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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 105, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]Story poles Moisture meters Shop storage systems Tips for i r ed wood Seiling the best machlnel In the Import Induetry doesn't happen overnight; It happens by carefully selecting reliable manufacturers end responding to cuetomer demand for top quellty mach ll . In fact, IIlt M n'! ... t Grizzly standards, ENLYNEAB we won't .... It. IGf ECIS , courteous eervlce, top quellty machinery, end a company that' behind you an the way. Today and tomorrow. more machine for yo ur money. Beyond that, you get more company for your money. Take a look at Giy. You'll M hy ny else en comesce. MODEL G1017 SPECIALOFFERI MODEL G1182 REG. $395.00 1·1/2 H.P. SHAPER MODEL G1035 SALEPRICE REG. $535.00 ONLY $395.00 SALEPRICE ONLY$495.00 EXTRABLADESETI ONLY $355.00 & 314") 20 Vmotor • 2 interchangeable spindles (1/2" • • 1HP11 • • Table size20"x18" • • Cabinet-type stand • Dual speed, reversing motor • Longest (47") bed of all jointers in its class 00 Ibs. • Optional dust hood available 2HP,1 10V motor • Heavy-duty center-mounted fence • Dual-knife cutterhead • • Shipping weight: approx. 84 lbs. • Shipping weight: approx.250 Ibs. • Capacity:12"wide x 5-1/2"thick stock • Complete wit:, detailed instruction manual 8" SUPER HEAVY·DUTY JOINTER • Complete with instruction manual 3 H.P. 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Magnetic switch for safety • Table with standard wing attachment measus28 -7/8"x28" and overload protection • • Complete with detailedinstruction manual 1 0" TILTING ARBOR SUPER HEAVY·DUTY TABLE SAW • Complete with detailed instruction manual 24" DRUM SANDER cast iron Shipping weight: approx. Shipping weight: approx. 400 Ibs. MODEL G1029 Complete with instruction manual MODEL G1066 REG. 5295.00 REG. $1195.00 2 H.P. DUST COLLECTOR SALEPRICE $275.00 MODEL Gi023 REG. 5895.00 SALEPRICE WITHFREE4'X10'HOSE • T-slotted table SALEPRICE ONLY $1095.00 • • m • Single phase, 220V, 5HP motor ONLY $850.00 • • Separate1/4HP beltfeed motor • Single phase,220V, 2HP motor • Dual belt-driven sanding drums Handles two machines with ease • Heavy-duty magnetic switch 00 Ibs. • Complete with instruction manual Sution capacity:1182 • Bui�-in dust collection port Shipping weight: approx.1241bs. • Shipping weight: approx. • Complete with instruction manual Grizzly simply offers the beet value In the Industry. ou get 12" PLANER WITHFREE • Shipping weight: approx. • Cabinet-type stand Fm e ~ •. � ������ � Marc h / A pril 1 99 � No . 105 m 4 Tool Fo 108 Letters 12 Reviews 114 R TICLES Construct a Classic Bed by Doug Mooberry and Steve Latta Flexible frame design allows wood movement and easy take down & Answers 22 Events 116 Questions Notes and Comment H. Becksvoort 36 41 Get a Grip on Your Tools by Christian 44 Making and modfying handles fo r comfo rt and control 44 Wo rkingfigured woo, p. Working Highly Figured Wood by Peter Tischler Mix hand-tool and machine methos fo r tearoutjree sUfaces 50 Dovetailing Large Carcases by Charles DurhamJr. Dedicated bench and clamping system simplfy and square the work 53 Toolbox Tours de Force by Vincent Laurence To ol-storage solutions show syle, ingenuiy 58 Plastics in the Woodshop byJeff Kurka Choosing and using a versatile materialfo rjigs and other applications 62 A Stylish Credenza by Patrick Warner Versatiliy and detailing make this chest attractive 64 A Case Against the Finish by Patrick Warner 66 Story Poles and How to Use Them byJim Tolpin An ancient measurement tool ensures precise, fa il-safe layouts 70 Taking the Measure of Moisture Meters byJohn SHlick H. Becksvoort 74 Calculating Wood Movement by Christian 75 Build a Better Sawhorse byVoicu Marian Useful shop fixture ofe rs good layout andjoiney exercise 76 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and the Woodworker by Dr. Kirk Kundtz Understanding and avoiding this insidious injury 7 9 84 On the Cover: Mark Nels of Canton, Shop storage solu tions, p. 79 Versatile Shop Storage Solutions byJoseph Beals heels and wall cleats makefo r easy rearranging 53. For more on Nels ' box, see p. 4. Photo: Alec Wa ters Cofee Table Is Spare and Sturdy by Lars Mikkelsen Loose tenons Simplfy joinery T 06470-5506. osmaster: Send address changes to Fine Woodworking, The Taunton Press, Inc., 63 S. Main St., P.O. Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506 Telephone (203) 426-8171. Second-class postage paid at Newtown, CT 06470-5506, and additional mailing oices. United States newsstand distribution by lCD, The Hearst Corporation, 250 West 55th Street, New York, NY 10019 and Eastern News Distributors, Inc., 1130 Cleveland Road, Sandusky, OH 44870. GST #123210981. Printed in the USA DEP R TMENTS Editor's Notebook 6 112 Methods of Work Georgia, built this striking round-top tool box. For a gallery of readers ' toolboxes, see p. Fine Woodworking (ISSN 0361-3453) is published bimonthly, January, March, May, July, September and November, by The Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, Editors Notebook p ond-Readers ' contribu Readers res tions and comments are the lifeblood of Fine Wo odworking and often where the information sharing about woodworking gets the most exciting. We've had a few examples recently tl1at bring mat message home in ways ranging from toolboxes to jewelry boxes to sources of unusual wood. Editor William Sampson Art Director Kadlleen Rushton Ass Charley Robinson, Vincent Laurence Assistant Editors Alec Waters, Jonad1an Binzen Tale of the toolboxes-This issue's cov er story (p.53), a gallery of toolboxes sub mitted by readers, is a case in point. Associate Editor Vincent Laurence shep herded me project. He said he wasn't sure what kind of response he would get when he devoted some space in tl1is column in WW t' Angelo Editorial Secretay Lee Anne Candito Contributing Editors Tage Frid, R. Bruce Hoadley, Christian Becksvoort Robert M. Vaughan, Mark Duginske, George Frank, Sandor Nagyszalanczy, Mario Rodriguez Methos of Work Jim Richey Indxer Harriet Hodges #100 to ask readers to send in pho tos and information about meir tool chests. "Nearly a year and over 30 toolboxes lat er, it's obvious there's a lot of talent and passion for excellence out mere," said Laurence. Readers from all parts of me United States and Canada responded. "It was dificult narrowing the field to fit five magaZine pages, and many ine toolboxes had to be excluded," he added. The toolbox featured on the cover of tl1is issue is a fine example of me kind of work Fine Wo odworking readers are doing. Made by Mark Nels, an architectural wood worker who lives outside Atlanta, Ga., me box has a coopered top, pulls made from buffalo nickel belt studs, and handmade hardware, including a spring-release lock ing mechanism. When it came to adding anomer personal touch, Nels turned to his computer and a word processing program to complement his woodworking tools. "I found long ago I don't enjoy carving, but since I wanted my last name and me year on the box (toolbox tradition), I found Word for Windows some help," Nels said. "I found me font and the size of me letters I wanted, printed mem and used double-stick tape to hold it on me curve of me handles. I cut out me letters wim a ra zor blade and used a scratch awl to textur ize me bottom of tl1e cutout." A treasuy of techliques, ranging fr om P. Chiavelli Circuation Manager Brenda Hamilton Adminstrative Secretary Susan M. Clark n g, were Associate Publisher James boxjoints to hidden drawers, all learned from th epages of Fine Woodwor combined by Ja cqui Lunde to make this jewelry box. Advertising Saes Manager Dick West National Accounts Managers Baney Barrett, Norman Sippel S. AdvertSing Coordinator Kathryn Simonds Adv i ng Secretay Betsy Quintiliano Now Lunde is working to pass on some of me skills she has acquired. "Since I enjoy woodworking so much, I now teach ladies 60 to 70 years old who all enjoy my hobby along with me," she writes. "Building things with our own hands makes us all feel a little better about ourselves." Fine WoodworkingBooks ; Vieos Marketing Manager Helen Albert Administrative Secretary Barbara Hudson p laudi s - Anomer good ex How o cont e Tounton ss Teephone: Paulownia ample of reader response comes from Peter R. Beckjord, research silviculturist and consultant for me ational Paulownia Center. Beckjord wrote a letter to tl1e edi tor in WW (800) 283-7252 (203) 426-8171 W #92 about paulownia wood. He Fx: (203) 426-3434 #95 responding to the article Subscriptions: Orders: (800) 888-8286 Customer Service: (800) 477-8727 Adv i ng Saes: (800) 283-7252 x 512 in F x 238 offered seeds and information to help people cultivate fast-growing paulownia trees for woodworking. "I