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Fine Woodworking 006, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]ood Threads Spring 1977, $2. 50 hen a man 's any tumso an. There comes a time in every man's life when he outgrows the basic power tools. When his imagi nation calls for more. That's the perfect time for a router. One of the few power tools around with hardly any limitation but your imagination. Meaning you can make lutes, beads, reeds, rounded comers, or almost any other inishing touch under the sun. Plus a lot of really practical things, like dovetails for drawers, dadoes for shelves, rabbets for joints, etc., etc. What's more, it's all pos Not to mention more than 170 bits and cutters to pick from. Or a 4600 router, wrenches, edge guide, the three bits you'll probably use the most, and a carrying case to hold everything. All in all, it's one whale of a bar gain. Especially when you consider the one feature you can't get anywhere else. . Rockwell engineering. The kind that only comes with half a century of indus trial experience and on the-job performance. It goes into every portable and D�. ;_ stationary tool . we make. It's why they're all made tough, accurate and powerful. o w hen you're ready to let your imagi nation go, they'll make the going good. You can depend on it. for just $39.99; the pri of a Rockwell 4600 j2-hp Router. For some very good reasons. . Super high speed (28,000 rpm), to cut fast and smooth. Microm eter depth con trol ' to adjust ments easy. Non mamng base, to protect your wood. Double insu lation, to pro Rockwel. Its the same name industrys been depending on for 50 years. tect you. 100% ball-bearing con struction, to last and last. '!' Rockwell Internaion al 1977 Buyers' Guide;' write Power Tol Division, Rockwell Intenational, Poplar Towers, 6263 Poplar Avenue, Suite 600. Department A. Memphis. Tennessee 38138. For more information and a free copy of the "Rckwell ·Manufacturer's suggested retail pice. $49.99* toter kit complete with the ine qi ng Spring 1977, Volume 1, Number 6 CONENTS 4 Letters 8 Methods of Work 14 Questions & Answers 16 Books 18 Addenda, Erata 20 The Wood Butcher by Cary H. Hall : 'I made it, the whole thing' 22 Wood Thrads by Richard Starr : A handmade tap and screwbox 29 The Scraper by Tage Frid: A most versatile tool 32 California Woodworking by Alan C. Marks : Intriguing solutions 35 Bent Laminations by Jere Osgood : Slice and glue the wood 39 Dy n by William W. Rice : Design seasons 500 board fe et 4 Expanding Tables by Alastair A. Stair: 500 years of making room 6 Two Sticks by Hank Gilpin: Ancient method simplifies layout 50 Stacked Plywood by Ellen Swartz : A fluid alternative to hardwood 53 Two Tools: Push-stick ; duckbill scriber 54 Pricing Work by Douglas Sigler : Keeping a small shop afloat 54 Going to Craft Fairs: Some considerations 56 Colonial Costs by R. E. Bushnell : ...and a guess for today 58 Serving Cart by Alan C. Marks : Sliding top solves design problem 62 Woodworking Schools: Where they are, what they offer 4 King of the Woods Editor andPublisher Paul Roman Managing Editor John Kelsey Contributing Editors Tage Frid R. Bruce Hoadley Alastair A. Stair Corespondents Ne w England: Rosanne Somerson South: David Landen West: Alan C. Marks Editoal Assistants Ruth Dobseva g e Judy Fairield Barbara M. Hannah Advertising Manager Janice A. Roman Advertising Representative Granville M. Fillmore Subscrptio n Manager Carole E. Ando Cover: Three-quarter-inch wooden screw and nut, sx threads to the inch, made with tools described on page 22. Nut is made of quartersawn chery; screw is yellow birch. Fine Woodworking is published quarterly, March, June, September, and December, by The Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, CT 06470, Telephone (203) 426-8171. Second class postage paid at Newtown, CT 06470 and additional mailing offices. Copyright 1977 by The Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduction without permission of The Taunton Press, Inc. ISSN 0361-3453. Subscription rates: United States and possessions, $8.00 for one year, $15 .00 for two years; foreign rate, $9.00 for one year. Single copy $2. 50. Postmaster: Send notice of undelivered copies on form 3579 to The Taunton Press, PO Box 355, Newtown, CT 06470. Address all correspondence to : Subscription, Editorial or Advertising Dept., The Taunton Press, PO Box 355, Newtown, CT 06470. 