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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 081, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]6"x47" HEAVY DUTY 10" SUPER HEAVY DUTY TABLE SAW MODELG1023 10" HEAVY DUTY TABLE SAW 6" x 48" JOINTER COMBINATION SANDERS '37500 SALE PRICE G;eat contractor's saw! Of $1 9500 he ultimate in accuracy! F0 . 8 . elhngham. WA or Williamsport. PA $34500 F , Q , S , ellingham, WA or Williamsport, PA ' F08 elingham. WA or Williamsport, PA F.OB. f ngham. WA MOBILE BASE MODEL G1744 ONLY'8995 Wiiamspot, PA MOBILE BASE MODEL G1750 ONLY'89·· is'' PLANER Surround yourelf MOBILE BASE MODEL G1740 MOBILE BASE MODEL G1739 ONLY'8995 WOOD SHAPER ONLY'8915 i th t h e b e s t! · � MOD EL G 1024 F.D.B. ellingham, WA or Williamsport, PA $24500 MODEL G1021 NOW ONLY $72500 F.O,B, ellingham, WA . o r Williamspot. PA (St an d nol included) MOBILE BASE MODEL G1748 ONLY'89·· ONLY'89·· X 30" IMPORTS, INC, Of 2 H.P. DUST COLLECTORS MODEL G1029 '33500 6" 16" BAND SAW , MODEL G1538 REG. $52500 EDGE SANDER MOD SALE PRICE $4 9 500 SALE PRICE $2 9 500 1" blade capacity maks REG. � the job! Hoses and fittings available! INCRAGAUGE F . O . 8 . ellingham, WA WlIIiamspot. PA Cleans up re-sawing a pleasure! MOBILE BASE MODEL G1742 ONLY'89·· BADE NO,OF . MODEL PRICE '11.95 '13,95 '25,0 '31,0 AI thes, prices you can 'I go wrong! S I Z E TEETH /\" 101 fo r seling up router bits, table saws, where ine nea.urem."s aren 8" G1239 24 d edl MODEL G1823 G1240 40 G1241 24 $2850 " ONLY $1 295 G1242 40 , r wareouse is bursting ith toolsl MODELG1768 Amazing! ONLY sk lor our lee catag. ' " CALL TOLL FREE: EAST OF ' THE MISSISSIPPI: WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI: 1-800-523-GRRR 1-800-541-5537 71 7-326-3806 (Inquiries & Customer Service) (Orders & Catalog Requests Only) 206-647-0801 (Inquiries & Customer Service) D ER SERICE NO. 74 89-117. MODEL G1182 REG. ONLY T REG. $27500 SALE PRICE F,O.B. ellingham. WA or Williamsport, PA 8" 74" Invaluable (Orders & Catalog Requests Only) �W org " F ne ______ March/April199o DEPRTMENTS 4 Leners 12 Methos of Work Squaring cabinets; chisel grinding; spiling for making patterns 22 Questions & Answers Quieting a noisy planer; a quilting hoop; mildew problems 104 Evens 108 Books 110 Notes ad Comment Carlyle Lynch; woodworking grants; Rude Osolnik Mark Duginske uses a dollar bill to gauge the tightness of a joint made with his simple mor tise-and-tenon system on p. 46. Cover: Terry Moore finishes a chair he built using a series of jigs (article on p. 40). RICLES 40 Production Cha m a n g by Terry Moore Jigs and loose tenons simply angled joiney Elilor Dick Burrows At Direelor Roland Wolf Asoeiale Elilor Sandor Nagyszalanczy Assslanl Elilors Jim Boesel, Charley Robinson, Gary Weisenburger Coy Eillor Carolyn Kovachik Assoeiale Art Direelor Kathleen Rushton Eliloial Secretay Claire Warner Conlilling Elilors Tage Frid, n g a chair 46 Machine-Made Mortises and Tenons by Mark Duginske Production techniques for high-qualiy joiney 45 Desig R Bruce Hoadley, A Shop-Built Shaper by Frank Perron, Jr. Tilting table ads a new angle to panel-aising 50 u s roducing razor-sharp edges with honing guides and waterstones 58 Ma n g a Message Center by Luea Valentino Apprentice project develops woodworking skills Christian Becksvoort, Michael Dresdner Consulling Eillors George Frank, Richard E. PreiSS, Norman Vandal Metbos of Work Jim Richey Indexer Harriet Hodges 55 Shapening Chisels and Plane Blades by Bill S ss lanl Brenda Hamilton Publsb_ John Lively MarkeUng Ma_ger James P. Chiavelli Cireulalion 62 Student Desks by John Moore High school shop clss on a roll 64 Ma n g a Writing Desk by Christian Becksvoort Customizing a leg-and-apon table with drawers CoylProluelion Elilor Christy McCormick Publ" Reallos Ma_g_ Donna Pierpont AII,inslrali"e Secretay Susan M. Clark Marketing Secrelay Sherry Duhigg si g C Iir a n M n Simonds Nalio_l Aeeouns Ma_gers Don Schroder, Dick West Senior Sales Coorli_lor Carole Weckesser Ad 68 Building a Wooden Hygrometer by Warren W. Miller Measuring humidiy's dramatic efect on wood FineWoodworkings a rader-written magazine. We welcome 70 Marquetry by Pierre Ramond Decoating with a palette of colored woods Fax. (203) 426-3434 ll