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  • Fluorescence Tykocki, Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska od 2012

    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    Fluorescence-guided resection of primary and recurrent malignant gliomas
    with 5-aminolevulinic acid. Preliminary results
    Wyciêcie pierwotnych z³oœliwych glejaków mózgu oraz ich wznów pod kontrol¹
    fluorescencji zzastosowaniem kwasu 5-aminolewulinowego. Wyniki wstêpne
    Tomasz Tykocki
    , Rados³aw Michalik
    , Wies³aw Bonicki
    , Pawe³ Nauman
    Department of Neurosurgery, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw
    Department of Neurosurgery, Maria Sk³odowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Centre, Institute of Oncology, Warsaw
    Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska 2012; 46, 1: 47-51
    DOI: 10.5114/ninp.2012.27212
    Backgrround and purrposse:: Extent of resection plays akey role
    in the treatment of malignant gliomas (MGs). Patients with
    complete glioma removal, followed by chemoradiation, obtain
    the longest overall and progression-free survival. Fluores-
    cence-guided resection of MGs enables intraoperative
    visualization of glioma tissue and increases control of
    the resection. The authors present preliminary results of
    5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) application during the resec-
    tion of primary and recurrent MGs.
    Matterriiall and metthodss:: Six patients with either a suspected
    malignant glioma based on magnetic resonance imaging
    (MRI) or with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme were
    enrolled in the study. The extent of resection was calculated
    according to the postoperative MRI performed within 72 hours.
    Preoperative and early postoperative neurological status and
    Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS) were compared.
    Ressullttss:: Fluorescence of tumour tissue was observed in
    5/6 patients (five with the histopathological diagnosis of
    glioblastoma multiforme and one with neurotoxoplasmosis and
    AIDS). Complete tumour resection was achieved in 5 patients.
    Postoperative KPS and neurological status deteriorated in
    2 cases. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy did not interfere with
    the sensitivity of the fluorescence guided tumour visualization.
    Wssttêp ii cell prracy:: Zakres wyciêcia guza odgrywa kluczow¹
    rolê w leczeniu z³oœliwych glejaków mózgu. Chorzy, u któ-
    rych wykonano ca³kowite wyciêcie z³oœliwego glejaka mózgu
    i których poddano nastêpnie radioterapii i chemioterapii,
    uzyskuj¹ zarówno najd³u¿szy ca³kowity czas prze¿ycia, jak
    i najd³u¿szy okres bez progresji choroby. Wyciêcie z³oœliwe-
    go glejaka mózgu ukierunkowane fluorescencj¹ umo¿liwia
    œródoperacyjne uwidocznienie tkanki glejaka oraz poprawia
    kontrolê wczasie operacji. Autorzy prezentuj¹ wstêpne wyni-
    ki zastosowania kwasu 5-aminolewulinowego (5-ALA) pod-
    czas usuwania pierwotnych z³oœliwych glejaków mózgu oraz
    ich wznów.
    Matterriia³³ iimettody:: Do badania zosta³o w³¹czonych 6 chorych,
    uktórych na podstawie badania za pomoc¹ rezonansu magne-
    tycznego (RM) podejrzewano z³oœliwego glejaka mózgu albo
    odrost glejaka wielopostaciowego. Zakres wyciê cia oceniano
    na podstawie RM wykonanego wci¹gu 72 godz. po operacji.
    Stan neurologiczny chorych oraz ocenê wskali Karnofsky’ego
    (KPS) porównywano przed operacj¹ i we wczesnym okresie
    po operacji.
    Wyniikii:: Fluorescencja tkanki guza by³a widoczna u5 z 6 pa -
    cjentów (u 5 rozpoznano histopatologicznie glejaka wielopo-
    staciowego, ujednego chorego – neurotoksoplazmozê wprze-
    Correspondence address: Tomasz Tykocki, Department of Neurosurgery, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw, Sobieskiego 9, 02-957 Warszawa,
    Poland, e-mail:
    Received: 19.03.2011; accepted: 25.11.2011
    Neurollogiia ii Neurochiirurgiia Pollska
    2012; 46, 1
    Tomasz Tykocki, Rados³aw Michalik, Wies³aw Bonicki, Pawe³ Nauman
    Fluorescence-guided resection of primary and
    recurrent MGs with 5-ALA improves control of the tumour
    resection. It enables the cytoreduction to be maximized but
    experience in neuro-oncological surgery is required to avoid
    serious, postoperative neurological deficits.
