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Strona startowa Flawiusz Józef - Historia Żydowska, Pisma chrześcijańskie i pokrewne, Józef Flawiusz File Cabinet - 2 drawer Lateral File cabinet with matching printer cabinet, Woodworking Plans Fine-Home-Building-25-Years-of-Great-Building-Tips-Malestrom, Building and Architecture Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, @Buddhism Fragment traktatu welawsko-bydgoskiego z 1657, Historia, Prawo, Traktaty, Umowy, Kroniki, Teksty Żródłowe Film polski - streszczenie, historia filmu polskiego po 1981r Fine Gardening - Grow Healthier & Easier Gardens (2015), !!!Materialy Eng Farago&Zwijnenberg (eds) - Compelling Visuality ~ The work of art in and out of history, sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku Fałszywe dokumenty Gorbaczowa. Kilka faktów o Katyniu, Historia Furet F. Prawdziwy koniec rewolucji francuskiej, Historia Francji |
Fine Woodworking 112, papermodels, historica[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]Canada $6.95 No. 112 Padding on shellac TAUNTON'S U.K. £3.60 Decorative hardware Attaching tabletops Jobs for a shaper 164797 9 06 Planesfor Jne 1995, U.S. $5.95 I w to it the needs of its owner. Which is why r we build more types and Slzes of saws n any those years of b g tools g and s lg saws. ll other company in the business. ll with the heft for professionals would seem and precision we put into our professionl saws. o say that Delta wold e a instance. Built ith a massive cst iron g e you're in the market for a good bench saw or a prety good place to start, f cabinet saw or any saw in between. We r e and t ni on ssembly, topped of with a . 201x27" cst ron table and solid steel extension you shouldn't have to be a professional in order g s. Its powerul 11/2 HP motor and Jet-Lock® 519-836-2840 E to work like one. home center or hard re store c rg rip fence give you accracy and capaciy For the nme of the neares t dealer, T In , R Dela Tools, ll Delta Inteationl F E Macney Corp., 800-438-2486. A ntir mn y •• CELTA WODWORKING MACHINERY D ER SERVICE NO. 124 We've never set out to copy our Unisaw. But enough for e long hal. we've ce l y lened a lot rom it over the Admitted1y, we have an years. Most imporntly, how to build a qulity advnge when it comes to ake our new 10" Contractor's Saw If,M for DEPRS 4 Tool Fo m 94 m ent Methods of Work Reviews 16 102 & Answers RTICLES Four Planes That Ean Their Keep by Sven Hanson These quiet hand toos belong in any power workshop 28 Events 104 Classiied Notes and Co 91 110 40 Five Steps to une Your Plane by Sven Hanson 42 45 Using a shaper safe, p. 4 5 Jobs a Shaper Does Best by Lon ScWeining Po wer and stabiliy mean vibrationfree cuts With a Shaper, Safety Comes First by Lon Schleining 47 Build a Harvest Table by Gary Rogowski A quick, satsying project with simple lines and loose-tenon joinery 50 Taper Jig Is Simple, Safe and Efective by Gary Rogowski 5 3 Attaching Tabletops by Garrett Hack Five ways to connect base with top while allowing fo r seasonal wood movement 54 Clamping Panels the Easy Way by Jim Tolpin An inexpensive vertical press saves space and makes aligning boars a snap 58 54 Attaching a tabletop, p. id Decorative Hardware Sources by Vincent Laurence here to find the right hardware to complement your work 60 Veneering a Compound Curve by John Gallagher We dge-shaped piecesfo rm a delicate, elliptical box 64 68 M. Vaughan Buy the saw thatfi ts your nees and your budget 7 4 68 Shop-Built Roller Extension Table by Bob Gabor 78 Roller bals and vertical adjustabiliy hep this unit handle sheet goos with ease s done by 80 On the Cover: At least four handplanes belong in evey woodworking shop, even shops where most of the work Marquetry Step by Step by Gregg Zall Double-bevel cutting makes the process easy and accurate 4. Photo: Boyd Hagen 84 T 06470-5506. American Turnings on Tour by Scott Gibson Exhibit takesfiveyear trip through Europe Y 10019 and Eastern News Distributors, Inc., 1130 Cleveland Road, Sandusky, OH 44870. GT #123210981. T 06470-5506, and additional mailing ofices. United States newsstand distribution by lCD, The Hearst power tools. Sven Hanson explains why on p. osmaster: Send address changes to Fine Woodworking, The Taunton Press, loc., 63 S. Main St., P.O. Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506 Fine Woodworking aSSN 0361-3453) is published bimonthly, January, March, May, July, September and November, by The Taunton Press, loc., Newtown, Telephone (203) 426-8171. Second-class postage paid at Newtown, Corporation, 250 West 55dl Street, New York, Printed in me USA Letters Questions Padding on Shellac by Jeff Jewitt A durablefi nish that's quick to appl, easy to repair Choosing a Tablesaw by Robert Finding deco rative hardware, p. Leters 74-77) addresses a safety issue of importance to all wood workers. Some of the information, howev er, is misleading. Bone conduction is very important to our hearing and to the acoustic trauma we endure but not in the way the article portrays. Sound waves striking the skull are, in fact, conducted to the cochlea (hearing apparatus) and can contribute to hearing loss. When testing hearing, we of ten check air conduction vs. bone conduc tion with a tuning fork placed on the mastoids (behind the ears) and the midline forehead. A vibrating tuning fork placed in those spots easily can be heard by persons with normal hearing. The contention in the article that vibra tion from hand-held power tools conduct ed through the body can contribute to hearing loss is absurd. The only apprecia ble noise reaching the inner ear through bone conduction is that traveling directly from the power tool to the skull through the air. Vibrations conducted through the body must cross several joints, large and small, before reaching the head. Cartilage, tissue and joint fluid would dampen any vibration to the point of insignificance. Therefore, we submit that the only way anti-vibration gloves might help prevent noise-induced hearing loss is if you cov ered your ears with them. Anti-vibration gloves, however, can help reduce cumula tive trauma disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. The author also emphasizes the amplii cation of sound at the eardrum compared with the sound outside the ear. He attrib utes this to resonation in the ear canal. But the physical dimensions of the ear canal are simply not large enough to allow for resonation at these lower frequencies. The higher measurements he and his re searchers obtained are most likely due to internal ampliication of the miniature mi crophone or resonation of its sound tube. n incorrect definition of the decibel was also given in the article. Named in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, one bel repre sents the difference in sound intensity be tween two sounds, one being 10 times more powerful than the other. A sound carrying twice the power of another sound is 3 dB louder, not 6 dB, and a lO-time pow er increase results in a 10 dB increase in loudness, not 20 dB as stated in the article. Last, the statement is made in the article that tinnitus (ringing in the ears) will warn you of impending hearing loss if it occurs after loud noise exposure. While this is true, it is very common for a person to ex perience noise-induced hearing loss with out having tinnitus. So relying on this symptom to give you early warning is not #110, pp. . Fi nk, Shelbune, Vt. As a sufferer from tinnitus, a very frustrat ing condition, I was pleased to read Jack Vernon's article "Taming Woodworking Noise." In years past in my work place, I was subjected to continuous loud noise and am now suffering from tinnitus (in my case, an ever-present buzzing). Use care. I will be forever plagued by this condition. This could have been avoided if the danger of continuous loud noise had been recognized. A safe shop must include noise reduction and ear protection. -Charles Brownol, Davis, Cal. Editor Scott Gibson Art Director Mark Sant' Angelo Associate Editors Charley Robinson, Vincent Laurence, Alec Waters Assisant Editor Dennis Preston CoyProduction Editor Deborah Surprenant Assocate Art Director Matthew Wells Editorial ecreary Lee nn e Candito Contributing Editors Tage Frid, R. Bruce Hoadley, Christian Becksvoort, Robert M. Vaughan, Mario Rodriguez, Sandor Nagyszalanczy, Chris Minick Methos of Work Jim Richey In xer Harriet Hodges s additional tips, your readers may wish Publisher James P. Chiavelli Circuaton Manger Brenda Hamilton Adminstrative Secretary Susan M. Clark s ing Coordinator Kathryn Simonds Adv WoodworkingBooks&Vos National Accounts Managers Baney Barrett, Norman Sippel Sr. Adv to consider motor enclosures and fully en closed cabinets for their tablesaws. Also, a close-fitting throat plate (other than met al), blade height and blade guards can contribute to noise reduction. Mr. Vernon's worthwhile mention of dull and, therefore, noisy cutting tools was ex cellent and has long been overlooked as a source of unnecessary shop noise (not to mention the extreme physical danger of using dull cutting tools). -Brian Corbley, Marketing Director, Amana To ol