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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 059, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]ederal Cad Table p - e Cossct Saw Designing a Bed Letter C n g olurethane Basics Shop-Noise Dangers SUMMER SALE! A MUCH AWAITED EVENT THAT POSITIVELY EXPIRES SEPT. 10, 1986. 15" PLANER SUPER HEAVY DUTY TABLE-SAW bearing 3 bladecutter-head,precision ground cast-i ronbedandall countrytoday.Thisisthemachinethatyou rneighbors(onbothsides) sought-after machine in the H.P.Singlephase220vmotorwithamagnetic ove rloadp rotection bladecapacity,all sealed ball-bea ringconstruction,powerful 3 aroundheavydutyconstruction- weighs 500Ibs. & Alaska) for $825.00! MODEL G1023 Regularly $795.00 plus shipping. to anywhere in U.S.A. $49.95. & Alaska.) DUST COLLECTION SYSTEMS NOW delivered anywhere in U.S.A. (except Hawaii $100.00 shipping 8" X 65" LONG-BED JOINTERS NOW - ONLY $850.00 Delivered This is an excellent, trouble-free machine. Stand is an optional A SPECTACULAR BUY! (Except Hawaii Model G1030 Pictured. 11 WE USE PAST CUSOMERS AS REFERENCES. CALL US TO FIND OUT IF SOMEONE IN YOUR AREA HAS BOUGHT THESE MACHINES. & Alaska. You can't find a better machine than this for even twice our Check: Beds a re st r essrelieved and precisionground for the ultimate in x65" HeavyDuty CastIron Bed. 1 % $325.00 Prepaid to you. • A very useful addition to your shop - all models include freight to all states except Hawaii • One piecestand has chip-chute forquick dis posal. H.P.Single Phase Motor. $385.00 Prepaid to you. 4 Bags, 3 H.P. • Large 3 blade cutter-head has lubricated-far-lifeball bearings. MODEL G1028 - 2 Bags, 1 H.P. • Weighs closeto 500Ibs.- cetainlynota toy.! $525.00 Prepaid to you. Our merchandise is fully guaranteed with local pats and service back-up right in our warehouse. We carry a lot of equipment, all of high quality and all priced very reasonably. We import and sell direct to the user. Call for our fully loaded 1986 color catalog. GRIZZL Y IMPORTS INC. & Alaska) for ONLY $650.00! ONLY MODEL G1029 - 2 Bags, 2 H.P. NOW delivered anywhere in U.S.A. ONLY MODEL G1030 - VA Hawaii ONLY • . • • PHON E (206) 647-0801 PHONE YOUR ORDER IN USING YOUR VISA OR MASTERCARD OR SEND A MONEY-ORDER, CERTIFIED CHECK OR BANK DRAFT P .O. BO X 2069, BE L LINGH A M, W A 98227 • • FOR INSTANT DELIVERY . PAYMENT BY REGULAR CHECK WILL OELAY SHIPMENT APPROXIMATELY 3 WEEKS. This high quality planer is th 1" probablyalreadyown! switch.ComeswiththespecialG rizzlyfence.Weighs500Ibs. Powe rful2H.P.single phasemotor,large15x6" capacity,allball + Regularly priced at $795.00 • • accu racy. Exclusivequick leversfor raising andloweringthetables. Poweful • Regularly priced at $575.00 plus shipping. �� g· Fne - --====:: JUIY/AUgUst 1986 Elitor Paul Bertorelli DEPARTMENTS Letters & Art Director Roland Wolf 4 Asteadyhandandsharp 8 Methods of Work Sawdust-burning heater; non-slip push blocks; screw-pilot drill yearerequiredtomakea poolcue,aswellastouse Associlte Elitors Jim Cummins Roger Holmes Dick Burrows David Sloan one.Improveyourlathe 14 Answers Carving fluted bowls; clock acoustics; keeping purpleheart purple byfollowingtbe advice begInningonp.66. Events 90 Copy Elitor Nancy-Lou Knapp Books 94 TheTauntonPress Assistlnt Art Director Kathleen Creston Notes and Comment Bottleships; product review; Daphne awards 96 Elitoril' Secretlry Cindy Howard