warlock seem kind of pointless by comparison. This is assuming youmanaged to hunt down the strongest Espers, of course. Low strength, highspeed, low HP growth.Sage----The uber-spellcaster. Uses all the weapons and armor usable by the Warlock,Shaman, Summoner and Scholar combined. Casts White, Black and Summon magic,and gets more MP than any other Job. Be sure to equip him with Summon magicrather than Black magic--he gets the same Esper attacks the Summoner does.Average strength, high speed, high HP growth.Ninja-----The uber-warrior. Can use every weapon and armor in the game (with exactlyone exception; as usual, sore wa himitsu da.) He can use "Shuriken", whichno one else can. These are almost ridiculously powerful, doing from 4000to 5000 damage, but are one-use-only and extraordinarily expensive (theycost 65000 Gil each!) It's a waste to squander Shuriken on anything butthe final enemy. Best strength, speed and HP growth in the game.Summon Spell ListChocobo (L1)------------White: Escape (same as the Thief's ability)Black: Stumble (nothing happens; same as trying to run and failing)Summoner: Chocobo Kick (physical damage, single enemy)Shiva (L2)----------White: HypnoBeam (Sleep, 100% success rate, all enemies)Black: Icy Glare (Ice damage, single enemy)Summoner: Diamond Dust (Ice damage, all enemies)Ramuh (L3)----------White: MindBlast (Paralyze, 100% success rate, all enemies)Black: God's Thunder (Lightning damage, single enemy)Summoner: Heaven's Rage (Lightning damage, all enemies)Ifrit (L4)----------White: Recovery (Recover some HP and status, all allies)Black: Flames of Fury (Fire damage, single enemy)Summoner: Hellfire (Fire damage, all enemies)Titan (L5)----------White: Punch (Physical damage, one enemy)Black: Kick (Physical damage, one enemy)Summoner: Earthquake (Earth damage, all enemies)Odin (L6)---------White: Barrier (Same as *Wall, but all allies)Black: Sword Cut (Physical damage, one enemy)Summoner: Atom Edge (Kills anything but bosses, all enemies)Leviathan (L7)--------------White: Stony Glare (Instant petrification, all enemies)Black: Tempest (Water/physical damage, all enemies)Summoner: Tsunami (Water/physical damage, all enemies)Bahamut (L8)------------White: Aura (Same as *Haste, but all allies)Black: Rend (Gruesomely kills one enemy)Summoner: Megaflare (Massive non-elemental damage, all enemies) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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