Co p., Famingdale, NY Adv ing Secretary Hilda Fernandes HOIocon""FneWdworn: Associate Publisher Helen Albert Administrative Secretary Barbara Hudson t icle was insensitive to native cul Tephone: (800) 283-7252 (203) 426-8171 Fx: (203) 426-3434 rrs: ve: (800) 477-8727 r e-In the" otes and Comments" sec WW #111 (p. 122), there was a i ng : (800) 283-7252 x 512 Taulltoll Trade Company: Reail Subscriptions: aes: (800) 888-8286 Customer Adv tion of x 238 short piece titled "A raven's tale in African mahogany." It is apparent the creators of this piece know little or nothing about tl1e art and culture of the native people of the orthwest coast. They have erroneously stated an important myth of the raven and the sun (the chief was not "greedy," but a proud possessor of a valuable resource) and demonstrated virtually no knowledge of the sculptural and two-di1ensional art style of these people. There is a serious disrespect here for na tive culture. No attempt has been made to understand or learn this complicated art style, nor to understand the essence and importance of this myth. I have spent years studying and learning about the art form of the Northwest coast peoples. My respect and admiration for these cultures compels me to make these pieces in a respectful manner. I do exten sive teaching of this art form to wood workers, including native people. It is important that woodworkers who d working-is a registered trademark of The Taunton (800) 283-7252 Sub i ptionats: United States and posses Member Audit Bureau ofCircuation Copyright 1995 by TI,e Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduc tion without permission of The Taunton Press, Inc. Fine W Press, Inc. sions, $29 for one year, $48 for two years, $69 for three years; Canada and other countries, $38 for one year, $67 for two years, $95 for three years (in U.S. dollars, please). Single copy, $5.95. Single copies outside the U.S. and pos sessions: U.K., £.3.60; other countries and possesSions, $6.95. Address all correspondence to the appropriate de partment (Subscription, Editorial, or Advertising), The Taunton Press, 63 South Main Street, PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506. List management: The K1eid Co., 530 5th Ave. New York, WritingRnRce Y 10036-5]01. Fine Woodworking is a reader-written maga zine. We welcome proposals, manuscripts, photographs and ideas from our readers, ama teur or professional. We'll acknowledge all submissions and return those we can't publish. Send your contributions to FineWoodworking, PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506. 4 Fine Woodworking useful. Damage may have already been done. Prevention is the name of the game. -T heodore] Fi nk, MD., andJames Hearing loss in the workshop-Jack Vernon's article on noise-induced hearing loss (F W Thanks to Jack Vernon for his excellent and well-researched piece. Because there are few companies actually producing quiet blades, we felt it was important for your readers to know Amana Tool Corp. is a leading supplier of these products. i ng aes Manger Dick West E BEST WOODSHOP TOOL p))))))) Do the "Barley Twist", then twist Reach tens of thousands of pOeD $1250. nation wide for . MxFlmingsigns ROUTE I BOX3SANTACRUZNM8767 ========================� . DER SERICE NO. 158 AP5000-ES WOOD-COPING LATHE Hapfo, The world's priemier copy lathe manufacturer, presents its best selling lathe, the AP-5000. This unit, constructed for the professional turner, allows for most parts to be finished in one smooth pass by uti lizing two cutting tools. 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Plane makers up to 1960 including Millers Falls, Shelton, Vaughan & Bushnell, Phelps, minimising or eliminating hand sanding asaset$150.00p.p. - MA res. add 5%tax.Outside U.S.A. pleaseadd$10.00 8 1/2" x 11", hardcover, 400 pp. Over 450 photos 1 ......$90.00 p.p. INU.S.ORCANADA . * . ...... . ...................... . Kirjes Marketing ..... 1-800-778-7677 . . & taxes . 177 ATHOL, MASS 01331 Mon.- Fri. Sam - 5pm Pacific Time SM etc. List of Brand Names and all known U.S. plane and spokeshave patents. All New Information. Not a revised Vol. ... ORDER FROM: ROGER K. SMITH, BOX plus shipping Both REDER SERICE NO. 159 DER SERICE NO. 137 May/June 1995 5 SINCE H ineunitureandcabinets." VENEERING & KAMPING Only (I) PalenledTransitional&MelalllcPlanesIn Smith, 1981, 81/2" x 11", hardcover. Covers the basic information on patented planes. 340 pp. 350 superb photos [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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