submisions s , manuscrips, photographs and ids rom our rad ers, amateur or profssional. We'll acnowledge FineWoodworking magazine remains in the authors, phoOg 73 Gel Stains by Jim Boesel oducing vn color with less mess A professional's gel tec i ques by Gregory D. Johnson 76 Building . a Chest-on-Chest by Carlyle Lynch A simple method for faming carcses with solid sides and rerum the we an't publish. Send your contributions to [0 the copyrights in the contributions appearing in FineWoodworking Tide 75 [0 raphers and artists, unless otherwise indicated. They have gramed publication rights FineW dk ing (ISSN 0361·3453) s published bimonthly, January, March, May, July. eptemer and Novemer, by The Taunton Press, Inc., Newt n , r 6470. i pionaes: United States and ss ostage paid at Nwtown, r 6470, and additional mailing oices. Copyright 1989 by he Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduc· tion without permission of The Taunton Press, Inc. Fine Woodworking� is a regis· tered trademark of The Taunton Press, Inc. ss 80 Round-Bottom Planes by Monroe Robinson Making tools to fit your hands and nees Telephone (203) 426-8171. econd· Sub sss iOns: U., £,2.95; other countties and sss ions, S5.95. end to Suscription Dept., The Taunton Prss, possessions, 522 for one year, S40 for two years; Canada and other countties, 526 for one year, 548 for two years (in U.S. doUars, plee). Single copy, S4.95. Single copies outside U.s. and Oox 556, Newtown, T 6470· 84 Tablesaw Safety Devices by Charley Robinson A survy of blade guards, hold-downs and push sticks 89 Woodwor n g Schools ll corr o ndence to the appropriate dep m ent (Su i ption, Edi· o1, or Advenising), he Taunton Prss, 63 outh Main Street, Oox 556, New· town, T 647..556. U.s. n 556. Addrss OH 44870. Pos m ster: Send address changes to The Taunton Press, Inc., PO Box 5506, Nwtown, T 06470-5506. 3 AI"ertsing Secretay Jennifer Dunbar Tel. (800) 243-7252 po FineWoodworking. ox 556, Netown, on.47-556. tand distribution by sten News Distributors, Inc., 1130 Cleveland Road, Sandusky, Le s n Memory of 1946-1989 Roland Wolf, art director of Fine Woodworking and creator of much of the finest artwork we've published in the last seven years, died last December, following an apparent heart attack. We will all miss his extraordinary talent, his good humor and his friendship. In gratitude for all he shared with us and the readers over the years, we dedicate this issue, the last one he worked on, to him. -The staf of Fine Woodworking Rond Wolf to start with. And as far as critiCizing him for using power tools for everything, I like it that way. At 57 years old and riddled with arthritis in the hands, I don't ind woodworking easy. Power tools help me a lot. Besides, I don't expect to be building furni ture at [Colonial] Williamsburg. I can do many things by hand, but come on, it's a real drag. Just look at what these dovetail jigs can do. When I build something, I want to inish it sometime this year. The only thing missing in the show is a big lazy pooch laying on the floor. I love the show, I can almost smell the sawdust from here. -John McDonnell, Hawthoe, NJ. WW #75), I have been lattered by a number of amateur woodwork ers who have contacted me to let me know how much pleasure they've had imitating my boxes for their loved ones. I've also been ofended by a few would-be-professionals who have tried to pick my brain to put my design into production. These boxes are a big part of my income and fetch an excellent price, based on originality of design and a fine finish. I pub lished those plans to share an idea I was proud of and enjoyed and to be an inspiration to my peers. I didn't expect my idea to be ripped of by small-time operators without the gumption or intelligence to find their own marketable ideas. -Jamie Rssel, Sskatoon, Canada • A Souhener joins wih a Ykee-Norm Abrams presens his version of uniture pieces that an be used in the modern home yet relect something of the past. I have some old cabinets in an old shop that are better looking than the old Shaker pieces on the program, yet I would not put them in my house or present them to a riend. I am a real amateur at oo rking and I an under sand the pride of completing a reprduction of fine uniture. This