3 ____________________ . .. referring to cutting the fe male portion of the sliding dovetail (Winter '76), you say : .. . ..the tapered side is sawed at an angle, using the saw shoulder as the guide. " Please des cribe how the shoulder may be used as a guide when it is not in contact with the work until the cut has been made to its fu ll depth. It seems that a standard backsaw or dovetail saw used with a guide block cut to the desired angle and clamped to the work would serve much better. Actually, the router plane appears to be the essential tool to hand-cutting the fe male portion of this joint . -Stephen B. Ringle, Someville , Ma s. [Editor's note: Tage Frid replies that because the handle of the saw is beveled at the correct angle where it meets the blade, you merely eyeball it. When the saw shoulder looks parallel to the work, the cut will be correct. J likely to leak r under varying degrees of stress . However the method of producing the joint is rather in volved and cumbersome. Several special tools and fi xtures must be made. Also needed would be a vertical boring machine or drill press. In the old days a breast drill and a reliable apprentice were used. The cove and pin were cut fi rst, with a hollow mill shaped somewhat like a Forstner bit, whose center retracted into its shaft against a spring. The cutter fo rmed the cove and pin in one operation . The spacing is very critical and was achieved with a ratchet bar, precisely notched to 1/128 in. Ratchet bars were made to match each size mill. Next the pinholes were drilled (using brad point drills) in the end plates or drawer sides, and these matched the pins previously fo rmed by the mill, because the same ratchet bar was used. The scriber is set down over a pin and set to the radius of the cove. Remove its bushing and replace it with the correct size scriber pin , and scribe an arc directly above each pin . The scriber must be set so that the scallops are ju st an interference it when the joint is assem bled . A ine saw cut is made down to the interstice of each arc . Next , a sharp half-round firmer gouge of a radius to match the cove is itted with a pilot device equipped with a pin to match the pinhole. The end plate is clamped down over a piece of hardwood (maple) that has a dado cut down its length, that fa lls directly below the pinholes to accept the guide pin . The guide pin is slipped into the pinhole, and the chisel is adjusted to fit between the sawn lines. Strike the chisel in the normal man- Regarding the article by Bob Stocksdale (Fall '76), I am in no position to quarrel with a professional wood turner whose work is as fi ne as those pictured ...What I don 't understand is his sanding sequence. Starting with 16 grit seems incredible to me-I myself start with 50 grit and fe el that much of the time this is too coarse ...Ideally it seems to me no sanding other than a very fine grit should be required . -Alex R. Ross, Stzlwater, Okla . Regarding Clarence Hill's question about an old drawer joint (Winter '76): During my days as a master pipe organ builder, we called this a pinned cove joint . As to its origins, it could have been either German , French or English. A larger version than that normally seen on drawers was used on wind Save $6.0 on 2 Lumber Salple Pacs con ng 33 ffeent nds of wd. n Inrducoy Ofer. John Harra ---I Now, for $15.00, you can compare Ash with Benge, Birch, Brazilian hlip, Bubinga, Cherr, Wormy Chestnut, Coco Bola, Ebon, Ekki, Green Heart, Holl, East Indian Laurel, Hondouras Mahogany, Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Philippine N arra, English Brown Oak, White Oak (plain sliced), White Oak (rift cut), Padouk, Poplar, Purple Heart, Brazilian Rosewood, East Indian Rosewood, Hondouras Rosewood, Sugar Pine, Teak, American Walnut, French Walnut, Nicaraguan Walnut, Wenge and Zebra Wood. These are not veneers but lumber samples WOD & SUPPLY o. 39 WEST 19 STREET, NEW YORK. NY 10011. o Here's my check, or money order, for $15.00. Send me your lumber sample packs, usually $21.00, plus a catalog. o Here's my dollar. Send me a catalog plus a 2 dollar credit on my irst order. I I I I I I I % by 2 by 6 inches. If you're interested in our stock of I I Name I Address plywoods, logs, 2 ply veneers or tuning blocks, send us a dollar and we'll send you a catalog and a L City State Zip j - ---------- --- 2 dollar credit on your irst order. 4 LE B RS chests and on reservoirs, as the joint is very strong and less I _________________________________ _ ner, two or three blows with the mallet . Do not cut the scallops in one' 'fell swoop. " Make it in rwo cuts, just short of the scribed arc . Re-hone chisel and tnish to scribed line. After all the scallops have been made, the back of the plate must be rabbeted to tt the front. This will clean up that rag ged back side of the scallops. -Francis E. Olde ", St. Petersburg, Fla . craftsmen. This steel is readily available from any industrial supply house. This is probably the easiest steel with which to work , thereby making it a cinch for the amateur ... Concern ing the quenching oil, you should have a minimum of one gallon in a pan shaped like a bread baking pan. This allows ample oil to absorb the heat of several hardening attempts. Also, never use cold oil. It should be preheated to a warm temperature with a heated scrap of metal. -R. Pey Mercu rio, Kin giel, Main e Gordon Harrison 's article on heat treating (Fall'76) did not define the rwo common types of