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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 086, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]PRICE. SERVICE. FREE DELIVERY . : .t I· • JET TABLE SAWS • f •• ..' E 'UBBE DISPAY 'INCHES PER FOT ·E R CENTf WEDGE SMAR L EV L RTLEVEL 1581VS-JIGSAW 1582VS-CUC JIGSAW 1604-1.75 HP ROUTER 1604K-1.75 HP ROUTER KIT 1609K-AMINATE TRIMMER T JWS18H 19,995 I � 124 14 14 23 127 139 13 -:.. E R T 4 9 , : ..� E UNG J S � • � PLUS J S REOUIRING DIRECT MEASUREMENT f NGES,SLPES, 1611EVS-3.25 HP PL ROUTER 050VSRK-/8 CORDLESS DRILL 9.6V 3258K-3.25 PANER WODWORKING SHAPER 1/2' SPINDLE lHP,lPH SENSOR MODULE STNDRD 8 9 TSl0 D ES & PITCHES $79.95 TABE SAW I T. TEAK IL $27.95 2 T. CASE $24.95 • 4 32700-3 X 21 BELT SANDER 32830VS-5' RAND. ORBITAL SANDER T. TEAK IL 4,95 4 T. CASE 4.95 PORTER-CABLE WITH 10' BLADE 1.5HP,lPH & l' SPINDLES,2HP,lPH JET BAND SAWS & l' SPINO. 3 OR 5 HP 1395 : " JPS10-10', .75HP : , 2 4 JBS14CS 14' BNDSAW lHP MOTOR H.D. CLOSED STAND DUST CHUTE JW4-.75' $195 8 0 WSS3-.5',.75' TWS3-.75',1',1.25' SPINO. 3 OR 5 HP 2830 SWSS3 -SUDING TABLE,3HP 0 1095 $399 • JBSl4-IW-6' CP. 1HP,lPH JBS18-12' X 17.5' CP,2HP,1PH WBS20-11.75' CP,2 OR 3 HP WBS24-24',3HP OR 5 HP WBS28-28',5 HP $358 314-4.5' TRIM SAW $125 x 1795 JTS10PF -10' W/BIESEMEYER 28 45 -PEED BLC SANDER x 4 JTS12-12',1.5HP 499 45 - SAW BOSS x 24 BELT SANDER JETSANDERS 3 -4 X 24 BELT SANDER JTS12PF-12' W/BIESEMEYER 28 695 352-3 X 21 BELT SANDER 129 JCS10PFX-l0' W/BIESEMEYER 60-3 24 BELT SANDER 174 CTAS10-l0', 3HP,lPH 1295 CTAS10PF-10',3HP W/BIESEMEYER 50 1399 CTAS12S -12' W/SCORING 361 - 3 167 362-4 24 BELT SANDER 179 5 I JOP141-14',16 SPEED ,BENCH JOP141F-14',16 SPEED,FLOR JOP20lF 3895 174 55 CTAS16S-16' W/SCORING 449 5 505-FINISH SANDER 110 9505- 05 COMMEMORATIVE 14 375 JET DRILL PRESSES - 0', 12 SPEED,FLOOR -PATE JOINER 14 36 -6' VS ND . ORBIT SNDER 5 35 122 185 2395 $281 49 39 693-PLUNGE BASE ROUTER 14 & DISC SAND..5HP $139 4 115 696-SHAPER TABLE 5 -5' VS AND. ORBIT ANDER 129 - 0' DIC SANDER. 2HP 1139 5 14 JET DUST COLLECTORS JET PLANERS 7519-3.25 HP ROUTER 24 - 0' X 7', 3 OR 5HP 8 JGl-l'X42'9' BELT 7538 - 3.25 HP PLUNGE ROUTER 0' BELT SANDER JWP12 - 12' X 6', 2HP JWP15H - 15' X 6', 3HP JWP208 - 20' X 8', 3 OR SHP 8049-RUM SNDER. lHP,lPH 8'9 DISC SNDE/GRINDER 95 JET WIDE BELT SANDERS $229 I MAKITA CORDLESS 15 144 2675 719 JOS20 DC610 610CFM lHP,lPH T HES6108-6'Xl08' BELT SAND. 1.5/2HP 1339 JSS618-6'Xl68' STROKE SAND. 1.5HP 1539 JSG10-1' X 43900-RECIPRO. SAW JWP20 3900W-RECIPRO. SAW IT 50900-CIRCUAR SAW 50900W-CIRCULAR SAW T 127 JWP24AWG - 24' X 11', 10HP 8 S JSG6-6' X 74 129 70 121 78 126 ,P JET JOINTERS E 49 012HO - /8 DRIVER DRILL 9.6V 6012HOW-3/8 DRIV. DRILL 9.6V TD 60930-/8 DRIVER DRILL VS 9.6V 0930W-3/8 DRIV. DRILL VS 9.6V KIT JWB37P-37'XO' OHP,3PH JWB13P-13' X SO',7.SHP,3PH JWB25P -25' X O',15HP, 3PH JWB25PH-25' X7S',15HP,3PH JWB37PH-37' X 75',OHP,3PH $9995 899 895 11,00 12,89 T OC1182-1182 CFM.2HP,lPH OCl883-1883 CFM, 3HP DC4159-4159 CFM, 7.5HP C419-419 CFM,10HP 1 49 245 255 MAKITA POWER TOOLS /4 HP,lPH 100BW-3.25' PANER $114 138 459 248 187 124 118 iID JJ4-4' CP,.5HP,lPH JJ8-8' CP,2HP,lPH JJ12 -12' CP,3HP EQUIENT & TLS 1911B-4·3/8' PLANER 2012-12' PLANER 12' DRILL JET 2708W-8.25' TABLE SAW 612BR-3 HP ROUTER 4200N-4·3/8' SAW 6302- MODELJCS10A X TABLE SAW 6404-/8' DRILL 59 164 45 459 228 2379 2949 495 24 BELT SANDER B04550Z-FINISH SANDER 010" BADE02 HP