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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 101, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]Whetstones Sta n g wood Japanese hansaws Make a Mois char Rd ayot es saduis e -o-a-kidumiture. J� . We're d to e ueters dee an Wp , � of e New Yanke Wp =. nulc t in . D ER SERICE NO. 118 �_ R n e __ _________ � � ��m DEPR S 6 34 Letters 12 Tool Fo m 90 96 102 Follow Up 16 Books Questions & Answers 26 Events Notes and Comment RICES 38 Cratsman-Style Comfort in a Morris Chair by Gene Lehne11 Mortise-and-tenon joiney looks good and makes it last 43 Random-Orbit Sanders by Sandor agyszalanczy Plug-in convenience vs. air-system eJJicieny Random-orbit sanders, p. 43 48 Choosing and Using Japanese Handsaws by Toshio Odate Thin blades and sharp teeth to pull through the wood 51 Making a Sliding Saw Table by Guy Perez Smooth and precise crosscuts Jor less than a hundred bucks 54 The Mighty Oaks by Jon Arno Red, white and live make a versatile trio 58 Made in North America-Still by Vincent Laurence How Delta, Powermatic and General have dealt with the Taiwanese challenge 63 66 70 7 2 76 78 82 87 Shaker-Style Clock by Phil Lowe Modern works and classic design create convenient storage Shop-built sliding table, p. 51 Changing the Color of Wood by Chris Minick A primer on modern stains From the Forest by Jean Sousa Vermont exhibit showcases a wealth and diversiy oj talents A New Angle on Whetstones by Gerald Polmateer Can oil and water be mixed? Power-Tool Workbench by Lars Mikkelsen Tool storage within an arm's length oj the job Creating Working Drawings by Jim Tolpin How to take a design idea Jrom Ough sketch to Jinal plans S e l e ctin g and us i ng whetstones, p. 72 Cabinet Lighting by Alec Waters Illuminating options cover a wide spectrum the Cover: Carl Dimon and Glenn Hughes built this cherry and bird's eye maple hutch with two lighting sys tems. For more on cabinet lights, seep. Repetitive-Motif Marquetry by Silas Kopf French technique permits multple identical images 8. Photo: Mitch Mande. Fine Wodworking (ISSN 0361-3453) 06470-5506, is published himomhly,Januay, March, May,July, Seplember and November, by 1l,eTaunlon Press, Inc., NeWlown, 1130 r 06470-5506. OH Telephone 44870. GT (203) 426-8171. #123210981. Second-class poslage paid a! Nelown, and addilional mailing oices. U.S. nc"ssland dislriblllion by Easlen News DiSlfibUlors, Inc., Cleveland, Rd., Sandusky, os t aster: Send address changes to Fine Woodworking, The Taunton Press, Inc., 63 S. Main St., P.O. Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506 Printed in the USA Methods of Work On r Editors Notebook Numbers fo r Norm-We had no illu sions when we decided to do the article on Norm Abram in Fine Woodworking #99. We knew it would be controversial. For all the debate about crat vs. art that has gone on in these pages, we expected some equally vehement responses to the Abram piece. We were not disappointed. Printed in dicated we had committed something akin to woodworking blasphemy by putting Norm on the cover. (For all the wood working unknowns who have graced our cover over the years, it was a little hard to take the arguments that only people like Tage Frid, James Krenov and Sam Maloof should be allowed to have their visage on the front of Fine Woodworking.) Amid all the strong words expressed, something got lost on both sides of the issue: the fact that Norm is news in the woodworking world. As an important journal of woodworking, we would be lax in our reporting duties if we did not ad dress the phenomenon of he New Yankee Workshop and its 4.5 million viewers. We tried to cover the issues and controversies that surround the program in an even handed, unbiased way; it's up to our read ers to come to their own conclusions. do with their foibles and foul-ups. That's not the kind of thing serious woodworkers want to be publicly associated with. Especially if it's going to wind up in print. I started thinking about all this when a colleague at another magazine referred me to a book in which Fine Woodworking magazine was mentioned. A collection of humorous essays and columns by Patrick . o #100 and this issue are a few of the more than three dozen letters we've re ceived to date. There were also some phone calls, and all of our editors fielded reactions and responses from woodwork ers they came in contact with. Letter counts are far from scientific as a