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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 096, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]October 1992, No.96 u.K. £3.60 u.s. $5.95 Canada $6.95 THE COMPETITION HAS TO 2 H.P. DUST COLLECTOR MODEL Gl029 ONLY $ 5 2 5 00 F.O.B. BElliNGHM, WA r ONLY $2 9 5 00 r M S T , PA WILLIAMSORT, PA F.O.B. WI 6" x 48" COMB. ".J;n MODEL Gl014 15" WIDE-BELT SANDER MODEL Gl052 ONLY $ 79 5 00 F.O.B. BEUlNG r 24" DRUM SANDER MODEL Gl066 22" SCROLL SAW MODEL G1060 r ONLY $1 9 5 00 F.O.B. BLLINGHAM, WAor WIWAMSPORT, PA , WA f.e.a.I NGHAM, WAor WllLIAMSPOfH, fA ONLY $1 4 99 5 F.O.B. BEliNGHAM, WA WILIAMSPORT, PA WIllIAMSPORT, PA 1'12 H.P. SHAPER MODEL Gl035 ONLY $4 9 5 00 F.O.B. BELLINGHAM, WA or WILLIAMSPORT, PA ONLY $ 8 50 00 F.e.B. BElLINGHAM, WA or WILLIAMSPORT, fA Reg. $375 SALE $ 34 5 00 F.e.B. BELLINGHAM, WAor WilLIAMSPORT, PA Reg. $6 95 SALE $6 50 00 F.e.B. BELLINGHAM, WAor WILLIAMSPORT, PA Reg. $365 SALE $ 3 55 00 F.e.B. BelLINGHAM, WA or WILLIAMSPORT, PA 10" HEAVY DUTY TABLE SAW MODEL Gl022 SUPER HEAVY DUTY TABLE SAW MODEL Gl023 ONLY $ 7 3 5 00 F.O.B. BELLINGHAM, WA or WILLIAMSPORT, PA ONLY $1,2 9 5 00 F.e.B. BelLINGHAM, WA or WILLIAMSPORT, PA 20" PLANER MODEL Gl033 CALL FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG! 1-800-523-4777 (717)326-3806 CUSTOMERSERVICE 2406 REACHRD.WILLIAMSPORT,PA lnOl DER SERICE NO. 102 It you live WEST ot the Mississippi: It you live EAST ot the Mississippi: GRIN & BEAR IT! OUR LOW PRICES AND HIGH QUALITY ARE SIMPLY UNBEATABLE! 16" BAND SAW MODEL G1538 ll iNGAM, WA ONLY $10 9 5 00 HEAVY DUTY JOINTER MODEL Gl182 SUPER HEAVY DUTY JOINTER MODEL Gl018 3 H.P. SHAPER MODEL Gl026 ONLY $8 9 5 00 F.O.B. BElliNGHAM, WA or WILLIAMSPORT, PA 15" PLANER MODEL Gl021 1-800-541-5537 (206) 647-0801 CUSTOMERSERVICE P.O.BOX 2069 BELLINGHAM,WA 98227 �>rng_' __________ September/ctober 1992 No. 96 DEPRS Letters 4 Classiied 102 110 114 116 Methods of Work & Answers 12 Books Questions 22 Events m ent RICLES Adhesives for Woodwor n g by Chris Minick AndJapanese rice glue: the edible adhesive 32 Notes and Co bySandorNayszaancy 44 oo kcase byJeffGreef Stackable cases with retractable overhead doors How to Build a Barrister's 51 Togle clamps for jigs and fixtures, p. 74 Leroy Setziol's Sculpture by Scott Landis 56 id-like carvings merge order and chaos The Combination Square by Benjamin A. Wild 60 A patternmaker's tps for getting the most out of this precision instrument Ma n g a Case for Dovetails by Carl Dorsch 63 Mac n e-Cut Dovetails by Mark Duginske 66 Bent-Corner Boxes of the Northwest Coast 70 by Gregg Blomberg Kerfed and steamed coners tun a board into a box Toggle Clamps by Ed Hoffman byDougas W Rull, P. 7 4 And putting togle clamps to work ower Feeders: Unsung Heroes by Louis Kern 78 Mechanical hepers save fingers and improve the performance of most machines in the shop Integrating Lathe- n ed Components in F i ture 82 by Christopher Weiland Tuning and joinery combine to produce balance, unfied designs End-Work Router F u re by Patrick Warner Stable support for routing tenons and more 85 Working with a combination square, p.60 Design a Chair that Fits like a Glove byGlenn Gordon An adjustable rig supplies the critical dimensions for comfort 88 On the Cover: Mark Duginske adjusts his tablesaw miter-gauge jig before mak ing a second series of cuts on a pin board as part of his machine dovetail metho, p. 66 Photo: Sandor Nayszalancz. 0361-3453) is published bimonthly, January, March, May,July, September and November, by The Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, r 06470-5506. Telephone (203)426-8171. Second-class postage paid at Newtown, 92 r 06470-5506, and additional mailing ofices. U.S. newsstand distribution by Eastern News Distributors, Inc., 1130 Cleveland, Rd., Sandusky, OH 44870. GST #123210981 os M aster: Send address changes to Fine Woodworking, The Taunton Press, Inc., P.O. Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506 ne Follow Up A wal-hung tool cabinet that will hone your joinery skils The look of hand-cutjoints from the tablesaw and bandsaw Variations on a erfect Fit by Vincent Laurence FineWoodworking (lSSN ln g deeper-I really enjoyed Bernie Maas' article on drill press use ( WW #94). I would like to expand on his good safety instructions with the following example. hammers are made of a slighdy more malleable steel and are less prone to chip or to flatten d1e struck shat. -Linwood Fiala, Baudete, Minn. WW Making an existing hole deeper is easy with metal-cutting point bits because the point of the bit lends itself to position correction when dropping a spinning bit down into a hole. With Multi-spur, Forstner and larger brad point bits, it is likely that any misaliglUnent will result in the outside cutters of the bit striking the wood first and tearing things up. It is always best to stop the drill press, lower the bit down in the existing hole, lock the spindle, clamp the work to the table in that position and then withdraw the bit, turn on the press and drill. m e, he myth nd he memory - I en joyed the superb article by Jon Arno about Douglas-ir ( s of the Columbia River on his first voyage to the Pacific Nord1- west. This was some 31 years after Menzies first collected the species while accompanying Captain George Vancouver on his ship Discovery in 1793. Douglas introduced 254 orthwest plant species to Britain in those early years. I didn't follow this procedure once when using a 21/z-in.