ARTICLES Paul Roman, publisher; Janice A. Roman, assciate pubUsher; Tom Luxeder, business man ager; Carol Marotti, ersonnel manager; Lois Beck, office services coordinator; Pauline Fazio, executive secretary; Mary Ann Colbert, secretary; Susan McCann, receptionist; Roy Sanderson, maintenance. Contributing Elitors Tage Frid R. Bruce Hoadley Michael S. Podmaniczky Simon Watts 34 Furniture from the Lathe by Dick Burrows New Jorms Jrom traditional techniques Accounting: t: E. 41 Getting Squared Away by Paul Bertorelli Finding the perJect perpendicular Books: Consu'ting Elitors George Frank Otto Heuer Richard 46 A Shop-Made Crosscut Saw by T.H. Ralph Table slides smoothly on linear-motion bearings sc Irene Arfaras, manager; Mary Ames, Elaine Yamin. Roger Banes, de sign director; Vickie Joy Stans berry, art assistant. Preiss Norman Vandal 48 Carving Incised Letters by Roger Holmes Just a Jew tools do the job Fulfill i ate art director; cott andis, Christine Timmons, associate editors; Nancy Stabile, copy /production editor; Martha Higham, secretary. Metbols of Work Jim Richey 52 Carvers' Chest by Aaron C. Zeamer Drawers on moving slides Carole E. Ando, sub scription manager; Terry Thomas, assistant manager; Gloria Carson, Dorothy Dreher, onna Gustaitis, Peggy LeBlanc, Denise Pascal, Heather Riccardi, Nancy chch; en Waner, mall-er vices clerk. Roert B 54 Federal Card Table by Michael Dunbar String inlay Jrames the game c nn Manufauring: FineWoodworkin g 58 Shop-Made Inlay by David Ray Pine Getting in the groove with a motorized grinder Costagliola, Linnea Ingram, John Kerstein, Aaron Nathenson, Marchelle Sperling, Nicholas Tamburri. n 62 Workshop Noise by Joy O'Neal Are machines damaging your hearing? o (ISSN 0361· 3453) is published bimolllhly, Janu· ary, March, MaY,July, September and November, by The Taunton Press, Inc., NewlOwn, CT 06470. Tele· phone (203) 426·8171. Second�class postage paid at Newtown, CT 06470, and additional mailing offices. Copy right 1986 by The Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduction without per· mission of The Taulllon Press, Inc. Fine Woodworking® is a registered trademark of The Taunton Press, Inc. Subscription rates: United States and possessions, $18 for one year, 134 for two years; Canada and other coulllries, $21 for one year, 140 for two years (in U.S. dollars, please). Single copy, $3.75. Single copies outside U.S. and possessions, $4.25. Send to Subscription Dept., The Taunton Press, PO Box 355, New· town, CT 06470. Address all corre· spondence Kathleen Da vis, director; Gary Mancini, manager; Barbara Bah', David eFeo, co Marketing: 66 Turning a Pool Cue by Colorado Slim A hustler shares his secrets ators; eorah a rge, Margot Knorr, production assistants; Claudia Blake Applegate, sys tem operator. Promotion: 70 Polyurethane Finishes by Otto Heuer Price tells as much as the label on the can Dale Brown, director; Rose marie owd, trade sales cor dinator; aura Video: ndo. execu Jon Miller, manager; Molly Tur meUe, assistant manager; Clau dia Allen. circulation assistant; Anne Feinstein, associate art director. 