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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 007, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]F ine ! 1 111 Lute Roses Vol. 2, N 1 Summer 1977, $2.50 oo d o. THE COMPLEAT WOODTURNER'S ACCESSORIES COIL-GRIP CHUCK This chuck embodies the four traditional wod chucking methods - screwchuck, cupchuck, faceplate and ring chuk PLUS the entirely new Coil Grip method. This method allows the wood to be dove· tailed into the chuck and eliminates the fear of the screws being wrenched from the end �rain while turning. Will han· with Sorby and Marples parting tools, and Sorby s" beading tools. Max· imum efective capacity of the sizing tool is 31f2". 04Z31-BZ $9.15 LAMP STANDARD SHELL AUGER BITS WOODTURNER'S SIZING TOOL HOLLOW BORING �� � h u t tot �� e :�;d c 1�� it . stock support. Threaded for inboard spindles only. Illustrated brochure available. 1" - SRH Thread Designed speciically for Rockwell 11" and 12" lathes and for the Powermatic 45 lathe. 14L11-S This special purpose tool for end grain borin� will cut straight and true with a minimum of wander. Preferred by Wind instrument makers and turners, and used most efectively with OUf Hollow Boring Guide (04N41·D), plus the appro p riate size bushing. A handle such as the adjustable tool and ile holder (06G03·AT, S2.50) should be attached to the tang end of the bit for feeding the auger into the work. A specially desi:ned auxiliary lathe tailstock for g uid ln $ shell augers while boring long holes In wind instruments (lutes, ifes, recorders), lamp standards, etc. With this guide and the appropriate bushin g, a piece, can be accurately aligned and bored, making full use of the wander free capabilities of the shell auger. Each tool post includes a 1" diameter shank to it into a tool rest base, a brass thumb screw to secure the bushing in the tool post, and a rod for tightening the bushing into the workpiece. Bush· ings are not included. 04N41-D $9.90 Bushings for use with the guide include a center pin insert for easy aJjgnment. 04N51·D % " BIT DIAMETER LENGTH % " 30 " % " $3.60 $9.75 ppd. $12.00 ppd. $9.75 ppd. $12.00 ppd. $9.75 ppd. $12.00 ppd. $9.75 ppd. $12.00 ppd. $12.00 ppd. WODCRAFT Dept. FW 24" /s" % " $3.60 5/16" 24" 1 Yz" - SRH Thread This chuck is the same in design as the 14L11·S, but threaded for use on Viceroy and Powermatic model 90 lathes. 14K21-S $61.25 All Prices Include Postage $61.25 5/16" 3 0" 1/2" 24" 1/2" 3 0" 04N52-D 5/16" $3.60 04N53-D 7/16" 24" 7/16" 04N61-D 7/16" $3.60 04N62-D 30" 50¢ or Free with O rder $3.60 67,313 Montvale Ave., Woburn, Mass. 01801 Mass. Res. add 5% Sales Tax Spring-Summer Catalog for the serious woodcraftsman by products specially engineered '�CONO� ;R 'v L THREAD BOX & TAP SET PALM PLANES Here's a time· tested design we have reo engineered to cut threads in wood better than any handtool has ever done before. Each threadbox is tested in our workshop and the test dowel accompanies the unit when shipped. The hardwood box is assembled with brass fasteners and ittings. $45, 31" @ $49 and 1" @ $56. Available also in kit form. Metal parts are completely machined and ready to use. Wooden parts have all critical holes drilled. Sets available in " @ This remarkable little tool does jobs no other plane can do. It is solid brass with warren ted Shefield steel iron - quality features you will appreciae if you're a cabinetmaker or work with wood in any kind of intricate way. It permits completely controlled planing or shaving of small work. Our design comes directly rom the toolbox of an old wood- en boat carpenter on the St. Lawrence River. " it @ $23.50, 34" @ $25.50,1" @ $28.50 You do the fitting and finishing. Order today for immediate delivery. Send check or money order, or your full Mastercharge or BankAmericard number to: 'ONOVER Woodcrat Specialties, Inc. Threadbox & Tapset· l' @ $45, 34" @$49. I" @ $56. Tap & T hreadbox kit· 'l' @ $23.50, .\" @ S25.50, 1"@$28.50 Palm Planes · smooth (flat sale), scrub (convex sale), beading (concave sale) @$20.50 each. (Ohio residents add 4% Ohio sales tax.) Send $1 ( re f u nd a ble with irst order) for complee catalog of Conover Woodcrafting Tools. Available in 3 styles: Smooth plane (lat sole), scrub plane (convex sole), beading plane (concave sole). $20.50 each Parkman, Ohio 44080 phone: (216) 548-5591 BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE UMBER WHEN ORDERING. 