MOTORoT-SQUARE TYPE JJ14-14' CAP,3 OR S HP JJ16-16' CAP, 5HP "JET FENCE" TABLE LEVEUNG SYSTEM $895 LS10ll-10' SUDE COMPOUND SAW LS1030-10' MITER SAW 9 ADDITIONAL $200 OFF YOUR JET ORDER OF $2,700 OR MORE JET POWER FEEDERS BOSCH 12720-3 X 24 BELT SANDER 12730-4 X 24 BELT SANDER $169 178 IPF3-MINI 3 WHEEL, 4 SPEED,1PH JPF3-3 WHEEL, 4 SPEED,1PH JPF38 -3 WHEEL, 8 SPEED, 1PH 4 59 749 � CALL: IN CALIFORNIA: FAX: 800-0387 800-4�&&S 707�370S QUANTITIES LIMITED AT ABOVE PRICES. ORDERS SHIPPED FRO M SANTA ROSA, CA .. SMYRNA. TN. TACOMA, WA. 191. SANTA ROSA TOOL AND SUPPLY, INC. I_II.�I � 8 STATES. CALifORNIA RESIDENTS, ADD APPROPRIATE SALES TAX. � @ - PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. COPYRIGHT CALL US. WE ALWAYS TRY TO MEET COMPETITIVE PRICES. 1651 PINER RD, 0 SANTA ROSA. CA 95403 ERVING THE INDUSRIL AND HOMEOWNES MRT ICE 14 OFFER EXP. 02/28/91 D ER SERlCE NO. 3 JET SHAPERS 'EGREES f SL 60-1.5 HP ROUTER 9401-4 CALL FOR A FREE SANTA ROSA TOOL SALES CATALOG FEATURING JET AND OTHER MAJOR BRANDS. FREE FREIGHT ON ALL ITEMS SHIPPED IN THE CONTIGUOUS �d �brknK' ________ -=January/February 1991 DEPRTMENTS 4 Letters 14 Methods of Work Cutting precise miters; parabola marker; wireless vacuum switch & Answers Waxing cast iron; inlaying lead; keeping finishes from freezing 22 Questions 32 Folow-up More on camphorwood; lathe guards; more sources of supply Cleaning your u s collet socket s a vial part of 112 Index to issues 80 through 85 116 Evens 120 Books 122 Notes and Comment A dream shop; kinetic sculpture; woodworking shows tuning this shop workhorse. Mark Duginske tells how on p. 56. Cover: Alec McCurdy's music cabinet blends tadition and uniqueness (article on p. 54). Photos above and cover by Sandor Nayszalanczy. RTICLES 42 Wall-to-Wall Built-in Cabinets byJohn M. Foster Modular approach brings a big job down to size ug jng Editor Jim Boesel Editor Dick Burrows M Art Djredor Kathleen Rushton Assori"te Editor Sandor Nagyszalanczy Assst"nt Edjtors Charley Robinson, Gary Weisenburger Copy Editor Carolyn Kovachik Assst"nt Art Djredor Aaron Azevedo Edjtori"' Asist"nt Alec Waters Editori"' Secret"y Claire Warner Contributjng Editors Tage Frid, R Bruce Hoadley, n g a living rom our crat by Steven and Debra Gray 50 Cratsmanship in Britain by Dick Burrows Contemporary makers show their syle 48 Ea Christian Becksvoort, Michael Dresdner Consultjng Editors George Frank, Richard E. Preiss, Norman Vandal Methos of Work Jim Richey Indexer Harriet Hodges 54 Alec McCurdy's Music Cabinet by Sandor Nagyszalanczy Traditional composition in English walnut 56 Tuning Your Router by Mark Duginske Maintenance and tips for top peformance Publisher John Lively M"rketjng Djredor James P. Chiavelli Cjrcul"tjon Assist"nt Brenda Hamilton CopylProdudjon Editor Christy McCormick M"rketjng Assist"nt Sherry Duhigg Publjc Rel"tjons M"n"ger Donna Pierpont Tele,"rketerICsto,er Se;'ce Lori Moir Ad,jnistr"tjtle Secret"y Susan M. Clark 60 Building a Gate-Leg Card Table by Frank M. Pittman Tackling curved rails and inlaid legs 65 Bleaching Wood by Michael Dresdner A versatile solution for lightening wood and more i ng CoordjlJlor Ka yn Mo n Simonds (203)426-3434 66 Choosing the right bleach 68 Lathe Duplicators by Charley Robinson Machines and aUachments for tuning multiples eWoodworking is a reader-wrinen z ine. We welcome 74 Faster Than the Driven Snow by Scott Dickerson Building a Cape racer sled Adlertisjng Secret"y Jennifer Dunbar n uscripts, photographs and idas from our rad ers, amateur or professional. We'll acknowledge all submissions and return those we can't publish. Send your contributions to Fax. FineWoodworking, Box 5506,N tn ,COll.06470-5506. 