is not what the program is about. The program is about building presenable pieces of urniture in the home workshop. I think he does an outstanding job of presenting the projects. I have learned many things in the five or six programs I have atched. Norm is not trying to give a safety lesson on each program, even though there are imprints on the screen when guards are removed. s a k it is my responsibility to learn to use the equipment safely. f w orker that has numerous pieces of power equipment, I w n defense of Norm Ab s -Having read the article criticiz k to be a master e nter and to be Norm's age is a I don't, then I'm the fool. I notice that Norm has all his ingers, seemingly good eyesight and hearing, plus I do not see any major scars. I WW #79), I feel a rebuttal is definitely in order. Here is a man that has given each of us a lit. I'm tired of turning on the tube and seeing the same old junk on every chan nel. I'm certain that an awul lot of guys out there like me can't wait until Norm comes on. From the guys I talk to, they ing Norm Abrams and The New Yankee Workhop in the Novem berlDecember issue ( major accomplishment, so he must be a pretty safe guy. I have not met Norm, but I would like to. I feel that he is a down-to-earth person who enjoys his work and enjoys contribut ing his knowledge to us-a bunch of amateurs. This is unusual and very nice in this day and time. Another thing-this is the age of power tools. Thanks Norm for helping me build things with them that I didn't have the knowledge to build before. -Robert D. Walton, Manfiel, iw, John McAlevey, is right in one way-he s a e nter, but I a. t ea h er -Norm is a great teacher. He allows a wonderful, rich pathway to inspire and motivate young people with the "you-can-do-it" attitude. You have to pay your dues at your crat and you have to start somewhere. The book and video have excellent production values; the projects are interesting and the techniques are wonderul. John McAlvey's reference to too much use of power tools is ridiculous. Chippendale and Sheraton would have used power equipment for their production work didn't see anybody else come on television that des it any better. Until Norm came on, the average wood butcher had nothing. It's easy to look over someone's shoulder to make corrections. s 30 minutes And I feel he s really given a chap shot. He only Norm a great to show you something. Yes, he may slop the glue on fast at times, but he has to work fast. It ges without saying that when you are doing it, the thing will e done slower and with a little more are. I can't wait for him to come on television. Yes, you could say there are an awful lot of esoteric furniture builders out there who will look down on him. And most of them are thinking about the money he is making with the show and his tapes, and that is possibly what hurts most of these pros. I can't speak for everybody, but I get sick and tired of hearing "put on your safety glasses," "put on your ear muffs," "don't get near the blade" and all the rest of it. Your God-given sense should have told you that to start with. If people are that dumb that they have to be prod ded into every little move, then they shouldn't be working wood a he hih cost of custom work-I very much appreciated Douglas Schroeder sharing his experiences in "Handling Large Commissions" ( f available at the time. There ll et and handsaw is must e "intrinsilly pure" and use a chlse a little naive! -Nicholas Tyler, Manotick, Ont., Ca a e y. Daa Pcessing: wb uy, g , Brndan t drector; ia lr, d uction ss ant; Copy y Roth, asciate t dctors; athy Cssidy, s WW #78), but I do fmd one thing very distress- n ; Mark Cole, ss ant; Christopher c, ofice-sviCes od inaor, Chuck u ction ditor; Marketing, Jon Miller, diector; Andrea Onda, & Facilities: William ITINS keting: Dale B , m e s dic, Diane Paneron, x u · i ter; Eileen H o n, marketing g es; Pamela Purrone, Copoate r Hollis, ain e a n g: ".y v en ts sisnt ss ans; Subcription: o le Ando, managr; Patricia Aziere, Connie Barczak, onna Baxter, Patricia Beardsley, Dorothy Dreher, Denise ss tantj B a Buckalew, mrketing secrety. as s; Susan Morehouse, e F lm ent & Myers, buyer/expediter; Debra Brown, Chef/manager; Kathleen Cstello, Nonna-Jean Taylor, afet