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Flysurfer Speed3 kite manual, Dokumenty PDF[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]user Manual WARNING Kitesurfen ist gefährlich Kitesurfen ist ein gefährlicher Sport, der Risiken für den Sportler und auch Andere beinhaltet. Unsachgemäße Bedienung des Kites kann zu schweren Verletzungen und auch zum Tod des Nutzers und Anderen führen! Kitesurfing is dangerous Kitesurfing is a dangerous sport, involving risk for the athlete and for others. Improper use of a kite can lead to serious injury and also to the death of the kite user or others! Kitesurf es peligroso Kitesurf es un deporte peligroso que alberga riesgos para el deportista y para otros. ¡El manejo inadecuado del kite puede causar he- ridas graves y puede incluso causar la muerte del usuario u otros! Faire du kite-surf est dangereux Le kitesurf est un sport dangereux, qui présente des risques pour les sportifs et de même pour d’autres personnes. La mauvaise utilisation du kite peut causer de graves blessures et même la mort de l’utilisateur et d‘ autres personnes! Personal Responsibility The user alone bears the responsibility for himself and others when the kite is in use. Every user must complete a qualified training before using this kite. Selbstverantwortung Der Nutzer trägt die alleinige Verantwortung für sich und andere beim Gebrauch des Kites. Jeder Nutzer muss vor der Nutzung dieses Ki- tes eine qualifizierte Schulung absolviert haben. Die beiliegende Gebrauchsanweisung (Manual) muss unbedingt vor Gebrauch gelesen werden. Den Anweisungen im Manual ist strikt zu folgen. Die Gebrauchsanweisung (Manual) ist auch un- ter www.flysurfer.com als Download erhältlich. Propia Responsabilidad El usuario tiene la responsabilidad única para sí mismo y para otros mientras usa el kite. Cada usuario debe pasar por una capacitación cualificada antes de usar el kite. Es de necesidad absoluta leer el manual anexo antes del uso. Debe seguir estrictamente las indicaciones del manual. El manual de uso está disponible para descarga en la página www.flysurfer.com. Responsabilité En utilisant le kite, l’utilisateur porte son entière responsabilité de soi-même et des autres personnes. Avant l’usage de ce kite, chaque utilisateur doit avoir effectué une formation qua- lifiée. Le mode d’emploi ci- inclus (manuel) est également disponible en téléchargement sur le site web www.flysurfer.com. Before using the kite, the enclosed operating manual must unconditionally be read. The instructions should be followed strictly. The instruction manual is also available for downloading under www.flysurfer.com. Ne pas voler avec le kite Il ne faut absolument pas utiliser ce kite pour voler. Il n’est ni examiné ni autorisé comme engin volant. Le kite ne remplit pas les condi- tions de fermeté posées à des engins volants (comme p.ex. le parapente). L’usage comme engin volant est illégal et n’est pas legitimisé par la législation aérienne et la législation des assurances. Voler avec ce kite présente un risque mortel! Nicht Fliegen mit dem Kite Dieser Kite darf keinesfalls zum Fliegen verwen- det werden. Er ist nicht als Fluggerät geprüft und nicht zugelassen. Dieser Kite erfüllt nicht die Festigkeitsanforderungen für Fluggeräte (wie z.B. Paraglider). Der Gebrauch als Flugge- rät ist luftrechtlich und versicherungsrechtlich illegal. Fliegen mit diesem Kite ist lebensgefähr- lich! Do not fly with this Kite This kite should not be used to fly under any circumstances. It is not tested as an aircraft and is not certified for flight. This kite does not fulfill the strength standards for an aircraft (like e.g. Paraglider). Utilisation as an aircraft is illegal by air- and insurance-law. Flying with this kite poses a lethal hazard! ¡Prohibido volar con el kite! Este kite no debe usarse para volar de ninguna manera. No dispone de las revisiones y permi- sos necesarios para dispositivos para volar. Este kite no cumple con los requisitos necesa- rios de dispositivos para volar (como p.e. los parapentes). De acuerdo con la Ley Aérea y la Ley de Seguros, su uso como dispositivo para volar es ilegal. ¡Tome en cuenta que volar con este kite comprende un riesgo mortal! Never kite: -> alone -> in offshore winds -> in proximity to power lines, streets, airports, buildings, cliffs, etc. -> without a quick release in connection with safety-leash -> in stormy winds -> in proximity to people or obstacles Ne jamais faire du kitesurf seul lorsqu’il y a du vent de terre près des lignes de courant, des rues, des aéro- ports, des bâtiments, des abîmes, etc. sans Quick Release attaché au Safety-Leash lors d’une tempête près des personnes ou des obstacles Niemals Kiten -> alleine -> bei ablandigem Wind -> in der Nähe von Stromleitungen, Straßen, Airports, Gebäuden, Abgründen etc. -> ohne Quick Release in Verbindung mit Safety- Leash -> bei stürmischen Winden -> in der Nähe von Menschen oder Hindernisen Nunca use el kite -> cuando está solo -> con viento fuerte -> cerca de conductos de electricidad, calles, aeropuertos, edificios, precipicios, etc. -> sin Quick Release (mecanismo que permite liberar una línea o cabo en tensión en un instan- te) junto con la correa de seguridad -> con vientos tempestuosos -> cerca de personas u obstáculos COnTenT 5. LAUNCHING THE KITE S. 19 INTRODUCTION S. 5 5.1. LAUNCHING IN LIGHT WINDS S. 19 5.2. LAUNCHING AT THE EDGE OF THE WINDWINDOW S. 19 SAFETY GUIDELINES S. 6 5.2.1. Launching with a Helper S. 20 5.2.2. Edge of the Wind Window without assistance S. 21 DELIVERY S. 6 5.3. FIRTS LAUNCH IN THE WATER S. 21 1. YOUR FLYSURFER KITE S. 7 6. FLYING THE KITE S. 22 6.1. STEERING S. 22 2. THE SPEED3 S. 7 6.2. POWER UP/ DEPOWER S. 22 2.1. Description S. 7 6.3. TRIMMER S. 22 2.2. Features S. 8 7. JUMPING WITH FLYSURFER KITES S. 23 3. FLYSURFER EXTRA FUNCTIONS S. 8 3.1. INFINITY BAR S. 8 8. CONTROLLING THE KITE IN EXTREME SITUATIONS S. 23 3.1.1. Adjusting Depower Travel S. 9 8.1. FLYING THE KITE IN THE ZENIT S. 24 3.1.2. Changing Bar width S. 10 8.2. BEING LIFTED ON THE BEACH S. 24 3.1.3. Assembly of the Depower Loop S. 11 8.3. KITE OVERFLIES (DANGER OF FRONTSTALL) S. 24 3.1.4. Attachment of Safety- and Flying-Lines S. 12 8.4.KITE IS “LUFFING“ S. 24 3.1.5. Safety-Leash on the Speed3 S. 13 8.5. KITE IS ABOUT TO IMPACT ON LAND OR WATER S. 25 3.1.6. Depowerloop-Leash / „Suicide Leash“ S. 14 3.2. FRONT LINE SAFETY S. 15 9. RELAUNCHING THE KITE FROM THE WATER S. 25 3.3. AUTO BLEED SYSTEM (ABS) S. 16 9 .1. TRAILING EDGE DOWN S. 25 3.4. EASY LINE CONNECTORS (ELC) S. 16 9.2. LEADING EDGE DOWN S. 25 3.5. JET FLAP TECHNOLOGY ® S. 16 9.3. RELAUNCH IN THE POWERZONE S. 26 3.6. NOSE VALVES & DEPOWER PERFORMANCE ENHANCER S. 17 9.4. RELAUNCH AT THE EDGE OF THE WIND WINDOW S. 26 9.5. KITE DOESN’T LAUNCH ANYMORE, YOU START DRIFTING AWAY S. 27 4. START PREPERATIONS S. 18 9.6. BEING RESCUED WITH FLYSURFER KITES S. 27 4.1. LAYING OUT THE KITE S. 18 4.2. PRE INFLATION S. 18 10. LANDING S. 28 4.3. CONNECTING THE SAFETY S. 18 10.1. AT THE EDGE OF THE WIND WINDOW S. 28 10.2. POWERZONE WITH FLS S. 29 10.3. BACKSTALL-LANDDING WITH LOW WIND S. 29 10.4. SECURING THE KITE ON THE GROUND S. 29 2 3 InTrODuCTIOn 11. PACKING AND STORING YOUR KITE S. 31 12. TUNING TIPPS S. 32 With the purchase of this Kite you bought yourself a high quality, environmental friendly piece of sports equipment. We are sure you will enjoy it while being out on the water, land or snow! Using a kite, privately or professional, holds certain dangers. These dangers may occur by using the kite yourself or due to an error at the kite, the lines or the bar. The following in- structions should help you reduce these dangers to a minimum in order to enjoy the beau- ty of kiteboarding. 12.1. MULTIWAC-SYSTEM SPEED3/PSYCHO4 S. 32 12.2. ADJUSTING THE DEPOWER TRAVEL S. 32 13. LINE PLAN AND LENGTHS S. 34 14. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR S. 35 141. MIXER TEST S. 35 14.2. MATERIALCARE S. 39 With these instructions we assume that the reader is at least basically skilled in controlling a kite! Furthermore we assume, that while kiting the user: 1. 14.3. UV-LIGHT S. 39 14.4. SALT WATER S. 39 is always able to control the kite with two hands 14.5. SAND S. 39 2. uses an appropriate kite harness 14.6. MOISTURE S. 39 3. is able to swim and his health conditions allow for doing this sport 14.7. CLEANING S. 40 14.8. WEAR AND TEAR PARTS S. 40 This manual is no guide to learn kiting! Please read through the whole manual before using the kite for the first time. 14.9. REPAIR (WITH INCLUDED REPAIR KIT) S. 41 14.10. LITTLE CONNECTION LINES (LCL) S. 41 WarnInG! 