76 Cabinet Door Frames by Joseph Beals Machine methods for strong constuction FineWoodworking magazine remains in tlle authors, photog FineWoodworking 80 Routing Rectangular Recesses by Ralph]. Harker Circular templates make setup easy FineW d king (ISSN 0361· 3453) is published bimonthly, January, March, May. raphers and artists, unless otherwise indicated. They ve granted publication rights to r 6470. 82 Variations on a Four-Drawer Chest by Tage Frid Divergent details make all the difference T 06470, and J 991 by The Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduc tion without permiSSion of The Taunton Press, Inc. Fine Woodworking@ is a regis· tered trademark of The Taunton Press, Inc. Subscriptionrates: United States and possessions, 525 for one year, 545 for cwo years, 86 Replicating Stamped Brasses by Jonathan Thornton Fiberglass copies for missing originals S66 for re years; Canada and other countries, 530 or one year, 555 or cwo years, S80 for three years (in U.s. doUars, please). Single copy, 54.95. Single copies outside U.S. and additional mailing oices. Copyright ss sss iOs: U.K, £2.95; other r iption Dept., The Taunton Press, 88 Making Elliptical Mirror Frames by Len Schmidt Molding a profile on a curved surfa ce Oox 556, Newton, r 647"556. Addrss ll co n dence to the appropri ate dep m ent (Subcription, EditOrial, or Advertising), The Taunton Prss, 63 outh d y , OH 44870. ss countries and o ions, S5.95. end to Su 91 Craig Nutt by Gary Weisenburger Combining humor and a bit of cayenne Postmaster: Send address changes to Fine Woodworking, The Taunton Press, Inc., PO Box 5506, Newtown, T06470-5506. tand distribution by Easten News Distributors, Inc., 1130 Oeveland Road, 3 Fne 47 Making a Kaleidoscope by Steven Gray A fa ncy toy to delight the ye Adlertsjng S"'es M"n"ger Dick West N"tjon"' Accounts M"n"ger Don Schroder Assori"te Accounts M"n"ger Barney Barrett Senjor S"'es Coordjn"tor Carole Weckesser Adtl Tel.(800)243-7252 proosals, Title to the copyrights in the contributions appearing in July. eptemer and Novemer, by The Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, Telephone (203) 426-8171. econd·c1ass ostage paid at Newtown, n Street, Oox 556, Newt ,r 6470-556. U.s. n Letters #83. All too many woodworkers feel they are practicing safe wood working simply by putting on goggles and using push sticks, yet they ignore the noise and respiratory hazards that exist in the workshop. However, I felt the article omitted an important fact by not discussing the approval numbers issued by the ational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ( IOSH) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) that should be stamped on d1e cartridge or ilter mask. These approval num bers generally are TC-21C-xx, for particulate respirators (where "xx" is a three-digit identifier for a particular model of respira tor) and TC-23C-xx, for vapor cartridge filters. The distinction between TC-21C and TC-23C is important be cause it has been shown that small particulate matter, such as wood dust and varnish spray droplets, can be caught by a partic ulate respirator (filter masks), but pass through an organic vapor caru-idge. The