received over 2,000 letters from wood workers (your readers) around me world," Beckjord wrote. "I sent seeds and instruc tions to them all and now would like to hear from them on how well their seedlings have done, as well as if any of mem have made anyt1ing out of paulow nia wood." Beckjord would like to offer more help to anyone with questions about growing their trees. "All 0 reproduc tion without permission of The Taunton Press, tnc. Fine Woodworking" is a registered trademark of The Tau nton Press, Inc. Subscription ates: United States and posses sions, $29 for one year, $48 for two years, $69 for three years; Canada and other countries, $38 for one year, $67 for two years, $95 for three years (in U.S. doliars, please). Single copy, $5.95. Single copies outside the U.S. and pos sessions: U.K., £3.60; other countries and possessions, 6.95. Address all correspondence to the appropriate de partment (Subscription, Editorial, or Advertising), The Taunton Press, 63 South Main Street, PO Box 5506, ewtown, CT 06470-5506. List management: The Kleid Co., 530 5th Ave. New York, NY 10036-5101. Reail Saes: (800) 283-7252 Copyright 1994 by The Taumon Press, Inc. Jewels of knowledge are stored along with other valuables in the jewelry box thatJacqui Lunde of Hastings, Minn., made (see the photo above). Lunde said she learned woodworking "from scratch after my family of many children was raised. I am a 63-year-old grandmomer, and wood is now my main interest." She cites Fi n e Wo odworking as one of her prime teach ers in learning me craft. Her creation combines and incorporates techniques she culled from me magazine: wooden box hinges (Fine Wo odworking #52), dowel hinges (#70), circular drawers (#59), shop made inlay (#59), bandsawn compartments (#65), hidden drawers (#72, #84), sculptural inlay (#51), minia tures (#99) and box joints (#89). I ask is if they drop me a Fine Woodworking is a reader-written I can note on what they have done or heard about paulownia, please send me a self addressed, stamped envelope, so magazine. We welcome proposals, manu scripts, photographs and ideas from our readers, amateur or profeSSional. We'll ac knowledge all submissions and return those we can't publish. Send your contri butions to respond to mem." Those interested in more information about paulownia can write to Beckjord at the National Paulownia Center, 4303 Kenny St., Beltsville, Md. 20705-2738. -Willia m Sampson, edito. Fine Woodworking, PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506. 4 Fine Woodworking a te Editors r oduction Editor Deborah Surprenant Associate Art Director Mark Sa Writing on ortice FOR SALE OR ROYALTIES SUPERSHOP Multi-Purpose home and industrial power tool line. Shopsmith style, heavy-duty design and greater power. Wood and up to 6" metal turning. 15 FISCHER GS Why use ordinary glass? Imagine a glass pallet of over 7415 Cahill Rd., Mpls., MN55439.·800-826-0091 500 colors of READER SERICE NO. 105 authentic German blown glass ranging from textured clears, delicate opals to vibrant, rich colos to enhance any door, window or cabinet. A.C. Fischer Real Antique Glass is entirely mouth-blown and fashioned by hand.This 1000 year old process gives A.C.Fischer Glass the unique optical quality, clarity and depth of color that a machine-made process can never match. Each sheet contains provocative elements of color and textural variations seen only in real antique glass . With it's distinctive surface appearances and colors, A.C. Fischer Glass is the finest available for use in any glass application, whether it be authentic restoration, remodel or contemporary to modern architectural settings. Send$7foracatalogandtwo4"x5"framed C&R LOO.INC. 1085 Essex Ave .. 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(FOBQUILCENE) MILLER WOODWORKING MACHINERY, INC. 1110 EAST QUILCENE ROAD QUILCENE, WA 98376 765-3806 READER SERICE NO. 120 READER SERICE NO. 127 March/Aprl1994 5 major tools in one machine, lathe, saw, drill press, etc. Superb precision engineering and design. All dies, tools, castings, big inventory of parts and patents included. Great global sales potential. Videos available. For complete information, phone or write: TFC Corporation, samplesofglass.VISAandMeaccepted. 800-996-3939 DELMHORST MODELJ-SS NEW JERSEY: [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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