72 Spraying polyurethanes and other vanishes by Nancy Lindquist AdvertisingandSales: Rick Mastelli, producer/director; Don Goff. Jr., prduction assistant. (0 74 Cove and Pin Joint by David Gray Making a bull's-eye dovetail Rich ard Mulligan and James P. Chiavelli, national accounts managers; Vivian E. Dorman, associate sales representa tive; Carole Weckesser, senior sales coordinator; Nancy Clark, sales coordinator. Tel. (203) 426-8171. the appropriate depart. ment (Subscription, Editorial, or AdvertiSing), The Taunton Press, 63 South Main Street, PO Box 355, New· town, CT 06470. U.S. newsstand dis· tribution by Eastern News Distribu· tors, Inc., 1130 Cleveland Road, Sandusky, 76 Designing a Bed by Ian Kirby From paper to prototype OH Postmaster:SendaddresschangestoTheTauntonPress,Inc.,POBox355,Newtown,CT06470. 3 44870. 80 Wen dell Castle's Clocks by Roger Holmes ime is money esions skills,fnotyourgame, Leslie Caroia, publisher; Heather Brine amert, ment: hi, dis tribution supervisor; David Blasko, Mary Coer, Dinah tive secretary. Leters WW 1158 60106. #57). I have a few suggestions: make the router subbases and many of the jigs from X-in. clear acrylic sheet. It cuts and drills just like wood, may be tapped or glued, is extremely strong and provides a clear view of the work without the need to cut viewing ports. A scored line from an awl on the underside of any acrylic jig or template shows white from above and can be used to accurately position the router or the work. Using X- or ;-in.-thick acrylic as a template for the router guide ring or for bearings on bits is preferable to plywood or Masonite, as the plastic virtually never wears out or rounds over and the added savings in accuracy and safety will always pay off. - Paul Armstrong, Toronto, Onto honor the free jigsaw offer, send proof of purchase to the following address and Ryobi will send you your free jigsaw: Ms. Lil James, c/o Ryobi America Corp., WW Tower Lane, Bensenville, Ill. + b2)/2b for an arc with and, as a mathematician, was particularly interested in the note on drawing large shallow curves (Meth ods, #57). After some calculations, it was determined that the shallow curves being drawn by the "spile board" were arcs of circles of long radius, r = WW (a2 rise b and run a as shown. The following device, which I might call a long compass, should work equally well for drawing a circular arc through any three non-linear points. Right on! Thank you for the fine article by Rich Preiss on choosing a tablesaw ( #56). I have lusted for a Unisaw for as long as I have called myself a woodworker, yet I've never had the cash to buy one. I use a Sears Craftsman 10-in. saw of early 1950s vintage that I purchased secondhand. It is every bit as accurate as I am. Sure, it takes a bit more time to adjust, the fence needs to be checked before and after locking down and I cannot slam it around as I might a commercial model. It has, however, served me well for many years. I also use a 1970 Craftsman radial-arm saw and a lathe that goes back to when Sears tools were labeled "Companion" rather than Craftsman. These, plus an old Delta drill press and a small jointer, have enabled me to make a modest living from woodwork and that is the bottom line. No one need shy away from getting a shop going just because they can't afford the best. Insert gUide pins at the extreme pOints, place a pencil at the interior point and tighten pivot bolt with wing nut to hold the compass at this angle opening. Then simply slide the compass on the pins as the pencil traces the curve. This device and technique avoids having to make a , ny mea surements and having to cut a new spile board each time. Also, it's handy to know when finished