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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 110, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]Canada $6.9 5 Febuay 1995, No. 110 U.S. $5.95 U.K. £3.60 Freres of Paris made banding for the cabinet makers of Europe. Using methods that yielded top-quality inlay, the company made over 8,000 styles of banding. After their bankruptcy in the 30's, the remaining stock (over 200 styles) lay virtually untouched until we bought it in 1989. Because we are facing a move, we have reduced prices on all of our banding from 10% to 60%. About one quarter of the 240 styles we had originally are now sold out, but we still have many spectacular types let such as the pewter laden one shown full size at page bottom. Our 8-page color brochure shows all the styles. With a few exceptions, the colors in the Buffard bands are the natural colors of the exotic woods that are their components. This is all sawn banding, not sliced, and all layers are face grain. Cabinetry incorporating these bands will be the collectors' pieces of the future because nobody makes banding of this quality, ornateness, and range today. - $10.00 delivered") or to order a free banding brochure call us at: 1 · 800 · 667 · 2986 1 V ��� ; t �� d � a � e 1 t � 07 I e Distributed f or t eeValley TOLSLT. 12 East River St., Ogdensburg, .Y 13669 by VeritaS® Tools Inc. D ER S I CE NO. 10 F or over a century, Buffard To order our 25"x38" banding poster (shown above or fax: DEPRTMENS Letters & Answers 6 Tool Fo m 112 Methods of Work 28 Events 120 Questions 98 Notes and Comment 122 Index RTICLES 44 Mantel Makes the Room by Mario Rodriguez Sophisticated and complex-looking, mantes are actually simple to build 49 Mix Your Own Oil Stains by Tom Wisshack 86 Simple recipe uses artist's pigments to get exactly the right tone and color Sp ace-saving panel ro uter, p. 51 Quick Oil Stains from Japan Colors by Mario Rodriguez 52 Picking a Plate Joiner by Charley Robinson A fumed oak fi nish, routed curves and tusk-tenons make a practical project Making D n g Tables That Work by Peter Tischler 58 Careful measuring and common sense ensure stabili, comfo rt and good looks 61 64 Drawers on Wheels by Jim Tolpin How to fi nd beauy in ugy drawer-slide hardware 64 Build a Shaker Round Stand by Christian H. Becksvoort Classic lines blend a simple turning and straighforward joinery n g Woodworking Noise by Jack Vernon 70 Ch oosing dra wer slides, p. Ta 74 Yo ur machines may be even louder than you think, butprotection is available 78 Breadboard Ends Hold Panels Flat by Garrett Hack 82 by Mason Rapaport Forms and thin plies make curves a cinch 85 Curved Panels for Any Furniture Style by Vincent Laurence 86 Compact Tool Makes Dadoes a Snap by Skip Lauderbaugh This panel router fols lat against a wall and is inexpensive to build 44 Building a mante, p. On theCover: Platejoiners ofer a quick way of making amaZingly strong joints in woo. Associate editor Ch arley Robin son takes a look at 90 92 16 of these versatile American Sycamore by Jon Arno Beautful looks, unstable behavior 5. Ph oto: Robert Marsala Using and Finishing Sycamore by Alec Waters tools on p. cr 06470-5506. Fine Woodworking aSSN 0361-3453) is published bimonthly, january, March, May, july, September and ovember, by The Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, Y 10019 and Eastern News Distributors, Inc., 1130 Cleveland Road, Sandusky, OH 44870. GST #1232]0981. cr 06470-5506, and additional mailing oices. United States newsstand distribution by lCD, The Hearst Telephone (203) 426-8171. Second-class postage paid at Newtown, os m aster: Send address changes to tne Woodworking, The Taunton Press, Inc., 63 S. Main St., P.O. Box 5506, Newtown, cr 06470-5506 Corporation, 250 West 55d1 Street, New York, Printed in the USA 16 Reviews 118 A survey of the latest oferings in this versatile joinery system Bookcase Makes Waves by C. Michael Vogt Four ways to make this fundamentaljoint Curved Panels from a Vacuum Veneer Press Editors No tebook Rings don't belong in the woodshop For years, I'd heard the warnings about wearing a wedding ring (or any jewelry) while working in the woodshop, but it took a nonwoodworking accident to bring the point home. Without going into the gory details, I recently caught my ring on something while I was working outside and came close to pulling of both ring and finger. ter the stitches were removed and a little therapy, the finger is pretty much back to normal. Other folks who suffer similar accidents aren't so lucky. At Fine Wo odworking, we work hard to make sure we describe and illustrate safe practices. Where there are dangers, we try to point them out and offer tips to avoid trouble. Jewelry is definitely one of those trouble areas, but it's one many of us skirt around. Even the doctor who sewed me up, who happened to be a woodworking hobbyist and an WW n s into a full meal- Whenever we review tools, we encourage the whole staff to help out for a more