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Forex Strategy, gielda walutowa, Angielskie[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]//-->W. R. Booker & Co.Strategy:10Low-risk, high-return forex trading.2003 Rob Booker.The information contained in this document, although highly entertaining andquite instructive, might lead you to believe that tomorrow you’re going to be amillionaire. You are not going to be a millionaire tomorrow. Well…that’stechnically not correct. Because youcouldbe a millionaire already, in whichcase tomorrow you’re guaranteed to be one.Strategy:10 – PAGE2A bear chased two hikers.One hiker, while being chased,stopped to put on running shoes.As he was changing out of his hiking boots, his companion looked at him inhorror and exclaimed, “What in the world are you doing? You’ll never outrun thebear if you stop now!”Calmly, the other hiker said, “I don’t have to outrun the bear. I just have tooutrun you.”The forex market offers more opportunity for fast financial success – andfinancial ruin – than almost any other market. The get-rich crowd has always beenattracted to it. This crowd includes speculators, trading novices, retirees, andprofessionals looking for a way to get out of debt, increase the excitement in theirlives, or simply get rich really fast.These are the people who you will be taking money away from. These are thepeople who will be eaten by the bear. You don’t have to outrun the bear (the entiremarket). In fact, that’s impossible. You can’t beat the entire market. Those of youwho try will learn fast that the market has no mercy, can outrun anyone, and showsno mercy.I want to teach you how to run faster than the other traders.Strategy:10 – PAGE3The Four GroupsThere are four groups in the forex market. There are thenovice traders–the greenies, the ones who try to outrun the bear and lose every time.In addition to the novice traders, there are three other levels ofparticipation in the forex market: the dealers, the institutional traders, and theadvanced traders.Thedealersare the most powerful and they make the market, setting pricesand putting together deals.Theinstitutional traderswork in banks, wire firms, or governmentagencies. They trade huge amounts of money at a time, and the size of theirtrades gives them enormous power.Next, there are theadvanced traders.This groupis comprised of people from all across the world,sitting in smaller investment firms, offices, or eventheir homes. You can be a part of this group. Insome cases, the advanced traders are the smartestgroup – trade for trade – than any other group.Because they don’t move a lot of money on eachtrade, they don’t have as much power as theinstitutional players. Because their trades are brokeredby the dealers, they’ll never have absolute trading power. But, because thereare so many novice traders – the advanced traders have plenty of people thatthey can outrun. Your goal as a forex investor is to aggressively take moneyout of the pockets of the novice traders.Don’t feel bad about that. Someone’s going to take your money along theway, and it’s going to teach you, very quickly, lessons that can only be learnedthrough failure. So, every time you take money from a novice trader, justStrategy:10 – PAGE4remember: you’re teaching him a valuable lesson. After a while, you mighteven enjoy watching your hiking companion being eaten by the bear.The BasicsRead this – a great forex primer:On the left navigation section, you'll see "Forex Pro > Short Term TrendTrading". This is an essential read for you – even if it seems technical in nature, youshould read it anyway, just to get the information in your head one time. I suggestyou read everything on this link, start to finish. Getting a background in the markettakes about a week (at most), but it's very important for you to understand how thesystem works. The knowledge you gain early will pay off later. I didn't read this stuffBEFORE trading, and it actually kind of helps to read through the material whileyou’re entering and watching your first trades – because there’s nothing quite liketrading while you learn. Read the sections in "Forex Essentials". This is as clear anexplanation as exists.PipsOkay, now back to our program. To start, you have to understand what a"pip" is. A pip is the last number to the right in a currency. For example:If the EUR/USD traded at 1.1335 this morning. The "5" is the pip. If it moved to1.1535, which it did today, that would be a 200-pip move.The next concept that you need to understand is the concept of leverage.It’s a lot like margin in stock trading, only on steroids. It’s a simple concept.If you have $10,000 to trade with, your forex broker will let you borrow moneyfrom him so that you can trade in larger quantities. They will let you borrowStrategy:10 – PAGE5as much as 400 times (400:1) what you put up in a trade. Most brokers allowbetween 50:1 and 100:1 margin. So, if you put up $1,000, and your brokerallows 100:1 margin, then you’ll be trading $100,000 worth of currency (insteadof $1,000).That’s important, because every pip equals a certain dollar amount. When youtrade $10,000, each pip movement equals $1. The chart below shows how itgoes from there.Amount Traded$10,000$50,000$100,000$500,000$1,000,000$5,000,000$ Per Pip$1$5$10$50$100$500If you trade 1,000,000 worth of currency, each movement would be equal to$100. So if you bought at 1.1445 and sold at 1.1545, you would make 100 x $100,or $10,000. Now, I don't know about you, but I could live off of that much.That's not saying, however, thatyoucan make $10,000 per day. Of courseit's possible, but there are a lot of factors that make it very difficult. Like, howdo I know that it's going up or down?When should I get in a trade?Even more importantly, can you deal with the emotions of forex trading?Alan Farley, a trading expert, rightly observes that mastering the emotions oftrading is more difficult than mastering the technical skills. You’ll soon findout what he means by that. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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