a l. n a TheTaunton ss : Paul Roman, presde/It; Janice A. Roman, vie eaions: Tom Luxeder, director, Jane Torrence, secretary; Cr· ger, Php Alld, senior co ll; e n,t, pre press manager; n t, Roger n, n diecor, Carol ee , x u ie e · m l a, graphic arts supevisor; Susan Kahn, staf pho tographer; Peggy Dutton, production manager/books; Philip V in ss� lln O ,io n ty.Accounting: Wayne n olds, contr ol, Patrick Lamontane, po m mr train; Ellen Wolf, C oor. oy,r; m v, pr o. r k, pdu n i d oo, eoh or, k Col , Bowe, Roger elia, senior po s Grco, int Boo N ldeos: John Kelsey, publsher; Marcie Seigel, dministra oo; tant; Carol Diehm, Diana D'Onoio, Lydia Krikorian, Elaine Yamin. l st; Monica Bulon, sssnt C appliations spe· culation: Karen Chch, coordinator, Mary Ann Colben, Patricia Williamson, circulation assistans; Customer Service (Subscriber): pp , Valerie Lunes, stms oera . b , color oo fing oprator; Dinah u Pe o nel: Carol Marotti, , inda ll, o nnel ssis s manager; jerey Sherman,fiancial analyst; Mary SuUivan, ac c ou n Patricia Malou', manger; Nancy Schoch, senior customer seroice rep; Jane Bojnowski. Diane Hurvul, Barbara Lowe, Joyce McWilliam, Mrylou Thompson; Customer Service (Trade): Gloria Carson, ducon snt, a o n, Nancy nn areUa, editor; Deborah Fillion, book de signr; Paul Benorelli� Christine T d ur; lboms M d , ss ant d uc, t: v isor; Christine Cosacchi, coordinator; Peggy leBlanc, data entry; Lori Moir, telemarket; Distribution: Danny D'Antonio, managr; Grace Aumuller, David Blasko, Michael capalo, Timothy Harrington, Linnea In c s s scanner operators; Laurene J mm ons, senior editors; Andrew Schultz, assistant edito; Maria Anione, secretary; Videos: Jams Hall, George, comsition ys gr, Maot Knorr, appliation publi sa te m , Mary nn Costaglioa, Fred Monns, calist; ant; Chris Lincoln, see y . 4 Fne Woodworking Ripping of designs - They say imitation is a form of flattery. Since you published my article on my tambour boxes ( ll say the same thing-he is a heck of a nice guy. The author of the re s an old saying: "Principles are easier on a ll elly." The idea we A O N Alice Saxton, Roen Weinstein; Purchasing Steven Hunter, H chappert, managr; Lois Be duction: Ruth Dobsevage, Ro nOlah, coy/ Kathleen Davis, director; Austin E. Starbird, Robert M tive secretay; Deorah fumiture DWE TRUSLOCK SPACING TOOLS For Safe, Fast Truss Installation • • he EalyMusicShp choosefrom NEWENGANDnowhas3keyboardkitsto SPINET : - �l, 00 _ OF • 4' FR TT ED • HARSICHORD l o r HN BASSES Nooks Hill Rd., • Accurate · Easy To Use Saves Time-Material-Problems CLAVICHORD PO Box 120F Cromwell, CT 06416 203-635-4400 send $3.00for a catalg SendAEforc o lea f le tt o � NIK VON-HEUNE 6Sa BOYlSON STREET BROOKLINE MSS_ 02146_ Route 1, 801135 Calvert City, KY 42D29 1-800-334-9689 5D2-898-3365 GZEBOS Included in this delight ful book are designs for 55 Gazebos, plus many Bird Feeders, Bird Houses, Arbors and Strombrellas. Con struction plans avail able for all designs. 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WI 53066 (414) 567-4255 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - MC Wausau, WI 54401 � & VtSA ACCEPTED REDER SERICE NO. 76 D ER SERICE NO. 10 REDER SERICE NO. 51 Capitalize on Capital Savings! 5" OFF LIST BYROM PROFESSIONAL GRADE "DA 50 ' • 1/ � S � NK 5.0 PORTER-CABLE 100 718 HP Router. MAKITA Free -12 A 12 HK . 0 .d ,! 1 HPRouter re stad. freight 1900BW 3-1/4" Planer Kit $ '12.0 $ 91.00 to·Tew /lcltc rake. 465.0 ' SticitlMroOs or 11359 disensr. on 20J)N 12·112" Planer, 6" Jointer 1810.00 Speed-Blcl Sader 3J) with Stikil RVERSIBLE AIL AND STILE 1/4 w/electric brake, 54.00 portable tr( l 0 361 wih dust cl ' $10 extra) - 2.0 6 f EE PANEL AISER " 2711 4" x IDOls l e _".( r e 187.0 - 7,0 OOR LIP 12 SANK $58.00 Stad 112251-6 · $59.0 11.95 ce. 1/2 SHANK CASSICAL - $52,0 6.0 3" x 24" 8" Cordless Dril Kit, variable 108.00 Q ox S G HT GEE 165.0 Prices 3612-8 3 HP . 555 Plate ;oiner w/case w ! < 18.00 subject 8" Cordless Drill Kil,variable 128.00 to 6071 OW Biscuits, assorted 0, 10, of 1,000 25.00 change seed,reversible,72v. 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EY620B �2v.. 15 min. carge. 12" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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