solvent vapors that evaporate from varnish spray droplets will pass right through a filter mask, but not the organic vapor cartridges. This leads me to make the following recom mendations. When generating wood dust, it is best to use a lighter, cheaper particulate mask with a TC-21C stamped on it. When varnishing with a brush or cleaning up with organic solvents, it will be necessary to use an organic vapor cartridge type respirator with a TC-23C samped on it. When spraying inishes, both types of protection are needed, and one should use an organic vapor car tridge (TC-23C) with a spray paint preilter (TC-21C) snapped over it, or if money is no object, an organiC vaporlHEPA (high eficiency particulate absolute) filter combination cartridge. HEPA is a particulate filter with a TC-21C approval number; un fortunately, the approval number for the combination cartridge is TC-23C. Lab Safety Supply Inc. (800-356-0722) is a distributor of safety equipment. The company's free catalog contains piC tures and explanations of several brands and classes of respira tor equipment. -John a teurs n g pro-Responding to Perry Younker's letter s an amateur woodworker for only 1 Y2 years, I have produced several pieces for profit. Each project (three tables, a gun cabinet and a hutch) resulted from individuals seeing pieces I have built for my home. The main point is this: if a person asks you to build something, he/she is pleased with what they see. A simple skill title-amateur, pro, hobbyist-has nothing to do with it. What matters is that you, in that person's eyes, have produced fine furniture. Sure, a hundred questions go tl-ough your mind, but gracefully accept the compliment and conunission! s a hobbyist, you have much more freedom on price than a professional. Little overhead and not having to depend solely on profits from commissions for income enable you to practically "give it away." Remember, woodworking is a dynamic art and we learn by doing. Don't shy away from seiling pieces because you don't think you're ready. If a person asks, you're ready! -Steve Cha , South Burlington, Vt. Advice for "paying projects" - I read, witl1 great interest, Perry Younker'S letter about being asked to build his first "paying pro ject." Having been an amateur woodworker for me past five years, I too began getting requests for work. (Isn't that some thing we all want to get?) Here are some ideas that have worked for me and some advice on things to avoid. One thing I've discovered is that it's difficult to get people to pay you what you really should earn for your time. In order to justiy the lower return, . Messinger I, PhD., Bufalo, NY I charge an amount equal to or greater 35m s i des - G eorge Levin's "Storage Box for 35mm Slides" in WW than whatever tool it is I wish to acquire next. So far, I've man aged to equip my shop witl1 a jointer, router table and various hand tools that I had coveted. I've also doubled the number of my clamps and hand screws. I currently have my eye on a tl1ick ness planer, f I can ind the right project. Storage box for #84 demonstrates that he's a compe tent woodworker, but as a photographic archivalist he needs help. The life expectancy of color transparencies varies in rela tive stability from 6 years to more than 50 years, when the slides are kept in a reasonably safe environment. In a poor environ ment, such as one that could be produced by wood and many wood finishes, their