    Key worrdss:: malignant gliomas, fluorescence, resection.
    biegu AIDS). Makroskopowo ca³kowite wyciêcie guza uzy-
    skano u 5 chorych. Pooperacyjnie pogorszenie stanu neuro-
    logicznego oraz wskali KPS stwierdzono u2 chorych. Radio-
    terapia ani chemioterapia nie wp³ywa³y na wystêpowanie
    fluorescencji podczas wyciêcia guzów.
    Wyciêcie pierwotnych z³oœliwych glejaków mózgu
    oraz ich wznów ukierunkowane fluorescencj¹ z zastosowa-
    niem 5-ALA poprawia kontrolê œródoperacyjn¹ podczas usu-
    wania guza. Umo¿liwia osi¹gniêcie maksymalnej cytoreduk-
    cji, jednak aby unikn¹æ powa¿nych deficytów neurologicznych
    wokresie pooperacyjnym, potrzebne jest doœwiadczenie wchi-
    rurgii neuroonkologicznej.
    S³³owa klluczowe:: glejaki z³oœliwe, fluorescencja, usuniêcie
    mary MG resections with 5-ALA, confirmed the prog-
    nostic preliminary results [4]. Early postoperative con-
    trol MRI revealed that total tumour resection, defined as
    no contrast enhancement, was achieved in 90 (65%) of
    139 patients in the fluorescence group compared with
    47 (36%) of 131 in the white light group. Six-month PFS
    was twice as long in the 5-ALA resected group compared
    with the white light group. Five-ALA was also effective-
    ly used for resection of recurrent MGs [6].
    The authors present preliminary results of fluores-
    cence-guided resection of primary and recurrent gliomas
    with 5-ALA. Special attention is paid to intraoperative
    techniques in MG resections.
    Malignant gliomas (MGs) are extremely invasive
    brain tumours with a high proliferative rate. In spite of
    significant progress in operative techniques and advances
    in radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the median survival
    time is still estimated at less than 2 years after the diag-
    nosis of glioblastoma multiforme [1]. Recent studies
    advocate cytoreduction as the first line treatment for
    MGs [2-4]. However, there is still astrong conviction
    that due to the diffuse tumour nature, cytoreduction is
    ineffective and tumour biopsy with histopathological
    diagnosis following oncological treatment should be an
    initial therapeutic option. Considering the variety of cli -
    nical approaches, neurosurgical resection of MGs pro-
    vides rapid reduction of tumour mass and prolongs pro-
    gression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS).
    Therefore, intensive research is being done to optimize
    the intraoperative visualization and evaluation of real
    time control of the surgical resection.
    The last decades have resulted in the introduction of
    modern intraoperative techniques: intraoperative mag-
    netic resonance imaging (MRI), neuronavigation, ultra-
    sonography and photodynamic technique. Fluorescence-
    guided resection is performed with preoperative oral
    administration of 5-aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride
    (5-ALA). Five-ALA is a pro-drug that is metabolised
    intracellularly in enzymatic reactions to protoporphyrin IX
    (PPIX). The exogenous application of 5-ALA results in
    its accumulation and transformation mainly to PPIX, but
    not selectively in malignant glioma tissue. The concen-
    tration of PPIX is significantly lower in normal brain
    tissue than in MGs [5]. A randomized multicenter
    phase III study, which evaluated fluorescence-guided pri-
    Matteriiall and metthods
    Six patients, with either a suspected MG based on
    MRI scans or with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme
    with histopathological diagnosis, were enrolled in the
    study. The following clinical data were determined for
    each patient: age at the time of operation, gender,
    tumour location, preoperative and postoperative Karnof-
    sky performance scale (KPS), and neurological status
    (Table 1). Endpoints used in this study were extent of
    resection and early postoperative neurological status.
    Postoperative MRIs were performed within 72 hours
    after surgery. The extent of resection was calculated
    using MIPV (Medical Image Processing, Analysis and
    Visualization) software, version 5.1.1. Images were
    acquired from a1.5T MR scanner using aT1-weight-
    ed imaging protocol with avoxel size of 4mm × 6mm
    × 6 mm (0.14 mL). The criterion for the residual
    tumour was the contrast enhancement volume greater
    than 0.28 mL (double voxel volume).
    Neurollogiia ii Neurochiirurgiia Pollska 2012; 46, 1
     Fluorescence-guided resection of malignant gliomas with 5-ALA
    Tablle 1..