that the circular arc does have radius r (a2 + b2)/2b and could be drawn with an ordinary compass centered at this (possibly quite large) distance from each of the three given points. The distances a and b can be measured from the finished arc (or from the compass setting with points A and C). - Clff Long, Bowling Green, Ohio -Michael . Kirch, Lucerne, Calf. WW In issue #55, "Tuning a Lidded Box" by Richard Raffan, I was surprised to find that Mr. Raffan, a professional tuner of many years, could not offer your readers something a little more sub stantial pertaining to lid fit problems. Achieving that perfect fit Mr. Raffan talks of is one thing, but having the box retain it for any reasonable amount of time is another matter. A little attention given to seasoning the box in the roughcut form could go a long way. I have only seen a few perfect lid fits of lasting stability in my many years of box making. Those crafted by Del Stubbs of Chico, Calif., come as close as any I have seen. I am sure they were only achieved through additional drying at the roughout stage, reducing the moisture level to equilibrium moisture content. Wood movement can successfully be held to a mini mum, even on boxes 10 in. in diameter or more, when a few drying practices are applied. - Bob Krauss, Dinosaur, Colo. #57). To a tool collec tor, paint stripper comes in the same category as covering a fine tool with polyurethane or drilling holes in it so you can mount it on the wall. They can't be replaced. Almost any old wooden surface can be vastly improved using 0000 steel wool and a 75-year-old household cleaner called Murphy's Oil Soap, which should be in most hardware or paint stores. It has the consistency of Vaseline, is amber in color and has a pleasant smell. Ask your mother, I'll bet she used it. Once you have a small amount of soap on your steel wool pad, rub it into the surface until it disappears. Now search the linen closet for one of those fluffy bath towels and buff the surface to a high luster. WW WW I believe that most who read FWWare those who - Jim Schumacher, Green Bay, Wis. #58 for a free jigsaw with the purchase of an AP-10 planer before May 31, I called to learn the participating distrib utors. They gave me some names and I began to call around. I talked first with Woodworker's Supply of New Mexico. They told me the price of the planer alone was $399. The "free" jigsaw would add an extra $95 to the cost. That didn't sound as free as I would have liked. Next, I called Leichtung - the price with the "free" saw was indeed $495. I phoned The Source in Springfield, Va., who told me the planer alone sold for $369 and that they had a special on the planer/saw combo for $459. One more call. Seven Corners Ace Hardware says, "What's all the confusion about? The planer/saw package is $375, deliv ered." A consumer shouldn't have to work so hard to spend money! I feel that I must respond to M. Breed's letter printed in issue #55. In it he claims that efficiency in craft is the motivation behind love wood and the aura of the shop. Efficiency certainly has its place, especially to one who attempts to pay his bills by pursu ing his dreams. If Aldren Watson and Theodora Poulos choose to spend their entire lives on only one "turning" (FWW #54), let them. I urge FWWto continue to seek out those who pur sue their craft on their own terms and who are happy, content people. It