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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 102, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]cove-cutting Invisible repas Cast router tables Shaker�orkbenches "IMPORTERS OF FINE MACHINERY" 10 years of We import high quality machines direct from the manufacturers overseas and sell them directly to you at low, down to earth pricing. When it comes to selection, high quality, pricing, after-sevice and honest dealings, GRIZLY is second to none. X 17" EDGE SANDER • • • 6'X48'BELT, 6' x 48' 9'DISC & Customer Satisfaction. Now Celebrating 6" COMBINATION SANDER • 3/, H.P. motor Superior Sevice, Lowest Possible Prices Ben size: Quick-release lever 3/, H.P. single phase Table size: 7' x 133/4' Quick-release lever CALL TODAY FOR YOUR Cast iron table Miter gauge MODEL G1072 ONLyS225O • FREE 1993 TOO. CATA.OG! SANDINGBELTSAVAILABLE! Cast iron table tilts 0-45° MODEL G1014 ONLY s195O • • WITHCASTIRONWINGS • • • • • THE BEST 16" BANDSAW ON THE MARKET! ' 1 '12 H.P., 110/220V 10" HEAVY·DUTY TABLE SAW 1 0" TILTING ARBOR SUPER H.D. TABLE SAW ' 1 '12 H.P. ' 110V or 220V 3 blade speeds All-ball bearing abor tilts using worm gear mechanism Reg. $ 3 9 500 ONLY $3750 MODEL G1073 Precison balanced wheels 3 H.P.!220V One·piece cast iron body Steel cabinet Cast iron table tilts 0·45° Cast iron wings MODEL G1023 ONLyS895O • • Reg. $ 575 00 ONLY s5500 • • • • • • • WOOD SHAPER 1·1/2 H.P. SHAPER 3 H.P. 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BOX (206) 647-0801 WEST . EAST . )FTllf (717) 326-3806 (Orders Only): 1·800·225·0021 1·800·541·5537 (Orders Only): 1·800·438·5901 1·800·523·4777 .. � .. . '_IS_ FAX FAX )FTllf \..I I. _SI._ ·S Il_ }PI · S_SS I PP I D ER SERICE NO. 115 R • • • • • Large cast iron table Built·in dust chute Cast iron beds . FREE SET OF EXTRA BLADES DEPRTMES Editor's Notebook 4 Tool Forum 110 114 116 118 Letters 16 Books RICES Low Tea Table Highlights joinery by C. Michael Vogt Sliding dovetais and butterly keys make strong connections & Answers 26 Events Questions Notes and Comment 44 48 44 y by Bernie Maas Knowing your machine makes Jo r saJe and skilful jointing Making butely kys, p. 54 Shaker Oval Boxes by John Wilson Reproductions make Jine gfts orstorage 58 Cast Metal Router Tables by Mark Duginske Durable miter slots and accessories make these tables precise and versatile 62 Fishy Work in Douglas Fir by Jonathan Binzen Clean lines meet carvedJish in a carpenter's Ju niture 65 Tulip: Walllower at the Hardwood Ball by John Sillick Mistaken and maligned, it deserves a place on the cabinetmaker's dance card 68 Knockdown sanding and routing plaform grips work and contros dust Bu n g In Invisible Repairs by Robert Juclcl Hot knfe and resin sticks save time and efo rt 70 74 Flat, Straight and Square by Peter Korn 79 Techniques Jo r leg joiney make strong, attractive tables and case Ju niture 82 Coves Cut on the Tablesaw by Frank Klausz III Skew the Je nce and tilt the blade to make a slew oj hollows Tu n g Perume Bottles by Kip Christensen Wood vesses dress up glass vials 86 Workbenches in the Shaker Tradition by Steven Thomas Bunn Timberjamed base delivers strength andleXible storage 89 94 Burning in invisible repairs, p. 70 the Cover: Knowing your jointer and how to use it makes tasks like the fa cejointing of th is mahogany board safe and eas. For more on jointer use, see p. On Make an End-Boring jig by Jeff Greef Adjustable drillpress setup simplfies dfficult drilling jobs 0361-3453) is published himonthly,.Ianu:uy, M,,,ch, MaY,July, September and November, by The Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, CT 06470-5506. Telephone (203)426-8171. Second-class 4. Photo: William Sampson o mt er: Send address changes to FineWoodworkin g, The Taunton Press, Inc., 63 S. Main St., P.O. Box 5506, ewtown, CT 06470-5506 postage paid at Newtown, Printed in the USA 6 Methods of Work jointer Sa Vacuum Hold-Down Table by Mike M. McCallum Simple