    Preoperative characteristics of patients
    Karnoffsky perfformance
    scalle score
    Patient 1
    right temporal lobe
    Patient 2
    left frontal lobe
    Patient 3
    left fronto-parietal area
    Patient 4
    right parietal lobe
    left upper limb paresis
    Patient 5
    right parietal lobe
    psychomotor retardation
    Patient 6
    left frontal lobe
    Tablle 2..
    Postoperative characteristics of patients
    Karnoffsky perfformance
    Neurollogiicall deffiiciitts
    scalle score
    Patient 1
    recurrent GM
    Patient 2
    recurrent GM
    Patient 3
    Patient 4
    left hemiparesis
    recurrent GM
    Patient 5
    psychomotor retardation
    Patient 6
    GM – glioblastoma multiforme
    Pre-treatment with dexamethasone (4mg three times
    daily) was obligatory for at least 2 days before surgery
    and until an early MRI scan had been obtained (with-
    in 72 hours after surgery). Patients received freshly pre-
    pared 5-ALA solutions (20 mg/kg body weight) orally
    3 hours before the induction of anaesthesia.
    The study required the tumour resections to be as
    complete as possible with the priority of avoiding serious
    neurological complications. In all patients the tumour
    was resected using an NC 4 OPMI Pentero Neuro FL
    surgical microscope (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany),
    which enabled switching from conventional standard
    xenon light to filtered, violet blue excitation light for visu-
    alizing fluorescence. Additionally, the BrainLab naviga-
    tion system was employed for planning the approach and
    during tumour removal. All patients were evaluated neu-
    rologically within 24 hours after the operation.
    All participants in the study gave informed, written
    consent for the surgery with 5-ALA and were informed
    about possible complications.
    MG was suspected due to the MRI findings. Patients
    from the recurrent glioma group received preoperative
    radiochemotherapy or radiotherapy alone. Intraopera-
    tive fluorescence with blue light was visible in 5 cases.
    There was no 5-ALA visualization in one case with sub-
    sequent histopathological diagnosis of glioblastoma mul-
    tiforme. There was one case with postoperative diagno-
    sis of cerebral toxoplasmosis and AIDS, in which the
    intensity of fluorescence was comparable to that observed
    in MGs. Radiotherapy alone or radio chemo therapy did
    not reduce the quality of 5-ALA visualization.
    Complete tumour resection, defined as no contrast
    enhancement on postoperative MRI, was achieved in
    5/6 patients, including those with neuroinfection and
    with no intraoperative fluorescence. In a case with par-
    tial resection, the marginal portion of the primary glioma
    could not be removed due to infiltration of the left insu-
    la. The neurological status and KPS of two patients dete-
    riorated due to the progression of paresis and psy-
    chomotor retardation (Table 2).
    Technical note
    All the operations were performed with the support
    of neuronavigation. During preoperative planning, two
    Three of 6 patients enrolled in the study had re cur -
    rent glioblastoma multiforme and in three other pa tients
    Neurollogiia ii Neurochiirurgiia Pollska
    2012; 46, 1
     Tomasz Tykocki, Rados³aw Michalik, Wies³aw Bonicki, Pawe³ Nauman
    objects were created, one corresponding to contrast
    enhancement on T1-weighted MRI, the second related
    to hyperintensity on FLAIR MRI. Both objects were
    injected into the microscope view intraoperatively. Cra-
    nial approaches were planned on the basis of FLAIR
    MRI in three planes. To avoid significant ‘brain shift’
    after dura and arachnoid opening, the authors paid spe-
    cial attention to the proper fixation and positioning of
    the head. Additionally, to reduce navigation error, the
    localization of the tumour took place as soon as possi-
    ble after dura opening. Blue light was initialized after
    the tumour localization to verify the extent of fluores-
    cence. At later stages of the procedure, blue light was
    repeatedly applied according to the decision of the neu-
    rosurgeon. The resection itself was performed with white
    light and blue light was switched on for a few seconds
    only to navigate and verify the border of the tumour.
    The microscopic view with blue light was not of suffi-
    cient quality to safely perform the procedure. Optimal
    fluorescence was obtained when the operating field was
    cleaned of haemorrhages. At each stage of the resection,
    aneurosurgeon should be aware of the location of func-
    tional areas, because the territory of fluorescence may
    be more extensive than was expected before the opera-
    tion. In addition, the fluorescence may encourage one
    to expand the resection. Fluorescence-guided resection
    may require decision-making during the operation relat-
    ed to counterbalancing the range of resection and the
    risk of neurological complications, so the patient should
    be informed about this issue before the operation. It is
    worth remembering that the fluorescence intensity
    decreases around 30 minutes after the initiation of
    blue light, but the authors did not observe this effect.