measure of opinion, but they're interesting nonetheless. So how did Norm score with letter writers? Cracks about power-tool lust and nail belts aside, orm's fans far out number his detractors. Of the letters re ceived so far, 27, or 71%, supported Norm and The New Yankee Workshop. Nine let ters, or 24%, were opposed, and two letters, or 5%, didn't take a clear stand. For Fine Woodworking to receive that many missives on one subject or article is almost unheard of. And the sentiments ex pressed in those letters were intense. One woodworker threatened to cancel his sub scription because he thought we were too hard on Norm. At the same time, others in- WW McManus, the book is Real Ponies Don't Go Oink. In one essay called "Puttering," McManus takes on his wife over her de scription of his activities in woodworking as puttering. His wife argues that wood working is "merely an excuse to buy tools," while McManus recounts his misad ventures in trying to level the legs of the "exquisitely crafted" coffee tables he has been attempting to build. All woodworkers make mistakes from time to time. For a lot of us that's the only way we learn. I know if I couldn't laugh at some of my blunders, I'd be wearing out handkerchiefs with a flood of tears. The trick for me is to do serious work without being too serious to enjoy the process. -William Sampson, executive editor Puttering into other pages- Whether we are all wrapped up in a major project in the workshop or submerged in the daily duties of the workaday world, a little dose of humor often brings us back to re ality. But serious woodworking and hu mor are oten like a blind date: full of lots of excitement and potential as an idea, but rarely as satisfying in the real event. �ive d.or William Sampson At The Taunton Press: Paul Roman, president; Janice A. Roman, vice president; Carolyn Kovaleski, administrative seey.; Corporate Staf Directors: Susan Edelman, design; John Uvely, chief of staff;Jan Wahlin, marketing. Accounting: Wayne Reynolds, controller; Patrick Lamontagne, mgr.; Jeffrey Sherman, financial analyst; Mary Sullivan, general ledger supervisor; Andrea DuBois, jr. accoun tant; Carol Diehm, Torrence, seey. Client Services: Patricia Villiamson, coord.; Carolyn Arneth, Megan Sangster, client service reps. Customer Service (subscriber): Patricia Malouff, mgr.; Barbara Smith, Donna Weinstein, Siri Wheeler, Karen Williams. Order Processing: Joyce Mc'iIIiam, supervisor; Gayle Hammond, Barbara Lowe, Marylou Thompson. 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Subscription rates: United States and pos sessions, $29 for one year, $48 for two years, $69 for three years; Canada and other countries, $38 for one year, $67 for two years, $95 for three years (in U.S. dollars, please). Single copy, $5.95. Single copies outside the U.S. and pos sessions: u.K., £3.60; other countries and possessions, $6.95 Send to Subscription Dept., The Taunton Press, PO Box 5506, ewtown, Cood._or Kathryn Simonds Ad l R 06470-5506. For orders only, call (800) 888-8286. Address all correspondence to the appropri ate department (Subscription, Editorial, or Advertising), The Taunton Press, 63 South Main Street, PO Box 5506, ewtown, T . g y Betsy Quintiliano T Y Tel. (800) 283-7252 Fax. (203) 426-3434 06470-5506. List management: The Kleid Co., 530 5th Ave. New York, 10036-5101 Fi_ Wd ork.ng oos - V o s to Fine Woodworking, PO Box 5506, ewtown, CT 06470-5506. Title to the copyrights in the contributions appearing in Fine Woodworking magaZine remains with the authors, photographers and artists, unless otherwise indicated. They have granted publication rights to Fine WOOdw-king. MRr "g MR_gr Helen Albert R i y Barbara Hudson 4 Fine Woodworking The problem isn't a lack of a sense of hu mor among woodworkers. I've shared laughs in many a shop. But most wood workers' humor has Taunton PUBLI CATIONS r f eow enthusasts d. M Ad ls .. g .es MR_ger Dick West NRlio I Fine Woodworking is a reader-written magazine. We welcome proposals, manuscripts, photographs and ideas from our readers, amateur or professional. We'll acknowledge all submissions and retun those we can't publish. Send your contributions ] RAISED PANEL Frankl.-n �E Hardware .,-]!.@i1� l:t,X,Iy-U ,X,X,fJ Bosch ._ .",_ 115 Franklin, Va, Eas � Second Avenue 23851 DOORS Visa, MasterCard, Discover, COD Free Freight in Continental USA, Error Subject to Correction. 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