14.11. KITE PULLS IN ONE DIRECTION S. 42 15. FLYSURFER FREE-REPAIR WARRANTY S. 46 Launching and flying a kite can be potentially dangerous if you ignore the basic safety guide- lines. When operating a kite, the utmost attention is required. Incorrect handling or misuse of a kite may cause serious injuries and/or death. When operating a kite, you are respon- sible for your own safety and that of others around you. A kite can be dangerous as long as it remains attached to the kiter! Never hesitate to use the Safety-System, and if necessary, open the Safety Leash. The most important thing to remember when kiting is to remain concentrated and learn to re- cognize and avoid errors before they occur. Don’t overestimate your own abilities and stu- dy the kiting site before you go on the water! Never use a kite prior to professional instruc- tion by a certified kite surfing school. For tube-kiters, a proper introduction into the Flysur- fer-System is essential and please read the manual thoroughly. You can find competent Flysurfer-schools under: www.flysurfer.com 4 5 saFeTY GuIDelInes Never launch a kite during thunderstorms, in stormy conditions or before gust fronts. The risk of injury increases over-proportionally with the wind strength, the gustiness, sud- denly increasing or direct onshore winds. Check the weather conditions and choose the right size of kite, a kite that is too big can be very dangerous. Lines under tension can be as sharp as a knife. Never touch the lines unless the kite is pro- perly secured on the ground. 1. YOur FlYsurFer KITe Only use a kite with a fully functional Safety-System, and wear a helmet and impact vest! Always check the current condition of your equipment, especially wear and tear parts (Depower Loop, pulleys and spare part lines) as they are very important for safe and con- trolled flying. Congratulations on the purchase of your new Flysurfer Kite. To ensure safe riding and ma- ximum fun with your new Flysurfer kite, we recommend that you read these instructions thoroughly. In this manual we have tried to address all questions addressed to us in the past. If you still have some unanswered questions then internet forums like www.oase.com, www.kiteforum.com or www.foilzone.com will provide you with unbiased and helpful advice. Additionally, you can contact the Flysurfer team directly by E-Mail or suscribe to our month- ly newsletter. Please fill out the registration guarantee so that we may contact you directly in the case of a safety notification. Before you start your kite for the first time please make sure that you have checked all lines, and specifically check if the Depower line is connected tightly to the bar. Always fly the kite for the first time in light winds. Your kite is built for kiters who have a weight of min. 30 kg and max. 120kg. • Never launch a kite that has any weakened or worn parts. • Only sail out as far as you are able to swim back. • Thoroughly check the kite-spot for shallows, obstacles, currents etc. • Keep two line-length of distance between yourself and other beach users, obstacles, etc. Never fly the kite above other people downwind of you. • Make sure that you are being watched while you are kite surfing and someone is avai- lable to call for help in case of an emergency. • Only use the kite if you are in a good physical condition and never under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. DelIVerY 2. THe speeD3 2.1. DesCrIpTIOn Your Flysurfer Kite will be delivered including fixed Lines, Bar and Kite Bag – ready to fly. Up to three kites can fit into the Kite Bag. In the smaller pocket at the end of the zipper, you can comfortably pack your Board and secure it with the belt in the middle of the bag. By purchasing a Speed3, you now have one of the most advanced kites on the market in your hands. Thanks to the “TRIPLE DEPOWER SYSTEM” and numerous profile optimizati- ons the range of use was increased substantially. We are certain that you will have a lot of enjoyment with your new kite! 6 7 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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