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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 085, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]Build a Vanity Table ll Shop-Built Sander About Maple Sabersaw Evaluation Carved Vessels WA or William , PA hy Grizzly? 6" X 47" HEAVY DUTY JOINTER MODELG1 182 REG. $3750 $6 95 00 ..ellingham. WA or Williamsport, PA SALEPRICE $ 345 00 MODELG1 01 8 ONLY directly from the Leader of Woodworking F.e.a ellingham, WA or Williamsport, PA MachineryImporters. We won't give you a run around and if we have what you want, you can be guaranteed that you will receive excel lent quality at the lowest price. Check us out: D Honest, across-the-board dealings. 15" PLANER MODELG1 021 ONLY $ 7 35 00 r D Tested, quality motors and switches on all machinery. $ 5 2 5 00 D Constant monitoring of quality, both overseas and locally. 16" BAND SAW MODELG1 538 ONLY ellingham, WA William , PA D Huge stock of merchandise at our two large warehouses. D Same day shipping on 95% of the orders. lll"��::=� X 48" COMBINATION SANDER D Large quantities imported directly from the factories and sold directly to the end users. 6" D Large inventory of parts at both locations. D Highly skilled service technicians plus an in-house motor rewinding shop shows our dedication to after-service. $1, 2 95 00 r D And last, but not least, courteous operators who always treat you with the respect you deserve, making shopping at Grizzly a pleasure! 20" PLANER MODELG1 033 ONLY , PA Callnowforourfreecatalog! llingham, WA William $8 5 0 00 (orders & catalogrequests) 3 H.P. SHAPER MODELG1 026 ONLY $ 4 95 00 12 H.P. SHAPER MODELG1 035 ONLY of the Mississippi: , PA 1-800-541-5537 k!lingham. WA or William SUPER HEAVY DUTY TABLE SAW MODELG1 023 ONLY $8 95 00 (orders & catalogrequests) F.e.s. ellingham, WA or William , PA of th e Mississippi: 1-800-523-4777 r $2 95 00 lligham, WA 717-326-3806 (Inquiries or customer service) SALEPRICE $ 355 00 ellingham, WA or William Willam , PA MODELG1 022 , PA 90·114 D ER SERICE NO. I We import and sell direct! Buy your equipment If you have bought from us before, you will recognize the above points, but if you haven't tried us, then we're all losing out. Our past custo mers make our best references. W est 206-647-0801 (Inquiries or customer service) East 2 H.P. DUST COLLECTOR MODELG1 029 ONLY REG. 365" �Worng _______ "OVCmbCr/DCCCmber 1990 DEPRTENTS 16 Methods of Work Cutting half-blind dovetails; glue pot heater; miter gauge rail trick 26 Questions & Answers Finish for butcher block; reducing shop humidity; camphorwood Folow-up Safety in articles; more sources; search for perfect shop 36 120 Evens y oo re ssembles a double-tenon joint for a small table. The tenons are k 126 Books s make delighful ho y gts (article on p. 76 ). 130 Notes and Comment We ekend woodworker secretaire; the brace; product reviews RICLES Elitor Dick Burrows Mlnlging Elitor Jim Boesel Art Director Kathleen Rushton AssociJte Elitor Sandor Nagyszalanczy Assistlnt Elitors Charley Robinson, Gary Weisenburger Coy Elitor Carolyn Kovachik Assistlnt Art Director Aaron Azevedo Elitoriid Assistlnt Alec Waters Elitoriid Secretly Claire Warner Contributing Elitors Tage Frid, R. Bruce Hoadley, Christian Becksvoort, Michael Dresdner Consulting Elitors George Frank, Richard E. Preiss, Norman Vandal Methos of Work Jim Richey Inlexer Harriet Hodges 48 Making a Rocking Chair with Dowels by Ken Oldfield Alignment techniques for drilling at odd angles 53 Woodworking in Alaska by Sandor Nagyszalanczy Keeping the chips flying in the frozen North 58 What's New with Sabersaws? by Hugh Foster Orbital action and variable speed rev up familiar tool Publisher John Lively Mlrketing Director James P. Chiavelli Circulltion Assistlnt Brenda Hamilton Coy/Proluction Elitor Christy McCormick Mlrketing Assistlnt Sherry Duhigg Public Relltions Mlnlger Donna Pierpont Telemlrketer/Customer Service Lori Moir Alminstrltive Secretly