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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 098, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]DEPRTMENS Letters & Answers 14 Books m 104 95 Notes and Co m ents 26 116 Methods of Work Tool Fo 122 40 44 46 50 54 57 62 66 70 74 80 82 85 88 Questions Events Index to issues 92 through 97 RICLES Veneering over a Solid-Wood Substrate by Tage Frid Thiry-year old rosewoodgives lfe to a shapely cofe e ta ble Rolling Chop-Saw Stand Saves Space by Charles Jacoby Fo lding wings support long stock Making a veneered cofee table, p. 40 Loose Tenon Joinery by Ken Picou Separate tenons are quick, easy andstrong i ture Investments in F by Ben Bacon Brushing on a Finish by Chris A. Minick Goodpreparation andlowing strokes yield smooth results Biscuit Joinery ets More Versatile by Sandor NagyszaIanczy Ne w hardwarefo rfa st joints, even without th e machine Quick and Clean Bookcases by John Kelsey Lumberyardpine with bscuits make a sturdy bookcase Where mil meets stile, p. 66 Where Rail Meets Stile by Mac Campbell Mitered sticking s strong and neat Bending a Big Curve by Jeff Miller Laminations with sp indles make this bed a Wi nsor Restoring Vintage Machinery by Robert M. Vaughan Bansaw's lesso ns can be applied th roughout th e shop A New wist for n ers by Dick Burrows A Table for Breakfast or Banquets by Steven M. Lash Ne wfu niturefrom London, p. 50 On the Cover: Stop-action photogaphy shows how proper hand position and smooth brush handling are the keys to a slickfinish, as Ch ris Minick explains on p. 54. Photo: Susan Kahn. FineWdworking (ISSN 0361·3453) is published bimonthly, January, March, MaY,July, eptember and November, by The Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, T 6470·556. Telephone (203) 426-8171. Second-class ostage paid at Newtown, How to Buy Used Hand Tools by Robert HubertJr. Yo u canfi nd high-qualiy to os atlea markets and auctions T 6470-556, and additional mailing ofices. U.S. newsstand distribution by Eastern News Distributors, Inc., 1130 Cleveland, Rd., Sandusky, OH 44870. GST #123210981 osMaster: Send address changes to Fine Wo odworking, The Ta unton Press, Inc., P.O. Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506 6 112 Splined Miters Join Mirror Frame by Bob Gleason Ta bletop projectPivotsfo r a better view Pivoting heastocks simply th e ins and outs of bows Drop down legs support expansion mechanism Editors Notebook y John Kesy n g on your house-So we move the household from one side of town to the other, and I stalt over: cardboard box es crammed with tools and supplies, piles of lumber, tarped jumble of machines. At the old place, I'd built a workshop bigger than a two-car garage. Here I'm starting with a one-car garage and I can't even get all my stuff under cover. On the first day, I need blocks to prop up some crummy built-in shelVing. I re arrange the box mountain until I find the one labeled handsaws, root out a saw and a square. Aaarrgh! Now clear the boxes off the sawhorses to make enough room for knifing a line and sawing those blocks of wood. Go back to the house to nail them in-no, go back outside to find the box containing nails, hoist it onto the sawhorse .... I'm taking three or four steps sideways for every inch forward. Sometimes when I'm Wildly shiting piles of boxes, I can't re member what I was looking fo r. I forget that my goal is not to move boxes, not to make little blocks of wood, but to get past moving in and on to setting up my new shop. As my goal recedes into the infinite distance, I realize that I can't do anything without my workshop. Having a work shop is what defines the woodworker. A trim carpenter operates out of his truck, taking toolbox and materials to the job site to cut and fit parts. But the wood worker takes measurements and materials into the workshop to make parts, which he then carries back to the job site. My frustration at being shop-less illus trates this interesting difference and leads me to a new series of articles about how shop-based woodworkers approach utility projects. The first in the series, on p. 62 of this issue, describes the pine shelving I built as soon as I got my tools wrestled in to that little