2 GUIDE Also known as a Woodturner's Gauge, this tool is designed for repetition on the lathe. The sizin� tol acts as an outside calliper for preliminary depth cuts and for makmg accurately sized tenons. Designed to be used � I e ,� 1 ��� et %" 07P01·BP 07P02·BP 07P03-BP 07P04-BP 07P05-BP 07P06·BP 07P07-BP 07P08-BP 07P09·BP 3 0" 1C� Specify when ordering: 18124 Madison Road ine Qi ng Summer 1977, Volume 2, Number 1 CONENTS 4 News 5 Letters 14 Methods of Work 18 Questions & Answes Editor and Publis her Paul Roman Managing Editor John Kelsey Contrib uting Editors Tage Frid R. Bruce Hoadley Alastair A. Stair Corespondents Rosanne Somerson (New England) David Landen (South) Alan Marks (West) Editorial A ssistants Ruth Dobsevage Vivian Dorman Barbara Hannah JoAnn Muir Art Consultan t Roger Barnes Advertising Janice A. Roman, manager Lois Beck A dvertising Represen tative Granville M. Fillmore Subscrip tions Carole E. Ando, manager Gloria Carson, Nancy Knapp Viney Merrill Business Manager Irene Arfaras 21 Books 24 Addenda, Erata 26 Coopeative Shop by Rosanne Somerson : Group shares machinery , skills 28 Glues and Gluing by R. Bruce Hoadley : Adhesives are stronger than wood 33 Winter Market: Woodworkers show in Baltimore 35 Three-Legged Stool by Tage Frid : Design around the construction 3 8 Lute Roses by Lyn Elder : Delicate patterns are cut or sawn 6 Doweling by James Krenov : The whole secret is absolute accuracy 50 Spalted Wood by Mark Lindquist : Rare jewels fr om death and decay 45 Wharton Eshetick: Museum is sculptor's masterpiece 54 Antiqued Pine Funiture by B. D. Bittinger : Construction and fi nishing 5 9 Solar Kiln by Paul]. Bois : Boards emerge bright, check-free 60 Carving Fans by R. E. Bushnell : Add richness , authenticity 62 Bending a Tray by Jere Osgood : An experiment with lamination 65 Two Meetings by John Kelsey : Woodworkers compare notes 66 Index to Volume One 68 Caving Tools Cover: Lute Rose 0/16th-centuy Bolognese style , about twice actual size, carved by master lu thier Lyn Ede r in sp ruce that is only 1/16 in. thick. Horizontal bars are supp orting braces. Elde r discusses the de sign and carving techniques on page 38. ine Woodworking is published quarterly, March,June, September, and December, by The Taunton Press, Inc., ewtown, CT 06470, Telephone (203) 426-8171. Second-class postage paid at ewtown, CT 06470 and additional mailing offices. Postal Service Publication umber 105190. Copyright 1977 by The Taunton Press, Inc. 0 reptoduction without permission of The Taunton Press, Inc. ISSN 0361-3453. SIbscnption rates: United States and possessions, $9.00 for one year, $16.00 for twO years, $23.00 for three years; foreign rate, add $1.00 per year. Single copy, $2.50. Address all correspondence to: Subscription, Editorial or Advertising Dept., The Taunton Press, 52 Church Hill Rd., PO Box 355, Newtown, CT 06470. Postmaster: Send notice of undelivered copies on form 3579 to The Taunton Press, PO Box 355, Newtown, CT 06470. 3 41 Bowl Tuning by Peter Child : On the inside _________________ _____ sign ook s rady Fine Woodworking's Biennial Design Book has gone to press and is being mailed about June 17 to subscribers who ordered it . The price in bookstores and for new mail orders received aft er that date will be $8. The book consists of about 600 photographs of current work in wood by more than 400 craftsmen . It was compiled by the senior editors of Fine Woodworking fr om 8,000 photographs entered by woodworkers fr om all over North America. Photos for the second Biennial Design Book will be accepted during 1978 fo r publication in mid- 1979. Entries will be restricted to 8x lO glossy black-and-white photographs . Color prints and slides will not be accepted . NE 7S annual membership in the League of New Hampshire Crafts men. Contact the league ofice, 205 N. Main St ., Concord, N. H. 03301 . Telephone (603) 224-3375. Exhibiions nd shos Paint on Wood : Decorated American Furniture since the 17th Century : An exhibition of 55 painted wooden objects, through Nov. 13 at the Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian Insti tution, Washington, D. C. International Wood Carvers Congrss : A large annual show held Aug. 4 to 14 at the Great Mississippi Valley Fair , Davenport, Iowa. Entry deadline is July 20 ; contact Chester D. Salter, 2815 Locust St ., Davenport, Iowa 52804 . Entrants in this show may , upon request, have their work shipped to Toronto for the First Canadian Agricultural Wood Carving Exhibition. This show is to be part of the annual Canadian National Exhibition held in Toronto Aug. 17 through Sept. 5. The org anizers, who include the National Wood Carvers Assoc iation, expect it to be among the largest shows ever mounted , with $13,000 in prize money . Details fr om Ross T. Farr, Agricultural Manager , CNE, Exhibition Place, Toronto, Ont., Canada M6K 3C3. Young Americans: Fiber/ Wood IPlastic ILeather. A pres tigious show held every ten years by the American Crafts Council for artists and craftsmen between the ages of 18 and 30. The exhibition opens June 7 and runs to July 15 at the To keep pace with rising production costs over the past year and a half, the subscription price of Fine Woodworking magazine is being raised a dollar . A one-year subscription now costs $9, two years $16, and three years $2 3. Add a dollar a year for Canadian and overseas subscriptions. The single-copy and back- issue price remains $2 .50. These changes are effective June 1, 1977. Wodwokes fon ld A woodworker 's guild is fo rming in New England , spon sored by the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, to ex change technical and business information , and possibly to fo rm cooperatives for buying machinery and wood. The new guild plans to meet quarterly . Dues are $5 a year , plus $6 ACC national conference in Winston- Salem, N. c., and then shifts to the Museum of Contemporary Crafts in New York City. Save $6.0 on 2 Lunber Sanple Pacs con ng 33 ffeent nds of wd. n In ducoy Ofer. John $15.00, you can compare Ash with Benge, Birch, Brazilian Thlip, Bubinga, Cherr, Wormy Chestnut, Coco Bola, Ebon, Ekki, Green Heart, Holl, East Indian Laurel, Hondouras Mahogan, Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Philippine Narra, English Brown Oak, White Oak (plain sliced), White Oak (rift cut), Padouk, Poplar, Purple Heart, Brazilian Rosewood, East Indian Rosewood, Hondouras Rosewood, Sugar Pne, Teak, American Walnut, French Walnut, Nicaraguan Walnut, Wenge and Zebra Wood. These are not veneers but lumber samples Harra ---II & SUPPLY o. 39 WEST 19 STREET. NEW YORK. NY 10011. o Here'smycheck,ormoneyorder,for Send me your lumber sample packs,usually $21.00, plusacatalog. I I I I I plusa 2 dollarcreditonmyirstorder. Name o Here'smydollar.Sendmeacatalog I I I % by 2 by 6 inches. If you're interested in our stock of plywoods, logs, I I Address I 2 dollar credit on your irst order. L City j State Zip - - ------------ 4 Now, for WOD $15 .00. 2 ply veneers or tu ng blocks, send us a dollar and we'll send you a catalog and a ______ _ _ In your last two issues there have been no fe wer than fo ur articles on plywood and lamination ...a magazine calling it self Fine Woodworking should concentrate on that material more or less as it comes off the tree ....The sort of thing Ms . Swartz is doing bears about as much relation to ine wood working as would, say , origami (paper fol ding) . The methods of work involved in plywood are quite dif fe rent than those of wood work . In joinery they tend to be much more primitive . Plywood and laminates show a dif fe rent response than solid wood to the stresses and climate of use. Plywood , particularly the hardwood variety , is not in fact cheap , either new or used , at least not here in Toronto. Ply wood and laminates call almost exclusively for the use of power tools and abrasives. Plywoods and laminates every where look different than solid wood. Plywood tends to split out and break off at the edges of the top and bottom layers . Plywood is all too often poorly made , with uneven gluing and large internal pockets even in the better grades . You inevitably fi nd these things out when it's too late. When these pockets show up on the edge of a piece there is no way in the world to ill them effectively. The fl attened grain of plywood often has a strained, exhausted