milling sequence yields true stock Legs to Stand On by Timothy S. Philbrick cr 06470-5506, and additional m:tiling ofices. u.s. newsstand distribution by Easten News Distributors, Inc., 1130 Cleveland, Rd., Sandusky, OH 44870. GST #123210981. Fine Woodworking (lSSN Editors Notebook - Whether it's looking for a particular technique or trying to locate a special jig I remember seeing in our pages way back when, I'm always reaching up to the shelf above my desk to tap into back issues of Fine Woodworking. But unless I happen to remember exactly which issue I need, which is not very likely, what en sues is a laborious process of thumbing through issue after issue. It can be frustrat ing even with the help of the computer, annual indexes and the #1 to #50 issue index we published. ow, tlunks to the incredible efforts of our indexer, Harriet Hodges, there is some real help at hand. Harriet has meticulously gone through our first 100 issues to com pile a new index covering all those issues in one easy-to-use wire-bound book. It is cross-referenced to include subjects, au thors and tables of contents. It not only in cludes all tl1e magazines from Winter 1975 (WW to their shops as sharp sawblades. The new index just makes that reference tool even easier to use. The index costs $12.95 plus $2.50 postage and handling and can be ordered by calling (800) 888-8286. - that each of us gets something different out of our woodworking. What works ef fectively as a technique for one wood worker may not be appropriate for tl1e tools, work habits and goals of another. At the same time, we all have something to learn, and many of us have something to teach. That's why Fine Woodworking is a reader-written magazine. We offer the op portunity for woodworkers to share their expertise with fellow woodworkers. We can all teach each otl1er a thing or two, but when the teaching becomes preaching, we get into trouble. -William Sampson, executive editor Like a regiment of Energizer rabbits, the fans of orm Abram just keep writing and writing and writing. As this is written, about four months after Fine Woodworking #99 hit the streets, its cover emblazoned with Norm's visage, letters are still coming in from read ers all over the country. To date, tl1ere have been 76 letters specifically about orm Abram or the coverage and reaction. Of those, 65 letters, or 85%, backed Norm and our coverage, nine letters, or 12%, were opposed, and two letters, or 3%, didn't take a clear stand. What was even more interesting was the way the letters came in. After the initial mix of plaudits and brickbats, the critical letters just stopped coming. But the waves of Norm's defenders were relentless. Many of tl1em were compelled to write because tl1ey were plainly offended by the vituper ative letters of some of Abram's detractors. Clearly, the criticism of "The New Yankee Workshop" host hit some raw nerves. The whole episode serves to remind us #100) but also is cross-referenced to the Fine Woodworking on. . #1) to May/June 1993 (WW . About your safety: Working wood is inherently dangerous. Using hand or power tools improperly or neglecting standard safety practices can lead to permanent injury or deatl1. So don't try to perform operations you lean about here (or elsewhere) until you're certain that they are safe for you and your shop situation. We want you to enjoy your craft and to ind satis faction in the doing as well as in the inished work. So please keep safety foremost in your mind whenever Y OLi are in tl1e shop. - and Best of Fine Wood working series of reprint books. So even if you don't own issues #1 to #100, you can take advantage of the index. We've long known that woodworkers read Fine Woodworking as a primary ref erence tool that has become as important Fi_WoodworkingMlglzi_ xe:utive Edior William Sampson Art me or Kathleen Rushton Ass J oh n Live, publisher Taunton PUBLICATI ONS & Operations: Tom Luxeder, director; Jane Torrence, seey. Client Services: Patricia Villiamson, coord.; Carolyn Arneth, Megan Sangster, client service reps. Customer Service (subscriber): Patricia Malouff, mgr.; Barbara Smith, Donna Weinstein, Siri Wheeler, Karen Willi,"ns. Order P l e Edior Vincent aurence The Taunton Press: Paul Roman, preside1l; Janice A. Roman, vice president; Carolyn Kovaleski, admin. secretary.; Corporate Staf Directors: Susan Edelman, design; john Lively, chief of staf;J.n WahJin, marketing. Accounting: Wayne Reynolds, controller; Patrick Lamontagne, mgr.; jeffrey Sherman, financial analyst; Mary Sullivan, general ledger supervisor; Andrea DuBOis, jr. accountant; Carol Diehm, A/i> supervisor; Dee Blasko, A/P clerk; Susan Burke, payroll coordinator; Lawrence Rice, credit supervisor; judith Rivera, collection clerk; Lydia Krikorian, Elaine Yamin, jr. accountants. Co Fulfillment r fellow enthllsasts ss ing: Joyce McViIliam, mgr.j Gayle Hammond, Barbara Lowe, Marylou Thompson. DistribuliOll: Paul Seipold, mgr.; Grace Aumuller, David Blasko, Michael Capalbo, James Chappuis, Mary Ann Costagliola, Maureen Flynn, Fred Mannes, Alice Saxton, Astor Taylor, Robert Weinstein; Linnea Ingram, secy. Purchasing d. on Edior Deborah Surprenant & Facilities: lilliam Schappert, mgr.; Lois Beck, office services supervisor; Chuck Hollis, maintenance foreman; Arthur Iilliams, maintenance asst.j ChrisLOpher Myers, buyer/asst. to mgr.; Donml Freeman, chef/mgr.; Kathleen Costello, orma Jean Taylor, assts. Subscriplion: Carole Ando, data elllry mgr.; Connie Barczak, Bonnie Beardsley, Mona Buns-Corso, Madelaine Frengs, Marie Pato, Andrea Shorrock, Denise Zor. Manufacturing: Kathleen Davis, director; Prepress: Austin E. St�lrbircl, mgr.; Robert Marsala, graphic arts supervisor; Chansam Thamm:lvongsa, production asst.; Deborah Cooper, color center supervisorj Richard Booth, night shifl supervisor; Mark Coleman, William Glfrey, Laurene Jakab, color system operators; Margot Knorr, publicationsapplications mgr.; Monica Murphy, publicalions applications assoc.; Lisa DeFeo, system operator. Print Production: Diane Flanagan, mgr. (promo); Thomas Greco, mgr. (books); Rosemary Pagel, assoc. (books); Philip VanKirk, mgr. (magazines); Deborah Baldwin, assoc. (magazines); Tracie Pavlik, secy. Video: Craig Umanoff, video coord.; Thomas Menard, asst. video prlucer. Persollllel: Carol Marotti, mgr.j Linda BaLierini, Chris Lincoln, personnel assts. Asssant Editors Charley Robinson, Alec Waters,jonathan Binzen Coy l l e a y Lee Anne Candito o rate s ign: Philip Allard, corporate promotion mgr.; Christopher Zenowich, copywriter; Steven Hunter, art director; Wendy Bowes, Christopher Casey, assoc. art directors; Mary Beth Cleary, promotion production coord.; Francesca Arminio, promotion asst.; Donna Confalone, admin. secy. Art/Production: Robert Olah, mgr.; Catherine Cassidy, Jodie Delohery, Henry Roth, assoc. art directors. Copy/Produclion: Ruth Dobsevage, managing ediLOrj Peter Chapman, Pamela Purrone, copy/production editors. Corporate Sales: Dale Brown, director; Donna Pierpont, public relations mgr.; Diane Pauerson, executive secy.; Kristen Boeckmann, Barbara Buckalew, account mgrs.; Marcie Seigel, publicity/trade sales asst. Data Processing: Drew Salisbury, mgr.; Brendan Bowe, fulfillment systems mgr.; Roger Seliga, financial systems mgr.; Arthur Caron, Gabriel Dunn, Robert Nielsen, programmer/analysts; J. Larry Kinnear, tech. services admin.; Sherrill Kolakowski, computer support coord. Ass Edi s of Work jim Richey Contributing Ediors Tage Frid, R. Bruce Hoadley, Christian Becksvoort Robert M. Vaughan, Mark Duginske, George Frank, Sandor Nagyszalanczy Me Ir Harriet Hodges l e Publisher james P. Chiavelli Ass Ci .Ition MR_ger Brenda HamHton MRrketing Coordi_or Suzanne Roman AdministrRtive eeay Susan M. Clark Subscriptionrates: United States and pos Advetising SRieS MR_ger Dick West NRtio_1 Acouns MR_gers Barney Barrett, Norman Sippel enior Adv_ Coordi_or Kathryn Simonds Advertising Se eay Betsy Quintiliano