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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 111, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]G1073 RVING !BB' AN G1029 SALEPRICE "Importers ofFine Machiney" 55500° ALEPRICE 52750 16" BANDSAW MODEL 2 H.P. DUST COLLECTOR MODEL ONLY $525°0 1-1/2 H.P., 220V motor .. Heavy-duty rip fence ,. One piece, cast-iron body .. Hinged wheel covers . Micro-adjustable blade guides REG. ONLY $2550 . . Includes fence and miter gauge . Multi-directional tracking . Cam-lock door closures .. Built-in 3" dust port .. Shipping weight: approx. 200 REE EI ,. Single phase, 220V, 2 H.P. motor . Handles two machines with ease . Suction capacity: 1182 cfm . Complete with instruction manual . Shipping weight: approx. 124 Ibs. X 48" BELT - 9" DISC a-IeJ, 5195°0 G1014 5395°0 G1183 SALEPRICE 51095°0 SALEPRICE SALEPRICE . Shipping weight: 200 Ibs. 24" DRUM SANDER MODEL 6" COMBINATION SANDER 6" X 8" BELT - 12" DISC MODEL COMBINATION SANDER REG. REG. ONLY $1075°0 .. Single phase, 220V 5 H.P . motor . Separate 1/4 H.P., belt feed motor . Dual belt-driven sanding drums REG. ONLY $179°° 3/4 H.P., single phase motor Comes complete with miter gauge .. All cast-iron body construction Shipping weight: approx. 155 Ibs. MODEL ONLY $375°° ". 1 H.P. motor, single phase, 110/220V, 3450 R.P.M. . Quick-release lever . Bed rollers are shielded ball bearing type X 47" JOINTER SALEPRICE G1017 ALEPRICE G1071 5375°0 G1182 . Heavy-duty magnetic switch . Built-in dust collection ports . Shipping weight: ". Shipping weight: approx. 155 Ibs. SALEPRICE 12" PLANER MODEL 6" $35500 approx. 500 Ibs. ONLY $395°0 ONY $4950 .. 1 H.P. 110/220V motor ". Ten spindle sizes: 1/4",3/8", 5/8", 3/4",1",1 1/4",1 1/2",2",3", and 4" . Cast-iron 24" x 24" table tilts to 45' .. Built-in 4" dust collection port . Floor-to-table height of 351/2" ". Shipping weight: approx. 345 Ibs. HEAVY-DUTY MODEL REG. FREEEXTRASETOFKNIVES! . 2 H.P., 110V motor . Dual-knife cutterhead ". Capacity: 12" wide x 5 1/2" thick stock . Optional dust hood available .. Complete with instruction manual .. Weight: 87 Ibs. ONLY . 1 H.P., 110/220V motor . Cabinet type stand . Longest (47") bed of all jointers in its class .. Heavy-duty center mounted fence . Shipping weight: approx. 250 Ibs. ALEPRICE G1035 5375°0 G1022 5795°0 G1023 SALEPRICE SALEPRICE 1112 H.P. SHAPER MODEL 10" HEAVY-DUTY TABLE SAW MODEL 10" TILTING ARBOR SUPER HEAVY-DUTY TABLE SAW MODEL ONLY $3950 . 1 1/2 H.P., 110/220V motor . 2 Interchangeable spindles (1/2" & REG. REG. REG. ONLY $345°° "...��..�b.l ONLY $750°° 3 H.P., 220V motor . Precision ground solid cast-iron table and wings . Steel miter gauge . Shipping weight: approx. 450 Ibs. ALLMACHINESABOVEAREF.O.B. BELLINGHAM,WAORWILLIAMSPORT,PA 1 1/2 H.P., 110/220V motor . 2 Cast-iron wings ". Precision ground cast-iron table top with T-slots . Table size with extension wings: 41" x 27" . Shipping weight: approx. 225 Ibs. 314") . Table size 20" x 18" precision ground, cast-iron table . Dual speed, reversing motor . Two independently adjustable 2 1/2" x 10" fences ". Shipping weight: approx. 220 Ibs. CUSOMERSERVICE: X W FAX: CUSTOMERSERVICE: 6RECHRO., FAX: 1-800-541-5537 P.O. WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI 1-800-523-4777 29, B NGHM, WA 8227 W1WAMOT, PA 17701 (206) 647-0801 (800) 225-0021 (717) 326-3806 (800) 438-5901 READERSERVICE NO. 134 95-101 WODWORKR ll3 REG. G1066 OSCILLATING SPINDLE SANDER MODEL $4350 DPR S e --------- ����� -- 4 Tool Forum m 108 RIS Veneer Matching: From Small Sheets, Great Patterns 10 Reviews 114 & Answers 18 Events 116 Methods of Work 101 Notes and Co 118 Questions Classiied ent 48 40 by Frank Pollaro How to make the best possible use of extraordinay veneers Weaving a Cane Seat by Judy Warner 45 Installing knfe hinges, p. More comfortable than wood, less expensive than uphostery f e Hinges by Gary Rogowski 48 Installing Careful layout and mortising are keys to success Picking a Detail Sander by Sven Hanson 52 Priced from $40 to $185, these lightweight sanders tackle tight coners Stow-Away Router Table by Jim Wright 56 Cantilevered frame lamps to bench quickl, stores in secons Choosing the Strongest Joinery for Doors 58 by John D. Wagner Mortise-and-tenon options may be best overall performers Better Painted Furniture by Chris A. Minick 62 Use automotive filer and primer to level the wood, aerosol cans to paint it Models Help Projects Succeed by Jan Zaitlin 66 Protoypes help solve design and construction problems Photographs Make Models Look Real by Jan Zaitlin 69 70 Getting the Most from a Scroll Saw by