stability could be measured in months. Many museums and larger photographic agencies store slides in baked enamel boxes, which can be kept in a frost-free freezer. The rest of us ordinary mortals can do well by returning slides to the cardboard boxes mey came in and storing the boxes in a relatively inert photographic paper box. The non-polyvinyl chlo ride binder pages sold in many photographic supply houses are also excellent for storing slides. For more information, I reconunend readers contact Light Im- When discussing a project with potential clients, I ind it help ful to ofer a number of options. And mere are a few important points that must be settled before you quote a price: what type of wood is preferred, do they want a style that matches or con trasts with their present furniture, and will the piece be deliv ered finished or unfinished. When you've gotten a good feel for the clients' wants and needs, take the time to create as professional a drawing or sketch as you can render. Clients are more likely to U-ust you if you act like a professional. One of my clients requested the plans, had them mounted and framed, and hung them over the built-in cabinets I produced for her. Whatever you do, don't start making sawdust until the clients are sure that your sketch really represents what they want. You g e; Grace AumuUer, Ydvid Blasko, Michael Capalbo, James Chappuis, Linnea Ingram, Mary Ann Costagliola, Fred Monnes, Alice Saxwn, Aswr Taylor, Robert Weinstein; Purchasing BUrIONS ia Koehler, ptlucllon assistant; Copy/Pro duction: Ruth Dobsevage, manging editor, Petcr Chapman, Pamela d uction ditors; Marketing: Jon Miller, director, & Faciities: William Schappert, manager; Lois Beck, o/ice-seroices supervisor; john Zor, mail seroices; Chuck Hollis, maintenance forema.; Mark Cole, assistant; Christopher Myers, buyer; Kathleen Costello, Norma-Jean Taylor, cafeteria assistants; Subscription: Carole Ando, ma ger; Connie Barczak, Donna Baxter, Bonnie Beardsley, Laura Bishop, Marie Paw, Andrea Shorrock. Man acturing: Kathleen Davis, director; Austin E. Starbird, prepress manager; Robert M � ro ne, coy i tr, Barbara ...by lw eumS Fo w ear: Cheryl Clark, maage; o l Gee, dministrative Co o rate Marketing: Dale Brown, coorate ls dic e ting asistans; Fran i o, sere ld, senior , graphic s su v iso; Susan Kahn, staff photographer; he Taunton ss : Paul Roman, sn t; janice A. Roman, vice Daa Processing: Drew ss an. Accounting: Wayne Reynolds, control, o; n e Patterson, xecutie e tary. o molion; Mary Beth Oeary, Deorah Baldwin, d uc i rk, o b ury, manager, Brendan Bowe, fuillment Buckalew, Eileen Hanon, ss mange; d uction ssistant; Tracie n , poduction mal ary. m m a lyst; Susan Morehouse, pogram F lm ent & d uc s o; Susan Burke, eaions: Tom Luxeder, director; Jane Torrence, seretary; Cir s o; Lydia Thomas Greco, poduction. manger/ooks; Philip V ; Nancy Atkinson, Chansam Thammavongsa, oi ng president; Carolyn Kovaleski, administrative secretary; Roger Bnes, design director. duction manager/magazines; Diane Flan Roger elia, snior o nn Colbert, Roxanne F mm et, P'.tricia Patrick amontane, mangr, jerey Sherman, financial analyst; Mary Sullivan, accounant; Carolyn Stiles, enior cost accounting clrk; Carol Diehm, accouns payable Boo V ideos: john n tatives; Customer ervice (Sub scriber): Patrida MalouI; manager, Joyce McWilliam, s manager; Margot Knorr, publication applications manager; Nancy Knapp, compOSi