thorough review. I had the op portunity to join in on Charley Robinson's review of plate joiners (see p. 52), and the experience was eye-opening. Although it's no longer new technology, joining wood witl1 pressed wood biscuits is still in its infancy. But it is growing fast both in acceptance by woodworkers do ing quality work and by manufacturers de veloping new products fo r the process. Clearly, the competition is healthy as it helps to improve the quality of machines and lowers prices. For those who still haven't tried plate joinery, I recommend checking it out. You may be surprised how quickly and easily you can make su·ong, precise joints, especially in sheet goods. A taste of biscuit joinery Editor William Sampson Art Director Mark Sant'Angelo Assocate Editors Charley Robinson, Vincent Laurence, Alec Waters o duction Editor Deborah Surprenant Assocate Art Director Matthew Wells Editorial Secretay Lee Anne Candito Contributing Editors Tage Frid, R. Bruce Hoadley, Christian Becksvoort, Robert M. Vaughan, Mario Rodriguez, Sandor Nagyszalanczy Methos of Work Jim Richey Indxer Harriet -lodges P. Chiavelli Circuation Manager Brenda Hamilton Administrative Secretay Susan M. Clark Publisher James subscriber, noted the incident will make him think twice the next time he's working in his shop. Advertisitlg aes Ma ger Dick West National Accouns Managers Barney Barrert, Norman Sippel Sr. Adv Making a contribution to share wood working knowledge-One of the things that is both a challenge and an opportuni ty for Fi ne Wo odworking is how far-lung both our readers and our contributors are. In this issue alone, there are articles and photographs from across the United States, Canada and even Australia. The di versity of our authors reflects the diversity of our readership. The same is true of our contributing edi tors. Last fa ll, we brought them together for a special meeting. They came from as far away as California and Texas to our of fices here in Connecticut, all with one goal in mind: to help improve the quality of Fine Wo odworking magazine. In a con ference filled with frank discussion and se rious reflection on how best to share valuable woodworking information, the contributing editors brought their diverse interests and backgrounds to the effort. Tage Frid, the senior member of our ros ter of contributing editors, came from Rhode Island to give us the benefit of his experience. Christian Becksvoort inter rupted his busy custom fu rnituremaking work to drive down from Maine. Jim Richey, who has done the "Methods of Work" column since the black-and-white days, came up from Texas. Robert Vaughan set aside his woodworking machine repair duties to fly here from Virginia. Sandor Nagyszalanczy took time away from his book and furniture projects to fly here from California. And Mario Rodriguez took a short hiatus from his woodworking and teaching activities to drive over from ew Yo rk. It was the irst time they all had met face to face. We appreciate their commitment to the magaZine. The breadth of their talents, ex- d working -Response has been pos itive to Michael Covington's article in WW i ng Coordinator Karhryn Simonds Advertsing Secreay Betsy Quintiliano WoodworkingBooks & Vos Associate Publisher Helen Albert Administrative Secretary Barbara Hudson HoJocont e T"untoness Teephone: #108 about the woodworking forum (rec. woodworking) on the Internet, but a number of readers called to say they were having trouble connecting. Fred Garlick, a reader in Harrisburg, Pa., and an experi enced Internet user, encountered the same problem, but he quickly found a solution. He explained there are two kinds of gate ways to the Internet, either Bitnet or Internet. He listed three Bitnet gateways, any one of which will work to reach rec . woodworking . They are cunyvm. cun. edu or cornellc . cit . com el. edu or pucc . princeton . edu . Here's an example: LIST SEROJp!wvm. bitne@cunyvm . cun.edu . A number of readers have also phoned, faxed or written to ask that we include more computer-related woodworking in formation in the magazine. We are explor ing several pOSSibilities, and we are always open to more suggestions, including arti cle proposals. -William Sampson, editor (800) 283-7252 (203) 426-8171 Fx: Subsciptions: Orders: Customer Service: (203) 426-3434 (800) 888-8286 (800) 477-8727 (800) 283-7252 x 512 (800) 283-7252 x 238 Advertising aes: Reail aes: mr Adit Bureau of Circuation 1995 by TI,e Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduc tion without permission of The Taunton Press, Inc. Fine Woodw o rkin g · is a registered trademark of The Taunton Press, Inc. Sub i ption ates: United States and posses sions, Copyright $29 for one year, $48 for two years, $69 for three years; Canada and other countries, $5.95. Single copies outside the U.S. and pos $95 for three years (in U.S. dollars, please). $38 for one year, $67 WW # 109, some errors surfaced in the in formation about the Inca Model 570. It is the outfeed, not the infeed, table