Susan M. Clark 64 Turned-and-Carved Vessels by John Jordan Hand-tooled details hide the inside stoy n Inconspicuous Vanity Table by Terry Moore Hinged lid reveals makeup and miror 68 A Versatile Timber by Jon Arno Sometimes fany, sometimes plain, but never dull 73 Maple: Alvertising Slles Mlnlger Dick West Nltionll Accounts Mlnlger Don Schroder Associlte Accounts Mlnlger Barney Barrett Senior Slles Coorlinltor Carole Weckesser 74 Which maple is which? Alv i ng Coorlilltor Kathryn Mourruan Simonds Alvertising Secretly Jennifer Dunbar Tel. (800) 243-7252 76 Making a Nutcracker by Fred Sneath An intrepid trio brings a d itional toy to lfe Fx. (203) 426-3434 80 Building a Thickness Sander by William "Grit" Laskin and David Wren A large drum tuns an abrasive machine into a smooth operator Fine Woodworking is a reader-written magazine. We welcome proposals, manuscripts, photographs and ideas from our read ers, a teur or professional. We'll acknowledge all submissions and return those we can't publish. Send your conu'ibutions to is A Cherry Clothes Tree by Christian H. Becksvoort A simple project to hang your hat on Fine Woodworking magazine remains in the authors, photog raphers and artists, unless othelwise indicated. They have 84 granted publication rights to Fine oodworking FineW d working (lSSN 0361-3453) T 6470. r 06470, and additional mailing oices. Copyright 1990 by The Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduc (ion without permission of TIle Taunton Press, Inc. Fine WoodwDrking® is a regis tered trademark of 11e Taunton Press, Inc. Subscription rates: United States and sss 87 Frame-and-Panel Carcases by David Savage A classic solution for sound construction published bimonthly, January, March, May. July, September and November, by The Taunton Press, Inc., ewtown, A Plate Joiner Primer by Ben Erickson Using biscuits to best advantage ions, 525 fDr one year, 545 for o years, 56 or re years; aa and other countries, ss 92 0 dr one year, 555 or twD years, S0 fDr ee years (m US. dOUars, UK, £2.95; Other O Box 556, Newtown, r 647'556. Address ll co o ndence to the appropri ate department (Subcription, Editorial, or Advertismg), he Taunton i ption Dept., he TauntOn Pres, ss, 63 outh pleae). Smgle copy, 4.95. Smgle cpies ouside .S. and sss cr 06470-556. U.S. n iOns: 96 The Fuiture of Charles Rennie Mackintosh by Ben Bacon An architect's innovative approach to material, form and color countries and sss iDns, 55.95. end to Su od, Sandusky, OH 44870. Main Street, PO Box 556, Newtown, tand distribution by Easten News Distributor;, Inc., 1130 Cleveland Postmaster: Send address changes to Fine Wo od w o r k in g , The Taunton Press, Inc., PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506. 3 Fne ' 4 Letters d for ebony wedges. See how he cuts the joint on p. 8. Cove: Nuack 51 Weaving a rush fiber seat Fine Woodworking, ox 556, Nwtown, Conn. 47-556. Title to the copyrights in the contributions appearing in Telephone (203) 426·8171. Second-class postage paid at Newtown, Letters n s about oily ags-I was velY interested in the letter in WW #82 in which William]. Casmaer of Goleta, Cal., described how he nearly lost his shop because of a fire started by oily rags. s a professional fire investigator, I have oten encountered [he same scenario that Mr. Casmaer experienced, only with much more disasu'ous results. My usual reply to inquiries on how to prevent this type of fire is "read the instructions and warning labels" on the finishing products you're using. But this doesn't always cover all the bases! Recently, I investigated two fires that desu'oyed new homes, both within two weeks of move in, for a total loss of nearly 500,000. In each case the stain used by the applicator (one a home owner and the other a profeSSional painter) carried no warnings about spontaneous combustion potential for the waste rags. I requested the material safety data sheet (MSDS) from the manufacturer. The carrier for the