Spider Johnson These versatile saws cut everythingfrom abalone to zinc 58 Supporting Drop Leaves by Christian H. Becksvoort 75 Six ways to keep them solid and level Waterstone Upkeep by William Tandy Young it 80 For the sharpest toos, keep stones wet and latten them oten 84 Ratingjoinery fo r doors, p. Furniture Fit for Worship by Alec Waters Woodworkers show inspired work in religious pieces describes several techniques on p. 40. otnster: n g Curves from Layers of Blocks by P.O. 87 T Fo Kirkpatrick Technique ofe rs strength, stabiliy Photo: Susan Kahn Fine Woodworking aSSN 0361-3453) is published bimonthly, January, March, May, July, September and November, by The Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, CT 06470-5506. Telephone (203) 426-817l. Second-class postage paid at Newtown, CT 06470-5506, and additional mailing ofices. United States newsstand distribution by lCD, The Hearst Corporation, 250 West 55th Street, New York, NY 10019 and Eastern News Distributors, Inc., 1130 Cleveland Road, Sandusky, OH 44870. GST #123210981. Send address changes to Fine Woodworking, The Taunton Press, Tnc., 63 S. Main St., Box 5506, Newtown, 06470-5506 Printed in the USA Letters On the Cover: Small sheets of veneer can form damatic pattes, like this sun burst in crotch mahogany Frank Polaro WW More on cleaning Hies-Associate edi tor Charley Robinson gave some good ad vice on cleaning files when he answered the question from Sands Figures (see mally sells for about $2 to $3. Instead of hot water to soften residue in a file, I prefer to use WD-40 or kerosene. Both are mild solvents and, when dry, leave a min coating that resists tile forma tion of rust. Lamp oil purchased at craft stores is a scented and inoffensive form of kerosene. My personal observations indi cate mat files dragged backward across me abraded surface tend to clog more fre quently than iles mat are lited clear dur ing the return stroke. -Gale �O�ng Editor Scott Gibson Art Director Mark Sant'Angelo Associate Editors Charley Robinson, Vincent Laurence, Alec Waters Copy/Productiol Editor Deborah Surprenant Associate Art Director Matdlew Wells Editorial Secretary Lee Anne Candito Fe # 109, p. 32). I've used another simple method for many years and think it works better for overly clogged files. Start with a piece of I /s -in.-tIlick brass, 1 /2 in. wide and 5 in. long. W 1i Lay the file down on a bench or flat sur face, and run me brass across tile file. The ile will cut grooves in me brass to match the cut of me file, and me brass men cleans anything caught in me grooves of me file. You simply start at one end and work to ward the other. I can clean a 6-in. file in less than two minutes. -john M johnson, Church Hil, Tenn. P. Hodgkin, Longmont, Colo. butilg Editors Tage Frid, R. Bruce Hoadley, Christian Becksvoort, Robert M. Vaughan, Mario Rodriguez, Sandor Nagyszalanczy Methods of Work Jim Richey Ill xer Harriet Hodges Tools I wish they'd m ake -Like all of LIS, I constantly need something that I don't have in my shop. So I conjure up jigs, fi x tures and tools, most of mem very specific to the task at hand. Some, however, are more universal in nature, and I'd like to see someone make tllem. How about sandpaper color-coded to grit size? That would make it a lot easier to identify sandpaper when it's been cut into small pieces. The back of SO-grit pa per, for example, could be red, yellow for 120-grit, green for 150-grit, etc. The same color should be used for all abrasive types. Another item is a double-ended carpet style tack to prevent two pieces of wood from sliding around when you're trying to glue and clamp them Lip. The tacks would be small and insertable wim a simple tool and could remain permanently buried in the assembly. I'm sure that many such thoughts are hovering out mere. -Leonard Feldberg, Chestnut Ridge, NY When it comes to cleaning files, here is something my dad used to do mat seems to work better for me than anything else I've tried. It's just a nail flattened on one end and inserted in a handle (see the drawing below). Chiavelli Circuatiol Manager Brenda Hamilton Admillistrative Secretary Susan M. Clark Woodworking Books - Videos File-cleaning tool Nail with flatt en ed end How to :onct e T"unton Press Associate Publisher Helen Albert Administrative Secretary Barbara Hudson Tu rn ed handle I make my handles on the lathe using scraps. Once you introduce it to me file, it cuts its own grooves and does a nice job. It gets me job done, and that's the bottom line. -Rich Dumle, Russel, Kan. Fx: (800) 283-7252 (203) 426-8171 Paint containers: an invention