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  • Flying Scale Models December 2014, Modelarstwo

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    //-->FREEFULL SIZEPOLIKARPOVPLANWORTH £24.95PART 2: 1:10 scale 45” (1140mm) wingspan, electric powered model by Peter RakePo-2www.flyingscalemodels.comPLUS:SCALE DRAWINGS●IN DETAILARISEN!A STORMING 1:5TH PLAN-BUILT TEMPEST VA DELIGHTFUL ARF/RTF SPORT-SCALE WARBIRD AT 1:10TH SCALE FOR ELECTRIC POWERTEMPESTGRUMMAN WILDCATPLUS:SCALE DRAWINGS●TYPE HISTORY●IN DETAIL & FLYING COLOURSDecember 2014No. 181 £4.20129 771368 900042IT’S OKAY TO STARENEWDX9BLACKEDITIONStunning, isn’t it? It’s evenmore so when you considerit comes with the samepower ful features as theoriginal DX9, a Black Editionaluminium carrying case andan AR9020 Your Local Store Onlineat FUN™.Spektrum products are available from all good model shops. For details of your nearest dealer look on our website, contact us by telephone: 44(0)1279 641097, or by email:©2014 Horizon Hobby, LLC. The Horizon Hobby logo is a registered trademark of Horizon Hobby, LLC. The Spektrum trademark is used with permission of Bachmann Industries, Inc. 46383THE ISSUE AHEAD...FLYING SCALE MODELS - THE WORLD’S ONLY MAGAZINE FOR SCALE MODEL FLYERSFormation...ON THE COVERAndy Wynn chose Hawker’s bestWW2 fighter and modelled it in 1/5thscale to produce this outstanding 98”wingspan. Power is a DA 85cc petrolengine, driving a Menz 26” x 10”prop. from the Vailly Aviation plans.Andy produced his own retract.PHOTO : ALEX WHITTAKERDECEMBER 2014 No.18184CONTACTNews and new products8BMFA SCALE NATSAlex Whittaker brings you his annual photo report from ScaleCorner at the BMFA Scale Nationals, Barkston Heath16MASTER MODELSHAWKER TEMPEST Mk.V22TECHNO SCALEScale info on the webScratch-built 1/5th scale for 85cc powerFULL-SIZE FREE PLAN FEATURE24POLIKARPOV Po-2PART 2:Concluding the 1/10th scale, electric powered modeldesigned by Peter Rake, with the prototype model built anddescribed by Pat Lynch30POLIKARPOV Po-2 IN DETAIL24Close-up study of the example at the Shuttleworth Collection34POLIKARPOV Po-2 SCALE DRAWING36GRUMMAN WILDCATA detightful ARF/RTF sport-scale of a rarely modelled WW2Warbird at 1/10th scale for electric power.The wings fold and the undercarriage retractsAir ambulance and casualty evacuation versions in 1:40 scale42WILDCAT TYPE HISTORYDesignws pre-WW2, the Wildcat was one of the few fightertypes to remain a front line type until the end46WILDCAT SCALE DRAWING1:40 fine line three-views48WILDCAT IN DETAILClose-up detail for scale modellers52HEATH SUPER PARASOL36www.flyingscalemodels.comDr. Mike Hawkins presents a 75” (1905mm) wingspansport-scale replica of an Amercian homebuild for landor waterplane operation. Suits .60 four-stroke engines and fourfunction radio.60HEATH SUPER PARASOLTYPE HISTORY62QUIET ZONEOne of the earliest home-build aircraft designed backin the 1920sStrictly for R/C electric fansDECEMBER 2014FLYING SCALE MODELS 3Editor:Tony DowdeswellPublisher:Alan HarmanDesign:Peter HutchinsonWebsite:ADH WebteamAdvertising Manager:Gareth LiddiattAdvertisement Assistant:Joe BrownAdmin Manager:Hannah McLaurieOffice Manager:Paula GrayFLYING SCALE MODELSis publishedmonthly by ADH Publishing, DoolittleMill, Doolittle Lane, Totternhoe, Beds,LU6 1QX. Reproduction in part orwhole of any text, photograph orillustration without written permissionfrom the publisher is strictly prohibited.While due care is taken to ensure thecontents of Flying Scale Models isaccurate, the publishers and printerscannot accept liability for errors andomissions. Advertisements areaccepted for publication in FLYINGSCALE MODELS only upon ADHPublishing’s standard terms ofacceptance of advertising, copies ofwhich are available from theadvertising sales department ofFLYING SCALE MODELS.EDITORIAL ADVERTISEMENT& CIRCULATION:Doolittle Mill,Doolittle Lane, Totternhoe, Beds,LU6 1QX.Tel. 01525 222573 Fax. 01525 222574.Email:enquiries@adhpublishing.comCIRCULATION TRADE ENQUIRIES:Seymour Distribution, 2 East PoultryAvenue, London, EC1A 9PT020 7429 4000.NEWSTRADE:Select Publisher Services,3 East Avenue, Bournemouth.BH3 7BW.01202 586848Email:tim@selectps.comSUBSCRIPTIONS:Doolittle Mill,Doolittle Lane, Totternhoe, Beds,LU6 1QX.Tel. 01525 222573. Fax. 01525 222574.PRINTING:Symbian Print Intelligence,Calverley House, 45 Dane Street,Bishop’s Stortford, Herts, CM23 3BT.Tel: 0870 870 1670; Fax: 0870 870 1675(c) Copyright Flying Scale Models2014 ADH Publishing.The paper used on this title is fromsustainable forestryCONTACTBLACKBURN 1912MONOPLANEOne of the most prizedexhibits at theShuttleworth Collection atOld Warden, Bedfordshireis their entirely originalBlackburn 1912 Monoplane- andso it jolly well should be, because it isthe oldest airworthy, British designed,British manufactured aircraft still inexistence. On those rare occasionsduring one of the Shuttleworthweekend air shows, when the flyingconditions are just right, this preciousaeronautical treasure is still flown.The ‘Blackburn’ has long been ascale modellers’ favourite and nowDB Sport & Scalehas a full kitavailable in 1/4 scale with a wingspanof 96” (2438mm).Intended for .61-.90 power, themodel can also be set up for electricpower. The new kit features all lasercut parts, even the strip wood comes ready scarf-cut for jointing, it hasa spun aluminium cowl, pre-shaped wire work, all fittings for wingwarping (should the builder wish to employ it) and other controls. Allrigging wire and main essentials are also supplied including theturnbuckles for the wing wires.The airframe has been designed so that the wings are very quicklyfitted and removed, enabling the rigging and de-rigging to be done in afive minute job achieved by the introduction of a retractable king postallowing the rigging to be slackened during the process of clipping onor unclipping the rigging wires.Kit price is £360.00More details at www.dbsportandscale.com4 FLYING SCALE MODELSDECEMBER 2014 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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