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Fluid Mechanics - Problem Solver - WILLIAMS, Angielskie techniczne[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]The aim of this series is to provide an inexpensive source of fully solved problems in a wide range of mathematical topics. Initial volumes cater mainly for the needs of first-year and some second-year undergraduates (and other comparable students) in mathematics, engineering and the physical sciences, but later ones deal also with more advanced material. To allow the optimum amount of space to be devoted to problem solving, explanatory text and theory is generally kept to a minimum, and the scope of each book is carefully limited to permit adequate coverage. The books are devised to be used in conjunction with standard lecture courses in place of, or alongside, conventional texts. They will be especially useful to the student as an aid to solving exercises set in lecture courses. Normally, further problems with answers are included as exercises for the reader. This book provides the beginning student in theoretical Fluid Mechanics with all the salient results together with solutions to problems which he is likely to meet in his examinations. Whilst the essentials of basic theory are either explained, discussed or fully developed according to importance, the accent of the work is an explanation by illustration through the medium of worked examples. The coverage is essentially first- or second-year level and the book will be valuable to all students reading for a degree or diploma in pure or applied science where fluid mechanics is part of the course. mechanics J. WILLIAMS PRICE NET f 1.50 IN U.K. ONLY ISBN 0 04 519015 1 fluid Problem Solvers Edited by L. Marder Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Southampton No. 15 Fluid Mechanics Problem Solvers Fluid Mechanics 1 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS - J. Heading 2 CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES - L. Marder 3 VECTOR ALGEBRA - L. Marder 4 ANALYTICAL MECHANICS - D. F. Lawden 5 CALCULUS OF ONE VARIABLE - K. Hirst 6 COMPLEX NUMBERS - J. Williams 7 VECTOR FIELDS - L. Marder 8 MATRICES AND VECTOR SPACES - F. Brickell 9 CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS - J. W. Craggs 10 LAPLACE TRANSFORMS - J. Williams 11 STATISTICS I - A. K. Shahani and P. K. Nandi 12 FOURIER SERIES AND BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS - W. E. Williams 13 ELECTROMAGNETISM - D. F. Lawden 14 GROUPS -D. A. R. Wallace J. WILLIAMS Senior Lecturer in Appl~edMathemat2 Universzty of Exeter - * 15 FLUID MECHANICS - J. Williams 16 STOCHASTIC PROCESSES - R. Coleman LONDON . GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD RUSKIN HOUSE MUSEUM STREET First publishedw/ Contents This book is copyriiht under the Berne Convention. All rights are reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act 1956, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, photocopying recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Inquiries should be addressed to the publishers. Q George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1974 I ntro uction 1.2 The mobile operator DIDt 1.3 Flux through a surface 1.4 Equation of continuity (1 5' ate of change of momentum a Wej emE 1.7 F'EGZeequation 1.8 one-dimeisional gas dynamics 1.9 Channel flow 1.10 Impulsive motion 1.11 Kinetic energy 1.12 The boundary condition 1.13 Expanding bubbles // ISBN 0 04 519014 3 hardback 0 04 519015 1 paperback - Elementary complex potential -- _/----- 2.6 Boundary condition on a moving cylinder 2.7 Kinetic energy 2.8 Rotating cylinders 2.9 Conformal mapving 2.10 Joukowski transformation 2.11 Kutta condition 2.12 The ~chwarz-~hristoffel transformation Printed in Great Britain by Page Bros (Nonvich) Ltd., Norwich in 10 on 12 pt Times Mathematics Series 569 4.2 Spherical polar coordinates 4.3 Elementary results 4.4 Butler's sphere theorem 4.5 Impulsive motion 4.6 Miscellaneous examples TABLE 1 List of the main symbols used TABLE 2 Some useful results in vector calculus INDEX WV 2.13 Impulsive motion Two-DlpyNsIoaAr uvsrEAor PLOW* 3.1. Fundamentals 3.2 -Pressure a& forces in unsteady flow , 3.3 ,Paths of liquides 3.4 Surface waves Chapter 1 General Flow 1.1 Introduction Fluid mechanics is concerned with the behaviour of fluids (liquids or gases) in motion. One method, due to Lagrange, traces the progress of the individual fluid particles in their movement. Each particle in the continuum is labelled by its initial position vector (say) a relative to a fixed origin 0 at time t = 0. At any subsequent time t > 0 this position vector becomes r = r(a, t) from which the particle's locus or pathline is determined. In general, this pathline will vary with each fluid particle. Thus every point P of the continuum will be traversed by an infinite number of particles each with its own pathline. In Figure 1.1 let A,, A,, A, be three such particles labelled by their position vectors a, ,a,;a,. respectively, at time t = 0. Travelling along their separate Figure I. I pathlines, these fluid particles will arrive at P at different times and continue to move to occupy the points A;, A;, A;, respectively, at some time t = T. These points, together with P, lie on a curve called the streak- line associated with the point P. If a dye is introduced at P a thin strand of colour will appear along this streakline PA; A; Aj at time t = T. It is obvious that this streakline emanating from P will change its shape with time. A fourth fluid particle A, which at time t = 0 lies on the pathline A,P will, in general, have a different pathline A, A: which may never pass through P. The situation created by the 1,agrangian approach is com- plicated and tells us more than we normally need to know about the fluid [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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