stain pigment was mineral spirits .. . a petroleum-base material that is not spontaneously ig nitable. There should not have been a problem as there is with linseed and tung oils. The problem was the 0.02% cobalt metal, which was one of the materials in the pigment. This metal is a catalyst. Tests by a nationally recognized testing laboratY revealed that within 45 minutes of exposure in a test chamber, the fiberglass medium to which the stain had been applied had reached 750' ...more than sufficient to ignite rags. My advice is never U'ust any rag that has any stain or inish material on it. Place the rag in a water-illed steel container or lay the rags out in the open flat to dly. Until rile rags are dY, they pose a potential for spontaneous combustion. The horror stories could go on and on, but I think readers will get rile message wirll these two. Be carefu l with any and all fin ishing materials, even latex. Even though tl)e latex might not cause a fire, if you get used to handling all finishing materials rile same way, your chances for disaster should be reduced grearly. grearly appreciated. -Chyl Yee, a Gmnge Park, ll. Need more i cles on women woodworkers - M y husband and I both enjoy your magaZine. We are occasional hobby wood workers and particularly enjoy the sections on techniques. I would like to see more articles andJor photographs rlat show women as woodworkers. I'm sure there are many like myself who very much enjoy woodworking. -. Dianne Looker, Wo fville, NS, Canada ' Educational bl s rom a ps- I sugested in the "Notes and Comment" piece in WW #83. My "junk" has yielded so many rllings for neighbors and myself llat I could never consider giving it up. I might be like le person who has a sack labeled "string too shoLt to keep," but I don't unk so. When Mr. Biagiarelli mentioned rllrowing away pieces of wood, it occurred to me that I had a better idea for those pieces. Any piece of wood that will make or yield a %x%x1 Y2 block will make a dimensional play block. I heard anrllropologist Margaret Mead once say rllat dimensional blocks were educational. I've made several sets of blocks using the following dimen sions that are all multiples of %: % in. and 112 in. widths. When you use several kinds of wood, it is nice to have the vari ety written on them. On sets I made for my grandchildren I added le following: May you always be ... as long lifed as redwood; as sturdy as the oak; as wily as hickOlY; as useul 11/2 in. thicknesses; s all woods; as nice looking as walnut; and reach for heaven like the pine. - Wa yne French, Shaker Heights, Ohio n rom coal n ers-In response to -Bruce . Ryden, Shoreview, Minn. the articles in WW #83 on rile hazards of wood dust, I write as a retired occupational phYSician who spent 10 years working in the coal-mining industry, where dust is a well-documented problem. I want to stress that rlle dust-collection measures and personal protection wirll masks described should be considered secon dary only, and are probably the least effective and important means of health protection. In the coal mines, spectacular success in the control of lung disease was achieved some years ago almost entirely by a two pronged campaign of engineering action. The first prong is the suppression of dust production. Water is the agent mostly used in coal cutting, and while this is not applicable to woodworking, the principle still applies, as stressed by your writers. The sec ond prong is air-flow control. In principle, large quantities of clean air are pumped to rlle dust-producing area and are carried away with the dust by a different route. The work is arranged so that workers are always in the clean air side. This is a principle Are here any women woodworkers? - I enjoy your magazine tremendously. I've photocopied many articles and tips from youf magaZine for my woodworking file, but I have one question. Are there any women woodworkers around like me? I've seen only one featured in