enriches all of us, both in our life and in our craft. - Dennis R. Mitton, Vidalia, Ga. WW Sauer, "Cousin Fred's 1 31,1986, I must comment on the article by Wonderful Woodworking Shop" in -Craig B. Wynett, Charlottesville, Va. there are so many insensitive, non-understanding wives and cousins in this world. It seems to me that building, having and caring for a beautiful, well-organized shop can also be a plea surable hobby. Talking about it and showing it to people is also fun. What does it matter if he makes anything or not? Cousin JAMES IpPOLITO OF RYOBI REPLIES, Dealer participation in our free jig saw offer was voluntary. We couldn't force Ryobi dealers to partici pate if they chose not to, but if you bought an AP-10 planer be tween February and May and your Ryobi dealer didn't 4 Fine Woodworking Re router joinery by Bernie Mass ( WW I enjoy reading = Being an antique tool collector and user, I shuddered at Gra ham Blackburn's suggested use of paint stripper as a method of cleaning old wooden planes ( Why is my "free" jigsaw costing $95? After seeing Ryobi's offer in WW #55. It is a pity that * * * RYOBI TOOLS list Slle S 1- 8 a 00 K t: : a * n & 0'coue!!! m 3xS'2 Finish Sader. . ed 41 �t:�:� ' 1 DRILL KITS list Sal. 165 110 165 110 179 120 179 120 179 120 Across The Board? BLACK Model DECKER Model 4300DW 081DW List Sale 158 99 174 95 224 125 128 73 152 SU6200 Finishing Sand. 112 Sheet 142 1 . WORM DRIVE SAWS 6'2" 12 amp - 4 00 rpm 7'/4� 13 amp - 4 00 rpm 1930 3;8" rev/hi sed . . 1950 3;8H High Torque. 5930 Reversible Hammer .. 1970 87015 3x21· dustless Ben Sand. 179 116 87100 3x24" dustless elt Sand. i list SII, 247 169 232 149 247 169 3047-09 7 1;4" w/brake - 12.5 amp 226 149 3048-09 8'/4" w/brake - 13 amp.. 240 155 BUilDERS SAW CAT 303t 7'/4" 13 amp - 00m 140 B720A 4x24" dustless Bell Sad. 269 165 Dl0VR K 00 DW 035DW 010DWK 010SDW 400DW DJOOODW 010Dl 012HDW 6'/4" Circular Saw . Finishig Sander . 38" Cordless Drill Kit. 38H Cordless Drill .. 3J8� Hammer Drill . 3:" Angle Drill. ..... . 38� Drill wfFlashlighl . & 00 rev/hi torque screwdriver 1980 Rev/adj. clutch crdrill BRAND NEWI SUPER SPECIALS 'rom MILWAUKEE 0214-138� c/less drive/drill . 159 109 8975 H.D. heat Gun, tt.6A low 570°F· High l00"F 74 49 5920 elt sander 3.24 w/o bag 289 199 5925 elt sader 3(24 wlbag VSR 0-120 rpm drill. 91 49 W640 7'/4" 13 amp circular saw 158 9 W7fl 8'/4" 13 amp circular saw 171 109 JS60 J i g Saw-Single S t,OELTA lI. 9 8'/4" 13 amp - 430 SUPER SAWCATS 00 99 9 BENCH TOP TOOLS 84 45 181 105 176 . . .. 112 9 JSE60 Jig Saw-electronic v/seed 198 123 Rl0 1 H.P. Plunge Router 138 86 R330 2 H.P. Rouler . . ... 220 138 RSO 3 H.P. Router. 265 163 El800 Drywall screwdriver 0-4 00 126 79 0- 00 . 00 + 162 89 .155 100 2 spd Driver Drill 035 8'/4" 13 amp· rpm .175 125 w/Bat Melal Case.. 178 98 38" Drill wfFlursnt . 3034 7" 13 amp - rpm .162 115 DK1002 6710DW 1t 90 & 215 JIG SAWS 3157-10 varlsp orb action dlhdl .. 174 115 3153-10 varlspeed '.SA 0-3100. 158 105 3159-10 21sp orb action barrel grip 178 120 rpm .162 115 ... . . . . . . .. 142 89 8Dl020R 3,-2-sd Cordless Doll w/lree hoIster-Xtra secial buy 148 95 TS251U 10" Mitre Box ... . . . .... Cordless crewdvr it 148 84 5930 e tt sander 4(24 w/o bag 5935 elt sader 4(24 wbag 319 214 PORTER-CABLE . NEW ITEMS 0- 00 169 SG1150C 4'/2" H.D. Mini·Grider. 9 59 YOUR ATENTION PLEASE! All Aove RYOBI TOOL Prices T.ke Addition_I 10% OFF Sale Prices MILWAUKEE TOOLS lisl S. I , 0224·1 3J drill 4.SA magnum .... 