carbon tool steel. The two types we should be concerned with are the water-hardening steels and oil-hardening steels. It is quite easy to distinguish berween them by a spark test on a grinding wheel. Water-hardening steel will give off a shower of " Fourth of July" type of white sparkly sparks while oil-hardening steels give of a lesser amount of streamers, red in color and fewer dead-looking sparks at the ends of the streamers . If you attempt to harden oil-hardening steel in brine or water you are quite likely to damage the structure of the steel and in many cases there will be shock cracks large enough to destroy the tool. If, on the other hand, you quench many of the water-hardening types in oil , you may get no hardness at all or at best only a hardened skin on the thin sections of the tool . Usually tles, springs , etc. are varieties of water-harden ing steel and in general do not make a very good cutting tool because these steels are alloyed with small amounts of other materials to enhance their ability to do the best job for which they were intended. Oil-hardening or type 0-1 steel will give you that silky, velvet-smooth cutting edge desired by all Sure hope the man in the photos in " Heat Treating" (Fall '76) is n't a teacher. His safety habits leave much to be de sired : no gloves to protect fr om the heat , loose sleeves and shirttails , no safety glasses for pops and spatters. -David Rose, To kyo, }apan Your article on heat treating (Fall '76) was a very informa tive item for the woodworker as it helps to remove some of the mystery from the steels that we all use. When you soften steels you definitely anneal them, but there are a variety of procedures to utilize, to gain given prop erties . In the metalworking industries annealing means that after you have heated the steel past its critical temperature , you then slow-cool it in still air-in the furnace. This gives you soft steel with a fairly coarse grain structure. If you were to take this same piece of plain carbon or low-alloy steel and SCRAPING IS A THING OF THE PAST s weI s concave and convex shapes of varying radii. Woodcraft scrapers ar � made of properly tempered. high·quality steel. 15T05-AW CABINET SCRAPER NO. 80 This scraper will produce a glass smooth inish on straight grained as well as highly igured woods. The thumbscrew adjustment can be set to cut a ine shaving or tightened to produce a coarse one. Toothing blades will leave grooves in the wood and provide more gluing sur face for veneers. DimenSIOns of the Gooseneck scraper 0" x 5%") $2.10 15T04-AW Straight scraper (2%" x 5''8') $2.30 SCRAPING PLANE NO. 12 Fine furniture is scraped smooth prior to inishing. This scraping plane can be adjusted to a desired depth and held securely by two knurled. brass nuts. The blade is held in place by a thumbscrew. he 11 Bo6-ET $1.50 sole are 84mm 01,') x 68mm (2%"). Blade is 70mm (2%") Wide. 16K60-EG $7.90 Replacement blade for 16K60·EG 16K61-EG $1.75 Fine toothing blade for 16K60·EG 02I05-R $3.10 Coarse toothing blade for 16K60·EG 02106-R s la e o � ; ���iti�: �� �� e�� h � � ;�� as solid hardwoods. Size of the sole OV AL STROKE BURNISHER A g1a,,·smooth burnisher for giving a final inish to scraer blades. Most efective when used with the Wheel Burnisher (16B04·0. Unhandled, we suggest our File and Tool Bandle (06G04·AT). Length of blade 5". width 12 ". 15T03-AW is 160mm (61,') x 85mm (3%"). Blade width is 70mm (2%") 16044-EG $22.90 Replacement blade for 16044·EG. 70mm (2%") x 124mm (4'8') 16045-EG $3.20 $3.10 $ 2.50 All Prices Inclde Postage SWEDISH CABINET SCRAPER This Swedish steel scraper has long been recognized by professional cabinetmakers for its superior per formance compared to ordinary steel scrapers. It takes the inest edge. free of blemishes or ridges. and stands up long after other scrapers have been dulled by glue or old inishes. Rigid and strong (gauge is .80mm). the dimensions are 212" (62mm) x 5l'8"(l50mm). 02Z61-BL Mass. Res. add 5% Sales Tax WHEEL BURNISHER Designed to form the razor-sharp hok on a scraper blade. after it has been squared with a mill ile and ine stone. The steel disc and milled guide combine to make bur nishing ra.pid and accurate. Var nished beechwood. Length 159mm (6 %"). 16B04-0 $14.60 Replacement wheel for 16B04·0 16B41-0 SO¢ or Free with Order WODCRAFT Dept. FW 37,313 Montvale Ave., Woburn, Mass. 01801 $ 1.00 $3.85 5 LEITERS (continued) place it on a bed of ashes or sand in still r in the shop you would have a steel that was soft but with fm er grain structure . In other words the more time that the steel spends in the CABINET SCRAPERS Used on hardwood. these scrapers will leave a smooth surface without the tedium and ex r nse of sandpaper. Available in three diferent styles to accommodate lat Convex·concave scraper (2" x 5%") Send for New Spring-Summer Catalog [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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