that must be removed to convert the unit to a thick ness planer. The correct listing for cuts per inch should have been 91 or 130 (not 61 or 86). The unit does not come with a stand, but an optional stand is available. In Worth Barton's article on making a rip fe nce ( WW £3.60; other countries and possessions, Errata-In the review of jOinter-planers in $6.95. Address all correspondence to the appropriate de partment (Subscription, Editorial, or Advertising), The Taunton Press, sessions: U.K., 63 South Main Street, PO Box 5506, 06470-5506. List management: The Kleid 530 5th Ave. New York, Y 10036-5101. Newtown, CT Co., Writing "n"e Fine Woodworking is a reader-written magazine. We welcome proposals, manu scripts, photographs and ideas from our readers, amateur or profeSSional We 'll ac knowledge all submissions and return those we can't publish. Send your contri butions to Fine Woodworking, PO Box 5506, ewtown, CT 06470-5506. #109), the Adjustable Clamp Co. was incorrectly listed as a source for aluminum and steel. Readers should check local phone directories for steel suppliers or contact Castle Metals (708) 455-7111. -A lec Wa ters, associate edito r 4 Fine Woodworking perience and interests all combine to help us provide better quality information to our readers. More on computer networks for w for two years, Single copy, = =t Econ-Abrasives AB S E BEL $ PLEASE SPECIFY GAITS 1X30 $ .730 •. WOODWONG HENRY TAYLOR TOOLS Fine Carving and urning Toos Esbished - 1834 !! 1 k 400 $17.00 532.00C 9Xl1) CABINET PAPEA I ,400 wodworking tols . clusive and • ACORN CRNG ToOS 3X24 $ .84 ea. 1X42 .73 3X27 .87 1X44 .73 4X21 3/4 .96 21/2X16 .77 4X24 .99 3X18 .78 4X36 1.20 3X21 .81 6X48 3.14 3X23 3/4 .84 2 1/4X80 2.4 D I C N G TOOS d o nd SOD • D COG O W CmsS GOD 15.00 27.0 800 14.0 25.0 10thru 15C 13.00 23.00 FlNSHlNG P R 80A $10.0 $17.0C 10 thru 280A 9.0 15.0 NO LOAD PAPER 180 thru 400A $11.0 $19.00C 00' _ 10 SHEETS 16.00 29.00 • HSS UM0BLTN�N G n K an For Yours Tay 1-800-45-396 or ie , J. ONLY .0 l toos uncondionlly guaranteed. -----' ( . : . , Fes 'R) � Ha ll e Tool and Supply 940 West Maple St., Dept W195 Available from the inest woodworing suppliers. Cal (212)55-8206. DER SERICE NO. 175 HAYY � OISS Ha ll e, OH 44632-9652 DER SERICE O. 13 For your nearest source l� ..�.,� . � a : � aW � '_';1 VELC TEEL BAR CAMPS Quick release feature, available Die. Grt Price 0 $ .48 ea. 6* 0 $ .65 e I i. Grt Pre in four different lengths, these 5 " clamps are fast adjusting with 5" U [ "1n,.''' '�OA",, ----1 :: � �II Dise· � �1 HEAVY Dl YSPRING CLAMPS 5' 120 15.51 125 Clamps come with .tC tips and grips. 5' 180 31.04 250 Size Price 80 . 46 __ .3 6 " 80 ' 2-1/2x24 7.75 2-1/2 x 36 9.50 L " 5' 320 31.4 20 TANDEM � 6' 80 $2.93 125 4" $1.75e8. � 6' 2.25 5' 220 31.04 250 Sizo ! e oll s Per RoN 8' 3.50 6' 120 21.15 125 6' 180 4.3 OHER PROOU S 0 4.3 250 Plano, TX 75086 =� � con-Abrasives " lS " P WHEELS"PUMP 6' 4.3 250 SLEEVES" E R aTsw>o GlUe-WOOD BrTS*SANDING BLOCKS"DRAWEA SUDES *HINGES*V SWNELS P. O. Box F865021 6' 320 250 • (214)377-9779 _� Toll-Free (800)367-4101 DER SERICE NO. 78 Dry 8/4 Red Oak rges add 5.0 LL FOR FREE 192 ATG! in eight days! Wood-Mizer's 2,000 dries wood The Wood-Mizer Vacu-Kiln is a self-contained bd. ft.-capacity vacuum kiln that excels at drying any thickness of wood. Vacu-Kilns use a unique low-temperature/ high-vacuum system to dry in days- Concealed drawer runners for premium cabinets and funiture • not weeks or months! 8-10 times faster than • The entire running mechanism mounts undeneath the drawer so that the cratsmanship of exposed joinery remains the focus of your work. • Exceptionally smooth running action with parallel self-closing. Easy instalation and removal are achieved with Blum's exclusive locking devices that include built-in height adjustment. conventional kilns without degrade, warping, or checking. Shot lengths and squares are handled easily because no stickering is required. • • Standard and full extension versions are available for frameless cabinet construction and are 32mm system compatible. For more information and the location of your nearest Blum distributor call: Standard extension runners for face frame cabinets have self-aligning rear mounting brackets and accommodate drawer sides up to 3/4" thick. Isn't it time you experienced the quality and savings of drying your own lumber? 1-800-438-6788 Call tday for complete information and a free video. 1-800-553-0182 Wood·Mizer Producs, Inc. ultimate hardware system Z-, Indianapolis, IN 46214-240 DER SERICE NO. 207 1995 5 810 West 1h Street Dept_ REDER SERICE NO. 75 JanuaryFebruary EE TOOL CATALOG E N UFAC EE ELS Y. Y GR! B S VE SHE S : he Largest Range of . Packed wih over . Unequalled service . owest prices guarnteed . Ufeime saisacion guarantee � • *MasterCard, VISA, Check or C.O.O -SATISFACTION GUAANTEED!!! X & N Add Sales Tx ntinenl U. S. Shipping Vacu-Kiln [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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