159 109 0234·, CUT SAW KITS 2 sp 6 amp-24o strokes 163 100 v/sp 6 amp-23o strokes 170 110 v/sporb6AO-2300strokes 183 119 Drill Bit Sharpener. 289 205 '2H drill 450 rpm 6 amp 1 75 115 Palm Sander. . 80 " '2 Sheet Finish Sander 160 105 DRYWALL GUNS 2034 V.S.r. 0-4 00 rpm. 121 79 List S.le 12 Mlel 11-950 8" Bench Drill Press lIsl S.I, 124 100 158 125 105 15 62 6 99 85 Drywall Driver Rev 115 85 3103 3105 3107 4300 1321 4110 4015 31;4" Plane 6.5A. 170 115 9 28-160 10" Bench Band Saw . 40-00 IS" Scroll Saw . 23-680 6" Grinder Ben ch . 23-880 8" Grinder Bench . Tenon Jig . 0 4 3" x2 '" Bell Sander . 119 125 3" (21" Belt Sndr wlbag .. 199 135 Cordless Screwdrvr kit . 175 115 Abrasibe Plane 3A. . 129 91 * * ROUTER RIOT * * by PORTER-CABLE 11 00 'rom 5 '3 . 8 ed ed driU 4.SA magnum .... 159 112 0244·1 12 drill 4.SA magnum .... 159 115 0222-1 3, drill 3.3A 0-10 rpm . . . 146 9 0228-1 - MAKITA TOOLS BD4510 Sander . 9008 3Hx 21� belt sander. by 2037 v.s.r. rpm . 139 - list S.le 141 91 156 100 194 130 211 145 .... 71/4- .W drill 3.3A 0- rpm 129 92 4 717 H.P. 6.5 amp . 1 H.P. 6.8 amp .. ,'12 H.P. 8 amp . 1'12 H.P. D·Hdle 8 amp . 1'2 H.P. S 0 MAKITA 95018 4H Grinder Kit.. 119 "Door Openers" 99248 3Hx 24" belt sander. 189 99240B 3Hx 24-blsand. wlbag 214 035 B375-1 38 close quarter drill - NEW A 3.5 amp 175 118 0210-1 3;8 ordless drill - NEW 01 sheet finish sander 79 0458 '12 sheet finish sander 156 go45N '/4 shl fin. sand. w/bag 158 105 4200N 438 eire. saw 7.5 amp 152 93 OO'N8 81;4 circ. saw 13 amp 178 105 5201 2708 8'/4" Table Saw... 199 . 33 2 s 154 95 malic Double Handle. 1'2 H.P. Speedmatic 00 7NB 7'/4" Circ. Saw . 151 ,. MILWAUKEE BUY OF THE YEAR Mdel 6365 SAW-ATHON 6539-1 cordless screwdriver -NEW- I90 R P M . 84 59 1007-1 '2� drill 4.SA D-Hdle .... . 199 145 1107-1 '2-doll '.SA D-Hdle . . . * X-TRA SPECIALS * 300 190 PORTER CABLE #314 4'12" Trim Saw list llG ...... SALE 109 11346-1 6'2" Top Hdle llsl161 ...... SALE 100 #617 7'/4" Push Hdle l l s l 166 ...... SAtE 96 #587 7'/4" Speedtronic lIsll99 ...... SALE 125 11315-1_ 71;.- Top Hdle lIsll66 ...... SALE 96 #368-1 8'/4" Top Hdle lIs l 176 37 ouble Handle. 315 215 - Clr:ular 145 3300-1 magnum t angle drive kit 249 170 3102-1 Plmbrs rt angle drill kit . 520 518 270 3 H.P. Micropresor 5-sp 490 345 TRIMMERS BY PORTER-CABLE 1 0'/4 eire. saw 12 amp 48 215 4300BV v/sp jig saw 3.5 amp . 192 120 43018V orbv/spjigsaw3.5amp 208 125 JR300Wl 2 sp recip saw w/cse 168 120 JR300V v� recip saw w/case.. 178 120 lisl $159.00 SII, $99.00 lot. 3 - $289.00 263 180 ••• SPECIAL PROMOTION lSl00 New 10H Mitre Box. 348 19' 792210·7A Carbide Bid lor aove . 45 31 9820-2 Blade Sharener. . 244 159 741074-9 ••• 235 395 38 gle sp hammer drill kt 203 150 397 38 var sp hammer drill kit 208 155 5371-1 HD mag. hammer drill '2� 287 207 5373 HD mag. ham. drill 3J8H .. . 240 175 6511 2 seed Sawzall w/case 181 122 6226 ort band saw 2 sp w/case 382 280 6234 TSC band saw ort w/ease 82 280 405 8'/4w circ. saw 13 amp ... 179 127 460 10'/4 309 310 312 319 3.8 amp laminate trimmer 130 0 3.8 amp laminate trimmer 190 135 oNset base laminate trim 205 140 tilt-base laminate trim 215 10 & PORTER CABLE Model 7548 Top Hdle Jig Saw LIST 199 - SALE 129.95 Model 7648 Barrel Jig Saw LIST 199 - SALE 129.95 PORTER-CABLE HO Brand New 8 � P of on 8 0 H.D. '2het of on S MAKITA TOOLS '3 00 by ......