of the devil-I hope paint manufacturers read this. About latex paints-the metal cans to day, with meir dumb grooved lips, deserve to be in me hall of shame. After spending hours and days making a wood project comes me inal, dreaded finish. I open the can and ind rust particles! My knees buck le. I gulp hard and mix furiously to hide mese suckers. They'll show up later. About oil paints-no matter how well I clean the grooves, turn the can upside down or add a little thinner on top, the paint will scum up later. Why can't some one make plastic quart and gallon contain ers with strong female plastic lids? I guess we'll have to wait for a Japanese, Chines or European solution. -Walt Gaus, Medford Lakes, NJ (203) 426-3434 Subscriptiols: Orders: (800) 888-8286 Customer Service: (800) 477-8727 Advertisilg Sales: (800) 283-7252 x 512 File cards are excellent tools, but they don't always clean double-cut or finely cut files due to the diameter of the wires in the card. Most automotive supply houses sell tire and battery brushes mat contain longer and minner wires. The wires are formed in a manner mat cleans files moroughly, in cluding bits of soft metals. The brush nor- x 238 Retail Sales: (800) 283-7252 Member Audit Bureau of Circulatioll Subscription rates: United Slates and posses sions, $29 for one year, $48 for two years, $69 for three years; Canada and other countries, $38 for one year, $67 for two years, $95 for three years (in U.S. dollars, please). Single copy, $5.95. Single copies outside the U.S. and pos sessions: U.K., £.3.60; other countries and possessions, $6.95. Address all correspondence to the appropriate de partment (Subscription, EdilOrial, or Advertising), The Taunton Press, 63 SOlh Main Street, PO Box 5506, eWlOwn, CT 06470-5506. List management: The Kleid Co., 530 5th Ave. New York, NY 10036-5101. AssistantjAssociate Editor Fine Woodworking is looking for an assistant/associate editor with a strong aptitude for the written lan guage and several years' experience in a woodworking shop. Photo graphic and draWing skills are plus es. Travel is required. We offer a competitive salary, excellent bene fits package and a pleasant work en vironment. Send letter and resume to: Personnel Department, The Taunton Press, Inc., 63 S. Main St., P.O. Box 5506, ewtown, WW Writing "n "l:e T Take care with polyurethane glue Gorilla Glue has been advertised in Woodworking is a reader-written magaZine. We welcome proposals, manu scripts, photographs and ideas from our readers, amateur or profeSSional. We'll ac knowledge all submissions and return mose we can't publish. Send your contri butions to Fi and appears to be an excellent glue for woodworking. But one word of warning, especially to the weekend woodworker. The glue is similar to Crazy Glue in mat it adheres to the skin. It changes color with time, and me brown stain is difficult, if not impossible, to remove. It has taken me 06470. e Woodworking, PO Box 5506, ewtown, CT 06470-5506. n 4 Fine Woodworking Le s Publisher James Advertisillg Sales Manager Dick West Natiolal Accouits Mallagers Baney Barrett, Norman Sippel Sr. Advertisilg Coordillator Kathryn Simonds Advertisillg Secretary Betsy Quintiliano Telephole: Copyright 1995 by The Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduc tion without permission of The Taunton Press, Inc. Fine Woodworkin g 8 is a registered trademark of The aunton Press, Inc. Fine Eliminate Ni-Cad memory effect! SHRF PIN BORING GUIDE for • use h PLUNGE ROUTER 1/2' Use this guide to prepare cabinet side for shelf pins with max. accuracy and min. tear out. The DEEP-CYCLER 5000 is a patented device that will eliminate the memory efect in all Ni-Cad batteries from 1.25 v to 15 v dc. Increase charging capacity! Extend your battery life! Save time and money! $129.95 plus freight 2 year warranty. • • Works with plastic laminates, melamines, veneers, and solids. Saxtons River, VT 05154 Box • The resulting work equals that produced on industrial equipment. L (609) 587-7187 Precision machined of Aluminum Plate. Made in the U.S.A. For a brochure or to order call: Robinson Sales p.o. We call revive the tired, bUI we Cllll', brillg back the dead! .......!.�.�!!.��.�..�.�.�:.�.�..��..�.�.?�.�....... 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Il5 D ER SERVICE NO. 139 March/Aprl 1995 • Variable speed • Four and • Platen head • • 2-1/4' x 6' capacity • Dual motors • Magnetic controls • -: • l,5, 7·t. hp motors NDRTHSTATE 1",1",14-CABINET SHDP SAWS [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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