Tel. (800) 283-7252 u.K., £3.60; other countries and possessions, 6.95 Send to Subscription Dept., The Taunton Press, PO Box T 06470-5506. For orders only, caU (800) 888-8286. Address all correspondence to the appropri sessions, $29 for one year, $48 for two years, $69 for three years; Canada and other countries, $38 for one year, $67 for two years, $95 for three years (in .S. dollars, please). Single copy, $5.95. Single copies outside dle U.S. and pos sessions: Fi_WoodworkingBooks- Vieos Mlrketing MR_ger Helen Alben eay Barbara Hudson 5506, ewtown, ate department (Subscription, Editorial, or Advertising), The Taunton Press, 63 South Main Street, PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506. List management: The Kleid Co., 530 5th Ave. New York, NY 10036-5101 Fax. (203) 426-3434 Fine Woodworking is a reader-written magaZine. We welcome proposals, manuscripts, photographs and ideas from our readers, amateur or professional. We'll acknowledge all submissions and retun dlose we can't publish. Send your contributions to Fine Woodworking, PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506. Tide to dle copyrights in the contributions appearing in Fine Woodworking magaZine remains with dle authors, photographers and artists, unless otherwise indicated. They have granted publication rights to Fine Woodworking. 4 Fine Woodworking Find it fast Abram's armada defends Norm l e Art m o r Mark Sant'Angelo b lisher john Lively Copyright 1993 by The Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduction without permission of The Taunton Press, Inc. Fine Woodworking® is a registered trademark of The Taunton Press, fnc. WOOD MOISTURE METERS DAVID WHITE High eo a nce AS LOW AS $109 Fom The Had -Advanced electronics -Battey powered -Immediate readings - Takes precise measurements in both wood and wood by-products on' sp-s -Square -NoPredrlling DrivePoziCombo ......... . . . . . .. . -SyntheticCoated ... . 7 to 42% on -Aggressive .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. Grab Threads -PatentedCuing CompactModel6000: Professional Model 6005-K1 : 7 to 37% Threads LCD meter, includes hand held electrode. $189 .. 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Finally, a saw attachment that lets you cut even SCREW STYLES ECCENTRIC n inch of plywood sheetsuAlI By Yoursel! It's unique parent pending design allows YOll[Q fully walk rhe plywood rhrough the cut-- / Better Control • Aluminum • ELEFANT ABRASIVES 460 38th Street South St. Petersburg, • Steel / ; � � e i : : �� S • Stainless ��j 3WANSTREET·BATAVIA,NY 1 2 5 FL 33711 CALL (TOLL FREE): 800·536·8420 f exrended, rhe ply wood is supported throughout rhe cur without the need of an assistant. 1·800·753·5582 READER SERVICE NO. 81 FURNITURE PL N§ FAX: 16·343·8622 READER SERVICE O. 158 Woodworing Clamps 16·343·8622 Do It Alone! 'hen not in use, rhe attachment neatly folds down ENTERTAINMENTCENTER L L SIZE DETAILS & A TE L LIST & out of your way. So if you have a shop where space is at a premium. Solo Saw will make things a whole lot easier. Call or write coday for additional information The world's • g Pocket Doors x 30"H & unctional piece largest selection WITU ORDER) Build this beautiul & Stereo Comp m ents oftoggle .. MxVDim.32.5"W & A Shaker Style Adaptation & Tape Srorage Drawers - - $150 clamps, Pivo V Shelf VCR available CD specifications on Solo Saw. SOLO-SA rom Pull-out (FREE ACCESSORIES Carr Lane. Sendforafreecatalog. N Add 8.25%rx Check or Money Order (U.S. Funds) Plan#J02 1411 NORTH FAIRFiElDRD., BEAVERCREEK, OH45432 Caralog#IOO' Ten Easy Pieces' S21 '')W)) 680968' Franklin, Tennssee 3768968 READER SERVICE NO. 201 6-,o',2)' J Design C). D ER SERVICE NO. 2 TOLL FREE: 1-800-861-8484 OR (513) 848-2800 IIDER SERVICE NO. 170 P.o. Box 5 September/October 1993 Was 1·0--173 or 1·1--22 Hafele Canada Inc. MADE MATERIAL / No R e achi n g • • • [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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