tion production coodinator; Monica Bulson, assistant publication applications specialist; Usa Carlson, ystems operator. c ssing supervisor; Nancy Schoch, senior customer service rep; jane BOjno Pavlik, secre Personnel: s o; Gloria Carson, lion ssistants; Ridlard Booth, Deorah Cooper, Mark Coleman, scanner operators; William Godfrey, aurene jakab, color accounts pyable clerk; awrence Rice, crdit i , Diane Hurvul, Barbara Lowe, Marylou Thompson; Custom er Service (Trade): Ouistine Cosacchi, Krikorian, senior collections clerk; Judith Rivera, Victoria Theobald, collections clerks; Diana D'Onofrio, Elaine Yamin, senior ac counting clerks; Dorothy Dreller, secretary. Willi n, clUmt services operators; Dinah George, composiUoll ys gy leBlanc, Denise Pascal, a entry; Distribution: Paul Seiold, Kelsey, publisher; Marcie Seigel, administrative seretary; Deborah Cannarella, editor; Deborah Fillion, book designer; Christine Timmons, senior editor; jerey Beneke, associate editor; Andrew Carol Marotti, manager; Linda Ballerini, Chris Lincoln, pesonnel assistants; Denise DePaola, secretmy. P 4 Fne Woodworking Update on respiratos - I would like to voice my approval of the excellent article "Dust and the Woodworker" in WW pressions, 439 Monroe Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14607; (800) 828- 6216 and request its booklet on the care and storage of color slides and its archival supplies catalog. -Robert Entwistle, Winter Park, Fla. ( WW #84, p. 6), I would like to give a few words of encouragement. concerning turning from an amateur to pro woodworker O N Schultz, assistant editor; Barbara Hudson, secretary; Videos: Craig Umanof, associate producer; Thomas Menard, assistant producer; ArtIProduction: Robert Dlah, manag1� Steven Hunter, art director; Henry Roth, associate art director; Catherine Cassidy, Jodie Delohery, assistant t directors; m Andrea Ond, manager, Philip t Nielen, PC programme; Ellen Wolf, PC coordinator; Sherill Kolakowski, computer support technician. m; R lion associates; Rosemary Pagel, pn·I culation: Karen Cheh; Mary Co:r O p is n ll � S E LR O DUrO R Y O FE R MAKITA POWER TOOLS at - - - British invention which s won BARDAN TOOL SUPPLY 1 it iqe esin. How to use your Corner Clamp 3274 � �� � o 800 537 • lae m n hl 4 C e r m Jms $ 45.00 Send for our complele produCl catalog and we'll �� ; �n�� 10 Comer Cmclamps 100.00 plus your choice ;2 :�� $1.0 for shipping and handling. C : OE 00 D or UM 1 OO D � 40710 4300DW 4390DW 5090DW 6010DL 6010SDW 6040DW 6070DW 6791 OW 6901 OW DA390DW DA3000DW .a� � 27 Wills Road. Connellsville, PA 15425 D.F. ENTERPRISES � TEl:(412) 626-8870 FAX:(412) 626-8872 RDER SERVICE NO. include our 'Do-il-ourself' installation and design kiL Please enclose Tech Re p & Associates UH3 Exlusive Imorter Texas 777j MAKITA CORDLESS 7.2VCordless Vacuum 9.6VJig Saw Kit 9.6VRecip.Saw Kit 9.6VCircular Saw 7.2VDrill+Flashlight Kit 7.2VDrili (Built in Ba!.) 4.8VDrili (Built in Ba!.) 7.2W/Sp. Driver Drill 9.6VScrewdriver Kit 9.6Vlmpact Driver 9.6VAngle Drill 7.2VAngle Drill MAKITA ELECTRIC TOOLS 3%" Suface Planer 12' Surface Planer 8%" Table Saw 3H.P. Router 1Y4 H.P. Router Orbital Jig Saw 6 Amp. Orbital Jig Saw 7%" Circular Saw Above Saw wI Elec. Brake 74'Hypoid Saw 1 O%"Circular Saw 165As"Circular Saw WDrili %'Drill 5.2 Amp. Drywall Gun 7" Sander Polisher 4.6 Amp. 4'Grinder 3'x21' Belt Sander Dustless 3'x24' Belt Sander Dustless Palm Grip Sander 