• MAKITA TOOLS lisl Slle s ro r il . . • 010DL Cfless Drill wflashHght- charger � .. Xlrahvy vIs drill 5.2 amp 164 115 z case . 162 0 DP3720 3;8 drill Rev. 0-1800 rpm 0 47 6510LVR 38 drill Rev. 0-100 rpm 116 67 013BR 1/2" Drill rev. 6 amp.. 174 100 M02A 16"CircularSaw-12amp 468 315 2414 1'-Cu' Off Saw-13 amp 282 169 36121R 3 HP Plunge ROOler. 286 175 9401 4(24 elt Sander w/bag 248 160 PORTER-CABLE 696 H.D. Shaer Table 695 H.D. 1'/2 hp Router/Shaper 399 Drywall Cut-Out Unit . vIs bayonet saw w/case 255 169 9627 2 sp. ,ier saw kit If 8 H 15 amp w/case 349 245 6165 12" Chop saw 15 amp '20 R.P.M. . 0- 00 1 . amp. 193 130 SALE 110 629 Vlsp. 'iger saw kit . amp. . 204 135 . 285 189 ( rse) Grdg Whl . 33 23 741070-7 100 (med) Grdg Whl . 30 22 741071-5 BELT SANDERS finis/sander 175 100 330 spd blc sander t/4 sheet : 199 140 6245 sgle sp Jig Saw 3.8 amp 175 125 6012 . . . PORTER CABLE '363-4Hx24Hw/oBag lIl - 21G Slie - 15 1362 - 4· 87 4 (line) Grdg Whl. 43 30 ed r essi al disc sander 169 120 g sheet HD Orb. sander. 1 59 110 014 '2 sheet HD orb. sander . 169 112 660 1'2 HP router 10 amp ... 265 175 5680 2 HP rouler 12 amp ...... 314 220 DRYWALL SHOOTERS 6753-1 3.S amp DELTA 305 r es i c d v r Innd M.. 59 35 al l i her. 169 120 3 1;4H planer w/case . . 3'/4" planer w/case 7511 m 1900BW ll00HD 360IBK 3601B 37008 14 92 278 160 132 85 168 115 . 24-wlBag llsl- 215 SII, -1 7554 lra hvy d l amp 2 1 0 150 . list Sale 156 105 278 190 10 70 & 1H.P. Z .......... 411 215 3/4 hp router w/case . ,38 hp router .. '12 hp trimmer 28,00 rpm .. 6" Round Sander . 38H angle dritl. . '12 lIsp wIreV' 4.8 amp #503 - 3" x 24� w/Bag llsl - 510 Slle - 30 ......... 289 190 DRYWALL SHOOTERS 7544 5.2 amp - 200 rpm ..... . 158 105 745 5.2 amp - 0·200 rpm .. 158 105 AEG POWER TOOLS SuerScis! Z rpm now . 115 79 6747-1 '.S amp 2So rpm . Z - 124 82 84 48 158 105 154 92 . ,.. 100 Speedtronic Band Saw . 7564 '12" X.H.D. Drill 8 amp .. BOSCH TOOLS 1581VS Top Handle Jig Saw . 1512V5 Barrel Grip Jig Saw .. 1604 1 3/4 H.P. Router . 1942 Heat Gun 650°_90° . 1272 3x24-Belt Sander. Z j" S 6756·1 '.S amp 0-' 00 rpm ..... 129 0 NEW FROM RYOBI MOOEL AP-10 8D4530 DAJOOO DP4700 HP1030W 0- 00 456 330 205 145 lI.t S.I, j- #34-410 - 10" CONTRACTORS SAW wlSland e- 0 00 .·.OELTA it S.I, Mod'i list S.I, ii 51 v.s.r. hammer drill Motor SPECIAL lICE 879.00 fACTORY REBATE . . .. . .... 100.00 579.00 fREE DELIVERY TO 48 STATES 1 501 CI1ess 10" Suface Planer WEIGHS ONLY 58 LBS. LIST 659.00 - SALE 375.00 MILWAUKEE 1 w/case. . 145 98 6300LR '2" angle drill wIre"... 229 152 84198B-2W '2� s sp. hammer 225 126 126 111 199 118 99 85 259 159 274 189 274 169 289 179 * * 502 CI1ess ScNdvr·l0 rp C c a 1 ** •• 505 Crless OrililOfiver . . 139 79 H.m S06 Clless Electronic OrtlOM 159 94 S 150 II 6145 drill w/ease. 238 150 Disc Sander. . 71 53 250 rpm 3.S amp . 123 79 0-2SO rpm 3.S amp.. 133 19 '00 rpm 3.5 amp.. 123 79 581 CI1ess Caulk Gun var/Sp .. 179 101 SCR1E Orywall Screwgun 0·200 . 125 74 SCR11E OrywaJII SCflwgun GV5000 6800D8 6800D8V 6801D8 6801DIV 2030n 2040 11051 JVI600 JV2000 005BA 1272D 3x24H Belt Sander w/bag . 125 74 8 Ob · 4 0 BRAND NEW 1273 4x24� Belt Sander. 1273D 4x24 Beit Sander w/bag BEaRl OrbSndr25.oooOPM var l p drill 3.8 amp rev Model 0212-1 Cordless Variable Speed 3/8" Drill liST ...179.0 SALE ...125.00 Model BE10RL var/sp Ifill 5 amp rev 125 74 . rpm 3.S 133 19 12" planer�olnler ..... 2160 1475 15%-planer SIE401Rl Ham Dnll ,ISp h.d. . 