    The fluorescence-guided technique does not lengthen
    the time of the operation, since switching on and off the
    blue light only requires pressing the programmed but-
    ton on the handle of the microscope.
    less, the most significant conclusion from the EORTC
    study was that OS after either radiochemotherapy or
    radiotherapy alone was greatest in patients assessed to
    have had complete resections, compared with those with
    incomplete resections or biopsies.
    et al.
    [2] estimated that the extent of resec-
    tion greater than 98% causes a significant increase in
    OS. Stummer
    et al.
    [4] presented the results of a ran-
    domized multicentre phase III trial of surgical treatment
    of MGs with the use of 5-ALA. The results showed that
    fluorescence-guided resection allowed for complete
    tumour removal in 65% of cases. This percentage is
    almost twice that obtained with standard resection.
    In this study the authors present early, postoperative
    results of MG resections with 5-ALA. In 5/6 patients
    with primary or recurrent glioma, intraoperative fluo-
    rescence enhancement was observed. In one case, where
    the GM was suspected both on MRI and intraopera-
    tively, histopathological diagnosis confirmed
    cysts in patient with HIV infection. It is noteworthy that
    the intensity of fluorescence in infected tissue was com-
    parable to that seen in GM. The explanation of this
    effect could be the capability of
    Toxoplasma gondii
    biosynthesize tetrapyrrole from two 5-ALA molecules
    using porphobilinogen synthase and finally to produce
    PPIX [8]. Cerebral HIV infection may lead to neu-
    rovasculitis with subsequent damage of the blood-brain
    barrier (BBB) mainly due to the overexpression of adhe-
    sion molecules and increased endothelial permeability
    [9]. Disrupted BBB enables crossing and accumula-
    tion of 5-ALA in the infected brain tissue.
    The fluorescence-navigated resection with 5-ALA
    entails ahigh risk of postoperative neurological deficits,
    and therefore the support of neuronavigation and intra-
    operative MRI is recommended. A particularly high
    risk of morbidity in the early postoperative period was
    observed among patients who did not respond to pre-
    operative steroid treatment [10].
    MGs belong to ahistologically heterogeneous group
    of brain tumours. The aims of the therapy are prolon-
    gation of PFS and OS and improvement of the quality
    of life. Cytoreduction with subsequent radiochemother-
    apy is recommended as the best medical treatment [7].
    In 2005, the results of the EORTC-26981 study were
    published [1]. According to EORTC, patients showed
    promising outcomes of chemoradiation, which was rec-
    ommended as a standard treatment of GM. Neverthe-
    1. Fluorescence-guided resection of MGs is an excel-
    lent technique for intraoperative detection and dif-
    ferentiation of tumour tissue from normal brain,
    increasing intraoperative resectional control, decision-
    making and comfort for the neurosurgeon.
    2. Operations with 5-ALA should be performed by
    experienced neurosurgeons, while fluorescence navi -
    gated, expansive tumour removal entails a high risk
    Neurollogiia ii Neurochiirurgiia Pollska 2012; 46, 1
     Fluorescence-guided resection of malignant gliomas with 5-ALA
    of severe postoperative neurological deficits. The
    authors recommend using a neuronavigation system
    as an assistant tool. The importance of intraoperative
    MRI is raised in the literature [11], but the authors
    have no experience on this field.
    3. Preoperative planning of the neurosurgical approach
    should consider alarger volume of glioma when visu-
    alized with fluorescence than the contrast enhance-
    ment of the tumour mass observed on MRI.
    4. MG resection with 5-ALA increases the percentage
    of cases with complete glioma resection, which is the
    predictive value for prolongation of PFS and OS.
    glioma surgery: a supplemental analysis from the randomized
    5-aminolevulinic acid glioma resection study.
    J Neurosurg
    114: 613-623.
    11. Senft C., Bink A., Heckelmann M., et al. Glioma extent of
    resection and ultra-low-field iMRI: interim analysis of a pros -
    pective randomized trial.
    Acta Neurochir Suppl
    2011; 109: 49-53.
    Authors report no conflict of interest.
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    2012; 46, 1
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