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Strona startowa Furocious Lust Shorts 4 - Stripe Tease - Milly Taiden, Felieton ergonometria 3, Problemy jakości - czasopismo Feel - W odpowiedzi na Twoj list, Fine Woodworking 055, papermodels, historica Fine Woodworking 049, papermodels, historica Fotografia lithowa, ZZ 7 - Fotografia Fine Woodworking 031, papermodels, historica Fine Woodworking 197, papermodels, historica Fitness - The Ultimate Stretching Manual, Piękne ciało (ćwiczenia) Farmacja i ja 2011.05, Farmacja i ja |
Furocious Lust Shorts 1 - Furbidden - Milly Taiden,[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]//-->FUR-BIDDENFUR-OCIOUS LUST BOOK 1NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHORMILLY TAIDENThis book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to beconstrued as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.Published ByLatin Goddess PressNew York, NY 10456FUR-BIDDENCopyright © 2015 by Milly TaidenCover by Willsin RoweAll Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, exceptin the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.Property of Milly Taiden 2015ONEPenelope Medina didn’t know how to break the bad news to her best friends. Usually the go-to person to fix anything wrong, she was at a loss how to handle the situation. Karina and Juliechatted animatedly in the too-loud bar they always met at on Friday nights. The scent of smoke, liquorand cheap perfume filled the place. They weren’t fond of the dive at first, but it turned into theirfavorite after-work hangout for the past year.“So,” she started, lifting an apple martini to her lips and taking a sip for courage. “I havesomething to tell you all.”Her friends stopped chatting about the latest issue at their non-profit and turned to her.“Uh-oh,” Kari said, picking up her cosmopolitan and taking a drink. “You look like you’reabout to give us bad news.”She was. Dammit! Why did she have to be the one to do it? Jerk-off Dave should be doing it.Not her. She hadn’t signed them up for anything. Dave had, but somehow Penny was the one stuckdelivering the bad news.“Please don’t hate me.”“Whoa!” Julie stopped her. “I can already tell I’m not going to like whatever you’re going tosay, so hang on a sec.” She motioned for a refill on her glass of sangria and once that had been takencare of, she gulped the thing down. She then placed it on the table and smacked her lips. “Okay, hitme.”“I swear, Julie, one of these days you’re going to fall flat on your face when you stand afterdoing that a few times. I don’t know how you can handle that.” Kari laughed.“Dave signed us up for the bachelorette auction on Sunday,” Penny blurted out. Taking a notefrom Julie, she gulped the rest of her martini. She winced at the burning liquid going down her throat.She had never done that. Not really a drinker, she tended to nuzzle her glass for hours. Tonight calledfor drastic measures.“What do you mean he signedusup?” Kari screeched.Yeah. That’s the reaction she’d been waiting for. They were three very big girls working forthe largest wildlife conservation non-profit in the state. They signed on to work for the companybecause they loved animals, not to be on a stage getting sold like pieces of meat.“Penny, I hate to break this to you, but we’re shy big girls with bad attitudes,” Kari said, herbrown eyes wide with surprise.“Yeah, not just big, we’re short. We’re not model material. We don’t even have thepersonalities to be good dates.” Julie blinked, picking up her glass again and motioning for anotherrefill. “I don’t think bitchy goes well with anything.”“I know all of this. Quite frankly, I’m probably more surprised than you two that Dave didthat. He knows how we feel about being in the spotlight.” She sighed. “But he said we are the best atfundraising and his wife suggested we fill the three empty slots left on the list.”“Weren’t all the spots filled?” Kari asked.“Yeah, but there was a disagreement with some of the volunteers. Apparently, Dave askedthem to get clothes they didn’t feel comfortable in. He told them to ‘sex it up’ because ‘sex sells’ andit would bring the auction lots of money.”“What a douche.” Julie shook her head. “So now that leaves us parading on a stage and hopingsome poor sap buys us or looking pathetic in front of the entire place, but no pressure, huh?”None at all.“We can always quit,” Kari suggested, her shoulders slumping. “I don’t want to quit though. Ilove my job.”“Yeah, I do too,” Julie said, tossing a long strand of jet-black hair over her shoulder. “Whoknew we’d be so good at asking people for money.”Penny curled her fingers over her lap. She hated that Dave had put them in such anuncomfortable position.Two years ago, Penny had started working at Soaring for Wildlife. Months later, she had meta man she had fallen hard and fast for. The same could be said of her friends. The men were allbrothers. But lies, lack of communication, and deception had torn their relationships apart.Twinges of sadness pinched at her heart. Why did she choose that moment to think of Ethan?Their relationship had lasted only a few months. It’d been filled with lust, romance and half-truths. Inthe end, that’s what killed it. She refused to ask him about things he should have felt comfortablesharing with her. Personal things. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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