an article. The reason I ask is that it is dificult to find tools and machinery to fit my petite size needs. I'm 5 ft. tall. My hand size and height are real problems. If I find a small tool, say a circular saw, rllat's the correct size, it doesn't have any real power. I've opted to buy the best and most powerful tools with in a moderate price range, but the switches are dificult to reach. My hand position is stretched to the max in order to operate my circular saw and router, which I don't think is a particularly safe situation. I don't think I'll ever give up one of my favorite hob bies, and so I'm looking for tips, articles and equipment for m . Mary nn a gliola, Fd Monns, Alice Saxton, Astor Taylor, Robert Weinstein; Purchasing d ucion: Roben Dlah, manager; Steven Humer, art directo; Henry Roth, ssciate art di recto; Cathy Cassidy, Jdie Delohery, asistant art dictors; lliana Kehler, prductio. assstant; CopylProduction: Ruth osevage, & Facilities: Willianl chapen, manager, Lois Beck, o/ice·srvices s N Jerey Beneke, associate editor; Andrew Schultz, assistant editor; Barbar. 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Accounting: Wayne Reynolds. conoller, Patrick amontane, manager; jerey Sherman, financial analyst; Mary Sullivan, accollntant; Carolyn Stiles, senior ost accounting clerk; Carol Diehm, accounts payable su y writr, Barbara BuckaJew, Eileen Hanon, marketing ssis· tants; Fran a c n g: Kathleen ni o, w e r , manag; b ird, prepress manager; Robert Marsala, graphiC as surv r; Suan Kahn. staff potograpr; Om as Greco, o l Gee, adminstrative ss tant. Co o rate Marketing: ale Brown, oorate sals dictor, Diane Patterson, nn u tive secreay. d uction mangr/ os; Philip V i rk, u ction man ar/magazins; Diane flanaan, Daa Processing: Drew b ury, m g er, Brendan Bowe, fufill· ment stems mang; Roger Selia, senior o n tay. 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Boo Susan Mo i cs rep , Macgot Knorr, publication applications managr; Nancy Knapp, ss · V ideos: john Keisey, publisber; Marcie Seigel, administrative secretary; Deborah Cannarella, editor; Deborah hh , senior cisomer service rep; jane Bojnowski, Diane Hurvul, B a owe, Marylou 11ompon; Custom· e F comosition d uction od inator, Monica Bulon, asistant publi catioll applications accOllnts payable clerk; awrence Rice, tatis; Customer ervice (Sub scrier): Patriia MaloL manager, joyce McWilliam, mail p WiUi n, client s tine a cchi, su i sor; Gloria o n, a lst; ia Carlon, Valerie Lutters, sstetlS orato, Personnel: Carol Marotci, managr, Linda BaUerini, Ouis lincoln, Fll i on, book designer; Christine Timmons, senior editor, gy leBlanc, Denise l, data enty; Distribution: Paul eiold, o nnel assisants; Nancy Killian, sere y. ing sutv r; Nancy er ervice (Trade): P 4 F1e Woodworking Fire investigator easier to handle. Any information or tips by small-size woodworkers on handling large work and machinelY would be m an 89-year-old pack rat and I don't think I'll ever stop being one, as Dario Biagiarelli 11/2 in., 3 in., 41/2 in., 6 in. and 71/2 in. lengths; and % in. and Woodworkers could le women woodworkers-anything o make equipment safer and managr; Grace AumuUer, David Blasko, Midlae1 Capalo, james Chappuis, Linnea In Ando, managr, Connie B senior Davis, director, Austin E. OPPORTUNITY QUALITY Jewel Box Size Lock & Hasp Participants Needed for Year Round Woodwork Exposition! BRUSHES Brushes of unsurpa e d quality. 100% Wood -Spring to Key- The location targets an affluent Delaware River tourist area. Quasi-cooperative in form. craftsmen need only: a) be willing to submit executions to jury criteria. b) assent to tri-monthly lease agreements of approx. $15-$25/monlh. and c) be enthusiastic about a Exta long bristles, thickly packed to cary a geater paint load for smooth flow and steak fee painting. An army of bristles in pefect length and harmony that flow to masteful creation. Instructions & & photos): Matthew Standard P.O. Box 154 Rosemont full size drawings 75-85% return of sale price. Chinese bristle paint/varnish brush If interested please respond to (include slides Width Thick Length 1" 5/8" 21/4 " 1 1/2" 11/16 " 2 1/2" 2" 3/4 " 2 3/4 " 2 1/2" 13/16 " 2 7/8" 3" 7/8" 3 1/8" Chinese bristle wall brush Width Thick Length 3" 1" 4" 3 1/2" 1" 4 1/4 " 4" 1" 4 1/2" Tynex-Nylon palntlvarnlsh brush Width Price $ 5. 