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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 097, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]Sunburst Wisor 15" PLANER A gd size, ayduty plaer! · 2 speeds · 2 H.PJl0 AMPS/220V 22" SCROLL SAW If you are looking for a large capacity scroll saw at an unbeatable price, look no futher! • • • 22' max. cut. depth • 2' max. cut. thick. • • Precision cast·iron table tilts 0·45° 3·blade cutterhead • 'I," Max. cut. width: 15' • Air pumping system clears cutting line Max. cut. height: 6' Max. cut. depth: Weighs 500 Ibs. MODEL G1021 $7350 MODEL G1060 $14� PLANER simple, reliable, ay duty 20" • 0" plaer. • .II ... �r • e 20' x 8' capacity · 3 H.PJ220V • • • • 4·blade cutterhead • Exclusive 47' Built in chip chute Cutterhead speed: 5,000 R.P.M. • 3·blade cutterhead 2 auto. feeds Weighs 260 Ibs. REG. $375.00 MODEL G1182 Weighs 900 Ibs. MODEL G1033 $1� $450 WOOD SHAPER Use what the professionals use! BAND SAW Clean castings & quality workmanship SUPER H.D. JOINTER You cannot find a better quality machine than this for even twice our price! SALE • 'I. H.P. single phase motor with reversing switch 16" 8" X 65" • • • 3 blade speeds • 'f,' spindle • • · 1 'f, H . P J ll0V I R 45° 3·blade cutterhead • • 1 'f, H.PJ220V Table size 16' x 16' • • • Lg. 15' x 18' cast·iron, precision ground table • Table tilts L 5° Comes with 'f,' blade Knife size 8' x '/a' x l' Miter gauge included Shipping weight is 280 Ibs. Weighs 460 Ibs. REG. $695.00 MODEL G1018 Weighs 155 Ibs. MODEL G1024 $2750 MODEL G1538 $5250 $00 H,P. SHAPER An in·betwen size shaer that is simply amazing! H.D. TABLE SAW WITH CAST·IRON WINGS! 8" COMBINATION SANDER SALE • 112 10" 6" X • 'I. H.P. single phase motor • 2 interchangeable spindles 1 'f, H.P111OV or 220V • 193 PRICE HELD! • • • • • • Miter gauge included 110/220V Table has T·slots for miter gauge 6' x 48' belt-g' disc 2 spindles speeds Table tilts 45° Weighs 300 Ibs. Weighs 255 Ibs. REG. $365.00 MODEL G1022 Weighs 140 Ibs MODEL G1035 $4950 $3550 MODEL G1014 $1950 3 H.P. SHAPER This machine is the hottest TILTING ARBOR SALE 24" DRUM SANDER Made with precision and care, it has been fully tested and is available exclusively from us! SUPER H.D.TABLE SAW Exclusive Grizly super heavy duty and accurate rip-fence included as standard equipment! __ shaper in the U.S.A.! 10" • • ��s • Drum motor size·5 H.P. 20V single phae (25 amps) · 3 H.PJ220V motor with reversing switch • 'I. H.P. 110V/220V (6/3 amps) 3 interchangeable spindles • • • 'I,' diameter arbor • • • Belt feed motor Revolutionay rip·fence 2 spindle speeds Automatic feed Shipping weight is 420 Ibs. MODEL G1026 Shipping weight is 500 Ibs. MODEL G1023 $8950 $8500 MODEL G1066 $1950 D ER SERICE NO. 111 • • • • 2 in·line sanding drums �� rng · ne ___ � _____ November/December 1992 No. 97 DEPRTMENS 4 Books 110 Methods of Work 14 Tool Fo m 116 Questions & Answers 26 Events 120 Classiied 103 Notes and Co m ent 126 RICLES bySandorNagyszaanczy 46 Big Plunge Routers by Robert M. Vaughan And electronic contros: variable speed is safer Designing a Captain's Bed by Arnold d'Epagnier 53 Launching a commission with the right detais and hardware A Hand-Rubbed Oil Finish by Tom Wisshack And homemade linseed-oil mxture rubs in best 56 Mac n es on h eels by Jim Boesel; drawings byJim Richey 60 Hinges, handles and casters make toos rol to save space Touring Show Herals Maine Guild by Vincent Laurence 64 Showroom and referras promote cratsmanship and sales Sculpting Chair Seats with a Shop-Built Duplicator byMarioRodriguez 67 by Dan Trimble And hand tools shape a traditional seat Bracket Feet for Case Pieces by Norm Vandal And the evolution of the chest:from boojacks to bracket feet 72 Machines on whees, p. 60 Making a Stamp Box by Abijah Reed Five pieces, carefuly crafted and assemble, reel of postage 76 Modeling a Classic Locomotive by Doug Kenney A variey of hardwoos emphasizes the details 78 Vacuum Powered Hold-Down by Evan Kern Look ma, no clamps A Prairie-Style Couch by Scott Dickerson Comfortable seating echoes architectural elemens 82 84 Mastering the Tablesaw by Mark Duginske There's a way to be safe in evey cutting situation 87 A Hardwood with Character