garage. In our next issue, we'll describe basic drawermaking with a Sears type dovetailing jig. These articles aren't about making fine urruture, but they're not about rough car pentry either. They're about utility wood working from a shop-based point of view. If you'd like to participate in this series, please write me about how you use your workshop to solve problems around your place. tool category and you'd like to try working with us on tl1ese brief tool reviews, please get in touch with us. u es-You know we published it someplace in a back issue of Fi ne Wo odworking, but you can't remem ber when? Cheer up, we can't either. That's why we publish a detailed annual index. The index to our 1992 magazines- Fine Wo odworking #92 through #97-appears on p. 95 of tlus issue, along with a key to all our previous indexes. Still too many places Index to back iss o look? You're right about that, and we're working on a long-range solution. In the meantime, two outside sources offer useful indexes to Fine Wo odworking The PC Index, which actually is a com puterized table of contents of all our back issues and reprint books, is available on diskette from Meredith Associates, P.O. Box 792, westford, Mass. 01886-0792. It costs $34.95 and can be updated. he Guide to Published Wo odworking Plans and Te ch niques is a loose-leaf binder that lists 5,200 anicles from ten woodworking magazines, including Fine Wo odworking It's the $20 brainchild of reader An Gumbus, 5629 Main St.-Putney, Stratford, Conn. 06497. FineWoodworkingMRgRzie Edio News about tools-Our new depanment, "Tool Forum," rummages through the heap of new tools we saw at the International Woodworking Fair held last August in Atlanta. It appears on p. 112 of this issue. If you know a lot about some -J K A "" Di o r John Kelsey Senior Editor Sandor Nagyszalanczy Art Dieor Kathleen Rushton The Taunton Press: Paul Roman, preSident;Janice A. Roman, vice presi dent; Carolyn Kovaleski, admin. secre mry; Corporate Staff Directors: Susan Edelman, deSign; john Kelsey, edilOrial; john Uvely, chief of SlaT;jan Iahlin, marketing. Accounting: (Iayne Reynolds, controller; Patrick Lamontagne, manager; Jeffrey Sherman, financial analyst; Mary Sullivan, general ledger supervisor; Carolyn Arneth, jr. cost Sangster, client service reps. C.stomer Service (subscriber): Patricia Malouf, mgr.; Nancy Schoch, sr. customer service rep.; Barbara SmiLh, Donna \feinstein, Siri Wheeler, Karen Williams. Order Processing: joyce McWilliam, supervisor; Gayle Hammond, Barbara Lowe, Marylou Thompson. Customer Service (trade): Kristen Boeckmann, CUSlOmer service rep.; Peggy leBlanc, Denise Zor, data emry . 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Send your contributions to 4 Fine Woodworking Fine Woodworking magazine remains wim me aumors, photographers and artists, unless od1erwise indicated. They have granted publication rights to Fine Woodworking. Wor O N BUTIONS ...by wnlSlS Advertising s ing SeteRy Betsy Quintiliano Tel. (800) 283-7252 ssRe Edior Andy Schultz Fine Woodworking, PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506. Title to me copyrights in me contributions appearing in e Ry Barbara Hudson 1993 INVENTORY SPECIALS ;� MAD MARLING � E iN AMERICA SALES-SERViCE-PARTS RUNS WO TOLL FREE 1·800·247·7178 �-� LUMBER COMPANY SEE THE REST-BUY THE BEST!! INSIST ON A GENUINE "APOLLO" -------- I R YUR L SITR I � 095DWE 9.6 Volt Cordless Drill Kit LL TLL EE 00) 7-76 R " 0 • 495 COMPLETE! (LIST $685) Model 600 complete With tu rbine alrhose and A 5010 spray g $725 COMPLETE! 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COMPETITIVE PRICING ON ALL MODELS ALL APOLLO'S HAVE A TWO YEAR WARRANTY AND A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE P_T... 6093DWE 9.6 Volt Cordless Drill Kit w/Extra Battery. . ./ Revitalizes Old Finishes On Half-Pint Model S1 I .. ..� PHONE: 416-4580400, FX 4164580688 IS the newest In computer ald dd rawlng for the custom abinet maker. Simple to oerate, it is oweful suport for large prduction manufacturers, yet vey afordable - pried for the one man shop! Utilizing the latest in omputer tech nology, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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