-dia. Multi-spur bit to deepen an existing hole, and the spinning rim of the bit grabbed the wood. The result required the services of a surgeon to reattach my let thumb that was severed right behind the knuckle. WW #94) was interesting, but the photograph of adjusting runout of the quill with a claw hammer is wrong. -Bob Va ughan, Roanoke, Va . It didn't take long for the tree to be introduced to d1e rest of Western Europe. Today it may comprise up to 30 percent of some of the stands in the Black Forest of Southwest Germany. It Avoid s i l jo i st The Taunton Press seeks a te i cal jou i st to join the editorial oo dorking magzine. The successul candidate will have at least three years of newspaper, magzine or te Te i cal writ ing experience, along with a personal involvement in woodwork ing. Drawing and photographic abilities are assets. Must be willing to relocate to southwesten Connecticut. We ofer a competitive salary, excellent beneits package and a pleasant work environ ment. Please reply by letter, with resume, writing samples and photographs of recent work in wood, to: Personnel Manager, The Taunton Press, Use a brass, plastic, rawhide, or wooden mallet. Lacking that, use a piece of wood between the hammer and the sht. ever hit a machined shat with a steel hanuner. It will leave a lat spot, which will make it tough to accurately replace the chuck. Leaving the dial indicator against the shat while you hit it is very bad for the dial indicator. Pull it back away from the shat. Inside a dial indicator is a very small, precisely machined rack and gear set made of brass. Also, there are several delicate springs. Never strike a steel shaft wid1 a claw-type hammer. Ball-peen staf of Fine 63o. Main St., Box 5506, Newtown CT 06470. ss .; Gregory McMah. pa . tlesiglle,". d ne Edito""' Director John Kelsey Execuive Editor Jim Boesel MR_ging Editor Sandor Nagyszalanczy At Director Kathleen Rushton AsociRte Art Director Mark Sant'Angelo A O N The Taunon Press: Paul noman, psident; Janjce A. Roman, vice psi· dent; Carolyn Kovaleski, a/minista· five secretmy. Corporate S ff D e c i ces: Patricia Williamson, coorli11tor; Roxanne Frimmet, Megan Sangster, client services repteselltatives; Customer rvice (subsa-ib): Patricia Malouf, maget"; Nancy Sdloch, senior customer s1vice ,-ep; Donna \Veinstein, Diane Hurvul, Siri 'hecler, Karen WiJliams. Mail Processing: Joyce McWilliam, sll€'vsOl� Gayle Hammond, Barbara Lowe, Marylou Thompson. Customer Set'vice (hade): Christine Cosacchi, su'sor; Kristen Boeckmann, alst. se. vice rep.; Peggy LeBlanc, Denise Pascal, data ellh'. 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List management: The K1eid Co., 530 5th Ave., New York, Y m ent (Subscription, Editorial, or Advertising), he Taunton Press, 63 outh Main Street, PO Box 5506, Newtown, Press, Adv - Video Fine Woodworking is a reader-written magazine. We welcome proposals, manuscripts, photographs and ideas from our readers, amateur . or professional. We'll acknowledge Fax. (203) 426-3434 10036-5101. ll submissions and return those we can't FineWoodworkin, PO Box 5506, Newtown, Conn. 06470-5506. Title to the copyrights in the contributions appearing in Fine Woodworking Boos FineWoodking magaZine remains with the authors, photographers and artists, unless otherwise indicated. They have granted publication rights to Fine b lsber John lively MRrketing MR_ger Helen Albert AsociRte Editor Andy Schultz Secret.y Barbara Hudson Wood r king. publish. Send your contributions to 4 Fine Woodworking Letters D Douglas-ir: he #94) and I would like to add a little more information. The common name of the tree came from honoring David Douglas, the plant collector for the Horticultural Society of Lon don, who, in the spring of 1824, saw the fir tree along the b n g metal p s wih mm er-Robert Vaughan's article on tuning up drill presses ( ZS Fulment & Operaions: Tom Luxeder, lbector, Jane Torrence, sectetmy. Client tlge1'; Garol Gee, aamin. Fine Woodworking tors: Susan Edelman, design; John Kelsey, etlitoraij John Lively, chief of staff; Jan Wahlin, marketing. Mary Sullivan, genral sin: Philip Allard, cmp. promotion manager; Steven Hunter, art di rector; Wendy Bowes, asciate dence to the appropriate dep w E A T H E R p R o o One part water resistance. WeatherProof Titebond II Wood Glue is the first one part exterior wood glue - ready-to-use, no mixing or heating required. It offers all of the performance characteristics woodworkers trust in Original Titebond plus Type II water resistance. Ask your local hard ware, woodworking store, lumberyard, or • today. 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