by D. Herbert ordmeyer And working with mesquite 64. Photo: Denns Grigs. FineWd orking (ISSN 0361-3453) is published bimonlhly,January, March, May,July, eptemer and Novemer, bylbe Taunton Press,lnc., Newtown, r 6470-556. Telephone (203) 426-8171. econd- ss ostage paid at Newtown, byLeslieMizel 9 4 On the Cover: Sunburst Windsor chai, made by Arthur Mitchel, is at home alongSide a cherry secretary by Lincoln Capp. Theres another view of these two piees on p. oMter: Send address changes to Fine Woodworking, The Taunton Press, Inc., P. O. Box 550 6, Newtown, r 0 6470-550 6 r 6470-556, and additional mailing ofices. U.S. newsstand distribution by asten News Distributors, Inc., 110 Cleveland, Rd., Sandusky, OH 44870. GT #1232 8 1 Letters Mesquite: Leters s t wods on locknuts-The item on locknuts in the "Letters" section of Fine Wo odworking #96 causes me to respond imme diately, for safety's sake. Here's the way they work: Initially the large nut screws against the job followed by the thinner locknut that snugs against the top of the large nut, but that's not the end of it all. The following steps must be taken to ensure that the nuts cannot possibly unscrew together, thus allowing the job to come loose. Panels on the move-Christian Becksvoort's excellent article on wood movement in WW #9 4 has raised a couple of points I do not understand. He states that a 31-in.-wide board could expand and contract as much as % in. with normal swings of humidity and that the frame-and-panel construction will only have movement in the stiles. It would seem to me that the back itself will also move more than the Y4-in. total allowed for movement and that the stiles will be forced apart. 1. Tighten the major nut against the job a trifle more than is re quired. Use a torque wrench if possible for greater certainty. He also describes the sliding joint allowing movement be tween the sides and the top molding. It would seem to me that if the molding were installed flush with the back when humidi ty was high, it could project from the back as much as 2. Tighten the thin locknut against the top of the major nut with the correct amount of torque (Le. less than that of the large nut). 3. Hold the locknut steady with a wrench, and with another wrench undo the large nut against it. There will be an imper ceptible amount of slackening of the large nut but only until the correct amount of torque is reached-remember that you over tightened it initially. , in. in periods of low humidity. One inal note-I am surprised that Becksvoort did not use dust panels in what looks like an expensive piece of furniture. -Wener C Steinle, Roanoke, Va. To undo the nuts, hold the top locknut and tighten the large nut a fraction, and hold it while the top nut is undone. Chs Becksvoort repies: My apologies for a slight inaccura cy. A latsawn panel of cherry 31 in. wide, shrinking from 14% moisture content (m.e.) to 6% m.c. (average annual indoor range, not taking wood inish into account) would shrink about -Joe Moore, Brockvile, Onto Canada % in. This is based on the fact that latsawn cherry has an ap proximate shrinkage rate of 71% from green to oven-dry. That's why I use frame-and-panel construction with a quartersawn cherry frame (shrinkage rate is only 3.7%). So the two outer stiles at 2Y4 in. each have a total s Stoe planes on ther sides-I can still remember an admoni tion of my shop teacher a half-century ago to never lay a plane on its working surface; lay it on its side, so the cutting edge can't be damaged. As a good student, I still store my few planes on their sides in a drawer. Beautiful tool cabinets, such as the one in the October 1992 issue, that for compactness need the planes upright, might have a little groove cut under the blade, so they aren't resting on the cutting edge. -James k age O/4 in. from 14% m.c. to 6% m.e. That amounts to only a bit more than Y4 in. on each side, easily accommodated by normal compression of the wood fibers. Each of the back panels is 11% in. wide and shrinks just under 4 in. The case side, at 19 in., shrinks just about % in. Please H Blackbun, Cave Creek, Aiz . The Taunton Pes: Paul Roman, presidenl� Janice A. 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