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  • Fisher1280X, ❒ WYKRYWACZE METALI ( PDF ) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬, ⇒ Schematy do wykrywaczy

    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
    1280-X Aquanaut
    Automatic Metal Detector for Sea, Surf or Shore
    Operating Manual
    F I S H E R R E S E A R C H L A B O R A T O R Y
    About Your 1280-X .................................................................. pg. 3
    Assembly.................................................................................. pg. 4
    Setting Up ................................................................................. pg. 5
    Hipmounting............................................................................. pg. 6
    Control Panel ........................................................................... pg. 7
    Discrimination Points ............................................................... pg. 8
    Searching ............................................................................... pg. 10
    Pinpointing ............................................................................. pg. 12
    Target Recovery .................................................................... pg. 13
    Recovery Tools....................................................................... pg. 15
    Operating Tips........................................................................ pg. 16
    Battery Replacement ............................................................ pg. 18
    Battery Recharging ............................................................... pg. 20
    Maintenance ......................................................................... pg. 22
    Battery Door Gasket: Orientation ........................................ pg. 23
    Search Coils ........................................................................... pg. 24
    Using Headphones ................................................................ pg. 24
    Where to Hunt in the U.S........................................................ pg. 25
    Treasure Hunter’s Code of Ethics ......................................... pg. 26
    Speciications ........................................................................ pg. 27
    Fisher Research Laboratory has been producing rugged, high
    quality, high performance metal detectors since 1931, longer
    than any other company in the world. Your 1280-X Aquanaut is a
    product of that proud heritage. Designed for deep sea treasure
    hunting, the 1280-X will also do the job in fresh water or on land.
    The 1280-X is easy to use. No ine tuning, no threshold tone and no
    complicated “ground-adjustment”. Just turn it on, set the volume,
    sensitivity and trash discrimination controls, and you probably
    won’t have to touch the knobs again. The 1280-X automatically
    tunes itself to changing ground conditions and salt water, rejects
    most small pieces of junk and detects valuable targets all at the
    same time.
    The 1280-X is built to take a beating. The search coil is light-weight
    glass-bead epoxy illed. The shaft is iberglass reinforced ABS. The
    control housing is injection molded ABS. The state-of-the-art Piezo
    Electric headset was designed especially for the 1280-X. And the
    entire unit is submersible to 250 feet.
    The 1280-X is a “motion” detector, meaning the search coil must
    be in motion to detect a target. However, the motion required is
    slight and unlike earlier “motion” detectors, you’ll be able to almost
    completely stop the coil for accurate pinpointing.
    Your 1280-X is a precision metal detector designed and
    manufactured by the oldest and proudest name in the business.
    Take good care of it, read this instruction manual carefully and
    you’re in for some exciting treasure hunting. If you have any
    questions, suggestions or make any big inds, drop us a line. We
    want to hear from you. In the meantime...
    Happy Hunting!
    Fisher Research Laboratory
    Battery Access Panel
    8-inch Spider Coil
    Control Panel
    LED (Light Emitting Diode)
    Derlin Screw and
    Nylon Wing Nut
    Upper Stem
    Lower Stem
    Adjustable Arm Rest
    Search Coil Cable
    Waterproof Headphones
    Arm Rest Screws
    Spring Lock (Not visible)
    The 1280-X requires very little assembly. Unpack it carefully and
    save the carton which may come in handy for future storage or
    Remove the headphone, handle and search coil
    assemblies from the shipping carton. Be careful not
    to damage the foam rubber inserts or put any strain
    on the cable connections.
    Adjust the stem to the approximate length you will
    be using, extended for stand-up use or, as short as
    possible for diving. To extend the lower stem, push
    in the spring lock, pull out the lower stem and let the
    spring lock snap into another hole.
    If you will be using the 1280-X on the handle, and
    not body mounted, wind the search coil cable
    around the handle assembly as shown in the diagram
    above. Secure the cable with the two Velcro straps
    included with your 1280-X. Make sure there is some
    slack at the control housing end and enough slack
    at the other end to attach the search coil.
    Remove the Delrin bolt and nylon wing nut from
    the search coil. Line up the hole in the stem between
    the two holes in the search coil “ears”. Attach the
    coil to the stem with the bolt and wing nut and inger
    (See Figure 2-A)
    Put the headphones around your neck to keep them out of the
    way while making the following adjustments.
    A. Extended stem for land or
    shallow water
    Adjust the length and coil angle
    so that the search coil rests flat on
    the ground about 6 inches in front of
    and slightly to the right of your right
    foot (to the left of your left foot for left
    handers.) Your arm should be straight
    and relaxed with the handle grip held
    irmly but comfortably. Remember, as
    you increase the shaft length, you also
    increase the strain on your wrist and arm.
    The 1280-X is balanced for comfortable
    searching in a tight semicircle around
    the front of the operator.
    Leave enough slack in the coil cable
    to allow the coil to swivel as far as it
    can in either direction. The coil wing
    nut should be tight enough to prevent
    the coil from moving.
    You should now be able to move
    into your “search” position by leaning
    slightly forward and raising the search
    coil approximately 1 inch above the
    ground. Your arm should still be straight
    and the coil should be parallel to the
    ground, about 12 inches in front of your
    foot. The coil angle may have to be
    slightly readjusted at this point.
    B. Short stem for diving
    (see Figure 2-B)
    T h e r e c o m m e n d e d s e t u p f o r
    underwater use is the shortest possible
    stem length with the search coil
    adjusted parallel to the sea bed or
    lake bottom. Keep the headphones
    around your neck, off your ears, while
    descending or ascending.
    Figure 2. Setting up. When the
    stem length is properly adjusted,
    the 1280-X is balanced for
    sweeping in a tight semicircle.
    Always overlap your swings by at
    least 50%
    [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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