14' Mitre Saw 10' Slide Compound Saw Toulan USA ;36.i:;�� $24.00 $128.00 $125.00 $137.00 $119.00 $64.00 $48.00 $77.00 $159.00 $164.00 $144.00 $128.00 153 Beaumont, QUALITY HARDWOODS CRAFTSMEN ACROSS THE COUNTRY HAVE MADE EAST· WOODS THEIR fiRST CHOICE fOR PREMIUM PENNSYL VANIA CHERRY, TIGER MAPLE, AND OTHER fiNE HARD WOODS Div. D ER SERVICE NO. 14 � EACH BOARD IS HAND SELECTED AND 1900BW 2012 2708W 3612BR 3620 4301BV 4302C 5007NB 5007NBA 5077B 5201NA 5402A 6302 6510LVRT 6820V 9207SPC 9514B 9900B 9924DB B04510 LS1440 LS1011 $111.00 $487.00 $256.00 $187.00 $108.00 $148.00 $157.00 $111.00 $123.00 $137.00 $298.00 $329.00 $117.00 $74.00 $77.00 $147.00 $49.00 $144.00 $147.00 $47.00 $434.00 $468.00 DRIED IN OUR OWN KILNS. fOR fURNITURE OR CABI· NETRY, MAKE YOUR CALL TO A PRIORITY. Drill Press Kit $3.00 5& H - Radial Saw Kit $50.0 3 Add State Tax where applicable. For Radial Saw state the make, model and shalt size. G & W TOOL CO., INC. � PPO. FREIGHT. in Cont. U.S. on oortable tools. s -- --- D .. � 9 D ER SERVICE NO. 78 P.O. Box 691464· Tulsa, OK 74169· (918) 486-2761 Not responsible for typographical errors. -E ;;;��t�O-.- I-I1----- REDER SERVICE NO. - 6 Species P.O.BOK 128 fENG Y N T W N 42 99 MOULDINGS: Cut To Your Length • - 17 Sizes E,4· 6 715 fX,8 4 · 6 719 In 2 Ft. Increments Over 40 Profiles CO·MATtC MACHtNERY CO., LTD. N DOWELS: 9 Species • 1/4" to 4" Thickness HARDWOOD LUMBER: 20 bf, Packages WHOLESALE PRICES WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURE DALE STEVENS' WOODWORKS 10 Species 195 LOCUST DRIVE • FRANKFORT, KY, 40601 ORDERS: 1-800.245-9381 1-502·695·1438 (Fax) • Info.: 1·502·695·1421 D ER SERVICE NO. 95 i VISA'! II & Poper Science is now offering 0 course on video tape for the serious woodworker. WOODWORKERS: TAKE A COURSE IN WOOD TECHNOLOGY at NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITYthru video IN YOUR HOME. The Department of Wood Enrollees are mailed six, 45-60 min. video presentations on WOOD TECHNOLOGY made by the NCSU focuhy. Students review the videos ond supplementory wrilien materials, complete homework assignments, and mail the completed assignments to NCSU. Their course coordinator then reviews each assignment ond returns them with constructive comments. Subjects oddressed in the course include: • • • • 011 wrilien handout materials is 5129.95. Structure of Wood Properties of Wood 'Shrinkage and Swelling 5129.95. Make check payable to: N.C. State University. Name Wood, Water and The Environment ____________________ _____ _________ _ _ ______ Gy, State, Zip __ _______________ & PAPER SCIENCE __ _ _ ______ 3-6 weeks for _ Addr�s • phone _ mail to: VIDEO EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF WOOD Please allow 8 January/February 1991 5 BOX BOOS RALEIGH, NC 27695-805 PHONE: (919) 737-3181 moil delivery of the course materials to you. D ER SERVICE NO. Natiol alaim d res for � SUGGESTED RETIL S12.95 $45.0 Wood Products and their application All Participants successfully completing the course receive a Certificote of Recognition from North Carolina Stote University. The cost of the course including the videos and Enrollment is limited so early registration is encouraged. Ple � nroll me in the vide0 ;' rse, Wood Technology, at North Carolina State University. Enclosed is my enrollment fee of ___ N.C. STATE UNIVERSIY [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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