and bleached-out appearance. Because the glue is so close to the surface it does not take color well. Plywood will warp if the edges are not sealed .... The constant references to saving time , and saving money, and needing fe wer tools, are the giveaway . Compromises should be grudgingly made, not eagerly sought. -David W. Cumming, Toonto, Onto h ether you need a special kind of "period" n iture im or a basic "how-to make-it" woodworking book, your best buy is rom Minnesota Woodworkers housands of top quality items U at fair prices. For example, We offer 43 different casters and glides for table legs, including our popular white porcelain casters for just $6.98 per set of four. Yi' wide x 1." diam. Or, our complete selection of finishing supplies and tools including the IS-piece drum ander kit for just 6.98. We know it will fit your drill to make all your odd-shape sanding jobs a lot easier. 5 drums,S coarse sleeves,S fine sleeves. no adhesive needed. Or, mechanical pats like our Coffee Mill Mechanism. This cast iron heavy duty coffee mill mechanism will give years of ser vice. You can create a box out of wood, metal or plasic in which to mount the mechanism. Price includes assembled mechanism and plan sheet with all neces ary dimensions (box mateial, and screws are not included). $9.95 each. . . Re your article on a woman woodworker , Ellen Swartz , (Spring '77) : It's about time you started being responsible to all woodworkers by representing women woodworkers' works , knowledge , attitudes and skills as well as men 's. Up to this point your magazine has been blatantly one-sided in its view of the craft and the people in it . You think men are the only woodworkers around . T Thousands of items for eveyone from the experienced crafts man to the just-getting- started-do-it-yourselfer. Beautifully and completely illustrated catalog showing popular and hard-to-ind ... • veneers and inlays. picture framing supplies • funiture trim • upholstery supplies. finish ing supplies. hardware. craftplans and furni· ture designs. mouldings. lamp parts. tools • "How-to" books. casters. clck kits • musical movements .. --..u musical movements, lamp pats, clock pats, and ; Minneota Woodworkers offers a selection of - • tableware mechanisms. -Blake Emerson, Berkeley, Caltf In many of the letters regarding stains I have seen no refer ence to one that I have used since 1931 and have fo und to have no peer in bringing out the natural colors of the wood itself and has no tendency whatever to cover any of this nat ural beauty. It is easily and cheaply made and is a by-product of wood itself. Fill a bucket about half fu ll of hardwood ashes . Pour boil ing water over the ashes to ill the bucket . Let stand for at least 48 hours and then decant or siphon of the clear liquid and store it for fu ture use in a glass container . This material is particularly useful in finishing tabletops where one wishes to raise the grain several times, which is what should be done to any surfac e that will be exposed to spills of liquid. Use the -Satisaction Always 10% Guaranteed - Complete and mail check to: __ Minnesota W d workers Supply Co., Dept. F.W., Rogers, MN. 55374 __ o Send set(s) of four porcelain casters at $6.98 each set. Coffee Mill Mechanism(s) at $9.95 each. (Enclose check with order. Make check payable to Minnesota Wood workers. Complete catalog will automatically be included free with any drum sander kit(s) at $6.98 each kit. __ _________________ _ __ Address o Send ___________________ catalog(s) at SOC each. _______ _______ ___ 5 Name City State Zip LETBRS I am moved to remark on the considerable conceit ex pressed toward uses of wood . There ever seem to be those who would impress upon us their opinions as to what is valid and what is not. It is one thing to transmit one's experience with technology and esthetics . To insist on broad agreement that this then fo rms the limits of technology or esthetics is quite another matter. Wood itself does not proffer such opinions. -Newel White, Rochester, - All merchandise shipped post-paid - __ o Send o Send merchandise order.) Minnesota residents add 4% Sales Tax. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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