96 $ 8. 60 $11. 96 $15.76 $18. 92 $5.95 to: NJ 08556 KascoPortable BandSawMill Basically Wood P.O. Box 1431, San Rafael, A 94901 D ER SERICE NO. 4 Designs will be rigidly protected! Price $29. 12 $33.60 $39.20 Cut Lumber 1 1/2" 11/16 " 2 1/2" 2" 3/4 " 2 3/4" 2 1/2" 13/16 " 2 7/8" 3" 7/8" 3 1/8" Orel-Polyester wall brush Width Thick Length 3" 1" 3 7/8" 31/2" 1" 37/8" 4" 1" 41/8" FREE SHIPPING (Cont. U.S.A.) Thick Length Price $ 6.84 $ 8. 85 $15.12 $16. 00 $19.15 When you want 1" 5/8" 21/4 " ...HOT TOOL! 9.95�1�sR!�i����:��g;% • 24" and 30" diameter capacities Price $31. 08 $34.64 $38.64 • • Marblehead, MA 01945 • _ Dealer Inquiries Welcomed send $1.00 for brochures Check, Money Order, or we will send an Invoice with the order. 'NY add Sales Tax BARNCO SUPPLIES Power-thru cut or manual $4600 plus freight Market your own lumber (�$Cg R. R. #3' Box 393 Shelbville. IN 46176· (317) 398-7973 7 Fairlane Avenue To nawanda, NY 14 15 0 (716) 835-8556 HOT TOOLS Inc. P.O. Box 615-F Prices start at D ER SERICE NO. 117 D ER SERICE NO. 21 617/639-1000 .... �i--- a simple hand tool that Finally, .. Quicker - Blackwalnut. Radi-Plane Professional Edge Finishing Tols. Now available from your finer wodworkers supply catalogs and retailers. quickly and precisely rounds over sharp edges! Choice of bodies in Rockmaple or Advanced, New Design Joins Westen Pistol Grip And More Durable Than One. With Japanese Pull-Stroke Blade. With Shark Series Pull-Stroke Handsaws from Japan YOU'LL CUT WOOD THREE TIMES FASTER with ONE THIRD THE EFFORT of common handsaws! Perform both Rip and Cross cuts with the greatest precision and ease. End buckling or binding. The Secret: THREE razor-sharp, impulse-hardened EDGES PER TOOTH slice wood cleaner, smoother and straighter than ever before. Slender, yet stronger and more flexible, high-carboni chrome steel blades provide the narrowest kerf available while allowing f1ush-to-surface finish cutting. Exclusive removable handles and push-button, replaceable blades fit in any tool box. Choose from FIVE versatile models or ... Order Your Complete Set of Shark Call 800-326-5415 for dealer nearest you. �A DI -LA .. E " L.A. MATHERS CO., Stockton, Calif. D ER SERICE NO. 102 Woodcarving lrt � 1991 Wa{{ Ca{enfar A large 11" x 25" wall calendar featuring 13 i es Saws Today! � Model No. Description Blade L. T.P.1. Total L. Kerf (Width) FULL COLOR and 12 Black & White photos of some of the best woodcarvings done in North America today! Includes a biography of each artist and te lls where to find woodcarvings and woodcavi ng informatio n. $9.95 plus $2.00 for shipping. A GREAT GIFT IDEA! Satisifaction guaranteed! WOODCARVING ART P.O. Box 336H Whitewater, WI 53190 2410 Xtra Fine-Cut 105/8' 17 16' .014' ' 9 193/4' .028' ' .030' 1/7 I' 2420 Fine-Cut 105/8' 15 16' .028' 1/35 ' *2450 Double Xtra-Fine/Medium 8 1/2' 19 231 2 Medium-Cut 12' 14 18' .030' 1/33' 2315 All Models now only $29.99 ea. +$2.50 5'H 1/ 20' *Japanese St yle Ryoba Double Blade With Removable Straight Nandle. COMPLETE SET OF FIVE SAWS forjust $119.95 +$5.00 5&H You get the ith saw absolutely FREEl ORDER TOLL- E E 24 s: 1-80-544-5297 Check or M.O. With Street Address ' Model Numbes to: Via, M/C. AMEX LARKINDUSTL PRODUCTS. CORP. P.O. BOX 6262. PARSIPPY. NJ 07054 NJ residents add 7% sales tax' 100% Satisfaction or D ER SERICE NO. 158 Back Guaranteed 5 November/December 1990 GALLERY FINEST How you want • • O: l" 1 Dealer inquIrIes welcome. � � Medium-Cut 15' 10 22' .050' [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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