52 Dn" 2 sp h.d .. . 169 101 TC25E Tech Oriver v/sp '0 * .... 1780 1195 6'8" planer kit w/case 416 265 var. sped jig saw. . 145 89 var. seed orb. jig saw 185 1 00 5'12" circular saw 8 amp. with brake.. 154 34-010 Motorized Mitre-Box 231 14e - 4 112- Sander-Grinder LIST ...139.00 SPECIAL SALE .. . 85.00 Go Cordless with MILWAUKEE #6305 -6 1;4-Cordless Circular Saw 12 volt -1 Hour Charge Cu's (80) 2,'·s (Pine) lI.1 PrICl I95.00 amp . .. r Saw,2 amp. 157 13 VS130 Orb Sndr 20.00 DPM 113 sh 75 41 VS280 ir ul NEW LOW PRICES 10' PONY CLAMP FIXTURES 5 . .. . r f••• /2" 24 27.2417. 50 •• Sndr 25.00 OPM I! sh 156 t ;,- F clnlng 7;4" 40 32.17 lOiS list S.I, of 12 11.23 7.15 71.0 1.31 1.10 67.6 JORGENSEN HAND SCREWS w/b.g 189 118 Hbll75S elt Sander VlSP 3" x 2'" . 0 lilt 199 11' SSPEIO J i oSawOrbVlsp4 . 6Aw / Clsl214 127 RSK80 Recip Orb Saw 5 �" Bore - Indu.trl.1 Grad. G,,·'Pu". 9207SPC vaT/speed electronic sander/olisher . 209 130 146 95 128 71 amp .. 229 131 ROTARY HAMMERS PtE 15Rl 3.8 amp %-capacily in concrete . SALE PRICE 119.0 FREUD SAW BLADES Unlv. Bor. - P 1J03IH 4'12" sander-grinder kit 4014NV varlsed blower .. m n J.w lonl1 4" S- 6- 7" 8 ·· 10- 12- 1'- 16- H o lonal Serl DOWL JIGS MODEL DOWL-IT 1000 ............. 2000 ..................... RECDRD VICES Model 115/0 114/0 113/0 112/0 110 111 112 113 114 lISl 11.51 12.45 13.36 14.36 15.17 11.25 20.4 28.8 34.51 S.I, of .. .. 219 175 80,01 01 f," X f," 210 5.2 amp capaclly in concrete. . . 31. 7.25 31.15 8.10 43.75 1.56 45.15 8.95 48.35 1.15 3.75 11.35 11.25 13.G 72.5 16.75 11.35 23.75 121.25 JORGENSEN BAR CLAMPS STYLE 37 CARBIDE TIPPED SAWBLADES H.m Mo. D.cipUon Dllm. Tilth G,,-'u". 80, ll.t S.I, 32.95 23.95 42.95 32.95 Sill G,,-'u". PHE 20 Same as aove - except var/sp 0-750 . 4" 270 PHD 28 6.3 amp 1-capacly in concrete . .... . . . . 1 PS203 .'.11 7 5 s 'I2" PS303 in. 20.50 n 52D 7" jaw - 8-Opening 11.00 51.00 52 11D 9" Jaw - 13-Opening 12.0 71.0 3M Co. Rllplrot.1 111500 8 415 320 CARBIDE TIPPED SAWBLADES Him Mo. Dl - 3. 7.5 amp 1 '2" capaciy in concrete 11' . . 2 ... . . ... 41 355 All aove complete with c ... SKIL TOOLS ;,- lplio Dllm. Tilth Lilt Sli. 10" 40 11.58 34 10" 11 11.30 35 10" G 7 1 O . 10.o-Case 60 19.00 ;,-, lU72M010 11851G of 15 . 13.O-Case of 180135.00 buying from Seven Coners Hdw_ lUllM010 r list Sol. lU73M010 36 10" G 88.11« 10" 40 70." 38 10" 6 74051 37 10" IG 110.11 2'2" Thr o .t 511 Circ. saw 6.SA. . " 3 & . H LUI2M010 CuI-Ot lUUM010 Comblnltlon lUUM011 Comblnlllon LUI5M010 II,or C.,.11 lM72M010 R'ppl" DS 308 ,-O.d lol. of I 28.70 32.13 37.3 31.11 «.51 41.33 •. 7'14" Worm Saw. . . 240 135 367 6'2" Worm Saw.. 231 135 825 B'/.- Worm Saw ... . .. . , Is good Rule to follow, STANLEY lI.1 S.I, Mod.1 270 115 G7 7;,-Sk"saw 13A-Super . . 153 100 1G8 B;.-Skllsaw 13A-Super .. 172 1 10 2011·02 33-111 Pl-316 ,16 · Rule .. 15.15 7.56 5 4 .......... 131.00 12 ..170.00 105 ..... 311.00 255 10- 24 33-320 Pl-320 20C Rule . 15.15 Pl·425 1-, 2S · Rule . Cordle .. Drill omplete W/Charger. Case DS 301 O.d. TR 100 2 baneries July/August 1986 5 0A 0 8" Mod,l 3056 051 052 3033 6'12" 13 amp - l120U 3%- Planer . Mortise 3 H.P. Prduction . .. 1676-1 HD Hote Hawg wIee 2 sp P r 9541 05 6255 v/sp Jig Saw 3.8 amp . 9652 Versa·Plane Kit . 9118 Porta Plane Kit. .. Z 736 V/S 98 52 r SE2E13Rl 112" PC70 7 1/4" VSS280 _ , [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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